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Are thai people the most illogical people you have ever met?


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As for the post saying anyone who says anything bad against Thais is a racist - obviously spent a very sheltered life or just not been here long. Thai racism and especially in officials, supersedes that of most places in multiples!

Don't worry about that guy. He's one of TV's resident Thaier-than-Thai apologists who jumps on anything critical of Thais or Thailand. Always prattles on like some senile old sot about racism, bigotry and how we think we're 'so superior'.

Kind of like the local village idiot. First few times you put up with him with that sad resigned smile on your face, then after a while he just become an irritation.

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It's Togic not Logic! Wherever you go it's in use. Just drive down the highway from BKK to Koh Samui, you'll get to and area where they sell "salty eggs" 10 stands in a row on one side of the road and 10 more on the other, but not another stand anywhere else in the 800 kilometers. I live near a very small town, there are 4 Ma and Pa grocery stores, all on the four corners of the main intersection, two owned by the same family. There are two 7-11s less than 60 meters from each other, operated by the same family. My wife has a small restaurant in the village where we live. She was doing okat and all of a sudden there were three more. They all closed finally, my wife survived only because I subsidize her operation (nice to have peace and quiet at home). There are only 21 houses in the village. I could go on and on, I taught Math in a Thai seconary school and Logic was one of the subjects, it was a joke!

Actually, some of your examples can be explained logically by hoteling's law http://www.uh.edu/engines/epi2692.htm

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Do you know that the bicycle-shop next door is from the same owner ?

That bus drivers are forbidden to open door because so many accidents happened with passengers stepping in front of a speeding motorcycle ,or open the side

luggage doors to take their suitcase and leave the door open ?

that camping in a national park can be dangerous,you better put your tents close for protection .

Do you understand why Thais think why you are not logic???? coffee1.gif

Plain unobservant. Rules or not the buses near me park three lanes wide and sometimes in the outer lane at 45 degrees to flow because they are just ill disciplined. Didn't want to oblige a foreigner.

As for the post saying anyone who says anything bad against Thais is a racist - obviously spent a very sheltered life or just not been here long. Thai racism and especially in officials, supersedes that of most places in multiples!

The reason you don't quote the post is you are not telling the truth. If someone has written, "

As for the post saying anyone who says anything bad against Thais is a racist" post it. biggrin.png

Or be just another Thai basher, big mouth little truth kind of guy.

Yes. Pity the fool with the small dark mind. The ones who think the world revolves around them.

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Do you know that the bicycle-shop next door is from the same owner ?

That bus drivers are forbidden to open door because so many accidents happened with passengers stepping in front of a speeding motorcycle ,or open the side

luggage doors to take their suitcase and leave the door open ?

that camping in a national park can be dangerous,you better put your tents close for protection .

Do you understand why Thais think why you are not logic???? coffee1.gif

Plain unobservant. Rules or not the buses near me park three lanes wide and sometimes in the outer lane at 45 degrees to flow because they are just ill disciplined. Didn't want to oblige a foreigner.

As for the post saying anyone who says anything bad against Thais is a racist - obviously spent a very sheltered life or just not been here long. Thai racism and especially in officials, supersedes that of most places in multiples!

The reason you don't quote the post is you are not telling the truth. If someone has written, "

As for the post saying anyone who says anything bad against Thais is a racist" post it. biggrin.png

Or be just another Thai basher, big mouth little truth kind of guy.

Dear me your post makes no sense at all. As for the second paragraph it was a paraphrase but I expect you would not understand that. No point to argue with a fool as it never goes anywhere and aside from that I see no need to post a hundreds examples of what is common knowledge in this forum.

Maybe you should read a little more.

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No. Western "logic" and Eastern "logic" just work differently. People used to say the same thing, maybe still do, about the Chinese. Where do you think the term "inscrutable Chinese" came from?

Are the logic courses taught at Eastern and Western universities different?

Hello thailiketoo, how you been sir?

Wasn't referring to formal Logic as taught in universities but to that exercised by the average person within their own cultures and life experiences.

What's the difference?

