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Redshirts in Isaan keep faith with benefactor Thaksin


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And of course telling those Isaan people the unvarnished and economic truth about Thaksin the Saviour and his business sense will not help, will simply not be believed. He stole some money, so what. He gave us some money, that's what counts.

BTW why are those poor still poor?

The same reason why the poor in Bangkok, are still poor probably. In the UK FIVE families own more wealth than the poorest 20% of the population, but they haven't got a Thaksin figure to demonise.

Why don't you bitch about these guys and ask them what they're doing about the poor

Dhanin Chearavanont & family
Chirathivat family
Charoen Sirivadhanabhakdi
Yoovidhya family
Krit Ratanarak
Chamnong Bhirombhakdi & family
Vanich Chaiyawan
Vichai Maleenont & family
Prasert Prasarttong-Osoth

They're not out there claiming to be the saviour of Thailand's poor.

Nor is Thaksin currently. Can you tell me when that claim was last made, and I don't mean the cheap references to it in posts to attract "likes" on this forum ?

"currently"? But he has.

No one else is claiming that these people are saviours of the poor either.

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IMO only, and so they should, yes the government has made some very tragic yet well intentioned policies that have seen then suffer. But suffer and suffering are two completely different words. The suffering that they have endured under Democratic rule is real suffering. Has anyone noticed in recent poles that the people in Issan are the happiest people in all of Thailand, despite their meagre incomes they don't want the materialism of the middle class nor the greed, but seem rather a lot happier following the way of Buddhism in general and sharing what they have. I personally have experienced this happiness and understand their reasoning. Its not like the western governments have not made similar errors.

Sent from my i-mobile i-STYLE 8.2 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

so they should, yes the government has made some very tragic yet well intentioned policies that have seen then suffer.

What you are saying is, though the government is bumbling and inept, what they did was because they have a good heart and in no way were the programs meant to create opportunity for corruption? If you truly believe that, I pity you, as you are a dupe and are now being used as a tool to aid this government's continuing rape of the taxpayers with no long-term benefit to the poor.

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The same reason why the poor in Bangkok, are still poor probably. In the UK FIVE families own more wealth than the poorest 20% of the population, but they haven't got a Thaksin figure to demonise.

Why don't you bitch about these guys and ask them what they're doing about the poor

Dhanin Chearavanont & family
Chirathivat family
Charoen Sirivadhanabhakdi
Yoovidhya family
Krit Ratanarak
Chamnong Bhirombhakdi & family
Vanich Chaiyawan
Vichai Maleenont & family
Prasert Prasarttong-Osoth

They're not out there claiming to be the saviour of Thailand's poor.

Nor is Thaksin currently. Can you tell me when that claim was last made, and I don't mean the cheap references to it in posts to attract "likes" on this forum ?

"currently"? But he has.

No one else is claiming that these people are saviours of the poor either.

We're (well I am) talking about the present time as in the thread.

So nobody is out there claiming to be the saviour of the poor, at the present time, not even Thaksin, as your post implied. Thank you.

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And of course telling those Isaan people the unvarnished and economic truth about Thaksin the Saviour and his business sense will not help, will simply not be believed. He stole some money, so what. He gave us some money, that's what counts.

BTW why are those poor still poor?

The same reason why the poor in Bangkok, are still poor probably. In the UK FIVE families own more wealth than the poorest 20% of the population, but they haven't got a Thaksin figure to demonise.

Why don't you bitch about these guys and ask them what they're doing about the poor

Dhanin Chearavanont & family
Chirathivat family
Charoen Sirivadhanabhakdi
Yoovidhya family
Krit Ratanarak
Chamnong Bhirombhakdi & family
Vanich Chaiyawan
Vichai Maleenont & family
Prasert Prasarttong-Osoth

They're not out there claiming to be the saviour of Thailand's poor.

They also didn't build their empires off government schemes and scams using taxpayer's money. It is well documented how corruptly Thaksin built his 'quick' fortune.

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The same reason why the poor in Bangkok, are still poor probably. In the UK FIVE families own more wealth than the poorest 20% of the population, but they haven't got a Thaksin figure to demonise.

