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I have overstayed for 3 months if I get my thai id now would it clear my overstay or I still have to pay the fine ? I have british pasaport but I am able to get thai id aswell which will makw me thai citizen right?


Is this the second post made ? 


This post makes no more  sense than the other . 


Are you attempting to say you are Thai ?


Do you have a Thai passport or ID card ? 

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I put an extra 1000 baht note in my fee when paying the overstay, although everyone on ThaiVisa gave me hell for it.


However, I didn't point out the fact there's 21,000 baht there, because as others have said, that would constitute bribing an immigration official.  I just kept my mouth shut, so this way he got an extra 1000, and if he called me on it, I would just say "sorry, I must have counted incorrectly".



At the point where they will accept the 20'000 baht fine, they would have already decided that you can leave... It makes no sense to offer 21000 it makes absolutely no difference..

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I heard that the law is you pay max 20 000 fine. Not sure 


No, Over stay is a offence and when caught (for example at the police check-point) can lead to arrest and deportation.

The 20.000 Baht is the maximum fine when clearing immigration upon leaving the kingdom.

basically it is just illegal to overstay your permission of stay and should be avoided whenever possible.

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  • 2 weeks later...


What can you do? A forum search would be a good start so that overstay implications aren't discussed again!
How does somebody overstay at all, let alone 3 years, without taking some positive action?
I'm more interested in that
OP you didn't answer the question asked twice. Why did you overstay that long? Being uncomfortable on buses is not an answer. That could mean no more than your jox were too tight.
Why did you overstay so long?

Very rude question none of your business why he is on overstay



Apparently he thought so too, because he hasn't responded.


I have difficulty understanding how someone's life can be so disorganized that he can't comply with the law of the land in which he is living/staying.  It doesn't seem difficult to me, but I guess the fact that there is a whole range of intellects and organizational skills among those with whom we share the planet, spells it out.

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It's not that hard to understand. Something happens in your life, you end up overstaying for a couple of weeks while you're trying to sort out a difficult situation and then you just keep putting it off - either because you are nervous about what will happen when you do leave the country or perhaps some people find it hard to come up with the funds. Weeks turn into months, months turn into years..... It's not really anything to do with intellect, although organisation skills probably have a lot to do with it.


Many people do very stupid things at some point in their lives and in my opinion, overstaying is hardly the worst of them. It surprises me that so many off topic posts are allowed in this particular forum. If posters don't have any helpful advice, it's better they don't post at all.

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It's not that hard to understand. Something happens in your life, you end up overstaying for a couple of weeks while you're trying to sort out a difficult situation and then you just keep putting it off - either because you are nervous about what will happen when you do leave the country or perhaps some people find it hard to come up with the funds. Weeks turn into months, months turn into years..... It's not really anything to do with intellect, although organisation skills probably have a lot to do with it.


Many people do very stupid things at some point in their lives and in my opinion, overstaying is hardly the worst of them. It surprises me that so many off topic posts are allowed in this particular forum. If posters don't have any helpful advice, it's better they don't post at all.

I've known dozens of people on overstay (they are not my friends, I just know them)  I would agree with the above and add that what happens, too, is that when someone goes on overstay, I think they discover that not much of anything changes.  No one swoops in and arrests them, people don't point at them when they walk down the street, kids and dogs don't run away from them -- life just goes on as normal.  Usually they're in some sort of turmoil in their lives -- medical, relationship, business problems and somehow straightening out the overstay situation just seems to take a back seat because the other problems are demanding more attention.


Then once the other problems are resolved, somehow the sense of urgency about the overstay can be gone.  It's hard to come up with 20,000 baht plus travel expenses.  Maybe it's difficult to find the time to make a trip.  Perhaps there's embarrassment to admit the overstay to family or friends.


I'm not justifying someone going on overstay.  Yes, it's a crime, a serious crime.  But this forum serves a valuable purpose in helping people in this situation to understand exactly how to correct the problem.  Part of why people don't address the issue is ignorance.  They've "gotten away" with being on overstay for so long, without any consequences, that there is fear of coming forward to fix the problem.  So it's not especially helpful to be judgmental when someone wants to right a wrong. 


