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Hi All,

Bangkok Hospital Phuket has been out of Chicken Pox Vaccine for past two months....

Wonder why ? Any theories ?

Is there a Thailand shortage, laws against imports ?

Maybe the outbreak in January has something to do with it .....http://www.tmb.ie/destinations/news.asp?id=192613

Oh well just booked into Phuket International for tomorrow now as they the vaccine ....

Not a big deal just seems STRANGE !




There are 3 brands of the varicella vaccine registered in Thailand, all of them imports. (and one brand of the combined measles-mumps-chickenpox vaccine which is what children usually receive).

So I doubt all of them were out of stock. More likely a hospital specific issue.


Thanks for yr reply Sheryl .....

Still strange though cos when I went there with my son two months ago they said NO stock ring back in TWO months, I did so today and still "No stock" ....

There are 3 brands of the varicella vaccine registered in Thailand, all of them imports. (and one brand of the combined measles-mumps-chickenpox vaccine which is what children usually receive).

So I doubt all of them were out of stock. More likely a hospital specific issue.


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Thanks for yr reply Sheryl .....

Still strange though cos when I went there with my son two months ago they said NO stock ring back in TWO months, I did so today and still "No stock" ....

There are 3 brands of the varicella vaccine registered in Thailand, all of them imports. (and one brand of the combined measles-mumps-chickenpox vaccine which is what children usually receive).

So I doubt all of them were out of stock. More likely a hospital specific issue.

Use a little imagination --------maybe there are out standing bills resulting in a cut off from supply?

Check with Phuket International or the Mission hospital.

If your sons mother is a Thai lady she has access to the government hospitals




Mmmmmmm VIVID Imagination u have !

Phuket International have vaccines .....but Bangkok Phuket it turns out use Glaxco ....

UPDATED: GSK warns of a possible global shortage of chickenpox vaccines
The U.S. is unaffected because the vaccines are not licensed there
January 28, 2014 | By Eric Palmer

It turns out that Germany will not be the only country facing a shortage of GlaxoSmithKline's ($GSK) chickenpox vaccines. While healthcare providers there have already been given a heads up to prepare for rationing, the company says deliveries worldwide will be affected, although the U.S. is unaffected because the company does not sell the vaccines there.

A GSK spokesman told Reuters today that the company will need to reallocate its 2014 supply of its Varilrix chickenpox vaccine, as well as Priorix-Tetra, a MMRV combo vaccine for measles, mumps, rubella and varicella (chickenpox). Robert Perry, director of external communications for GSK in the U.S. told FiercePharma today that the two vaccines are not licensed in the U.S. Varilix is available in more than 90 countries and Priorix Tetra is available in more than 50 countries. Both vaccines are licensed in Canada, Perry said.

The interruption was attributed to problems at a plant in Belgium. Perry said late last year, GSK uncovered a manufacturing issue that involved some varicella-containing vaccine batches that were not meeting GSK release criteria and standards. "As a pre-cautionary measure, the final release of all varicella-containing vaccine has been put on hold until we complete testing and analysis designed to identify the root cause of the issue," he said.

Read more: UPDATED: GSK warns of a possible global shortage of chickenpox vaccines - FiercePharma http://www.fiercepharma.com/story/gsk-warns-possible-global-shortage-chickenpox-vaccines/2014-01-28#ixzz2wwq3zeX8
Subscribe at FiercePharma

Use a little imagination --------maybe there are out standing bills resulting in a cut off from supply?

Check with Phuket International or the Mission hospital.

If your sons mother is a Thai lady she has access to the government hospitals




They could, of course, have ordered it from a different company given that there are 3 different manufacturers/distributors of the vaccine in Thailand.....

Vaccine supply worldwide is a chronic problem since pharmaceutical companies are reluctant to produce vaccines due to very low profit margin compared to other drugs.


They could, of course, have ordered it from a different company given that there are 3 different manufacturers/distributors of the vaccine in Thailand.....

Vaccine supply worldwide is a chronic problem since pharmaceutical companies are reluctant to produce vaccines due to very low profit margin compared to other drugs.


I went in to Kasemrod Sri Burin Hospital in ChiangRai last week, and I was told by the doctor that they had no combo vaccine for my kid. Also told the other big private hospital, Overbrook, ChiangRai, did not have it. I was also told they were not really sure when they would get it. I worry about even checking at the government hospital, because I've heard tales of mercury in vaccines used as a preservative, in old style or cheap or something or another. Sri Burin told me long ago they have no mercury in ANY of their vaccines. Check net for ill effects in children.


