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Testosterone - legal and available in Thailand?

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Testosterone gel seems far the best delivery method.

No needles and big boost on one day, it is steady through the month and it follows the body's natural daily cycle of TLevels.

It used not to be available in Thailand and expensive abroad.

Is anyone accessing the gel here or abroad and what are you paying?

Testosterone gel is available in Thailand, you can get the original one (Testo-gel) , in any big Hospital like Bumrungrand or Samitivey (Bangkok) and Bangkok Pattaya Hospital (Pattaya) as well . I have a friend from Sweden who recently got his Testogel from B.Pattaya Hospital after a regular doctor's visit. Problem is that is very expensive. Some underground pharmacy in Bangkok and Pattaya are also selling some Testosterone gel from an underground brand called : Meditech. Price is cheaper than the original (see link below)


Anyway I'm not sure about this one...As I said, Meditech is an underground brand made for bodybuilders, I would go for pharma grade stuff...always, without a doubt.

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I'm also on TRT (testosterone replacemant therapy) since 2 years. No sides if you get the right dosage from a certified endoc.(wich is most of the time 200/250 mg. every 10 days). I suggest testoviron 250 from Bayer-Shering wich is definetely REAL. Other brands might be fake . You can buy it to any serious pharmacy (Fascino or Boots as well). I tried Andriol tablets as well, but it's weaker and more expensive that the injectable one.(you have to take 6 tablets a day to feel something.) The gel seems to be the best form,and you can find it only in big Hospital around Thailand under prescription (Bumrungr., Samjtivey, Bangkok Pattaya, etc.) it is very expensive too. Vial is the cheapest solution.

Orals toxify the liver which has many essential functions beyond filtering. I would never do pills. In fact, the reason for transdermal gels is to avoid loading the liver IIRC. Correct me if I'm wrong please.

That 10 day interval is long. Cypionate has a longer carbon chain and its 1/2 life is longer. With 10 days and 200-250mg you may see aromatization and your estradiol will rise. Gynocomastia (sp?) is tough to get rid of and unless you have tamoxifen (Soltamox) and raloxifene (Evista) on hand when nips get puffy & sensitive you may not head it off. Then it's surgery.

I use 80mg every 7 days IM cypionate with 1/2mg Anastrozole 24 hrs later - and respond very well to that.

I do worry about Anastrozole raising my cholesterol (LDL-C) however.

I have never cycled steroids and only on doctor prescribed TRT - my info is from personal interest research only and I'm no expert. Just want to help if I can.

EDIT TO ADD; This time I'm bringing my own syringes and needles from the US with me... very cheap and no hassle from pharmacies or hospitals in LOS.

Dear friend, good thing about andriol is that's absorbed through the lymphatic system so not big issue for liver , bad thing about it is that its bioavailability is very weak, it does mean you should take at least 6 to 8 tablets a day every 6 hours....I don't know where you can get cypionate in Thailand, the reason why I mentioned Testoviron before is because it's 100 % real from Bayer-Shering Thailand . Unless you're Cypionate is from Pharmacia/Pfizer or Schein (both certified american brands) I would be very carefull before use it. So many fakes in Thailand....

80 mg. every 7 days is a good dosage anyway, it will keep your testosterone stable, I don't know why you need Arimidex (anastrozole) instead.... you should take it only in case of severe gyno, otherwise I would go for 50 mg. of proviron (mesterolone) every day during TRT.

Tamoxifene (Nolvadex) is good for PCT, Post cycle therapy, I used it after the cycle to boost my gonads and testosterone, it worked always very good, better than clomid.

Be carefull with Anastrozole, suppressing estrogen levels it may affect your sex drive badly...Estrogens are very important for libido too .

Thanks for sharing your knowledge jonnyramone.

I had never heard of andriol testocaps, at least not in my experience in the USA.

"ANDRIOL TESTOCAPS, an important part of the active substance

testosterone undecanoate is co-absorbed with the lipophilic solvent from the intestine into the

lymphatic system, thus partially circumventing the first-pass inactivation by the liver."

Your subsequent post mentioned zinc. I take that - it's nickname is "Trainers' best secret". (whole food sources; brewers yeasr, wheat germ/bran)

Some typos in that link, not sure what to make of that if from manufacturer -thoughts???; http://personalsteroid.com/product_view.php?ref_id_type=6&id_prd=13

Gel and cream is not cost-effective for me. Weekly Cyionate IM injections are cheap and easy with 1/2mg Anastrozole 24 hours after.

