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How to find out the real age of a Thai woman?


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My sister is 33 yet she looks younger than me (I'm 25 by the way). It's commom for Thai woman to lie about age, I'm sure if or when your relationship gets serious she'll openly tell you the truth..... Until then does it really matter???? Chok Dee :)

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I rather have a pristine 35 year old immaculate e-type jaguar with low milege than a 20 year old Ford with high milege and the back end falling off it!

A true romantic. Your girlfriend is a VERY lucky lady......

Edited by kirstymelb101
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Tell her you want to apply for a thai driving license and ask to see what one looks like. It will show her date of birth.

However, if you are an old dude and you are concerned she looks older than you first thought, i would say dont bother with the date of birth thing and instead take a long good look in the mirror and await a reality check.

The incongruence you mention is a recurring theme in your posts . . . . . I concur 100%.

The number of times I have been in conversation with Westerners and the discussion has our taste in women I am always amused by what they put up there as their ideal female spec and their distaste for anything short of that.

Lets leave out for the moment the thirty-something guys that show up here to work on their Muay Thai or to seriously train in martial arts, or the forty something brothel hound who looks like George Clooney let's look at what's left.

They are the majority.

Typically, this guy will be anywhere from his mid forties to his late sixties before the reality ever sets in.

He'll be probably be balding, have some significant dental issues (missing teeth or advanced gun disease) paunchy and generally out of shape. He may well be obese. Not just a couple of spare tires but obese.

He may be short in stature as well and have some kind of physical handicap. He may also have incredibly poor grooming habits, ear-hair, nose-hair, and a physiognomy resembling a gargoyle or at best a cartoon character in the flesh. Elmer Fudd, Ichabod Crane, Homer Simpson, and various character actors like Steve Buscemi, Gomer Pile, and Ozzy Osborne come to mind.

Then there's the personal style line he may have already crossed: change one's freshly-ironed shirt once a day or just rotate from a collection of T-shirts and the multi-pocketed cargo shorts and sandals.

He may or may not fancy himself in jeans or tailored trousers and shirts. But the cut-off point between vacation style "convenience" and pride in appearance plays out across the board.

He may be an alcoholic or an argumentative, even violent drunk addicted to prescription Pharma or tobacco.

His Thai language skills if any are rudimentary.

His English ain't no BBS/CNN doco either.

I have found an inverse correlation between the Miss Thailand appearance this guy demands from prospective paramours to his own personal presentation.

The uglier the guy, the more exacting and stereotypical his beauty requirements will likely be.

He'll go on for hours about what he expects in terms of a woman's appearance, her behaviour and demeanour. He selects from website galleries, go-go bar squads and available women on this basis. And he'll shamelessly ogle office workers, nurses and students in public as they go about their business and make loud public comments as to their suitability and their eligibility as sex partners.

When he DOES get congruency, his pride of ownership is short-lived. And it's back to TV or the agony aunt site with a tale of woe and "she done me wrong".

Typically the guy uses prostitutes.

His unrealistic expectations stem from being a consumer of services for hire in which both he and the woman can hold on for their respective tolerance periods. He rarely has the cash to support his expensive hobby so he learns to talk a good game.

Nothing can detract from his sad reality.

"Sometimes, 'fuggedabowdit' just means fuggedabowdit. . . . "

Wow..thats a powerful post, and left me slack jawed! (sorry, my reply is a bit long winded. If you can be bothered to read it..maybe best if you skim read it!)

"The uglier the guy, the more exacting and stereotypical his beauty requirements will likely be." < this is interesting too, because ive witnessed some of that. I know a western man here who isnt particularly attractive (he looks rough and a bit lary for the average women imo), he also has a mild disability. His wife was plucked from a bar, is quite a lot younger and is about as much fun to be around as watching paint dry. Shes a barbie, except she has now had so many surgical proceedures, that she has turned her natural beauty into something weird. She actually now looks older. Waaay too large breast implants, nose implant, cheek implants and eyelids done (giving her eyes a strage just woke up puffy look to them when she does put her make up and eyelashes on). With botox too, her face just looks expressionless and souless. All because he wants her to look more barbie-like and she knows full well that if he loses physical appeal with her, he will drop her like a hot potato. Of course he cheats too, for sure she likely knows that, but he hasnt left her for anyone (and so will likely remain unless she becomes unattractive in his eyes). His best friend is a lovely guy, has been married to his thai wife for years, and they are similarly aged and match each other in looks. Shes a tough cookie and smart. They lived in the US, and moved back to Thailand for an easier life. She was hurt in an accident a while back that deformed her look slightly. The guy with the barbie wife asked the nice guy (in all seriousness) if he was going to leave her. THe nice guy looked in confusion and asked why would he do that? Barbie wife guy said he could get himself another one easily, rather than having to deal with how his wife looks. The nice guy isnt barbie guys friend anymore..