There are two reliable chickenpox vaccines, Varilix by GSK and Okavax by Sanofi Pasteur. The GSK has been out of stock for roughly 6 months and still have no idea (as of 2 weeks ago) when they will be able to supply the vaccine again. The Sanofi outsourced the Okavax production to the Jap company, which decided they do not want to produce for other company anymore, so The Sanofi has no longer chickenpox vaccine in the market.The Jap version is now under production line but not know when it would be coming to Thailand. There is another brand called Varicella vaccine GCC which made by green cross Taiwan/Korea. It is not widely used as the other two and if there is any vaccine offered at any hospital right now, 99% it is the Taiwanese one, another 1 % is the left over GSK product, which is surely shortly expired.

Sent from my iPhone using ThaiVisa app


I went in to Kasemrod Sri Burin Hospital in ChiangRai last week, and I was told by the doctor that they had no combo vaccine for my kid. Also told the other big private hospital, Overbrook, ChiangRai, did not have it. I was also told they were not really sure when they would get it. I worry about even checking at the government hospital, because I've heard tales of mercury in vaccines used as a preservative, in old style or cheap or something or another. Sri Burin told me long ago they have no mercury in ANY of their vaccines. Check net for ill effects in children.

The "mercury" you refer to is thimerosol, which was used in minute quantities in vaccines and never shown to have any harmful effect but in any case, in response to internet-spread hysteria, is no longer used in any and has not been for many years. (Which does not stop the scare-mongering websites form going in about it). So that is a non-issue.

Given that there is only one combo vaccine product in Thailand, and that there are outbreaks of chickenpox in many parts of the country, you would so well to get the vaccines administered separately to your child rather than waiting for the combo to be back in stock.


Indeed ! very strange indeed ! Especially since they've had no stock for 2 months now ...

They could, of course, have ordered it from a different company given that there are 3 different manufacturers/distributors of the vaccine in Thailand.....

Vaccine supply worldwide is a chronic problem since pharmaceutical companies are reluctant to produce vaccines due to very low profit margin compared to other drugs.


"If your sons mother is a Thai lady she has access to the government hospitals"

It's been my experience that everyone has access to government hospitals. Or am I missing something?


everyone has access to government hospitals.

What the poster perhaps meant to day was free access to vaccines at government health facilities.

These may or may not be better supplied, depends on which supplier they use. Govt hospitals in my experience have less flexibility in terms of changing whom they order from than do private, as procurement is centralized and bogged down in bureaucracy.


everyone has access to government hospitals.

What the poster perhaps meant to day was free access to vaccines at government health facilities.

These may or may not be better supplied, depends on which supplier they use. Govt hospitals in my experience have less flexibility in terms of changing whom they order from than do private, as procurement is centralized and bogged down in bureaucracy.

I have been refused fluvax at the Chiangrai Hospital even on a pay for basis as the people administering the needles say it is only for Thai people. My only complaint about the hospital. Sadly the vaccine they use at the private hospital while not out of life is not the one covering the last few outbreaks as it is nearly a year old.

Not good as I am in a vulnerable group.


This is the first time I have heard of such a thing. Possibly their supply is limited?

I think it is more the person who handles the vaccinations has her own view...and no one is willing to change it even though they say I should get it. My only gripe there....the hospital and treatment is excellent and they do care even though they are too busy. Of course there is a solution..get the needle from one of the doctors in her private clinic which seems well stocked with it.

  • 7 months later...

just checked with every major Hospital in CNX.

I was informed that the entire country has been out of stock for months, and none in CNX since last year

expected for a 3rd world country, but shocking none the less


everyone has access to government hospitals.

What the poster perhaps meant to day was free access to vaccines at government health facilities.

These may or may not be better supplied, depends on which supplier they use. Govt hospitals in my experience have less flexibility in terms of changing whom they order from than do private, as procurement is centralized and bogged down in bureaucracy.

I have been refused fluvax at the Chiangrai Hospital even on a pay for basis as the people administering the needles say it is only for Thai people. My only complaint about the hospital. Sadly the vaccine they use at the private hospital while not out of life is not the one covering the last few outbreaks as it is nearly a year old.

Not good as I am in a vulnerable group.

The Flu shot at govt hospitals are free Only for those under universal coverage so they won't give it to you though you willing to pay for it. Chiangrai has quite decent private hospital( not to western standard obviously) I doubt it very much if they offer expired flu shot out or old series which also mean expired technically. You can always check on the sticker or label comes with the vaccine. Unless they don't have one for your age group that's another story.


