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Disgusting red shirt rally garbage dump Kha Talo Road

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completely agree, drove past yesterday and it looked like a dump site indeed... I wonder who/if it will be cleaned up, as the wind is blowing the styro containers everywhere already...

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I haven't seen it, but I doubt that it is something "special".

A mass event with a well organized garbage collection in Thailand?

I have not seen one.


Question is OP, would there have been any difference if the rally had been yellow?

What has 'yellow' got to do with this subject?! We are talking about the mess the 'Reds' left!


Go to any site in the West that has held a musical festival...............will be the same thing....large gatherings with food/drinks on sale what do you expect,


Go to any site in the West that has held a musical festival...............will be the same thing....large gatherings with food/drinks on sale what do you expect,

Generally I agree, but, I have never been to a place where there is such a lack of trash bins as in Thailand.


It's about time the governments here started to educate their people to appreciate and respect their land and environment. At least by cleaning up there rubbish on the sides of the roads.

I know there are "bigger fish to fry" but should make a start on the education campaigns and disciplines to improve this. I haven't been here all that long yet and I don't kniow if it has already started or not but it doesn't seems so and the sight of the streets appalls me. It makes me sick to see people openly littering. The first thing nthat should be done is to put some rubbish bins in public places as one poster said was needed.

At least 50 years ago the governments in Australia (not sure about anywhere else) introduced fines and mass enducation campaigns about cleaning up our streets and environment.

I remember as a kid in the 60s the rubbish I would see in the gutters of most streets in the cities and suburbs all over Australia. By the 70s we were proud of our clean streets which had been cleaned up largely and they had educated the people enough. These days it is mostly self sustaining.

The organisers of the "Redshirts" rally on the weekend should be ashamed of themselves and organise a cleanup crew to make good the mess they create.

I am not up with the politics and it's a relatively small thing but it doesn't help their political aspirations (to those who could be providing funds and support) if they can't at least clean up after themselves.

The local authorities should ban these rallies on the basis of the look it creates to the tourist population and the costs to clean it all up. It's an embassassment to all; I live near Soi Khao Talo and it was disgusting!


Rant Over.

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Go to any site in the West that has held a musical festival...............will be the same thing....large gatherings with food/drinks on sale what do you expect,

Generally I agree, but, I have never been to a place where there is such a lack of trash bins as in Thailand.

Trash bins or not, they have no education about littering, it's pathetic.

Just watch them toss anything out their window while driving, they don't give a toss. Same old story with so many things in this country, no discipline, no penalties, what do you expect??

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I see little hope.

I am cleaning the street in front of our house (upcountry, red heartland) on a daily basis from the usual trash.

Currently there is only little to clean up.


The school down the road is closed due to holidays.

Sometimes I cycle round the school yard and I see trash, trash, trash.

Sometimes I drive behind a car and splash! Some trash thrown from the side window.

And so on...

The land around the house of the sister in law is a dump.

When I show the little kids what to do with a garbage can, a shovel and a broom, they follow me.

But I am the only role model around.

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Go to any site in the West that has held a musical festival...............will be the same thing....large gatherings with food/drinks on sale what do you expect,

Every music festival i have been to and every concert I have worked at had a clean up crew that started working as soon as the festival/concert ended.

My shift often started at midnight and did not end until the job was done.


Question is OP, would there have been any difference if the rally had been yellow?

What has 'yellow' got to do with this subject?! We are talking about the mess the 'Reds' left!

Oh, i thought we were talking about

"ugly drunk fat Isaan alcoholics everywhere" acting like obnoxious, belligerent children? No wonder the men can't even take care of their spawn and allow their girlfriends to work in the bar. Disgusting!

The OP's words not mine.

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I think what was hard for me to appreciate was the utter hypocrisy about the whole situation. These same Thais that are so against farang owning land when they themselves can't take care of what they've got.

Secondly, the fact that they were guests to a town and yet behaved like complete jackasses. Blocking roads, yelling, drinking and acting like they owned the place.

And thirdly, if a bunch of farangs just threw all their garbage on the ground, drank to oblivion and stopped their cars in the middle of the road, the Thais would be going apeshit. But when the Thais do it, its somehow okay?


Question is OP, would there have been any difference if the rally had been yellow?

What has 'yellow' got to do with this subject?! We are talking about the mess the 'Reds' left!

Oh, i thought we were talking about

"ugly drunk fat Isaan alcoholics everywhere" acting like obnoxious, belligerent children? No wonder the men can't even take care of their spawn and allow their girlfriends to work in the bar. Disgusting!

The OP's words not mine.

Yep, spoken like a true ammart. With attitudes like this, it's no wonder the country is on the verge of a civil breakdown.


This sort of littering is evident on the beaches of Pattaya, Jomtien, Ban Amphur and Bang Saray after every weekend when the Bangkok hordes have gone home - so, it's not just the 'reds' who are disgusting.

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Go to any site in the West that has held a musical festival...............will be the same thing....large gatherings with food/drinks on sale what do you expect,

Every music festival i have been to and every concert I have worked at had a clean up crew that started working as soon as the festival/concert ended.