Nice guy is happy with his wife of substance..and doesnt treat her any differently.

Of course attractive guys can be dicks too, but in general in Thailand i notice the attractive or average looking guys have less ego about them, or a need to be rude or arrogant. I supposed they have been used to positive female interactions most of their lives, so dont suddenly turn into puffed up egotists in Thailand. HOwever, the guys who people may deem as less attractive suddenly change into massive jerks because they have attention here than they never had before, and goes right to their heads (both of them).

..and, attractiveness doesnt necessarily mean great looking. Attractiveness is about how well someone takes care of themselves and their persona etc.

That would explain a lot.

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<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

If you like her, what the hell difference does it make?

Gee,is she worried about how old YOU ARE?

My wife is 58 and very proud of it. I'm proud of it too because she looks about 40. We "Falang" do seem to have some dumb-values when it comes to peoples ages.

Well said. Mine is 37, but looks my age (27). She is more beautiful than any 18 year-old girlfriend i ever had in my life or any other woman i ever came into contact with in any part of the world.

Not to mention, she is a real good catch from every other aspect (good mother to our daughter, good cook, good with money, very pleasant natured..etc etc...the list goes on...I'm a very lucky guy).

I think guys get a bit over concerned with age here simply because they know, in this country, they can choose almost any age they want (unlike their home countries). And many of them stay here specifically because of that.

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When you're a paying customer, how old and/or unattractive you are has nothing at all to do with what you should expect or demand from the service provider.

It's just a matter of the price you're willing to pay, we older/uglier guys have to pay more than the young & hansum fellas, and don't even consider trying to attract the ones we want without explicitly paying for play.

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When you're a paying customer, how old and/or unattractive you are has nothing at all to do with what you should expect or demand from the service provider.

It's just a matter of the price you're willing to pay, we older/uglier guys have to pay more than the young & hansum fellas, and don't even consider trying to attract the ones we want without explicitly paying for play.

Can't agree with that.

There is always an element of engagement.

If there isn't, the service will be perfunctory at best and really you have no business closing a deal with her.

Seduce the trollop. Make her laugh. Charm her if you can.

You'll get more bang for your buck.

And remember if she really does deliver a memorable session . . . . . tip her another fiver after you pay her.

You'll stay handsome and charming and engaging right into your seventies ;-)

"Sometimes, 'fuggedabowdit' just means fuggedabowdit. . . . "

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Perhaps you misunderstood, I wasn't advising how to get good value for money, I doubt many here are more proficient in that than myself 8-)

I was simply addressing the attitudes expressed above that a fat old ugly guy having very high standards for youth and beauty is somehow ironic. That may well be true when he's still trying to "play the game" as approved by straight society, but as soon as he becomes a paying customer of the sex industry, even those grey areas so prevalent here, then all that goes out the window, as long as he's willing to pay the price he'll be able to get what he's looking for.

Sure the less attractive and more obnoxious he is about it the more he'll have to pay and the poorer the value he'll get for it. . .

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Going into someone's private stuff to pry into their personal/private information without their permission is IMO barely a small step away from stealing, perhaps even worse than say taking some change for the parking meter without telling them.

There are lies and there are lies. Would you answer truthfully if you thought a dress made your GF look fat, or if you didn't like the present your kid bought you? Women's age is traditionally one of those topics, used to be rude to even inquire about the topic, as much as her asking you your salary.

Of course a lot of such etiquette has gone out the window - witness my even needing to explain these issues.

So if it really is important to you - and I agree with those who question why that would be so - then just come out and ask to see her ID card, say you want to verify with objective evidence, and if you see she was "lying" just laugh it off and reassure her it doesn't actually matter, even if it does to you (which IMO it shouldn't either).

Really shouldn't be a big deal, and if anything helps establish the fact that you are the man and in charge, she's lucky to get you not vice-versa.

Anyone may lie about age, but if they are, it becomes obvious based on their actions and dress

I find only women over 40 lie,

and women approaching 40 honest, and very nervous about approaching 40.

that said, the girl I was with told me she was 27 at first, but I didnt believe her, so she later told me 32 and another day later, after she trusted me, her real name.

they also have nicknames, pet names, childhood names, you have to ask the actual given name by the mother, as they can call themselves w/e they want, and do.