Is pharma grade Anastrozole available in Bangkok pharmacies?

Anybody know if Anastrozole raises cholesterol (LDL-C)?


i am not sure why you would chose a synthetic product to enhance testosterone when a 100% natural product is available ?.... Cordyceps ...www.thaiherbsonline.com ..... yes natural products may take a little longer but they have none of the risky side effects .....

if it really increases the Testosterone it will have the same side effects. If it does nothing it won't have side effects.

steroids raise testosterone is that good ? zinc, magnesium , more sleep , more sex and cordyceps works for me ..... and exercise !!

Agree 100% Add to that grass fed beef. None of that worked for me,however - still at low range after trying all that, even ginseng and nettle.

There's no replacement for replacement!

  • Like 1

Thanks for sharing your knowledge jonnyramone.

I had never heard of andriol testocaps, at least not in my experience in the USA.

"ANDRIOL TESTOCAPS, an important part of the active substance

testosterone undecanoate is co-absorbed with the lipophilic solvent from the intestine into the

lymphatic system, thus partially circumventing the first-pass inactivation by the liver."

Your subsequent post mentioned zinc. I take that - it's nickname is "Trainers' best secret". (whole food sources; brewers yeasr, wheat germ/bran)

Some typos in that link, not sure what to make of that if from manufacturer -thoughts???; http://personalsteroid.com/product_view.php?ref_id_type=6&id_prd=13

Gel and cream is not cost-effective for me. Weekly Cyionate IM injections are cheap and easy with 1/2mg Anastrozole 24 hours after.

Is pharma grade Anastrozole available in Bangkok pharmacies?

Anybody know if Anastrozole raises cholesterol (LDL-C)?

You welcome ..

I know that Andriol and Proviron are not so popular in US , while they both are in Europe instead.

Anastrozole raises Cholesterol and decreases tryglicerides (sugar fat)...see link below :


I agree that gel is not cost effective for a TRT , that's the reason why most of the therapies legally prescribed by endochrinologist are made with vials .

The only advantage using Gel is that it doesn't raise estrogen levels as bad as vials.

I don't know if pharma grade Anastrozole is available in Bangkok pharmacies . I remember there was an indian underground brand called Alpha Pharma wich was manufacturing anastrozole,I think it's still available in Bangkok pharmacies...but, as I said before, it's an underground grade so I would be carefull before use it.


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I agree that gel is not cost effective for a TRT , that's the reason why most of the therapies legally prescribed by endocrinologist are made with vials .

That's true everywhere but the US. In the US Androgel rules TRT.


I agree that gel is not cost effective for a TRT , that's the reason why most of the therapies legally prescribed by endocrinologist are made with vials .

That's true everywhere but the US. In the US Androgel rules TRT.

To be honest, Gel therapy is spreading around the world , more and more doctors are prescribing gel instead of vials but I think it's a marketing problem. Pharmaceutical companies have invested a lot of money on this new testosterone form and I would not be surprised to know that they are pushing on doctors to prescribe gel instead of vials. The gel seems to be "more friendly" than injections anyway. It doesn't even make the patient feel he's doing a medication...It's a gel, just like any cosmetic preparation....You can bring it anywhere, and used it everywhere....


You welcome ..

I know that Andriol and Proviron are not so popular in US , while they both are in Europe instead.

Anastrozole raises Cholesterol and decreases tryglicerides (sugar fat)...see link below :


I agree that gel is not cost effective for a TRT , that's the reason why most of the therapies legally prescribed by endochrinologist are made with vials .

The only advantage using Gel is that it doesn't raise estrogen levels as bad as vials.

I don't know if pharma grade Anastrozole is available in Bangkok pharmacies . I remember there was an indian underground brand called Alpha Pharma wich was manufacturing anastrozole,I think it's still available in Bangkok pharmacies...but, as I said before, it's an underground grade so I would be carefull before use it.


I read that study! Been doin' the grind on this stuff.

Subjects were post menapausal Chinese females. I asked my TRT doc about this, he researched, and could only find female studies that showed a bad lipid result.

But- Just like you said, my trig is nice and low but my LDL-C real high. HDL is great so it counterbalances the LDL. Particle size large, not small & dense - that's good.