Formal Logic follows strict rules and structure to produce consistent outcomes, should be pretty much the same everywhere (i.e. university based). In life, there are decisions made using much looser rules, if they can be called such, and tend to follow sometimes illogical reasoning to reach a logical conclusion. To the person making the decision their reasoning may not be illogical from their own cultural point of view but to an outsider could seem illogical.

A story related a man who wore extremely over-sized clothes. Casual observers wrote him off as eccentric and weird. But when someone finally asked him why he wore such baggy clothes he said that he could get twice the amount of material for the same price as clothes that fit him. To him, he was getting a bargain and he obviously didn't care what other people thought about his appearance so what they thought was not part of his logical decision.

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Plain unobservant. Rules or not the buses near me park three lanes wide and sometimes in the outer lane at 45 degrees to flow because they are just ill disciplined. Didn't want to oblige a foreigner.

As for the post saying anyone who says anything bad against Thais is a racist - obviously spent a very sheltered life or just not been here long. Thai racism and especially in officials, supersedes that of most places in multiples!

The reason you don't quote the post is you are not telling the truth. If someone has written, "

As for the post saying anyone who says anything bad against Thais is a racist" post it. biggrin.png

Or be just another Thai basher, big mouth little truth kind of guy.

Dear me your post makes no sense at all. As for the second paragraph it was a paraphrase but I expect you would not understand that. No point to argue with a fool as it never goes anywhere and aside from that I see no need to post a hundreds examples of what is common knowledge in this forum.

Maybe you should read a little more.

You wrote, "As for the post saying anyone who says anything bad against Thais is a racist " No post said that you lied. I don't think I can write any simpler.

You wrote, "I see no need to post a hundreds examples of what is common knowledge in this forum." Another lie.

You made two accusations. Back them up.

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Formal Logic follows strict rules and structure to produce consistent outcomes, should be pretty much the same everywhere (i.e. university based). In life, there are decisions made using much looser rules, if they can be called such, and tend to follow sometimes illogical reasoning to reach a logical conclusion. To the person making the decision their reasoning may not be illogical from their own cultural point of view but to an outsider could seem illogical.

A story related a man who wore extremely over-sized clothes. Casual observers wrote him off as eccentric and weird. But when someone finally asked him why he wore such baggy clothes he said that he could get twice the amount of material for the same price as clothes that fit him. To him, he was getting a bargain and he obviously didn't care what other people thought about his appearance so what they thought was not part of his logical decision.

So no difference between East and West university taught logic. What is the difference between East and West Non formal logic? You wrote, " Western "logic" and Eastern "logic" just work differently." OK. How?

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Generally speaking, logical thinking is not common in Thailand, but logical thinking is also not so common in many western countries. Thais are capable when taught but there is evidence critical thinking is not encouraged in many countries, including the USA. The Texas Republican Party passed a referendum to delete critical thinking from the school curriculum because it causes young people to challenge authority and "traditional values".

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All of your personal examples show nothing of the kind.

- the like shop owner was within his rights not to have wear and tear put in a bike which he has no guarantee of being bought, apart from an idiot flashing cash about implying he would.

- the bus driver was playing it safe. And he gets criticised for it?

- as for the campers, you were in a public place, in which case, they are within their rights to camp there too. But I guess they met you, and hightailed it.....which judging by your post, sounds like a perfectly logical thing to do.

This is much more logical than the OP's bizarre rant.

Loathe as I am to agree with the likes the Thaier-than-Thai apologists, the OP does come across as a bit of a grumpy old sod.

I've never really understood what a 'Thai apologist' is... Can someone explain??

Generally I get called this when I've told someone they are wrong and they are clearly the cultural social equivalent of Mr Magoo stumbing around Thailand.

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All of your personal examples show nothing of the kind.

- the like shop owner was within his rights not to have wear and tear put in a bike which he has no guarantee of being bought, apart from an idiot flashing cash about implying he would.

- the bus driver was playing it safe. And he gets criticised for it?

- as for the campers, you were in a public place, in which case, they are within their rights to camp there too. But I guess they met you, and hightailed it.....which judging by your post, sounds like a perfectly logical thing to do.

Well aren't you just a little ray of sunshine with such conclusions

Ray of sunshine??? More like a prophet.

Just call me Jesus...

