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NACC refuses to extend the period for Yingluck to defend herself


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Yingluck calls on NACC to treat her like other politicians

Yingluck said she had only three days for studying 280 pages of documents obtained from the NACC.

Really, I thought she was invited to study the pages almost a month ago, but decided to send a legal team.

Does there ever comes a word of truth out of the mouth of this person ?

Now don't be too harsh on her. It's probably just some miscommunication between Ms. Yingluck and her legal team. With her so active travel scheme in a just dropped election campaign the mail probably had problems catching up with her as well. Furthermore the lettersize was probably too minuscule to read easily causing her foot to hurt again.

BTW I though Ms. Yingluck liked to be treated as PM rather than just any other politician?

Drip drip drip. Care to explain the correlation between lettersize? (I presume you mean font size) and its effect on a torn tendon - otherwise it just seems like yet another childish off topic reference.

Meanwhile, back on topic, the reason Yinglucks legal team have asked for more time was that they had only received 49 pages of evidence to study as of March 20th and had asked for the full report. It looks like they were right to do so, there being an extra 231 pages of evidence in the full report.

One could begin to doubt the alleged independance of the NACC.

DID THE P.M. bother to attend, or was she busy at dump sites and attending Issan Fairs. You wouldn't be in anyway making excuses for her would you ?????

The lack of respect and serious concern over this very important action.

In government in the UK I have had to read this amount of pages in 1 day let alone 1 month.

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Good! The NACC isn't one of her brother's crony organizations like the DSI. She can't extend the date as it suits her.

Yeah ...lolol unlike her chief adversary Kuhn Suthep who just ignores the charges against him and extends his dates by default then surrounds himself with nannies LOLOL...

Isn't she actually doing the same? Refusing to attend, speaking through lawyers, Facebook or minions whilst actively ramp up the activities and recruitment of her private army?

She will also face murder petitions soon too.

Difference - she clings onto power on behalf of her criminal brother. He wants to dislodge her so his backers can take that power.

Two gangs at war - no more, no less.

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Drip drip drip. Care to explain the correlation between lettersize? (I presume you mean font size) and its effect on a torn tendon - otherwise it just seems like yet another childish off topic reference.

Meanwhile, back on topic, the reason Yinglucks legal team have asked for more time was that they had only received 49 pages of evidence to study as of March 20th and had asked for the full report. It looks like they were right to do so, there being an extra 231 pages of evidence in the full report.

One could begin to doubt the alleged independance of the NACC.

DID THE P.M. bother to attend, or was she busy at dump sites and attending Issan Fairs. You wouldn't be in anyway making excuses for her would you ?????

The lack of respect and serious concern over this very important action.

In government in the UK I have had to read this amount of pages in 1 day let alone 1 month.

She was given fair warning by the NACC of the need to attend in person and request all the information against her. She chose not too, They broke the rules and let her lawyers have the info, that only she was entitled too.

She daren't go, She has no clue what's going on or what to say and will just demonstrate she's just a puppet figure once again.

Tharit won't be there this time to create new definitions and make ludicrous rationale like he did with the perjury laws. He's getting up to his arse in charges too,

Edited by Baerboxer
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Yingluck calls on NACC to treat her like other politicians

BANGKOK: -- Caretaker Prime Minister Yingluck Shinawatra Friday called on the National Anti-Corruption Commission to treat her like other politicians, saying she was given too short time to defend herself.

She was charged with malfeasance for allegedly failing to stop corruption in the rice-pledging scheme.

Yingluck said she had only three days for studying 280 pages of documents obtained from the NACC.

The NACC Thursday declined to extend the deadline for Yingluck to defend herself. The NACC asked her to defend herself to the NACC on Monday.

Yingluck said she had yet to consult her lawyers as to whether she would meet the NACC in person to provide an explanation or not.


-- The Nation 2014-03-28

Yeh sure!!!

I bet she doesn't read a single page of this as she wouldn't understand what it was all about!!!

If she had attended the first meeting then she would have had weeks to read it 10 times over as she would have been given the documents at the beginning - running away from these things isn't always a good idea Yingluck as the excuses soon run out!!

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Yingluck calls on NACC to treat her like other politicians

Yingluck said she had only three days for studying 280 pages of documents obtained from the NACC.

Really, I thought she was invited to study the pages almost a month ago, but decided to send a legal team.

Does there ever comes a word of truth out of the mouth of this person ?

Now don't be too harsh on her. It's probably just some miscommunication between Ms. Yingluck and her legal team. With her so active travel scheme in a just dropped election campaign the mail probably had problems catching up with her as well. Furthermore the lettersize was probably too minuscule to read easily causing her foot to hurt again.