Still looking into changing my AI. High LDL may be from the keto diet and my body's inability to handle cholesterol right. But if changing AI may helps, I will.


To be honest, Gel therapy is spreading around the world , more and more doctors are prescribing gel instead of vials but I think it's a marketing problem. Pharmaceutical companies have invested a lot of money on this new testosterone form and I would not be surprised to know that they are pushing on doctors to prescribe gel instead of vials. The gel seems to be "more friendly" than injections anyway. It doesn't even make the patient feel he's doing a medication...It's a gel, just like any cosmetic preparation....You can bring it anywhere, and used it everywhere....

I started with gel... the drug companies pass it out free to endos in the states. My endo said "Take this, I have plenty more if you like it". Some subsidize the part of the bill we copay with coupons right on the samples. It's big money.

With gel you have to be very controlled and not let kids or women contact any.

May give it a second try if the joints pain and cholesterol would improve with no AI. Better libido with gel.


i am not sure why you would chose a synthetic product to enhance testosterone when a 100% natural product is available ?.... Cordyceps ...www.thaiherbsonline.com ..... yes natural products may take a little longer but they have none of the risky side effects .....

if it really increases the Testosterone it will have the same side effects. If it does nothing it won't have side effects.

steroids raise testosterone is that good ? zinc, magnesium , more sleep , more sex and cordyceps works for me ..... and exercise !!

Agree 100% Add to that grass fed beef. None of that worked for me,however - still at low range after trying all that, even ginseng and nettle.

There's no replacement for replacement!



Aerobics, Resistance Training, Yoga, Meditation, and Acceptance that your body changes as you get older. No HRT or Cosmetic Surgery. I'll deal with the hand that got dealt to me. Difficult - sure! Can you still come out a winner? You bet you can!!!

  • Like 1

I started with gel... the drug companies pass it out free to endos in the states. My endo said "Take this, I have plenty more if you like it". Some subsidize the part of the bill we copay with coupons right on the samples. It's big money.

With gel you have to be very controlled and not let kids or women contact any.

May give it a second try if the joints pain and cholesterol would improve with no AI. Better libido with gel.

I think I'm gonna start taking some anastrazole 'cause my estrogen levels are raising. I've found it in the nana pharmacy from an underground brand called Meditech , do you ever used it ? The cost is 2000 baht x 30 capsules, problem is that each capsule is 1,00 mg. and it cannot be split . 1,00 mg. is definitely too much, I was thinking about 0.25 mg. every 3 days or 0.5 EOD . Do you know any other brands producing anastrozole in tablets form instead of capsule ?


  • Like 2
  • 2 weeks later...

I started with gel... the drug companies pass it out free to endos in the states. My endo said "Take this, I have plenty more if you like it". Some subsidize the part of the bill we copay with coupons right on the samples. It's big money.

With gel you have to be very controlled and not let kids or women contact any.

May give it a second try if the joints pain and cholesterol would improve with no AI. Better libido with gel.

I think I'm gonna start taking some anastrazole 'cause my estrogen levels are raising. I've found it in the nana pharmacy from an underground brand called Meditech , do you ever used it ? The cost is 2000 baht x 30 capsules, problem is that each capsule is 1,00 mg. and it cannot be split . 1,00 mg. is definitely too much, I was thinking about 0.25 mg. every 3 days or 0.5 EOD . Do you know any other brands producing anastrozole in tablets form instead of capsule ?


My TRT doctor had some 0.5mg Arimidex made up for me at a custom pharmacy. Way too expensive so I cut my own and take an inaccurate dose. Your dose sounds right if E2 high, need to keep getting BW to find new sweet spot. SHBG raises as men age too, which cuts into the Free & Bio Available Testosterone as well. A women's health clinic may be your best bet as these AI's are generally considered for that type of use.

I'm researching Sub-Q injections ED (or EOD) with an insulin pin and eliminating my AI -if the Dr agrees. I want to lower my cholesterol as I went keto and may have Familial Hypercholesteremia of some type. Also libido improves when off the AI I’ve read – always a bonus!

Also considering HCG. There are cholesterol implications with the jimmies too.

TRT is not for everyone. I used to accept that I’d get old and sit on the sidelines. So glad I figured this out after all else became less and less effective. Lucky I'm a good responder too so I can inch the dose up slowly over the years. Receptors become less sensitive over time and more T is needed.