I agree with everything you said apart from categorising it as a 'serious crime'. Whilst I'm not advising people to take it lightly and if you are unlucky you could end up spending a few days in the immigration detention centre, it is hard to see it as a serious crime when the immigration officials themselves laugh and joke with you while you are paying the overstay fine and ask when you are coming back to Thailand. And morally speaking, I think there are far worse crimes to worry about than staying in a foreign country without a valid visa.

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Well, where it is a serious crime is in that a person is vulnerable when they're on overstay.  Vulnerable to being reported by someone who wants to create trouble for them.  Vulnerable to being shaken down by police.  I've seen this first hand.  Someone on overstay who was the victim in an accident and a cop came to his hospital bed and demanded 10,000 baht on some flimsy excuse that the guy's bicycle messed up the car of the driver who hit him.  I'm not even certain that the cop was the one who showed up on the scene of the accident.  I think he'd just heard about the mishap.  The nurses and I tried to chase the cop out of the ward, but the guy was so intimidated that he paid the 10,000 baht.  I think he'd had dealings with the same cop in the past.  


Also, not everyone on overstay ends up correcting the problem by paying the fine at the border on their way out.  Some actually are arrested and end up at IDC.  Not a pleasant experience.  


Yes, I agree, the Immigration officials don't treat it as a serious crime when you pay at the airport -- they really should.  In Chiang Mai they handle overstay fines at the same counter where they sell re-entry permits.  They need to remember they aren't "selling the same product" at that counter.

Edited by NancyL
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Yes, a clearer, more cohesive approach from government and immigration officials would help people to know exactly where they stood.


I'm not sure whether the flexible application of various laws in Thailand is a help or hindrance really. It can lead those of us with a more cavalier attitude towards life to believe that it is OK to do things that in reality it isn't.

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Immigration's current policy is that if you show up at the airport or a border crossing and have the money to pay the fine (20K baht max or 500 baht a day) they allow you pay it and leave.

You could even go to a immigration office with a ticket out the country, enough money to pay the fine and 1900 baht to get 7 days to leave the country they will take care of it.

I think the their reason for doing it this way is based upon the economics of letting you leave verses putting you in IDC. There are additional manpower and other costs associated with putting you in the IDC. Plus when a person makes a court appearance the judge normally lowers the fine to a range of 10k to 12 baht.

If you are you caught with an overstay things are much different of course. I think there may even be cases where if a person has enough money they can pay the fine and the 1900 baht for the 7 days unless there are other pending legal issues.

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Immigration's current policy is that if you show up at the airport or a border crossing and have the money to pay the fine (20K baht max or 500 baht a day) they allow you pay it and leave.

You could even go to a immigration office with a ticket out the country, enough money to pay the fine and 1900 baht to get 7 days to leave the country they will take care of it.

I think the their reason for doing it this way is based upon the economics of letting you leave verses putting you in IDC. There are additional manpower and other costs associated with putting you in the IDC. Plus when a person makes a court appearance the judge normally lowers the fine to a range of 10k to 12 baht.

If you are you caught with an overstay things are much different of course. I think there may even be cases where if a person has enough money they can pay the fine and the 1900 baht for the 7 days unless there are other pending legal issues.


FYI Phuket immigration only clears overstay up to 30 days maximum.

If you have more then 30 days overstay they will send you to the airport to clear it on your way out of the country.

Also if you clear your "short" overstay at the immigration office the overstay days will be deducted from the eventual extension days with the TM7 form.

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  • 2 months later...

I have just arrived back from Jomtien Immigration for my retirement extension...I had all the paper work paid my 1900 Baht fee and told to collect passport after 10AM tomorrow,


As I was leaving a lady was calling me I asked what she wanted and she said you have to come back inside you're have an OVERSTAY I said no I haven't


 I was passed onto the Boss who said your on 33 day overstay, I said it is due today..I was looking at my 90 day report card.


