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PDRC to hold mass procession in Bangkok on March 29


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When that "growing number" of Thais exceed the "who cares lets just move on" amount of Thais, then you'll get the reforms..

And to gauge this, use the elections, let the people tell the politicians what they want, not like they're voices are heard anyway. True Democracy is a pipe dream and a buzz word, it's never going to happen, I don't know many countries where there is such a Utopia, UK isn't that's for sure.

There needs to be a consensus as to what the real figures are that support "reforms before" right now everything is nothing but speculation, based on more speculation, many people as I've said before are stating that a Non vote is a no vote, no it isn't, i's like waiting all your life to race against a champion and he doesn't bother turning up, sure, you can race but what's the point? The idea is to test your own capabilities, and a strong belief you can upset the odds, and give the Champ a good run for his money.

The vote buying is an excuse, it was going on well before Thaksin ever came into Politics, it's not about the vote buying, it's about the Demographics, if Area A @ 50% has more people than Area B @40%, and Area C @10% isn't it just simple maths that the area with the largest population will pretty much always win?

The trick is to convince the people in Area A to vote for either Area B or Area C .. replace areas with political parties and the same applies, it's the reason why the Liberals in the UK would never ever hold power, they simply never had enough seats to be serious contenders,but look at them now, it was a hung Parliament I believe and Both Labour and the Tories needed the Liberals on their side.. all of a sudden, that little minority party was the big cheese, and they had both the big players in the palm of their hands..

This is what's needed to beat the PTP/UDD, they need unity between everyone else, so that they form a coalition and oust the PTP but they need to win over a lot of red shirt supporters to stand any real chance, and I cannot see that happening at all..

"And to gauge this, use the elections, let the people tell the politicians what they want, not like they're voices are heard anyway. True Democracy is a pipe dream and a buzz word, it's never going to happen, I don't know many countries where there is such a Utopia, UK isn't that's for sure."

Somehow you seem to contradict yourself with this.

The sorry state of Democracy in Thailand makes using elections a way to gauge the ideas of the Thai electorate a dream. Especially the Isaan regions seem stuck in "Thaksin the Saviour" mode.

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So, if the majority of the people in Issan are the majority of the Thai population and they don't want to see changes, and remain loyal to Thaksin, exactly how does one go about changing their minds to "see the light" then?

Which kind of makes it pretty much true that what many have been saying is that minority of the people, backed by the rich and influential are indeed trying to undermine the majority.. that isn't a democracy, hence why I said it's a utopia..

The Polls will tell the true reflection of the people, not the minority voicing their opinions, it really is simple rubl, the people, the Thai people have to make the choices and whatever the outcome, good or bad, then the losers will have to simply "Do better next time" , there's no point in throwing teddies and spitting dummies, listen to the will of the people, THAT is what a democracy is about well in most other countries, but as we all know, this is Thailand, and they do most things very differently from what we simple Farang's believe to the right way ;)

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In days gone by a thread with this title would have elicited several hundred responses I believe. Proclomations such as this made too often are going to lose impact surely?. K Suthep needs to rediscover his mojo....if only for the benefit of TV forum political anal(ysts).

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Do they have toilet trucks with them ?

How come so many (fewer and fewer, really) Suthep followers can stay unemployed for so long ? Do they get a daily allowance on top of the free food ?

My Pattaya TGF, educated but from a modest rural Ubon background, is pro-Suthep.

Me, I don't care except that I'd like that the activist monk will have gone back to his temple or wherever before I have to re-extend my visa in CW. I'm used to CW and I don't want to go to any of the two replacement places.

A few days ago Asia NewsChannel, in a follow-up on the MH370 mystery, ran a special on fake/stolen foreign passports in Thailand.

It featured interviews with the Thai Police in charge of that type of criminal activity. These Police were shown now operating out of temporary tents because Suthep and his merry gang had blocked their offices... Great way to go, Mr Suthep, to show your disapproval for the Thaksin regime by impeding general non-political or party related govt activities!!

I trust you mean in charge of "investigating"that type of criminal activity.

It would undermine confidence in the probity and reputation of the realm should it be suggested there were corrupt people in uniform,this could lead to impunity,disorder ,bribes and a confusion when reporting misbeaviour as to who are the goodies or baddies.

If this were ever to happen you would hope those who make the appointments would have a root and branch clean up without fear or favour and miscreants jailed.

And thus it came to pass that LOS became a hub of probity,lesser nations agog to see all former leaders incarcerated ,their ill gotten gains used for the needy and the distruction of nepotism.

The new African American leader said it's heartening that a foreign woman like me to see the families of former plutocrats working as maids,drivers and in the rice paddies,it just shows sinners can repent,A spokeskatoey for Nokpigairlines declined to be shamed.

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