  • Like 1

Aerobics, Resistance Training, Yoga, Meditation, and Acceptance that your body changes as you get older. No HRT or Cosmetic Surgery. I'll deal with the hand that got dealt to me. Difficult - sure! Can you still come out a winner? You bet you can!!!

Right on. Good on you bro. That's the best way for sure, if it's working for you.


That's a sales ad. Do you have links to double blind studies with a decent size n=#? pubmed refers to it as an ancient folk medicine. They have promising studies dating back to 2005 but nothing conclusive. Also, potential seems to be as an anti-inflamatory and anti-cancer. Substitutes such as C. militaris and adulterants get sold as the 'real deal' along with strains manufactured by fermentation technology. Shows great potential.

Substrate Preparation done in Chiang Rai & Chiang Mai for Cordyceps militaris. Are you involved with it? RSTDC
  • 1 year later...

Meditech underground ? It seems to be one of the most famous brand in the world for these products ?

I started with gel... the drug companies pass it out free to endos in the states. My endo said "Take this, I have plenty more if you like it". Some subsidize the part of the bill we copay with coupons right on the samples. It's big money.

With gel you have to be very controlled and not let kids or women contact any.

May give it a second try if the joints pain and cholesterol would improve with no AI. Better libido with gel.

I think I'm gonna start taking some anastrazole 'cause my estrogen levels are raising. I've found it in the nana pharmacy from an underground brand called Meditech , do you ever used it ? The cost is 2000 baht x 30 capsules, problem is that each capsule is 1,00 mg. and it cannot be split . 1,00 mg. is definitely too much, I was thinking about 0.25 mg. every 3 days or 0.5 EOD . Do you know any other brands producing anastrozole in tablets form instead of capsule ?




Do you know if Meditech company is a Thai company ?

There is not location on their website:


But as everybody seem to buy from Thailand I guess that it's a Thai company ? Do you know if their products pass Thai FDA ?

Thanks guys.

Meditech is not aproved by the Thai FDA. They sell both Trenbolone and Equipose which are animal steroids. This is generally a good indication that the company may be an underground lab. The packaging is fancy and they look real but they are most likely not pharmaceutical grade steroids. What exactly are you looking for? There are many legit manufacturers approved by the Thai FDA that sell many of the same products.

  • Like 1

Aerobics, Resistance Training, Yoga, Meditation, and Acceptance that your body changes as you get older. No HRT or Cosmetic Surgery. I'll deal with the hand that got dealt to me. Difficult - sure! Can you still come out a winner? You bet you can!!!

You clearly have never suffered from a T deficiency. You would not be talking so tuff if you did. It is absolutely brutal...... Makes life not even worth living for some......

And please don't compare it to cosmetic surgery. One is altering your physical appearance and one is restoring the absolute most vital hormone the male body needs to function correctly.

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Sorry, I think that I was wrong and that Meditech is from India ?

I wonder how these brands that sell products that are not FDA appoved, also as the cialis and viagra copies, import them to Thailand ?


Sorry, I think that I was wrong and that Meditech is from India ?

I wonder how these brands that sell products that are not FDA appoved, also as the cialis and viagra copies, import them to Thailand ?

Yes, I believe Medtech is produced in Inda (which does not really matter if it is indeed an underground lab).

Things get in. People bring them back from visits to India or can possibly get them imported through a sketchy channel. Prescription drugs are not tightly controlled here like in the west.

I personally would be very wary of taking something that was essentially "smuggled" into a Thai pharmacy. And as stated, there are plenty of approved testosterone and steroid brands for sale in Thailand.

  • 1 month later...

Quick Q for those doing TRT - do you notice any real i.e near 'magic bullet' improvement with mental issues such as:

Brain fog, Decreased energy, motivation, initiative, aggressiveness, self-confidence/ambition, Poor concentration and memory, Feeling sad or blue, depressed mood, dysthymia.

As much detail of any improvement (subjective as it may be) would be much appreciated.

These mental issues are the ones really getting to (flooring) me. Libido and hydraulic lifting capability improved to Ok again levels with Mesterolone and Clomiphene but I am really affected by the above to the point I may have to overcome my resistance to T injections and concern with shutting down own T (yes, I know it can be restarted with HCG).

I know that if I start this I have to give it a year - 6 months not long enough and really would want to be 6 months in before T levels natural crash Nov-Apr.