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It's Togic not Logic! Wherever you go it's in use. Just drive down the highway from BKK to Koh Samui, you'll get to and area where they sell "salty eggs" 10 stands in a row on one side of the road and 10 more on the other, but not another stand anywhere else in the 800 kilometers. I live near a very small town, there are 4 Ma and Pa grocery stores, all on the four corners of the main intersection, two owned by the same family. There are two 7-11s less than 60 meters from each other, operated by the same family. My wife has a small restaurant in the village where we live. She was doing okat and all of a sudden there were three more. They all closed finally, my wife survived only because I subsidize her operation (nice to have peace and quiet at home). There are only 21 houses in the village. I could go on and on, I taught Math in a Thai seconary school and Logic was one of the subjects, it was a joke!

As others have said, what you've described is a basic economic concept taught to undergrads. Explains places like Pantip Plaza etc. Being congregated is good for business.

Others entering the market simply means your wife entered a business with low barriers to entry. Nothing wrong with that, but you are going to have to deal with competiton fairly quickly and deal in volume and low margin to survive.

The only thing I see illogical about what you've described is what you've done. Subsidising a business and teaching maths to Thai students, presumably in English, and expecting them to understand. I'm not sure how many people here would get on having maths taught to them in Thai...

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Formal Logic follows strict rules and structure to produce consistent outcomes, should be pretty much the same everywhere (i.e. university based). In life, there are decisions made using much looser rules, if they can be called such, and tend to follow sometimes illogical reasoning to reach a logical conclusion. To the person making the decision their reasoning may not be illogical from their own cultural point of view but to an outsider could seem illogical.

A story related a man who wore extremely over-sized clothes. Casual observers wrote him off as eccentric and weird. But when someone finally asked him why he wore such baggy clothes he said that he could get twice the amount of material for the same price as clothes that fit him. To him, he was getting a bargain and he obviously didn't care what other people thought about his appearance so what they thought was not part of his logical decision.

So no difference between East and West university taught logic. What is the difference between East and West Non formal logic? You wrote, " Western "logic" and Eastern "logic" just work differently." OK. How?

To my observations, Eastern (specifically, Thai) logic comes off more like the example of the man with the baggy clothes. Thais do not seem much concerned with what we Westerners think about what they do and how they do things. Some of them charge a farang more than a Thai for the exact same merchandise or service. To us, that is illogical and unfair but to the Thais, it makes perfect sense...because we (usually) can afford it. We say that fairness, by our logic, dictates the same price for everyone but those Thais that practice such discriminatory pricing believe that we can absorb the cost easily, mai bpen rai. We, on the other hand, even if it is absolutely true we can afford it, fall back on our sense of principle and to us it is only logical to do so. And by the way, I observed the same thing in China.

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It's Togic not Logic! Wherever you go it's in use. Just drive down the highway from BKK to Koh Samui, you'll get to and area where they sell "salty eggs" 10 stands in a row on one side of the road and 10 more on the other, but not another stand anywhere else in the 800 kilometers. I live near a very small town, there are 4 Ma and Pa grocery stores, all on the four corners of the main intersection, two owned by the same family. There are two 7-11s less than 60 meters from each other, operated by the same family. My wife has a small restaurant in the village where we live. She was doing okat and all of a sudden there were three more. They all closed finally, my wife survived only because I subsidize her operation (nice to have peace and quiet at home). There are only 21 houses in the village. I could go on and on, I taught Math in a Thai seconary school and Logic was one of the subjects, it was a joke!

As others have said, what you've described is a basic economic concept taught to undergrads. Explains places like Pantip Plaza etc. Being congregated is good for business.

Others entering the market simply means your wife entered a business with low barriers to entry. Nothing wrong with that, but you are going to have to deal with competiton fairly quickly and deal in volume and low margin to survive.

The only thing I see illogical about what you've described is what you've done. Subsidising a business and teaching maths to Thai students, presumably in English, and expecting them to understand. I'm not sure how many people here would get on having maths taught to them in Thai...

In Business School, we were taught that the very best location to open a business was as close to your direct competitor as possible.

