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Jeeez, how old are YOU? Don't you know that all these cougars have many other "Sponsors" around. It's their BUSINESS to make money out of every stupid foreigner who lost his heart..... Don't worry, try the next!


I am young and handsome...

Coming to Thailand since 2005

I bet i know more about Thailand and their girls then you...

I came to my latest lady since 3 years now...

Living in a rural area , amongst rural people, living between her family and sharing the same happiness or sadness as they are.

About money ? i don't have any, but i do provide them with my knowledge and my skills...

Every person on the world has a history... accept that and believe in the good people existing everywhere, not only in your world...

So to the OP, if you believe then go for it, absorb the experience whether its a good or a bad one, Thailand = do it, don't talk about it...

What kovaltech has forgotten to mention is the number of times he got screwed over or disappointed by people before he found his rural bliss.

Live in the real world OP. The chances are overwhelmingly in the favor of something fishy going on rather than her not her being unable to contact you from a hospital bed. Listen to the advice you've been given. She probably wasn't impressed with a bus trip the Hua Hin or the standard of the hotel and decided to bail. The silent treatment is her way of saving your feelings and avoiding conflict. Move on.


Sorry but i did not forget to mention.

As life is, there is shit everywhere...

But if you want to find a gemstone you have to shovel dirt...

If you are convinced that all Thaigirls are a piece off **** then cary on with your life..

I did find my gemstone coz i was looking for one, and.... i am aware that if i mistreat here that she will leave me. Same as i will leave here if she becomes disrespectful to me.

@ the many posters, yes you are right, shit did happend to you... but shit always happens, learn to live with it.

If the OP is sincere, then he will go look for her, despite the risk getting the lid on his face...

If he believes the bad things only.... well , then better stay between the four walls of your house...

The advice i would give, go for it , but keep the money in the bank.

Hospital bills are almost non existent since they all have a normal insurance that covers any normal case, they just pay 30 Bath/case. She could not take the risk to agree with a special surgery unless she has the money or is sure about the money.

Anyway, he has her name, skype, phone number adres, so not so difficult to find the truth.

Some people offered their help to him, so i do the same, PM me and i will try to contact the nearby to find out whats going on.

If i live my life with a sole believe in bad things, then bad things will happen to me...

If i live my life with the expectation to get good things in return if i am doing good, then i am just a selfish fool.

So just do the utmost good you can and smile...

OP, if you want to find your gemstone, shovel any dirt what is needed, believe me , its worth it...

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In most 1st world countries when you want to quit a job, the silent rule is to give a 2 week notice, but in Thailand they give no notice, just POOF their gone, seems to be the same way in relationships, No Money No Honey, POOF.

Edited by metisdead
Bold font removed.
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Simply stopping contact is exactly what Thais do when they want to break things off. Thai culture is non-confrontational in the extreme and Thais will not directly tell you they want to break up.

So 99%, this is what has happened.

If you are determined to go up to Petchabun, you have been given instructions, but be aware that (1) she may not be there - could be off anyplace (and probably with another man) and (2) If she is there your arrival may not be welcome and it could be most embarassing for all concerned.

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it's not just girls. thai people come and go. one day they have a small business the next day they move to some other changwat 800 km away and disappear. they tend to live much more in the present than most farang. in the end the only people that really matter are family not friends (puan), they have thousands of the latter, people we would call "network" and not friends. they rarely use the term khunrujak (acquaintance) over here.

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Your story remain me of a friend of mine. He did made the trip to her home in Isan. Arrived there at night and get rejected because family is a very serious thing for them and the wallet farang is not permitted there unless he's ready to marry her.

Finally he had to walk on the country side for about 5 km to find a place to spend the night then head back to Bangkok.

Don't fall for this. I guess it's her way to end the relationship. They're good for Sweet talks not for long ones.

Have your trip and enjoy the multiple pleasures of Bangkok!

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the answer is easy,

same like a computer program

100: find a thai girl

200: chat with her online

300: meet her in thailand

400: stay together in hotel.

500: forget to give enough money before go home

600: forget to send every month too much money

700: girl not answer back on message

800: goto 100

and there is almost no other option

if she can show you what is the problem, she can answer the phone also

there not the same as here in Europe, the can chat and all day from the hospital.

or she wants more money from you

or she has has enough of you and not interested in you anymore

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I met a Thai woman (33, I'm 55) on a dating site, 8 months ago. It wasn't a Thai dating site, but we just seemed to "click".