I had a 16,500 Baht fine, he said do you have the money on you or you can pay when you collect Passport  tomorrow but it will cost you an extra 500 Baht..


I went to the bank and paid up. He was pleasant and said no forget next year.


The staff were all in their Immigration uniforms rather than their polo shirts.


Was I lucky,,after reading here today things could have been very different.


Edited by Lozza
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I have just arrived back from Jomtien Immigration for my retirement extension...I had all the paper work paid my 1900 Baht fee and told to collect passport after 10AM tomorrow,


As I was leaving a lady was calling me I asked what she wanted and she said you have to come back inside you're have an OVERSTAY I said no I haven't


 I was passed onto the Boss who said your on 33 day overstay, I said it is due today..I was looking at my 90 day report card.


I had a 16,500 Baht fine, he said do you have the money on you or you can pay when you collect Passport  tomorrow but it will cost you an extra 500 Baht..


I went to the bank and paid up. He was pleasant and said no forget next year.


The staff were all in their Immigration uniforms rather than their polo shirts.


Was I lucky,,after reading here today things could have been very different.



A salutary reminder that annual extensions of stay and 90-day address reports are quite separate processes, I think.

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I have just arrived back from Jomtien Immigration for my retirement extension...I had all the paper work paid my 1900 Baht fee and told to collect passport after 10AM tomorrow,


As I was leaving a lady was calling me I asked what she wanted and she said you have to come back inside you're have an OVERSTAY I said no I haven't


 I was passed onto the Boss who said your on 33 day overstay, I said it is due today..I was looking at my 90 day report card.


I had a 16,500 Baht fine, he said do you have the money on you or you can pay when you collect Passport  tomorrow but it will cost you an extra 500 Baht..


I went to the bank and paid up. He was pleasant and said no forget next year.


The staff were all in their Immigration uniforms rather than their polo shirts.


Was I lucky,,after reading here today things could have been very different.



A salutary reminder that annual extensions of stay and 90-day address reports are quite separate processes, I think.


Yes, agree my error and one expensive lesson. Whilst waiting for paper work it seemed the desk I was at was for overstays only.-there were a few people at this desk. Next time I'll skip past it.


Each afternoon around 4.30 the police van arrives to collect deportee/s, overstays and who knows in chains.. sometimes they need two vans. When you see the vans and people you will never want an overstay believe me.

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I had a 16,500 Baht fine, he said do you have the money on you or you can pay when you collect Passport  tomorrow but it will cost you an extra 500 Baht..


I went to the bank and paid up. He was pleasant and said no forget next year.

Of course he was pleasant, you are a good customer.

Or you want to think that they look really look bad at overstayers. as long you pay up, one way or another it's all good. Their jobs (also ) depends on that.

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Just be careful not to lose your passport because then they might not know you have overstayed.


Might still be true in the upper back-end -of nowhere-ville , but now at all international airports (and many others) they have access to the computer records a keystroke or two away.

Getting a new passport won't  help, because your picture is on file if you arrived in Thailand in the last decade or so..

It's always possible that the immigration officer just doesn't give a d_mn , but he or she has the tools to find you out if he or she wants to.

By the way, as in many other things in Thailand, the females are much more likely to catch you in a lie than the males.

Edited by IMA_FARANG
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  • 1 month later...



What can you do? A forum search would be a good start so that overstay implications aren't discussed again!
How does somebody overstay at all, let alone 3 years, without taking some positive action?
I'm more interested in that
OP you didn't answer the question asked twice. Why did you overstay that long? Being uncomfortable on buses is not an answer. That could mean no more than your jox were too tight.
Why did you overstay so long?

Very rude question none of your business why he is on overstay



Apparently he thought so too, because he hasn't responded.


I have difficulty understanding how someone's life can be so disorganized that he can't comply with the law of the land in which he is living/staying.  It doesn't seem difficult to me, but I guess the fact that there is a whole range of intellects and organizational skills among those with whom we share the planet, spells it out.