BTW I though Ms. Yingluck liked to be treated as PM rather than just any other politician?

Drip drip drip. Care to explain the correlation between lettersize? (I presume you mean font size) and its effect on a torn tendon - otherwise it just seems like yet another childish off topic reference.

Meanwhile, back on topic, the reason Yinglucks legal team have asked for more time was that they had only received 49 pages of evidence to study as of March 20th and had asked for the full report. It looks like they were right to do so, there being an extra 231 pages of evidence in the full report.

One could begin to doubt the alleged independance of the NACC.

And you deliberately don't mention all the details, part of which was a clear message from NACC that if yingluck and her lawyers wanted all the pages they needed to react by a certain date.

They ignored this and expected that they could just do as they please.

Surely a pm should be a role model, including compliance with judicial etc., process and not expecting that there are special / flexible rules for some and not for others.

More support for the need for solid reform.

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Yingluck calls on NACC to treat her like other politicians

Yingluck said she had only three days for studying 280 pages of documents obtained from the NACC.

Really, I thought she was invited to study the pages almost a month ago, but decided to send a legal team.

Does there ever comes a word of truth out of the mouth of this person ?

Now don't be too harsh on her. It's probably just some miscommunication between Ms. Yingluck and her legal team. With her so active travel scheme in a just dropped election campaign the mail probably had problems catching up with her as well. Furthermore the lettersize was probably too minuscule to read easily causing her foot to hurt again.

BTW I though Ms. Yingluck liked to be treated as PM rather than just any other politician?

Drip drip drip. Care to explain the correlation between lettersize? (I presume you mean font size) and its effect on a torn tendon - otherwise it just seems like yet another childish off topic reference.

Meanwhile, back on topic, the reason Yinglucks legal team have asked for more time was that they had only received 49 pages of evidence to study as of March 20th and had asked for the full report. It looks like they were right to do so, there being an extra 231 pages of evidence in the full report.

One could begin to doubt the alleged independance of the NACC.

English is a funny language. Lettersize as in size of letters which some call characters but not those in plays.

Anyway, you're just speculating that the full report contained information really, really important for Ms. Yingluck's legal team to prepare the answer Ms. Yingluck is about to give any day soon now probably. As such your possibly starting feeling of doubt regarding 'alleged independence' seems based on an unproven assumption.

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Drip drip drip. Care to explain the correlation between lettersize? (I presume you mean font size) and its effect on a torn tendon - otherwise it just seems like yet another childish off topic reference.

Meanwhile, back on topic, the reason Yinglucks legal team have asked for more time was that they had only received 49 pages of evidence to study as of March 20th and had asked for the full report. It looks like they were right to do so, there being an extra 231 pages of evidence in the full report.

One could begin to doubt the alleged independance of the NACC.

English is a funny language. Lettersize as in size of letters which some call characters but not those in plays.

Anyway, you're just speculating that the full report contained information really, really important for Ms. Yingluck's legal team to prepare the answer Ms. Yingluck is about to give any day soon now probably. As such your possibly starting feeling of doubt regarding 'alleged independence' seems based on an unproven assumption.

She is facing an allegation that could, if the plan works, lead to her impeachment. You may be used to dealing with less than a full deck but it would be extremely naive of her legal team not to demand all the "evidence" in the report in order that they may counter if they need to.

Feelings of doubt regarding their supposed "independance" is a perfectly rational reaction dealing with any of the agencies lined up against the government. You need only to look at recent decisions and rulings to see which way the wind is blowing.

Edited by fab4
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Drip drip drip. Care to explain the correlation between lettersize? (I presume you mean font size) and its effect on a torn tendon - otherwise it just seems like yet another childish off topic reference.

Meanwhile, back on topic, the reason Yinglucks legal team have asked for more time was that they had only received 49 pages of evidence to study as of March 20th and had asked for the full report. It looks like they were right to do so, there being an extra 231 pages of evidence in the full report.

One could begin to doubt the alleged independance of the NACC.

English is a funny language. Lettersize as in size of letters which some call characters but not those in plays.

Anyway, you're just speculating that the full report contained information really, really important for Ms. Yingluck's legal team to prepare the answer Ms. Yingluck is about to give any day soon now probably. As such your possibly starting feeling of doubt regarding 'alleged independence' seems based on an unproven assumption.

She is facing an allegation that could, if the plan works, lead to her impeachment. You may be used to dealing with less than a full deck but it would be extremely naive of her legal team not to demand all the "evidence" in the report in order that they may counter if they need to.

