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Hidden in the civilized Chidlom: Glue-huffing teens


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I know "huffers" are difficult to subdue. Don't use pepper spray as their nostrils are coated with paint and only the eyes are a viable target. Shock zappers are the best weapon to get the gold glazed bastards!

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I know "huffers" are difficult to subdue. Don't use pepper spray as their nostrils are coated with paint and only the eyes are a viable target. Shock zappers are the best weapon to get the gold glazed bastards!

I can only hope that "some" people don't have access to "Shock zappers", sharp objects or electrical outlets.

Truely a bizarro post.

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7-plus billion people on the planet...5 billion plus live in abject poverty. Nothing much I can do about it so I just go on about my life.

Love is not patronizing and charity isn't about pity, it is about love. Charity and love are the same -- with charity you give love, so don't just give money but reach out your hand instead.

― Mother Teresa

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No future, hopless life, glue is cheap and there are plenty of 'Johns' who want little boys.

We forget that many of these kids are the by products of war: Burmese Karen, Cambodian, Lao, etc.

Recommended reading: Tangay: The Setting Sun of RamaYana, by P.Nop

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The government needs to take responsibility for it's citizens and get these kids the help they so desperately need. Someone needs to bring this to the international eyes through media so as to bring shame on the government, then I bet they would act .

Sent from my TR736 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

I do hope this is not a party political point that you make. Remove the definite article and I agree with you: Government needs to take responsibility for it's citizens and get these kids the help they so desperately need. Someone needs to bring this to international eyes through media so as to bring shame on the Thai government, then I bet they would act .

Don't forget though, that this is a city of 10 million people and for a city of its size it has remarkably few social problems like this. Thais are rather better at looking after problem family members than is the case in many Western countries and the numbers of destitute kids - or adults for that matter - is relatively small.

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government is more concern about road safety than his own teenagers .... of course the road safety was a joke but in fact one question only : what about the parents ???

...the parents give the kids the money to go buy the glue so that the kids aren't hanging around the house bothering them....for the parents....out of sight...out of mind. They don't give a 'ship


what gives? Every society has this in every country. Thailand is no different. It is tragic, but what are you going to do....write about it on some chat / website?

Really? If someone called complaining that kids were sniffing glue and threatening people in my city their would be cops there in 10 minutes. They would be put in Juvenal detention if they continued to be a problem and the parents would be held responsible. We don't play that in my country, not this blatant act of aggressiveness.

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Sad, very sad.

It's not so much for the police do anything here.

It's up to social welfare agencies.

But is anybody interested in this country?

Don't know, and haven't seen any social activities.

I disagree, obviously they need help and its very sad but the police have a duty to protect citizens from demanding money with threats and attacks (thankfully the attack was evaded in this case.)

The route cause of the problem is a social issue and help should be available, but the reality is that just because they have this problem doesnt excuse them from committing crime. Perhaps their arrest will lead to some kind if help, not sure but I know the police should not wait until they really do hurt someone or worse.

Very sad scene.

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Sad, very sad.

It's not so much for the police do anything here.

It's up to social welfare agencies.

But is anybody interested in this country?

Don't know, and haven't seen any social activities.

I disagree, obviously they need help and its very sad but the police have a duty to protect citizens from demanding money with threats and attacks (thankfully the attack was evaded in this case.)

The route cause of the problem is a social issue and help should be available, but the reality is that just because they have this problem doesnt excuse them from committing crime. Perhaps their arrest will lead to some kind if help, not sure but I know the police should not wait until they really do hurt someone or worse.

Very sad scene.

One person experienced one incident where aggression was involved. It doesn't do to paint all of them with the same brush.

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Gangs of glue sniffing children roam the streets of Nairobi Kenya and act as petty thieves. So far this does not seem to be widespread in Bangkok .However warning should be taken from this report. lovenut

i saw this in cebu phillipines,i was surrounded be 20 kids aged 4-10,wild and out of control they cornered me and it was little fists of fury clawing and grabbing me,they are very oragnized and as i was told latter work for a pimp who suppies them with paint thinner or glue,and the proceeds from begging go to the pimp.....this is just a form of child trafficking...scum of the earth....i must say,in my 15 years here in thailand i have only seen glue being sniffed 3 times,and those 3 times ,they all tried to hide it...im cebu ,it is out in the open....

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I'm calling bullshit here.

I have run around that area hundreds of times over the past 15 years. I live not too far away, I've run down every klong path and through every slum in that area. Never once have I seen anything that looks remotely like that. There is no gang, there is no glue sniffing. There are people that live in a pretty substandard way but they have food and they have water and are always as happy as any other Thai people you see anywhere. I can't count the number of times I've been asked to stop and drink with the locals, I don't because I'm a runner and not really a drinker but I always smile, say thank you and chat briefly.

This is a complete put on.

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