I have seen thai on thai use names of fondness

but if a female refuses to show her ID and her age, she is lying, period.

Edited by Scarpolo
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Perhaps you misunderstood, I wasn't advising how to get good value for money, I doubt many here are more proficient in that than myself 8-)

I was simply addressing the attitudes expressed above that a fat old ugly guy having very high standards for youth and beauty is somehow ironic. That may well be true when he's still trying to "play the game" as approved by straight society, but as soon as he becomes a paying customer of the sex industry, even those grey areas so prevalent here, then all that goes out the window, as long as he's willing to pay the price he'll be able to get what he's looking for.

Sure the less attractive and more obnoxious he is about it the more he'll have to pay and the poorer the value he'll get for it. . .

Hmmmm. I guess I've been doing it all wrong for all these years.

Let's see then:

So upon entering the brothel, those of us so afflicted (fat, ugly, old, bald etc) have only to draw from some Milton Freidman-esque market paradigm and simply demand delivery of that for which we paid.

Applying the rather flat "packaged goods" model to the engagement of a service provider, especially such an intimate service is a mistake. There must be engagement. The purchaser can engage by laying out a big whack of cash and then take his chances. Personally, I have had a much higher degree of satisfaction and service by engaging the service-provider as completely as possible and then laying out the cash.

In a perfect world the well-conceived and executed transaction the payment for service should almost appear as a thoughtful gesture or a gift.

Never really happens that way but you can bet that a skilled provider will work and act out just as diligently (on the short term) to "engage" as her client will.


On the way out, the wai, the smile, the kiss on the cheek is always preferable to the ashtray through the TV screen.

"Sometimes, 'fuggedabowdit' just means fuggedabowdit. . . . "

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You do have a unique way of trying to communicate.

Wasn't talking about brothels, just the normal farang/TG setup, which so many here lump in with all sorts of P4P.

Obviously getting good value for money service, short or long time, requires giving respect and attentive consideration.

Again, I was just responding to people mocking our desire for hotties that would otherwise be unavailable, noting that putting it on a financial footing makes it entirely realistic.

What *I* don't get are the guys that pay for decidedly UNattractive older SOs. . .

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another day later, after she trusted me, her real name.

they also have nicknames, pet names, childhood names, you have to ask the actual given name by the mother, as they can call themselves w/e they want, and do.

I have seen thai on thai use names of fondness

The nickname "chue len" is their real name socially, the formal first name just like the family name is only used for government and other bureaucratic contexts.

And yes they regularly change it, under the advice of a monk or fortune teller, when they want to change their luck, the direction of their lives.

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There is a Buddha in a different posture for each day of the week.

That's how they know what day of the week they were born on (if not the year).Their parent(s) will show them at the temple for coin offerings.

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Tell her you want to apply for a thai driving license and ask to see what one looks like. It will show her date of birth.

However, if you are an old dude and you are concerned she looks older than you first thought, i would say dont bother with the date of birth thing and instead take a long good look in the mirror and await a reality check.

The incongruence you mention is a recurring theme in your posts . . . . . I concur 100%.

The number of times I have been in conversation with Westerners and the discussion has our taste in women I am always amused by what they put up there as their ideal female spec and their distaste for anything short of that.

Lets leave out for the moment the thirty-something guys that show up here to work on their Muay Thai or to seriously train in martial arts, or the forty something brothel hound who looks like George Clooney let's look at what's left.

They are the majority.

Typically, this guy will be anywhere from his mid forties to his late sixties before the reality ever sets in.

He'll be probably be balding, have some significant dental issues (missing teeth or advanced gun disease) paunchy and generally out of shape. He may well be obese. Not just a couple of spare tires but obese.

He may be short in stature as well and have some kind of physical handicap. He may also have incredibly poor grooming habits, ear-hair, nose-hair, and a physiognomy resembling a gargoyle or at best a cartoon character in the flesh. Elmer Fudd, Ichabod Crane, Homer Simpson, and various character actors like Steve Buscemi, Gomer Pile, and Ozzy Osborne come to mind.

Then there's the personal style line he may have already crossed: change one's freshly-ironed shirt once a day or just rotate from a collection of T-shirts and the multi-pocketed cargo shorts and sandals.

He may or may not fancy himself in jeans or tailored trousers and shirts. But the cut-off point between vacation style "convenience" and pride in appearance plays out across the board.

He may be an alcoholic or an argumentative, even violent drunk addicted to prescription Pharma or tobacco.