Do as the Romans do , right?  Why not? You sound a bit jealous of people whose decision to overstay does not affect you or your life in any way. To each his own.

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I flew out from Suvarnabhumi Sunday afternoon. Paid my 20.000 Baht fine for little over 3 years overstay. Signed a lot of papers and promised not to do it again as they made sure I knew that new rules was about to take effect, then I was of to Phnom Penh. Got the tourist visa from the embassy there, and Friday afternoon I was back in Suvarnabhumi, and got my 2 months visa. No questions asked, did´nt even raise an eyebrow..in fact the immigration officer barely looked at me.


Thanks for you advice people ! And to the haters.... I DID IT BECAUSE I COULD !



Next step education visa


This was my last post here, so don't bother haters....I wont be reading any more replies to this topic !

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yeah !!! clap2.gif clap2.gif

I flew out from Suvarnabhumi Sunday afternoon. Paid my 20.000 Baht fine for little over 3 years overstay. Signed a lot of papers and promised not to do it again as they made sure I knew that new rules was about to take effect, then I was of to Phnom Penh. Got the tourist visa from the embassy there, and Friday afternoon I was back in Suvarnabhumi, and got my 2 months visa. No questions asked, did´nt even raise an eyebrow..in fact the immigration officer barely looked at me.


Thanks for you advice people ! And to the haters.... I DID IT BECAUSE I COULD !



Next step education visa


This was my last post here, so don't bother haters....I wont be reading any more replies to this topic !


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It's not that hard to understand. Something happens in your life, you end up overstaying for a couple of weeks while you're trying to sort out a difficult situation and then you just keep putting it off - either because you are nervous about what will happen when you do leave the country or perhaps some people find it hard to come up with the funds. Weeks turn into months, months turn into years..... It's not really anything to do with intellect, although organisation skills probably have a lot to do with it.


Many people do very stupid things at some point in their lives and in my opinion, overstaying is hardly the worst of them. It surprises me that so many off topic posts are allowed in this particular forum. If posters don't have any helpful advice, it's better they don't post at all.

I've known dozens of people on overstay (they are not my friends, I just know them)  I would agree with the above and add that what happens, too, is that when someone goes on overstay, I think they discover that not much of anything changes.  No one swoops in and arrests them, people don't point at them when they walk down the street, kids and dogs don't run away from them -- life just goes on as normal.  Usually they're in some sort of turmoil in their lives -- medical, relationship, business problems and somehow straightening out the overstay situation just seems to take a back seat because the other problems are demanding more attention.


Then once the other problems are resolved, somehow the sense of urgency about the overstay can be gone.  It's hard to come up with 20,000 baht plus travel expenses.  Maybe it's difficult to find the time to make a trip.  Perhaps there's embarrassment to admit the overstay to family or friends.


I'm not justifying someone going on overstay.  Yes, it's a crime, a serious crime.  But this forum serves a valuable purpose in helping people in this situation to understand exactly how to correct the problem.  Part of why people don't address the issue is ignorance.  They've "gotten away" with being on overstay for so long, without any consequences, that there is fear of coming forward to fix the problem.  So it's not especially helpful to be judgmental when someone wants to right a wrong. 


I agree with everything you said apart from categorising it as a 'serious crime'. Whilst I'm not advising people to take it lightly and if you are unlucky you could end up spending a few days in the immigration detention centre, it is hard to see it as a serious crime when the immigration officials themselves laugh and joke with you while you are paying the overstay fine and ask when you are coming back to Thailand. And morally speaking, I think there are far worse crimes to worry about than staying in a foreign country without a valid visa.



Fair statement.


I guess it is serious in the sense that it is a crime that can in theory have serious consequences. But ethically speaking, of course not. If you doubt this, try to assemble a list of crimes with unambiguously less serious ethical implications than an overstay. A short list of trivialities I should imagine.



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