Why don't you bitch about these guys and ask them what they're doing about the poor

Dhanin Chearavanont & family

Chirathivat family

Charoen Sirivadhanabhakdi

Yoovidhya family

Krit Ratanarak

Chamnong Bhirombhakdi & family

Vanich Chaiyawan

Vichai Maleenont & family

Prasert Prasarttong-Osoth

They're not out there claiming to be the saviour of Thailand's poor.

Nor is Thaksin currently. Can you tell me when that claim was last made, and I don't mean the cheap references to it in posts to attract "likes" on this forum ?

"currently"? But he has.

No one else is claiming that these people are saviours of the poor either.

We're (well I am) talking about the present time as in the thread.

So nobody is out there claiming to be the saviour of the poor, at the present time, not even Thaksin, as your post implied. Thank you.

Did you read the OP?

Sent from my phone...

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Whatever you think of Taksin he has given power to Isaan voters.
Before him no Bangkok politician gave them a thought. Now Isaan, thanks to Taksin, has a huge influence
on who wins elections. Politicians from all sides are falling over each other to pump money into the region. Since Mr. T instigated this he is of course well thought of in the region and rightly so.
Because Taksin focused on Issan it has for the past decade been growing economically 3 times as fast as the Bangkok region and the people there know that the democrats/yellows/etc think of them as too ignorant to deserve a vote which they naturally find offensive.
It is not in the least suprising that they still support him whatever his faults.

Judicial and military coups have repeatedly overthrown elected governments and each time try to change the rules under which new govs. are formed. So far none of them have stopped the the people returning pro Taksin Govs. which says a lot for the strength of his support.

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Whatever you think of Taksin he has given power to Isaan voters.

Before him no Bangkok politician gave them a thought. Now Isaan, thanks to Taksin, has a huge influence

on who wins elections. Politicians from all sides are falling over each other to pump money into the region. Since Mr. T instigated this he is of course well thought of in the region and rightly so.

Because Taksin focused on Issan it has for the past decade been growing economically 3 times as fast as the Bangkok region and the people there know that the democrats/yellows/etc think of them as too ignorant to deserve a vote which they naturally find offensive.

It is not in the least suprising that they still support him whatever his faults.

Judicial and military coups have repeatedly overthrown elected governments and each time try to change the rules under which new govs. are formed. So far none of them have stopped the the people returning pro Taksin Govs. which says a lot for the strength of his support.

Thaksin saw that there were votes in Isaan. That is the ONLY reason he ever gave them a second thought.

Sent from my phone...

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And of course telling those Isaan people the unvarnished and economic truth about Thaksin the Saviour and his business sense will not help, will simply not be believed. He stole some money, so what. He gave us some money, that's what counts.

BTW why are those poor still poor?

The same reason why the poor in Bangkok, are still poor probably. In the UK FIVE families own more wealth than the poorest 20% of the population, but they haven't got a Thaksin figure to demonise.

Why don't you bitch about these guys and ask them what they're doing about the poor

Dhanin Chearavanont & family
Chirathivat family
Charoen Sirivadhanabhakdi
Yoovidhya family
Krit Ratanarak
Chamnong Bhirombhakdi & family
Vanich Chaiyawan
Vichai Maleenont & family
Prasert Prasarttong-Osoth

Probably because they are earning their money through business enterprises and not trying to become a dictator.

Not familiar with England have they some one trying to buy a dictatorship?

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And of course telling those Isaan people the unvarnished and economic truth about Thaksin the Saviour and his business sense will not help, will simply not be believed. He stole some money, so what. He gave us some money, that's what counts.

BTW why are those poor still poor?

Because they are easily pleased!

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Ok, with all the comments on Mr T, let us agree that he was the principal beneficiary of his largess, however, the article makes it clear that there is a large social divide in Thailand. Of that there is no doubt. This will be an on going problem for the country, until it changes.

Yes there is how ever this is my opinion and mine only.

It is not as big a problem in reality as the media and politicians make it out to be. Many of the poor are still happy people. Where it gets bad is when politicians and the media come in and tell them that they should not be happy because so and so has a lot more money and possessions than they do.

I am not saying it is not a problem I am just saying that it is not as big as some would have us believe.

There is a large social divide between me and my wife yet we get along very well and have for four years. We each recognize the fact and do not try to change the other. We each have are own friends and some in common.