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Just had a wonderful example of illogicality. I was in Pratumnak a solidly western part of Pattaya which houses a mix of reasonably well to do Scandanavians and Russian tourists, very little low budget housing and not too many Thais. 2 vans are driving around with billboards and loudspeakers ( set to F*****g loud!!!) extolling the virutes of that mecca of the modern dance, The Marine Disco which is a predominately farang club. The language they were advertising it in? Yes you have guessed,, Thai. And no there was not an English version as I was forced to listen to it loop at least three times.

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Not long after it stops raining on any given day, my wife thinks it is a good time to water the garden.

Can you do better?

Sent from my iPhone using ThaiVisa app

YES.... shell only water the cactus!

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Formal Logic follows strict rules and structure to produce consistent outcomes, should be pretty much the same everywhere (i.e. university based). In life, there are decisions made using much looser rules, if they can be called such, and tend to follow sometimes illogical reasoning to reach a logical conclusion. To the person making the decision their reasoning may not be illogical from their own cultural point of view but to an outsider could seem illogical.

A story related a man who wore extremely over-sized clothes. Casual observers wrote him off as eccentric and weird. But when someone finally asked him why he wore such baggy clothes he said that he could get twice the amount of material for the same price as clothes that fit him. To him, he was getting a bargain and he obviously didn't care what other people thought about his appearance so what they thought was not part of his logical decision.

So no difference between East and West university taught logic. What is the difference between East and West Non formal logic? You wrote, " Western "logic" and Eastern "logic" just work differently." OK. How?

To my observations, Eastern (specifically, Thai) logic comes off more like the example of the man with the baggy clothes. Thais do not seem much concerned with what we Westerners think about what they do and how they do things. Some of them charge a farang more than a Thai for the exact same merchandise or service. To us, that is illogical and unfair but to the Thais, it makes perfect sense...because we (usually) can afford it. We say that fairness, by our logic, dictates the same price for everyone but those Thais that practice such discriminatory pricing believe that we can absorb the cost easily, mai bpen rai. We, on the other hand, even if it is absolutely true we can afford it, fall back on our sense of principle and to us it is only logical to do so. And by the way, I observed the same thing in China.

Again, discriminatory pricing is the basis of economics, contructing a demand curve. People pay according to how they value a product. For simplicty, we generally charge the same price - what the market will bear - given that constant bargaining can be inefficient, but fact of the matter is there will always be those who would have been happy to pay more than the posted price.

I disagree with basing your decisions on race - but not ability to pay.

In the west we generally undertake discriminatory pricing in more benign ways. Kids prices, adult prices and pensioner prices. Not done out of any compassion for the kids and pensioners - it is pure profit maximising so you get the most revenue out of each of these demographics.

Me? I charge my clients more if I think they can afford it....

Edited by samran
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Examples of poor logic include

Lady man and sometimes just for money.

Driving the wrong way on the road.

Failing to stop at stop signs and red lights.

Regularly crossing the double line when driving.

Standing in the middle of the road while 2 tons of metal come hurtling towards you.

Allowing dogs to roam freely sometimes maiming or killing motorcyclists.

Allowing dogs to howl through the night.

Allowing dogs to shit everywhere.

Replacing all the street light fixtures in a village of thousands and then having all the lights burn out in 4 weeks.

Allowing black fungus which is extremely deleterious to ones health grow on the sides of buildings when there is a simple fix of bleach. Black fungus ( mood ? ) can seriously damage the health of children.

Accumulating mounds of garbage in ones yard. Being poor does not equate to being dirty.

6 workers working on the same 10 square meters of park while the rest of the huge park goes begging for a simple clean.

Spending oodles of money on a shrine to those who cannot be named in every big town while simple practical things go begging.

Giving food and money to monks.

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Plain unobservant. Rules or not the buses near me park three lanes wide and sometimes in the outer lane at 45 degrees to flow because they are just ill disciplined. Didn't want to oblige a foreigner.

As for the post saying anyone who says anything bad against Thais is a racist - obviously spent a very sheltered life or just not been here long. Thai racism and especially in officials, supersedes that of most places in multiples!

The reason you don't quote the post is you are not telling the truth. If someone has written, "

As for the post saying anyone who says anything bad against Thais is a racist" post it. biggrin.png

Or be just another Thai basher, big mouth little truth kind of guy.

