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World Cup Prediction Competition.....


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I wonder how many people predicted a 4-2 win for Germany and a 2-0 win for Equador. If anybody did predict these scores, is there any chance that you could give me predictions for tonight's games? :D:D

Predicted 4 goals for Germany but oversaw that the deadbeat Lehmann is goalkeeping :D

should have foreseen these two goals though.

Will predict always two goals against as long as he is goalkeeping and hopefully a few more for Germany from now on. :D



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I got zero points thanks to the Poles and Swedes, but I assume that's true of a lot of people. I also scored heavy getting the exact score for ARG-Ivory Coast, but again I bet a few people got that one too. Had the Germans and England to win, but scores were off. I think after the first two days (five games) I've got 14pts.

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As I live in Berlin (30 years now - but am nevertheless still British through and through.....), I´m a lot closer than probably any other of you to what is happening over here during the World Cup........... it hasn´t helped my with my predictions, mind you... haven´t got much more than zero myself...........BUT I am proud to report, that the English fans are behaving themselves superbly here........swilling down the beer and jovially entertaining the crowds...much to the delight of the locals. And even the kilt-wearing Scots - despite their refusal to support the English team and opt for Trinidad and Tobago instead (as half the team plays in Scottish divisions) - are behaving themselves here...!!!

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Feeling like a world-beater with Mexico-Iran picked perfectly at 2-1, then that last goal took me from 9 pts. down to 3, ######. All credit to Mexico for their agressive play, though, not settling back and protecting the lead. They've looked the freshest side so far.

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Man, Portugal looked lame, 0 pts. for me

Next up, I got:


USA 2 v CZECH REP 2 (I'm sure I'll want this one back,)


I've since rethought these and think the Aussies can win and the USA/Czech game won't have 4 goals, but I figure Chonabot's life is tough enough without gameday changes, so I'll live with them.

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I'm Back!

So far so good , come on ENgland , Oz 1-0 down at half time :o

I will publish the the leaderboard after the OZ game and thereafter at the end of each days play.

My predictions are cack so far.... :D

Watch this space in a few hours.


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