My shift often started at midnight and did not end until the job was done.

I have been to a few music festivals where there have been anouncements asking everybody to pick up any rubbish within a 2 metre radius of where they are standing/sitting ,and deposit it in the bins . Everybody will usually do it. A couple times thru the event and the message gets thru and the rubbish problem actually gets better the longer the event .


Go to any site in the West that has held a musical festival...............will be the same thing....large gatherings with food/drinks on sale what do you expect,

Totally agree, but in the West, they have people to come behind them and clear it up in the morning...

Not saying thats the ideal solution, but it least it's done..

People in general have a lack of respect,with the environment... We see it every day...

If we all did a little the world would be a cleaner place..


I haven't seen it, but I doubt that it is something "special".

A mass event with a well organized garbage collection in Thailand?

I have not seen one.

The Pattaya Music Festival is one. And many others throughout Pattaya & Jomtien. But, you did get your negative comment in, as you wanted. Congratulations.


For a long while now....I have believed.... that the "couldn't care less" attitude here will not change unless the 20 to 30 something age group educate their children in the acceptable way to behave....to make this a truly lovely country......

Unfortunately the "belligerent older generation" needs to "die out first".....because with the so called "loss of face" smoke screen .....younger people are reluctant to name and shame the perpetrators .......

Be it ....casual disposal of rubbish....Fly tipping........Disrespectful Driving......Corruption ......etc. etc.

So it won't get better in my life time......

Phew....that's better (got that off my chest) now I will do some gardening


<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

For a long while now....I have believed.... that the "couldn't care less" attitude here will not change unless the 20 to 30 something age group educate their children in the acceptable way to behave....to make this a truly lovely country......

Unfortunately the "belligerent older generation" needs to "die out first".....because with the so called "loss of face" smoke screen .....younger people are reluctant to name and shame the perpetrators .......

Be it ....casual disposal of rubbish....Fly tipping........Disrespectful Driving......Corruption ......etc. etc.

So it won't get better in my life time......

Phew....that's better (got that off my chest) now I will do some gardening

Parents teach their children, so how are the 20 to 30 age group going to behave any differently? They clearly don't, and neither will their children.


Go to any site in the West that has held a musical festival...............will be the same thing....large gatherings with food/drinks on sale what do you expect,

Generally I agree, but, I have never been to a place where there is such a lack of trash bins as in Thailand.

Trash bins or not, they have no education about littering, it's pathetic.

Just watch them toss anything out their window while driving, they don't give a toss. Same old story with so many things in this country, no discipline, no penalties, what do you expect??

@ PattayaPhom, read this reply, THINK, WISE UP, and stop this bs. "its the same as the west". It is NOT


In BKK if there is any spare land it is soon gobbled up with rubbish mostly from refurbishments. There is also plenty of dog sh*te . However feeders love the smell of that stuff.When you think about it there are no council yards to take your bigger rubbish to.

As to the red shirt site , they would of rented it & in the rent would of been the clean up fees but maybe the owner don't want to pay people. I would love to know how he knows they had ugley faces , is cause they is brown Also has the op ever seen Blackpool after a weekend .


I would love to know how he knows they had ugley faces , is cause they is brown Also has the op ever seen Blackpool after a weekend .

Because the OP,was there on Soi Khao Talo. You did not see because you were in Blackpool


why pick up styrofoam when it burns so well? I often smell the plastic from a field they burn near here, central Pattaya. They just set the grass on fire and all the bags that have been thrown in it all go up in smoke.


<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

For a long while now....I have believed.... that the "couldn't care less" attitude here will not change unless the 20 to 30 something age group educate their children in the acceptable way to behave....to make this a truly lovely country......

Unfortunately the "belligerent older generation" needs to "die out first".....because with the so called "loss of face" smoke screen .....younger people are reluctant to name and shame the perpetrators .......

Be it ....casual disposal of rubbish....Fly tipping........Disrespectful Driving......Corruption ......etc. etc.

So it won't get better in my life time......

Phew....that's better (got that off my chest) now I will do some gardening

Parents teach their children, so how are the 20 to 30 age group going to behave any differently? They clearly don't, and neither will their children.


But I am talking about 20 - 30 year olds who have already started a family of their own.....

"Good" Thai families.....who have bothered to give their children an education.......even rogue sheep will follow the flock in time

There were similar problems to this in England when I was a boy....but with the teachers guidance it gradually became unacceptable to mistreat and abuse the surroundings

It has to start somewhere.....so as tempting as it may be to be negative.....why not "talk up" the benefits of making Thailand a better place to live......

Especially to Thai people


why pick up styrofoam when it burns so well? I often smell the plastic from a field they burn near here, central Pattaya. They just set the grass on fire and all the bags that have been thrown in it all go up in smoke.

Yes.....the word "Toxic" doesn't seem to exist here.......nor the health consequences of it


I drive by that empty lot every day. And yeah, it was a

bloody mess the first day, but cleaning crews have been

onsite since the first day and are trying to clean it up.

I see them every day standing around playing on the phones

eating somtum, and just hanging around ... In the mean time

the garbage is blown away naturally, but they get to take

the credit ...


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