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Whatever you think of Taksin he has given power to Isaan voters.

Before him no Bangkok politician gave them a thought. Now Isaan, thanks to Taksin, has a huge influence

on who wins elections. Politicians from all sides are falling over each other to pump money into the region. Since Mr. T instigated this he is of course well thought of in the region and rightly so.

Because Taksin focused on Issan it has for the past decade been growing economically 3 times as fast as the Bangkok region and the people there know that the democrats/yellows/etc think of them as too ignorant to deserve a vote which they naturally find offensive.

It is not in the least suprising that they still support him whatever his faults.

Judicial and military coups have repeatedly overthrown elected governments and each time try to change the rules under which new govs. are formed. So far none of them have stopped the the people returning pro Taksin Govs. which says a lot for the strength of his support.

Well that is your opinion and you are welcome to it.

Another opinion could be it says a lot about their lack of knowledge of what is going on.

Or another one could be about their lack of schooling.

Or another one he pay's more for their vote.

Lot's of opinions out there. Perchance a bit of each in his popularity. If he really has any. He has hired thugs to lead the gullible. With out them would he have any support. Even in the red shirts their is a growing number saying he should stay out of politics.

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He is a malefactor, not a benefactor. Benefactor from "to do well" or "a person who confers a benefit" does not fit Thaksin at all. His personal crusade has left redshirts dead and injured, poor and uneducated. They are no better off now than they were before he arrived, in many ways they are worse off because his psychopathology has backed them all into a corner, to the point where they are now talking about fighting against tanks as some kind of solution to what are social, infrastructural and regulatory problems in society.

Thaksin has had the reigns of power for many years, and if he were a true benefactor he would have worked tirelessly to improve the lives of these poor people, and all working Thais. And he would have tried to build peace by encouraging unity not division, seeking consensus with political opponents, as opposed to actively fanning the flames of violent factionalism - from a safe distance.

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We're (well I am) talking about the present time as in the thread.

So nobody is out there claiming to be the saviour of the poor, at the present time, not even Thaksin, as your post implied. Thank you.

Yep, he is, by remote.

Typical coward/bully behavior.

By his very nature, if his name isn't seen in print for a week or so, he will make it so.

There are only two types that follow his scheming now, the gullible, and the bought.

Absolutely correct,but some people are unable or more likely unwilling to see the truth.

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Yeah he's a genius because he effectively took ten times the amount from these fools he ever gave back when he had his price gouging cellphone company. And now they treat him like a king. No wonder some people don't respect the vote in Isaan.

And the people of Isaan carry twice the personal debt as others in the country yet remain poorer. So how are they so much better off with Thaksin? And don't forget it is the working class who will pay the govt debts.

Edited by losworld
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Quote name="rubl" post="7602625" timestamp="1395660586"]

And of course telling those Isaan people the unvarnished and economic truth about Thaksin the Saviour and his business sense will not help, will simply not be believed. He stole some money, so what. He gave us some money, that's what counts.

BTW why are those poor still poor?

Geographical location has a lot to explain on this item where life is hard. Similar to cattle graziers and farmers in parts of Australia. Geography explains a lot, though doesnt explain the same voting trends in Australia where they still vote Liberal/ National party and not labour. Its called life and getting on with it as best one can wink.png Cheer up, if it were that bad they would simply vote differently.

Sent from my i-mobile i-STYLE 8.2 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

"Cheer up, if it were that bad they would simply vote differently."

So, they're satisfied with their lot and condemning their offspring to more of the same? Is that why the offspring treks towards the cities where there are possibilities for those who are willing to work for it?

The youngsters left ages ago. The average age in the villages is rising and rising.

The best thing to be done would be to pay the aged a reasonable pension. Honestly, if a government employee can get a pension and preferred hospital service having produced little of economic value, why can't a farmer.

This whole discussion is about how will the country fund and keep its rural population?

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And of course telling those Isaan people the unvarnished and economic truth about Thaksin the Saviour and his business sense will not help, will simply not be believed. He stole some money, so what. He gave us some money, that's what counts.

BTW why are those poor still poor?

The same reason why the poor in Bangkok, are still poor probably. In the UK FIVE families own more wealth than the poorest 20% of the population, but they haven't got a Thaksin figure to demonise.