Not really interested in diet exercise solutions as doing all that anyway.


Quick Q for those doing TRT - do you notice any real i.e near 'magic bullet' improvement with mental issues such as:

Brain fog, Decreased energy, motivation, initiative, aggressiveness, self-confidence/ambition, Poor concentration and memory, Feeling sad or blue, depressed mood, dysthymia.

As much detail of any improvement (subjective as it may be) would be much appreciated.

These mental issues are the ones really getting to (flooring) me. Libido and hydraulic lifting capability improved to Ok again levels with Mesterolone and Clomiphene but I am really affected by the above to the point I may have to overcome my resistance to T injections and concern with shutting down own T (yes, I know it can be restarted with HCG).

I know that if I start this I have to give it a year - 6 months not long enough and really would want to be 6 months in before T levels natural crash Nov-Apr.

Not really interested in diet exercise solutions as doing all that anyway.

It was as close to a magic bullet for me as one can get. I had more energy, began sleeping less (better quality sleep), and motivation absolutely improved. Self confidence improved as I started rapidly losing excess body fat (with cardio and heavy workouts).

Why are you resistant to T injections? Because you think you will go sterile? Highly unlikely on TRT doses. IFBB Pro bodybuilders who abused the hell out of steroids still had kids after retirement. Have you had your T levels checked? You know they are low? If so, TRT is really the only realistic solution if you are already exercising, eating well, and not obese. I am sure some of the natural nuts will be along soon trying to convince you how magic supplement powder and a liver cleanse will raise your T levels, but us reasonable folks know better.........

You need to know how to monitor things such as your estrogen levels though because the Dr.s here have no clue about these things. Most Dr.s here still don't even prescribe TRT on a weekly dose schedule which is imperative for successful results (not the one shot every 3-4 weeks that seems to be the standard here).

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I buy everything over the counter in Pattaya.

I have tried the Gels and shots.

My T went from 262 to 400 after one year on the Gel.

I am on the shots now and it is 850.

I feel better and like the shots much better. One every 2 weeks instead of the gel everyday.

It sure has helped me. I don't know what to say I am 61 and feel strong and boom boom at least once a day, some days more but I don't smoke and drink a little.

Also, the feeling when I ejaculate is probably 50% better and more intense. Almost makes me go blind. smile.png

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In my opinion the best testosterone choice for antiging therapy is gel . It is more manageable than vials. When you use injections you might experience the "roller coaster" syndrome, wich means your test.level goes up and down, plus it wil shrink your testicles badly.

In my case, injections increase estrogen badly , not happen with gel or capsules (Andriol).

Gel in Thailand is available in Hospytal with prescription and it's quite expensive, while Andriol capsules is on every pharmacy .

Some pharmacies sell kind of underground Testosterone gel . I strongly suggest not to use it. It's fake , while vials (like Testoviron, or Testolic, etc.) are real.

So, if you go for vials or capsules (Andriol) you don't need to go to the Hospytal, you can get to pharmacy , I suggest real brand like Testoviron 250 from Bayer Shering or Sustanon , while if you need gel , you need to go to Hospytal. I hope soon Testosterone gel will be avaialable in pharmacies as well.


In my opinion the best testosterone choice for antiging therapy is gel . It is more manageable than vials. When you use injections you might experience the "roller coaster" syndrome, wich means your test.level goes up and down, plus it wil shrink your testicles badly.

In my case, injections increase estrogen badly , not happen with gel or capsules (Andriol).

Gel in Thailand is available in Hospytal with prescription and it's quite expensive, while Andriol capsules is on every pharmacy .

Some pharmacies sell kind of underground Testosterone gel . I strongly suggest not to use it. It's fake , while vials (like Testoviron, or Testolic, etc.) are real.

So, if you go for vials or capsules (Andriol) you don't need to go to the Hospytal, you can get to pharmacy , I suggest real brand like Testoviron 250 from Bayer Shering or Sustanon , while if you need gel , you need to go to Hospytal. I hope soon Testosterone gel will be avaialable in pharmacies as well.

There is no roller coaster of T levels if you inject once a week. Only if you attempt to get by on one shot every 2-4 weeks which seems common practice here.

Estrogen can be dealt with by 1 or 2mg of arimidex per week. High estrogen while on TRT is super common.


There is no roller coaster of T levels if you inject once a week. Only if you attempt to get by on one shot every 2-4 weeks which seems common practice here.