Feelings of doubt regarding their supposed "independance" is a perfectly rational reaction dealing with any of the agencies lined up against the government. You need only to look at recent decisions and rulings to see which way the wind is blowing.

Has it never occurred to you that she might have committed crimes that she will be found guilty of in the court of law - I always laugh when Thaksin calls his charges politically motivated, simply because they were pointed out by the opposition!!! Not because he didn't do them but because he was found out. What a jerk he is!!!

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Still need an additional 45 days? She had more than one year to ponder on this when the NACC highlighted the possible corruption on this rice pledging scheme. Well, she chose or pretend not to know.

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Still need an additional 45 days? She had more than one year to ponder on this when the NACC highlighted the possible corruption on this rice pledging scheme. Well, she chose or pretend not to know.

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One could begin to doubt the alleged independance of the NACC.

If the NACC brings down Yingluck and her bent and crooked party they are the only department to do good things for Thailand since the coup of 2006.

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NACC had decided not to extend the period for caretaker Prime Minister Yingluck Shinawatra to defend herself

Good! Stalling is a major tactic in legal matters...information and desire to prosecute gets watered down over time...

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Good! The NACC isn't one of her brother's crony organizations like the DSI. She can't extend the date as it suits her.

Yeah ...lolol unlike her chief adversary Kuhn Suthep who just ignores the charges against him and extends his dates by default then surrounds himself with nannies LOLOL...

This topic is about the NACC refusing to extend the period for Yingluck to defend herself, or did you not bother to read the op, or even the heading ?

Your lame and boring comments regarding Suthep (every time you post a comment) have only done one thing - made it really easy for us to work you out. We have done that already so how about keeping your stupid comments about Suthep to yourself and save them up for a topic devoted to your arch enemy ?

Yes it would but you have to consider he is backing a dead horse and is to proud to admit it. So give him a little slack.

No .... I am not backing anyone but the Thai People... None of the Circus acts none of your elixir-sellers.. snake-oil specialists ...none of the Acts that PT Barnum has brought to Bangkok for 5 months.. I don't need slack from a slacker who feels more self righteous by criticizing the posters here than actually doing a little more historical research before yappin out...LOL... I have no dog in this race... but I just like the rest of the TV posters do from time to time comment on what is posted here by Admin... and the fervor it causes..and continue to be amused at those who feel superior... good luck to you ! Hope ya get what ya want out of all of this... But I hasten to add backing your dead horse (Suthep) is sheer folly

Edited by DirtFarmer
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Good! The NACC isn't one of her brother's crony organizations like the DSI. She can't extend the date as it suits her.

Yeah ...lolol unlike her chief adversary Kuhn Suthep who just ignores the charges against him and extends his dates by default then surrounds himself with nannies LOLOL...

This topic is about the NACC refusing to extend the period for Yingluck to defend herself, or did you not bother to read the op, or even the heading ?

Your lame and boring comments regarding Suthep (every time you post a comment) have only done one thing - made it really easy for us to work you out. We have done that already so how about keeping your stupid comments about Suthep to yourself and save them up for a topic devoted to your arch enemy ?

Like I said before I have no dog in this race... you draw whatever narrow minded conclusions as you like.... your self righteousness is noted

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It doesn't mean a thing. Change the name of the party. Have another round of corrupted elections (e.g. paying money and adjusting the constituencies) and the New Party of the Sae Khu clan is in charge. We have had PPP, TRT and now Phue Thai. The reason Suthep is protesting is that he got tired of WINNING in court and then the Sae Khu clan starting under another name with different puppets.

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judicial coup 3 - 2 - 1

Really Moonoa? Judicial coup?

PM's lawyer confident of her innocence in rice graft charges

Posted 2014-02-28 12:37:26

Norawich Lalaeng, one of the lawyers, said the legal team had been authorized to hear the NACC's charges on her behalf and to testify or submit a statement and evidence in her defence.

According to him, the team is confident that participating farmers have benefited from the program and that their depositions will clear her name.

He elaborated that the team would be able to produce a rebuttal to the charges within 15 days. http://www.thaivisa.com/forum/topic/707591-yinglucks-lawyer-confident-of-her-innocence-in-rice-graft-charges/

According to him, the team is confident that participating farmers have benefited from the program and that their depositions will clear her name.

Families no long have a father as he commits suicide under the fanancial pain

Please explain how this family benifited

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Still need an additional 45 days? She had more than one year to ponder on this when the NACC highlighted the possible corruption on this rice pledging scheme. Well, she chose or pretend not to know.