Dear me your post makes no sense at all. As for the second paragraph it was a paraphrase but I expect you would not understand that. No point to argue with a fool as it never goes anywhere and aside from that I see no need to post a hundreds examples of what is common knowledge in this forum.

Maybe you should read a little more.

You wrote, "As for the post saying anyone who says anything bad against Thais is a racist " No post said that you lied. I don't think I can write any simpler.

You wrote, "I see no need to post a hundreds examples of what is common knowledge in this forum." Another lie.

You made two accusations. Back them up.

See saw hai Kwai fang.

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Do you know that the bicycle-shop next door is from the same owner ?

That bus drivers are forbidden to open door because so many accidents happened with passengers stepping in front of a speeding motorcycle ,or open the side

luggage doors to take their suitcase and leave the door open ?

that camping in a national park can be dangerous,you better put your tents close for protection .

Do you understand why Thais think why you are not logic???? coffee1.gif

Plain unobservant. Rules or not the buses near me park three lanes wide and sometimes in the outer lane at 45 degrees to flow because they are just ill disciplined. Didn't want to oblige a foreigner.

As for the post saying anyone who says anything bad against Thais is a racist - obviously spent a very sheltered life or just not been here long. Thai racism and especially in officials, supersedes that of most places in multiples!

The reason you don't quote the post is you are not telling the truth. If someone has written, "

As for the post saying anyone who says anything bad against Thais is a racist" post it. biggrin.png

Or be just another Thai basher, big mouth little truth kind of guy.

Yes. Pity the fool with the small dark mind. The ones who think the world revolves around them.

or how about, "None so blind as they who cannot see" ?

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I don't see what logic has to do with the situations you mention. Bike guy might've been cautious. Bus driver has rules. Campers were being friendly.(Sex camping on VD? New one on me.) Most people are not mind readers.

Haha ha! Bus driver has rules. Good one!

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It is more about the education system than anything else. It was the same in most western countries too when only the wealthy had any real education and everyone else was taught to learn by rote and never ask why. Educated Thais here are just as astute as their equally educated western contemporaries. When trained from birth to follow the rules given, never deviate, never think out of the box and never ask questions, it is not hard to see the problems going forward. Someone has already referred to the "American rednecks" , and it is likewise. Someone also said the same was once said about the Chinese - that was when the only Chinese we heard of were poorer classes working in restaurants or low paid manual labour - now we see the educated bankers etc, we can think differently!

We used to say it of the poor in the west, of the blacks, of the Irish, etc - because the only interaction was with uneducated ones (not though their own volition, but because they were either disallowed education or simply could not afford it). This is why it is not racism, and should be stated - no one here (I believe) actually believes there is a biological reason for it (or for the very low national IQ results), but a failed education system - hiding it does not make for impetus to change. The world laughed at Japanese products in the 50-70s, by the 90s all the best stuff comes from Japan (from suits to TVs, cars to robots).

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poor logic: 1. lady man for money 2. driving on the wrong side of the road and regularly failing to stop for stop signs and occasionally driving through red lights. 3. allowing dogs to roam freely sometimes killing or maiming motorcyclists. 4. Allowing dogs to howl all night. 5. cannot touch anyone with your feet 6. paying people to vote in a democracy 7. yards full of garbage 8. parks full of litter.

There are many examples of poor logic. just look out your window.

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Logical or analytical thinking is not taught at schools here, so common sense is a rare commodity, hence the reason why some things are almost impossible to accomplish , while other complicated matters are done in minutes

Patronizing unsubstantiated pronouncements on what is or is not taught in Thai schools and, by implication, what has been successfully taught to all the farang in ear shot is arrogant and utter:


especially on a website that specializes in emotional comments and responses that are totally absent any facts, logic or analytically defensible conclusions.

I would feel safe in saying that the vast majority of the "Chosen People" on TV could not construct the most basic of truth tables based on elementary logic despite your implication that logic and analytical thinking are commonly taught outside of Thailand and even those who might manage would be hard put to employ those acadmic skills in day to day occupations.

I suggest you look through a summary of theses offered in Applied Mathematics at one Thai university and then pontificate on what is and is not taught in Thailand: http://stang.sc.mahidol.ac.th/text/thes/4.htm#2010

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