The taiwanese chickenpox vaccine is expected to be available early 2015, the GSK has problem with contamination on their production line and will not be able to supply chickenpox vaccine throughout 2015 as well as the DTap, DTaP IPV, DTaP IPV HIB and well as DTaP IPV HIB and Hep B.

So I don't think it's a 3rd world country's problem really.



everyone has access to government hospitals.

What the poster perhaps meant to day was free access to vaccines at government health facilities.

These may or may not be better supplied, depends on which supplier they use. Govt hospitals in my experience have less flexibility in terms of changing whom they order from than do private, as procurement is centralized and bogged down in bureaucracy.

I have been refused fluvax at the Chiangrai Hospital even on a pay for basis as the people administering the needles say it is only for Thai people. My only complaint about the hospital. Sadly the vaccine they use at the private hospital while not out of life is not the one covering the last few outbreaks as it is nearly a year old.

Not good as I am in a vulnerable group.

The Flu shot at govt hospitals are free Only for those under universal coverage so they won't give it to you though you willing to pay for it. Chiangrai has quite decent private hospital( not to western standard obviously) I doubt it very much if they offer expired flu shot out or old series which also mean expired technically. You can always check on the sticker or label comes with the vaccine. Unless they don't have one for your age group that's another story.

Sorry Sheryl that is the point. I did check the lable. The vacine was produced 10 months before the private hospital in Chiangrai intended to inject me. I read the lable as I was waiting for the doctor and refused it as it would not have been up to date for the more recent outbreaks. 6 months is my personal limit for that.based on the fact vaccines are produced based on the frequency of outbreaks in the opposite hemisphere. On questioning I was told they had to use the stock before ordering more.

It may be interresting to add that I later recieved a modern up to date vaccine. The government vaccine from a clinic ran by a Government hospital doctor.

  • Like 1

everyone has access to government hospitals.

What the poster perhaps meant to day was free access to vaccines at government health facilities.

These may or may not be better supplied, depends on which supplier they use. Govt hospitals in my experience have less flexibility in terms of changing whom they order from than do private, as procurement is centralized and bogged down in bureaucracy.

I have been refused fluvax at the Chiangrai Hospital even on a pay for basis as the people administering the needles say it is only for Thai people. My only complaint about the hospital. Sadly the vaccine they use at the private hospital while not out of life is not the one covering the last few outbreaks as it is nearly a year old.

Not good as I am in a vulnerable group.

The Flu shot at govt hospitals are free Only for those under universal coverage so they won't give it to you though you willing to pay for it. Chiangrai has quite decent private hospital( not to western standard obviously) I doubt it very much if they offer expired flu shot out or old series which also mean expired technically. You can always check on the sticker or label comes with the vaccine. Unless they don't have one for your age group that's another story.

Sorry Sheryl that is the point. I did check the lable. The vacine was produced 10 months before the private hospital in Chiangrai intended to inject me. I read the lable as I was waiting for the doctor and refused it as it would not have been up to date for the more recent outbreaks. 6 months is my personal limit for that.based on the fact vaccines are produced based on the frequency of outbreaks in the opposite hemisphere. On questioning I was told they had to use the stock before ordering more.

To my understanding the flu vaccine imported to LOS twice a year, during end of May and October, perhaps you were about to get the shot early in October ?

Sometimes the flu strain stay the same, you can check on CDC website.

And may I take the word 'decent' back then. lol

The Flu shot at govt hospitals are free Only for those under universal coverage so they won't give it to you though you willing to pay for it. Chiangrai has quite decent private hospital( not to western standard obviously) I doubt it very much if they offer expired flu shot out or old series which also mean expired technically. You can always check on the sticker or label comes with the vaccine. Unless they don't have one for your age group that's another story.

Sorry Sheryl that is the point. I did check the lable. The vacine was produced 10 months before the private hospital in Chiangrai intended to inject me. I read the lable as I was waiting for the doctor and refused it as it would not have been up to date for the more recent outbreaks. 6 months is my personal limit for that.based on the fact vaccines are produced based on the frequency of outbreaks in the opposite hemisphere. On questioning I was told they had to use the stock before ordering more.

To my understanding the flu vaccine imported to LOS twice a year, during end of May and October, perhaps you were about to get the shot early in October ?

Sometimes the flu strain stay the same, you can check on CDC website.

And may I take the word 'decent' back then. lol

If I had been getting the shot in October I would have by that calculation recieved a dose less than 6months old not 10.


The subject of this thread is supposed to be chicken pox. Why are we talking about flu?

Because Sheryl stated that everyone had access to Government Hospitals and I pointed out that in some cases they did not.

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