Wait this is all part of her plan

You will see soon she will drag the case out until she is out of time

Then she we she will start crying to the country she never had the time to defend herself

The intention of this is to stir up the red shits

Why should she plead guilty to any thing, as she is the PM

and she can always stir her thugs into fighting for her

He brother has taught her well

Use the people to pay for your wrong doings

get them really mad and they will die for you, then you can blame those who accuse you, of murder

The PM is the top of the pyramid

Cut off the head and the pyramid of corruption will start to collapse

The only thing that can stop corruption, is the risk if you get caught

you will loose the lot you gained plus more

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Of course they won't extend the time for Miss Y.

The PM's impeachment must be timed to match the period where there are no elected senators and the legitimate speaker of the senate is still sidelined.

This is what the yellows refer to as Absolute Democracy, a system for selecting a PM in which not a single elected representative of the people is involved.

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Of course they won't extend the time for Miss Y.

The PM's impeachment must be timed to match the period where there are no elected senators and the legitimate speaker of the senate is still sidelined.

This is what the yellows refer to as Absolute Democracy, a system for selecting a PM in which not a single elected representative of the people is involved.

So it is the Democrats who are running the show, not the PTP ?

Please explain to me, if this is the case, why the heck all these anti-government / anti-Yingluck protests have been happening in Bangkok, if indeed the Democrats are already in power.

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No .... I am not backing anyone but the Thai People... None of the Circus acts none of your elixir-sellers.. snake-oil specialists ...none of the Acts that PT Barnum has brought to Bangkok for 5 months.. I don't need slack from a slacker who feels more self righteous by criticizing the posters here than actually doing a little more historical research before yappin out...LOL... I have no dog in this race... but I just like the rest of the TV posters do from time to time comment on what is posted here by Admin... and the fervor it causes..and continue to be amused at those who feel superior... good luck to you ! Hope ya get what ya want out of all of this... But I hasten to add backing your dead horse (Suthep) is sheer folly

I have done some historical research and found that most of the political parties who have been overthrown in coups around the world had something in common, mostly they deserved it, and it was the only practical way to remove them for the good of the people.

As does the pack of well dressed crims who are the PTP.

Free and fair elections does not equate to democracy, as elections can be rigged, votes bought, voters lied to and bribed. And once the criminal organization are in power they change the laws to keep themselves there, and use the peoples' money to buy their way to extended time in power.

Your intense hatred of Suthep has clouded your judgement, and you seem to think that all us who are anti-government are Suthep lovers. As usual you are wrong as anyone who has read ant of your comments would know.

Don't know where you are getting your information from but if I were you I would start looking further afield.

.............."but I just like the rest of the TV posters do from time to time comment on what is posted here by Admin..."...........................

Really ? All you ever do is crap on about Suthem and the Democrats, yellows etc. Do you honestly believe that by making them look bad it will make the PTP look good ?

If you really were backing the Thai people you would be anti-government, not anti-Suthep.

Like you I believe..I am farang so backing anybody here is a paper tiger...my arch enemies are arrogance, self righteousness, contempt and stupidity from lack of knowledge that is available to all... a perspective from a much more neutral place than you could ever imagine...if you refuse to step back and look at all the aspects of what this specious power play is about ( which we cannot discuss here) all the players... all the back room capitalists the ones you apparently have no clue about... or haven't discovered yet or purely choose to ignore..( your prerogative) ...not democratic at all... and see how incestuous this lot is perhaps you might not be backing a two-bit con man with only one interest... the destruction of the peoples right to choose and the ushering in of the old school sugar daddies/...../ I have a Thai son here and I am completely eyes open when it comes to the future that awaits him here... what do I teach him...Hey son be sure and pick the right mob when you choose.....? naw not likely.. I would much rather be able to encourage him to educate... liberate and pursue dreams in a more conventional manner though I realize that may not be possible...so you see the filter which I use is far less blinkered that yours...to each his own ...don't presume to know or characterize my commitment to my family's future here...and I can't make the Dems and Kuhn Suthep look bad.. I have no voice in that..and they have done a masterful job of it all on their own....I don't pull their strings nor expose their fallacies...they do that all by themselves...

Edited by DirtFarmer
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Of course they won't extend the time for Miss Y.

The PM's impeachment must be timed to match the period where there are no elected senators and the legitimate speaker of the senate is still sidelined.

This is what the yellows refer to as Absolute Democracy, a system for selecting a PM in which not a single elected representative of the people is involved.

You need to question why they are being impeached, why they are/will not be in their positions any more in the future!!