His Thai language skills if any are rudimentary.

His English ain't no BBS/CNN doco either.

I have found an inverse correlation between the Miss Thailand appearance this guy demands from prospective paramours to his own personal presentation.

The uglier the guy, the more exacting and stereotypical his beauty requirements will likely be.

He'll go on for hours about what he expects in terms of a woman's appearance, her behaviour and demeanour. He selects from website galleries, go-go bar squads and available women on this basis. And he'll shamelessly ogle office workers, nurses and students in public as they go about their business and make loud public comments as to their suitability and their eligibility as sex partners.

When he DOES get congruency, his pride of ownership is short-lived. And it's back to TV or the agony aunt site with a tale of woe and "she done me wrong".

Typically the guy uses prostitutes.

His unrealistic expectations stem from being a consumer of services for hire in which both he and the woman can hold on for their respective tolerance periods. He rarely has the cash to support his expensive hobby so he learns to talk a good game.

Nothing can detract from his sad reality.

"Sometimes, 'fuggedabowdit' just means fuggedabowdit. . . . "

Honestly... I think this post is the best post, I have ever read on ANY forum regarding Thailand.

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Well, if she looks 35, then you might need to add a few years to get the right age :-) She is properly around 40 or more. My girlfriend looks about 10 years younger than she is.

But really, why care about her age? My girlfriend is 42 and only one year younger than me. I realize that when compared to many other couples I see walking around, then I should be walking around with someone no more than 18-20 years old to really fit in. My problem is that, I just could not imagine being with someone that age.

What the hell would there be talk about? - and I am sure her lack of life-experience would drive me nuts. Besides that, I would just feel strange being with someone much younger than me. I would also constantly be asking myself..."Why does this 20-25 year old girl want to be with someone as old as me?". And the only answer I would be able to come up with would be "MONEY"!

I don't look that bad, but I doubt many 20 year old girls would find me super attractive (unless they were blind). But that is just how I feel. Yesterday, I saw a over 70 year old extremely ugly guy walking in the shopping mall with this 25 year old super sexy girlfriend. Only made me and quite a few others in the mall stare and want to puke... But he did not seem to mind and she seemed happy for the things he was buying for her. So good for them. But I just personally would feel very strange. I also just find women over 35 much more attractive that younger women, but again that is just how I am.

I think if she turns out to be older than 27, then you should consider yourself lucky. You will get someone who is ready for a real relationship and who has some life-experience. But of course, if you are 18 years old yourself and looking for a sexy young party girl, then thats another case.

Edited by khunpa
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If you like her, what the hell difference does it make?

It makes a lot of difference, if someone is lying to you from the beginning of a relationship, their probably going to continue with lying and deceipt.

Some people can take fabrications of the truth lightly, some others get rid of liars as soon as they find out that they are being deceived, me personally, I would get rid of a liar at the first opportunity.....

From your post it seems to me that if you liked a woman you would forgive deceipt and lies, well IMHO you sound like a Fool in Paradise and if you have ever been to Thailand I hope you soon find out the error of your ways..

Just my opinion of course.

Surely, you would forgive her, if she came clean within the first day or two of actually believing she will see you again, and it may become more than just casual, no?

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Going into someone's private stuff to pry into their personal/private information without their permission is IMO barely a small step away from stealing, perhaps even worse than say taking some change for the parking meter without telling them.

There are lies and there are lies. Would you answer truthfully if you thought a dress made your GF look fat, or if you didn't like the present your kid bought you? Women's age is traditionally one of those topics, used to be rude to even inquire about the topic, as much as her asking you your salary.

Of course a lot of such etiquette has gone out the window - witness my even needing to explain these issues.

So if it really is important to you - and I agree with those who question why that would be so - then just come out and ask to see her ID card, say you want to verify with objective evidence, and if you see she was "lying" just laugh it off and reassure her it doesn't actually matter, even if it does to you (which IMO it shouldn't either).

Really shouldn't be a big deal, and if anything helps establish the fact that you are the man and in charge, she's lucky to get you not vice-versa.

Several times, when I asked to use the girls phone, she pointed to her bag, and expected me to open it and get it myself,

I dont use cell phones anymore, and we used hers repeatedly to translate words,

Without fail, I always handed her the bag, and refused to open it.

Females have to have safe places, and a handbag, is surely attached to them most of the time,

Showing them you respect their closed drawers, is important, even if it doesnt appear so at the time

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Easy enough - just use your eyes.

