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Are thai people the most illogical people you have ever met?


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What is the thai word for LOGIC ?

Haet pone If I write in thai also they will delete my post despite being relevant to the question. no way to write in english that gets the exacy correct pronounciation. I have never heard the word used in any of dealings with thais unless I used it. occasionally i will use it at a store to prove a point and it gets many a middle class thai to laugh.

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Wym was right, from my perspective, when he mentioned their logic. A different set of priorities, a different set of values, a different POV, and logic takes on a different form.

Having said that, I also agree with a previous poster regarding analytical thought not being taught in schools. Lets face it, the logic of maths is indisputable, and perhaps should be the foundation of the definition of what "logic" is.

Given one plus one equals 2 and given two plus one equals three, one plus one plus one must equal three.

Somehow, when things get more complicated than simple maths, some people (yes, many Thais also), fail to draw a logical conclusion.

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I recently mentioned to a family member in the N.W. of Thailand I was in the market for a new hooded BBQ (weber style) to which she proclaimed she'd bring me one on her next visit free of charge as a gift. When she arrived there was a Huge bag of charcoal in the boot of the car, but no BBQ! When I quizzed her to the whereabouts of the BBQ she explained it wouldn't fit in the car because the charcoal took up so much room.

Ah, but her thinking was that you can cook with charcoal on any sort of grill, but not on a Weber with no charcoal!

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on the other hand, farangs are the naive, laughing stock in serveral neighborhoods I know of. It has to do with how quickly and illogically they give their entire savings to the gal down the street who has been hooking farangs in Pattaya for 3 years. She has about six of em on the hook............ lol Now thats darn illogical! whistling.gif

No, that's just ignorance.

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Logical or analytical thinking is not taught at schools here, so common sense is a rare commodity, hence the reason why some things are almost impossible to accomplish , while other complicated matters are done in minutes

Same with parking. 100 spaces available, but NO, they have to park close to me so I have a hard time to get into my car. I feel most Easterners have a little problem with logic, unlike Americans who voted for a homo muslim (who lost his law license due to perjury) TWICE hahaha

Edited by BlueSkyCowboy
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Brought a good teflon coated wok,explained to the wife and step daughter to only use the plastic type spatula made for these as it would not scrape off the coating,which i beleive is not real good to ingest,went to cook frozen chips last night,huge parts of the coating scrapped away,also something had been charcoaled in it,i told them it was now useless and why did they not use the proper spatula, no answer,i explain about the coating that it was bad for you, etc, silence.I threw the thing outside,today it is sitting on the barbecue,no doubt by tomorrow it will be back in the kitchen and in use,don,t know if this could be called lack of logic,probably more in the too lazy the use the correct spatula,or falang no nothing,i think the latter.

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Advancebooking; your life must be very problematic and stressful in Thailand.

I wonder how you manage to cope with it all, day by day? Have you tried yoga or perhaps in your case even take up smoking or drink to help you relax and chill out a bit?

Yoga? Smoking? Drinking?

Ignore this crap. There're far better ways to 'relax and chill' in Thailand.

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Edward de Bono would despair

Yeah!? And you can tell that guy to shut up, get back to singing his crappy little songs about Bloody Sunday and stop preaching to the rest of us.

Irish git!

Edited by H1w4yR1da
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1. You cite an event that is swirling in ambiguity in its media reporting.

2. You further back your thesis with some personal experiences that disgruntled you and lend themselves to logical explanations.

3. "...most illogical people you have ever met?" A good bet is that your frame of reference for living amongst people and cultures outside of your own and here is zero to paltry.

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<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

Wanna see an utter lack of logic?? Try applying for a marriage visa

Where does one obtain a "marriage visa" ?

Does such a "visa" even exist ?

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...the sad thing is....the plane flew somewhere...thus...through several 'air spaces'....

...transponders on or off....it must have been detected on several RADARs.....

....so what is this nonsense going on for so long....???

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I brought a BBQ for my staff, When I went down to my yard to join them, they had used motorcycle inner tube under the charcoal to ignite it. I didnt feel like chicken cooked in burning rubber. No common sense at all.

That is it. Lack of common sense rather than illogical.

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All of your personal examples show nothing of the kind.

- the like shop owner was within his rights not to have wear and tear put in a bike which he has no guarantee of being bought, apart from an idiot flashing cash about implying he would.

- the bus driver was playing it safe. And he gets criticised for it?

- as for the campers, you were in a public place, in which case, they are within their rights to camp there too. But I guess they met you, and hightailed it.....which judging by your post, sounds like a perfectly logical thing to do.

This is much more logical than the OP's bizarre rant.

Loathe as I am to agree with the likes the Thaier-than-Thai apologists, the OP does come across as a bit of a grumpy old sod.
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'whosyourdaddy' (post 3) what illogical comment

"Logical or analytic thinking is not taught at schools" ... is is not 'analytical' thinking

logically, there are varying degrees of thinking analytically ... have you considered they are smarter and have figured how to wind farangs up and look dumb; and tell their friends and have a good laugh ...

'Wym' could please explain the 'illogical fellas' at Uluru

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Logical or analytical thinking is not taught at schools here, so common sense is a rare commodity...

Common sense is not "learnt". It's in your genes. You're born with it ... or in the case of Thais ...not.

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