If they did the work honestly and represented the people as they were elected to do, they would be beavering away at their desks improving the lot of the people and not enriching themselves illegally off the back of the self same voters who were bribed and promised unrealistic benefits that have devastated Thailand. To make matters worse, it has been at the expense and to the detriment to those who put them there!!!!

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Like you I believe..I am farang so backing anybody here is a paper tiger...my arch enemies are arrogance, self righteousness, contempt and stupidity from lack of knowledge that is available to all... a perspective from a much more neutral place than you could ever imagine...if you refuse to step back and look at all the aspects of what this specious power play is about ( which we cannot discuss here) all the players... all the back room capitalists the ones you apparently have no clue about... or haven't discovered yet or purely choose to ignore..( your prerogative) ...not democratic at all... and see how incestuous this lot is perhaps you might not be backing a two-bit con man with only one interest... the destruction of the peoples right to choose and the ushering in of the old school sugar daddies/...../ I have a Thai son here and I am completely eyes open when it comes to the future that awaits him here... what do I teach him...Hey son be sure and pick the right mob when you choose.....? naw not likely.. I would much rather be able to encourage him to educate... liberate and pursue dreams in a more conventional manner though I realize that may not be possible...so you see the filter which I use is far less blinkered that yours...to each his own ...don't presume to know or characterize my commitment to my family's future here...and I can't make the Dems and Kuhn Suthep look bad.. I have no voice in that..and they have done a masterful job of it all on their own....I don't pull their strings nor expose their fallacies...they do that all by themselves...

Dirty, you and fabio should hook up, you would make a lovely couple. clap2.gif

Such intelligence and comedy here... ( not) never mind mindless one... enjoy your life and your drivel and continue to fire away ... you have no more audience here wish you everything you deserve :)

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Of course they won't extend the time for Miss Y.

The PM's impeachment must be timed to match the period where there are no elected senators and the legitimate speaker of the senate is still sidelined.

This is what the yellows refer to as Absolute Democracy, a system for selecting a PM in which not a single elected representative of the people is involved.

You need to question why they are being impeached, why they are/will not be in their positions any more in the future!!

If they did the work honestly and represented the people as they were elected to do, they would be beavering away at their desks improving the lot of the people and not enriching themselves illegally off the back of the self same voters who were bribed and promised unrealistic benefits that have devastated Thailand. To make matters worse, it has been at the expense and to the detriment to those who put them there!!!!

It's quite clear why PTP politicians are being impeached.

The butchering of the 1997 constitution has created a system whereby a small unelected few exercise unjust control over what are meant to be independent bodies to serve their own selfish and undemocratic purposes.

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Of course they won't extend the time for Miss Y.

The PM's impeachment must be timed to match the period where there are no elected senators and the legitimate speaker of the senate is still sidelined.

This is what the yellows refer to as Absolute Democracy, a system for selecting a PM in which not a single elected representative of the people is involved.

You need to question why they are being impeached, why they are/will not be in their positions any more in the future!!

If they did the work honestly and represented the people as they were elected to do, they would be beavering away at their desks improving the lot of the people and not enriching themselves illegally off the back of the self same voters who were bribed and promised unrealistic benefits that have devastated Thailand. To make matters worse, it has been at the expense and to the detriment to those who put them there!!!!

It's quite clear why PTP politicians are being impeached.

The butchering of the 1997 constitution has created a system whereby a small unelected few exercise unjust control over what are meant to be independent bodies to serve their own selfish and undemocratic purposes.

I agree with your first line,

It's quite clear why PTP politicians are being impeached.

After that you just shovel your normal BS.

Sent from my iPad using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

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Of course they won't extend the time for Miss Y.

The PM's impeachment must be timed to match the period where there are no elected senators and the legitimate speaker of the senate is still sidelined.

This is what the yellows refer to as Absolute Democracy, a system for selecting a PM in which not a single elected representative of the people is involved.

You need to question why they are being impeached, why they are/will not be in their positions any more in the future!!

If they did the work honestly and represented the people as they were elected to do, they would be beavering away at their desks improving the lot of the people and not enriching themselves illegally off the back of the self same voters who were bribed and promised unrealistic benefits that have devastated Thailand. To make matters worse, it has been at the expense and to the detriment to those who put them there!!!!

It's quite clear why PTP politicians are being impeached.

The butchering of the 1997 constitution has created a system whereby a small unelected few exercise unjust control over what are meant to be independent bodies to serve their own selfish and undemocratic purposes.

the thai people voted to have it "butchered".

Sent from my iPhone using ThaiVisa app

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