20-25 naturally cute in a puppy kind of way - silly things like rabbit covers on their iphone

25-30 start experimenting with make-up - hoping they will attract the man of their dreams

30-35 full on hair colouring, lashes, too much make-up trying to reset the clock, iphones have gone from rabbits to fake jewels and other assorted glittery attraction

35-40 given up trying - and don't really care either what people think. Sometime opt for the short butchy style haircut and start reading books on meditation - trips to burma

older than that, don't ask me.


once they cut their hair, it's over, they have given up, and are slightly dangerous, to you.

they will automatically atttract butch lesbians, and you may find yourself in an alley

girls that cut their hair, are over trying,

once that happens, stay away

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It is really easy to tell, if they look like mid 20's and older, than she has no reason to lie, she most probably is, Thai girls are much more honest about their age and does not bear the western age stigma. The only girls that need to lie are the girls in the service business - eg. If a girls tells you she is 18, then probably she is 16. If she tells ya she is 20. then she is probably 18. If she tells you she is 25, then she probably is 29. This has been my experience, YMMV.

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In my experience over 30 years - very very few Thai people have their real date of birth on their ID cards - or passports. It is not a reliable source of information. There are many reasons for showing an incorrect date. Common ones are - that the father couldn't remember the real date when he registered the birth - or a different date was chosen because it was more "auspicious" - or the village headman (poo-yai-baan) chose the date - or (very common) a false date was given to prevent any black magic from being effective because Thais believe date of birth info is vital for magic to work. Most Thais are fully aware that their real DOB and their official DOB are different and will seldom divulge the real one to anyone - especially husband/wife - who might use it for doing magic at some time in the future when the marriage has turned sour. Many modern Thais will dismiss such matters as nonsense publicly - but actually do believe this way - and will still protect their real date of birth. It is part of the Thai way of life - just accept it and get on with life.

I had a girl from the north,

I asked her exact birth details date, exact time, location etc., to run astrology charts on the two of us,

She knew her date and year and had to call the mother for the time,

Every mother knows when their children are born.

to the OP,

how important is this?

once in bed, everything you want will be revealed to you anyway

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If you like her, what the hell difference does it make?

It makes a lot of difference if the lady is deliberately lying. Maybe not to you,but definitely to me. This doesn't mean she could not be forgiven, but her lying would definitely me a negative data point.

You are on the wrong path here:

My girl told me she was 27 the night I met her,

The next day she told me she was really 32.

It took a few days for her to tell me her real name

They have reasons to be cautious of foreign men,

lighten up,

giver her a break,

I had a great 6 month romance with a girl who lied about her name and her age,

but once she came clean, it was all good from there.

They have their reasons, let it be.

now, if she has stretch marks and three kids hiding with her thai husband, you got a problem,

her age aint a problem

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Geez all these pages of nothing. With your Thai gf find out everything. Most important is pin to her cell. As for her age. &lt;deleted&gt; open her bag and look at her ID. If your the honest type meaning stupid, just ask to see it.

You also need password to her Facebook. However you can skip this. Thai chicks rarely put details ie pics of blokes up. You may get a giggle from some of her posts though. If she is your gf and you have bought her say a ring. And told her it cost 30k baht. She will post it cost 60k.

I love the way they wanna brag. Nevermind makes you look good.

Back to age. I've found they rarely lie. Mind you who cares she is prob much younger than you. Oh and for us guys in our 50,s don't worry about khunpa. I realize now he is jealous since his gf is 42.

Love the line "what would o talk to her about" geez most of the girls I talk to are very clever. Fun whitty and that's from 20,s to 40,s

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Geez all these pages of nothing. With your Thai gf find out everything. Most important is pin to her cell. As for her age. <deleted> open her bag and look at her ID. If your the honest type meaning stupid, just ask to see it.

You also need password to her Facebook. However you can skip this. Thai chicks rarely put details ie pics of blokes up. You may get a giggle from some of her posts though. If she is your gf and you have bought her say a ring. And told her it cost 30k baht. She will post it cost 60k.

I love the way they wanna brag. Nevermind makes you look good.

Back to age. I've found they rarely lie. Mind you who cares she is prob much younger than you. Oh and for us guys in our 50,s don't worry about khunpa. I realize now he is jealous since his gf is 42.

Love the line "what would o talk to her about" geez most of the girls I talk to are very clever. Fun whitty and that's from 20,s to 40,s

I lose interest in anything said after, " what is there to talk about with them "

some people simplt dont know, dont understamd, and are fine with themselves with for it, but we cant explain it, or teach it

it is true, young girls are not for everyone,

and usually, they like to reach up for the experience

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