We chatted on Skype everyday for about 3 months, before I flew from Manchester to meet her in Bangkock. We stayed a

couple of nights in Bangkock, before travelling by bus to Hua Hin. We had planned to spend 8 nights in Hua Hin, but after

2 nights, she had to travel home to Phetchabun, because of the death of a "cousin". We met up again 4 days later, in

Bangkock and spent New Year (2014) together, before I flew home.

We were emailing and chatting on Skype everyday, since my return, up untill 9 days ago.

She knows I have booked flights to visit her in mid April, she even told me which hotel to book, in Phetchabun.

But since 9 days, I have had no contact with her, no email or Skype and her phone is on voicemail.

I don't speak any Thai, so would appreciate help in understanding where she lives. Her address is,

7 Ban kock District

City Canton

Phetchabun Province

The address is real, as I've sent her a birthday and Valentines card, which she showed me on Skype.

Can someone please tell me, where do I get a bus to, from Bangkock, I have to know she is ok.

She fell off the back of a pickup truck, and banged her head on the road, a couple of days before I lost contact with her.

She showed me a nasty graze on her elbow and said she also hurt her back. Maybe she is in hospital, I just don't know.

Any help would be appreciated.


To give out a address like this is completely thoughtless, why not give out yourown at the same time....

be grateful she was so nice to stop contact with you... She have found another guy to bet her life on...

So find another love of your life..


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if you feel she's worth it, then follow your guts and go for it.

just take a taxi from the airport to the adress

Its a nice adventure with a nice end if you win the love off your life

At any place in the world, also in Thailand, you'll have the 50/50 rule

Thats more then you can say from the lottery...

again, if you feel for her, then go for her...

Sorry but I think your advise is not good. She may have a husband or new boyfriend there who might not like the idea of him showing up unannounced. Or she may be in Pattaya working in a bar.

The OP has only known this girl for a little while and has only been with her a few days. If by chance she did have an accident and has been in the hospital for a week or longer I think there may be a bigger problem then he should get involved with. Money and time to get everything resolved, if can even get her back to normal, might be more than he wants to put out.

I know he has feelings for this lady but he should face the facts and move on or just wait and see what happens. Don't do anything you may regret later.... I just don't see a winning number here for him ... Time to move on.

Sent from my iPhone using ThaiVisa app

Edited by ttthailand
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Thai people will avoid conflict at all costs. If she has gone quiet, then that is probably her way of telling you the relationship is over. Make your planned trip, send her a message telling her where and when you will be in Thailand, and if she wants to contact or see you, she will. Otherwise, don't waste your time looking for her. Thai addresses are very difficult to find. Come to Thailand with the plan to find a new girl, or better yet, find many new girls. It is not uncommon for a Thai girl to have a few overseas contacts working them all for money, and to see which one will pay the sinsot and buy the gold first.

Your trip to Hua Hin should have been a clue. She was probably not impressed with the travel by bus, then perhaps the hotel was not impressive enough, so after 2 days, she was already ready to end the relationship.

Move on, give her up, there are thousands of Thai girls looking for a good man.

Betting Jim here has it pegged pretty well... Perceptive and succinct.

Also the story about the cousin has to be rubbish, she would have invited you to go, that I'm sure... I would wager a lot of money she went to meet another guy.

Drop her like a hot brick.

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First thing to do - get your face off the forum, assuming that is your own face. Thousands read it - why would you want to be recognisable ? Second - take the great advice on here about NOT chasing her, but once you have a Thai address, send it to her with an invitation for HER to make contact - simple.

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dating on line ?!?!?!?!?!

no time (or money,or looks,or courage ) to do as normal people do?

I can understand on-line dating with a lady from Mars,but that's about it .coffee1.gif

Only dinosaurs don't know that online-dating is now the main way that singles become couples - in the West as well - catch up with history.

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dating on line ?!?!?!?!?!

no time (or money,or looks,or courage ) to do as normal people do?

I can understand on-line dating with a lady from Mars,but that's about it .coffee1.gif

Sorry - meant to say - that for various reasons it IS what 'NORMAL' people now do all over the world. And it can work !