Estrogen can be dealt with by 1 or 2mg of arimidex per week. High estrogen while on TRT is super common.

Once a week is definetely too much for me, I've tried, my estrogen levels go too high and I got gyno .

In my opinion vials suppress the axis much more than gel or capsules, that the reason why so many endos suggest to integrate Testo shots with HCG + Anti estrogens + DHEA + Androstenedione, etc.etc.

I'm ok with gel and/or capsules. I don't want use all these stuffs... Arimidex is dangerous, it can decrease your estrogen over the limit (very low estrogen = no libido) , it's very expensive and finally, when you're on TRT , the less you take the better it is....

Here's some interesting publications by one of the best TRT specialist , Dr. John Crisler.


Anyway inbangkok, what really matters at the end is how you feel...If you're ok with vials therapy , keep doing it , we all react to drugs differently.


There is no roller coaster of T levels if you inject once a week. Only if you attempt to get by on one shot every 2-4 weeks which seems common practice here.

Estrogen can be dealt with by 1 or 2mg of arimidex per week. High estrogen while on TRT is super common.

Once a week is definetely too much for me, I've tried, my estrogen levels go too high and I got gyno .

In my opinion vials suppress the axis much more than gel or capsules, that the reason why so many endos suggest to integrate Testo shots with HCG + Anti estrogens + DHEA + Androstenedione, etc.etc.

I'm ok with gel and/or capsules. I don't want use all these stuffs... Arimidex is dangerous, it can decrease your estrogen over the limit (very low estrogen = no libido) , it's very expensive and finally, when you're on TRT , the less you take the better it is....

Here's some interesting publications by one of the best TRT specialist , Dr. John Crisler.


Anyway inbangkok, what really matters at the end is how you feel...If you're ok with vials therapy , keep doing it , we all react to drugs differently.

Its quite easy to control estrogen with arimidex, you just take a set amount and so some blood tests. These tests can be done everywhere. Once you figure out the right amount its easy (as long as you dont change the amount of testosterone)

And your crazy if you think gels or capsules have less impact on your axis.. its all the same it is dose dependent.. not delivery method depending. Gels and capsules are less effective so you get less in your system.

Just my 2 cents.

  • Like 1

There is no roller coaster of T levels if you inject once a week. Only if you attempt to get by on one shot every 2-4 weeks which seems common practice here.

Estrogen can be dealt with by 1 or 2mg of arimidex per week. High estrogen while on TRT is super common.

Once a week is definetely too much for me, I've tried, my estrogen levels go too high and I got gyno .

In my opinion vials suppress the axis much more than gel or capsules, that the reason why so many endos suggest to integrate Testo shots with HCG + Anti estrogens + DHEA + Androstenedione, etc.etc.

I'm ok with gel and/or capsules. I don't want use all these stuffs... Arimidex is dangerous, it can decrease your estrogen over the limit (very low estrogen = no libido) , it's very expensive and finally, when you're on TRT , the less you take the better it is....

Here's some interesting publications by one of the best TRT specialist , Dr. John Crisler.


Anyway inbangkok, what really matters at the end is how you feel...If you're ok with vials therapy , keep doing it , we all react to drugs differently.

As mentioned above, the switch to gel has nothing to do with your estrogen being lower. The gel is nowhere near as effective as injections. So someone using gel is not getting as much testosterone (and not a steady level) , thus not having as much testosterone to convert to estrogen. If you use enough gel, where you are at the equivalent of the injection, you will have the same estrogen and gyno effects.

I don't know what you mean that one shot per week is too much. If that's the case, you can easily lower the dose. TRT doses. Generally range from 50mg-250mg per week. I am assuming you mean you were using the full 250mg per week.


What i dont understand is why people dont take blood tests if they are doing HRT.

If you are doing something that has potential health impact is it so hard to go to a clinic and pay around 800 bt for an estrogen test. Take some other tests too its cheap here.


What i dont understand is why people dont take blood tests if they are doing HRT.

If you are doing something that has potential health impact is it so hard to go to a clinic and pay around 800 bt for an estrogen test. Take some other tests too its cheap here.

You are right. Blood panels are important.

I don't know if it was mentioned but frequent Hemoglobin, Hemocrit testing is very important also.

It can get very high with T spiking and can lead to stroke or heart attack.

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