Why don't you bitch about these guys and ask them what they're doing about the poor

Dhanin Chearavanont & family
Chirathivat family
Charoen Sirivadhanabhakdi
Yoovidhya family
Krit Ratanarak
Chamnong Bhirombhakdi & family
Vanich Chaiyawan
Vichai Maleenont & family
Prasert Prasarttong-Osoth

Probably because they are earning their money through business enterprises and not trying to become a dictator.

Not familiar with England have they some one trying to buy a dictatorship?

Dhanin Chearavanont & family..........CP group providing Thais with 7-11 service, True TV and Mobile communications.
Chirathivat family...............Central Group (Central & Robinson dept stores where Thai families can shop til they drop.
Charoen Sirivadhanabhakdi ...............Thai Bev Corp. providing happy hours to millions with Chang beer and Sang Som.rum.
Yoovidhya family......................Provide Red Bull to give energy to hard working farmers and others.
Krit Ratanarak...........Bank of Ayuddaya and TV Channel 7 for even more soapy entertainment.
Chamnong Bhirombhakdi & family ......minus young Chitpas of course, providing a better beer Singha for thirsty workers.
Vanich Chaiyawan... Thai Life insurance for future security.
Vichai Maleenont & family........Channel 3 TV & BEC, bringing lots of soaps to the great unwashed.
Prasert Prasarttong-Osoth............Bangkok Airways.....providing get away flights to exotic locations.
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And of course telling those Isaan people the unvarnished and economic truth about Thaksin the Saviour and his business sense will not help, will simply not be believed. He stole some money, so what. He gave us some money, that's what counts.

BTW why are those poor still poor?

The same reason why the poor in Bangkok, are still poor probably. In the UK FIVE families own more wealth than the poorest 20% of the population, but they haven't got a Thaksin figure to demonise.

Why don't you bitch about these guys and ask them what they're doing about the poor

Dhanin Chearavanont & family

Chirathivat family

Charoen Sirivadhanabhakdi

Yoovidhya family

Krit Ratanarak

Chamnong Bhirombhakdi & family

Vanich Chaiyawan

Vichai Maleenont & family

Prasert Prasarttong-Osoth

Probably because they are earning their money through business enterprises and not trying to become a dictator.

Not familiar with England have they some one trying to buy a dictatorship?

Dhanin Chearavanont & family..........CP group providing Thais with 7-11 service, True TV and Mobile communications.

Chirathivat family...............Central Group (Central & Robinson dept stores where Thai families can shop til they drop.

Charoen Sirivadhanabhakdi ...............Thai Bev Corp. providing happy hours to millions with Chang beer and Sang Som.rum.

Yoovidhya family......................Provide Red Bull to give energy to hard working farmers and others.

Krit Ratanarak...........Bank of Ayuddaya and TV Channel 7 for even more soapy entertainment.

Chamnong Bhirombhakdi & family ......minus young Chitpas of course, providing a better beer Singha for thirsty workers.

Vanich Chaiyawan... Thai Life insurance for future security.

Vichai Maleenont & family........Channel 3 TV & BEC, bringing lots of soaps to the great unwashed.

Prasert Prasarttong-Osoth............Bangkok Airways.....providing get away flights to exotic locations.

Noticeable on that they are all.operating in protected or restricted industries for foreigners.

Thaksin used to have a business like that too until post 97 the democrats signed up to liberalise that industry alone.

Funny that. Thaksins first government issued the first new banking licence for decades and lo and behold Sondhi started protesting. Just imagine if Thaksin had a government that liberalised agribusiness, media and banking.

Wouldn't that get some peoples interest. As for the UK, the richest people in the UK aren't operating a government granted oligopoly. Very different .

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As the article says; " It is a rural minority ".

Just wait until the Government owned bank start to reposes because of failure to repay loans encouraged by unsustainable rice prices. Then what happens is that poor farmers become landless labor for hire in their own country.

It will also be interesting to see what additional provisions the banks have made for bad and doubtful debts - another off budget cost of a failed stupid policy.

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A charming little diversionary article.