Edited by crazydrummerpauly
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I met a Thai woman (33, I'm 55) on a dating site, 8 months ago. It wasn't a Thai dating site, but we just seemed to "click".

We chatted on Skype everyday for about 3 months, before I flew from Manchester to meet her in Bangkock. We stayed a

couple of nights in Bangkock, before travelling by bus to Hua Hin. We had planned to spend 8 nights in Hua Hin, but after

2 nights, she had to travel home to Phetchabun, because of the death of a "cousin". We met up again 4 days later, in

Bangkock and spent New Year (2014) together, before I flew home.

We were emailing and chatting on Skype everyday, since my return, up untill 9 days ago.

She knows I have booked flights to visit her in mid April, she even told me which hotel to book, in Phetchabun.

But since 9 days, I have had no contact with her, no email or Skype and her phone is on voicemail.

I don't speak any Thai, so would appreciate help in understanding where she lives. Her address is,

7 Ban kock District

City Canton

Phetchabun Province

The address is real, as I've sent her a birthday and Valentines card, which she showed me on Skype.

Can someone please tell me, where do I get a bus to, from Bangkock, I have to know she is ok.

She fell off the back of a pickup truck, and banged her head on the road, a couple of days before I lost contact with her.

She showed me a nasty graze on her elbow and said she also hurt her back. Maybe she is in hospital, I just don't know.

Any help would be appreciated.


I dont know if this guys spelling is completely "out there", but try to find this "address" on Google earth is impossible and doesnt excist

att all. So either I am unable to find it or this guys is just a simple troll...


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Personally I would never meet anyone on an on line dating service, that's not being elitist just old fashioned I guess. I met my wife of eleven years through a mutual friend and so far it has worked out. But then again I was never 'looking for a Thai wife'.

The reason I say that is I know people to have gone down the on line route here and they hardly ever work out. I'm sure there are genuine people on them but it attracts far too many who are not. In this case I would guess the woman has most likely hooked up with someone more 'promising' in which case the OP has had a lucky escape.

The best advice has already been given by crazydrummerpauly..... get in contact and if she blanks you move on.

There are plenty of good women here but don't go looking for one. If it happens it happens.

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Thanks for all the support and advice! I was warned about Thai women, when I told a friend I was becoming involved with a Thai lady.

I will still travel to Thailand in April, as the flights are already booked and paid for. But I'm unsure whether or not to travel north, to try to find her. It may well be a complete waste of time. (and money)

I don't understand why her phone is turned off, it goes straight to voicemail, that means no one else can contact her??

OK, time for me to "man up", whats the district of Bangkock where the best night life is, I'll look for a hotel there and have some fun! I'll send her an email when I'm there, it's up to her then.

Once again, thanks. (and no, I'm not a troll, I have sent cards to that address and she has recieved them. I purposely didn't mention her house number and street name)

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Common ..at 55 you sound so naive....surely her behavior rings alarm bells for you ..even in your native country ... such an unlucky girl ,?? two days after face to face a family member dies suddenly.. !! Then she falls off the back of a pick up... but is able to skype and show damage so unlikely to have a latent hospital requirement... i suspect the reality check when she met you was enough to dissuade her from further congress and the N Year meet confirmed it.... the skyping was habit and she has terminated future contact as your impending arrival draws nearer......

Realistically few girls find 20 + age gaps romantic, but it can lead to greater security, and older men tend to be less demanding and we all look the same.. 40-- 60..... its an easy business !!...they want Jai Dee ( mug ATM ) not Keeniow ( cheap charlie )...

If it walks and looks like a duck.. it will probably go QUACK.....

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Dump her as fast as yesterday's lunch and get on with your life.

Ha!! Dump her??

Sounds like he's the one who got dumped, clear and simple.

However I do agreeing with forgetting her quick and moving on.. they're a dime a dozen in this country if your looking for a thai woman

On a positive note OP, be glad it ended up this way, it could have been worse.. much much worse.

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First learn how to spell "Bangkok."

Sent from my iPhone using Thaivisa Connect Thailand

Instead of being a wise guy why don't you first check the facts using Google Earth and then learn how to spell Ban Khok since it is Ban Khok not Bangkok.

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