Seeking to reinforce the notion by unelectables, that they are not unelectable due to their own failings, but because these idiot voters politically, are unidimensional buffalo's. Uneducated dolts who don't appreciate the divine political inspiration that comprises PAD-Dem political awareness.

Attributing a unidimensional Thaksin focus on this electoral majority via an interview with a couple villagers, accompanied by an ingrained belief about educational deficiencies, may feed PAD-Dem arrogance, but is their political grave.

They don't seem to grasp the degree of politicization that has occurred, since the 2006 coup caper deprived these people of the Govt. they selected, which the amart is attempting to repeat now.

Not recognizing this fact, and continuing to be mired in this self-deception, prevents them from politically reforming themselves to the degree that at some point in the foreseeable future, they could become electorally competitive.

Such self-deception is also the impetus behind this self-righteous indignant mantra of 'Reforms before elections"...They just cannot conceive that possessing the political gospel, reform can possibly apply to them. It has to be systemic in their self-important thinking.

Typical jargon as preached by the red biased media. That the "amart" are behind it all. Wonderful strategy by the red shirt amart. They absolutely do not want reform. How else can they plunder this countries resources if reforms are achieved?

I am still impressed at how many young people I see wearing the t-shirt "Reforms before elections". None seemed to be part of the "amart".

Best of luck Thailand. Reforms are drastically needed.

By the by, are these the peace loving red shirts you so strongly support? Hardly democratic:


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Redshirts in Isaan keep faith with benefactor Thaksin

Its no wonder why these people have such labels put on them. I guess one has to assume these people are truly that stupid.

distnorth.gif.gifhow about this region...what label do you put on them........all redshirt regions with a few exceptions.....

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And of course telling those Isaan people the unvarnished and economic truth about Thaksin the Saviour and his business sense will not help, will simply not be believed. He stole some money, so what. He gave us some money, that's what counts.

BTW why are those poor still poor?

...because they lack the education to be rich....that's how Thaksin wants it. It's easy to pay a poor uneducated man to stay dumb.

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They're not out there claiming to be the saviour of Thailand's poor.

Nor is Thaksin currently. Can you tell me when that claim was last made, and I don't mean the cheap references to it in posts to attract "likes" on this forum ?

"currently"? But he has.

No one else is claiming that these people are saviours of the poor either.

We're (well I am) talking about the present time as in the thread.

So nobody is out there claiming to be the saviour of the poor, at the present time, not even Thaksin, as your post implied. Thank you.

but ... but ... but the Yingluck government or should I say the Thaksin ordered around government? Didn't they help the poor with the 300 Baht a day, 800 billion on rice price pledging to help poor farmers.

I guess I have to re-read the statement Ms. Yingluck read out in parliament August 2011. The longl ist of things to do with many "to be handled the first year".

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As the article says; " It is a rural minority ".

Just wait until the Government owned bank start to reposes because of failure to repay loans encouraged by unsustainable rice prices. Then what happens is that poor farmers become landless labor for hire in their own country.

It will also be interesting to see what additional provisions the banks have made for bad and doubtful debts - another off budget cost of a failed stupid policy.

in what could turn out to be the biggest land grab in history the ruling politicos & their cronies will end up with a lot of cheap land courtesy of the banks & I suspect, mainly, loan sharks.

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Nor is Thaksin currently. Can you tell me when that claim was last made, and I don't mean the cheap references to it in posts to attract "likes" on this forum ?

"currently"? But he has.

No one else is claiming that these people are saviours of the poor either.

We're (well I am) talking about the present time as in the thread.

So nobody is out there claiming to be the saviour of the poor, at the present time, not even Thaksin, as your post implied. Thank you.

but ... but ... but the Yingluck government or should I say the Thaksin ordered around government? Didn't they help the poor with the 300 Baht a day, 800 billion on rice price pledging to help poor farmers.

I guess I have to re-read the statement Ms. Yingluck read out in parliament August 2011. The longl ist of things to do with many "to be handled the first year".

" but, but " - a tired debating technique, rubl. You may recognise the next phrase,

Meanwhile, back on the the "Redshirts in Isaan keep faith with benefactor Thaksin" thread

not the

"rubl states that Thaksin is running a puppet government through his sister Yingluck, poor blah blah, minimum wage blah blah, rice price pledging blah blah" thread

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