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'Clone' Yingluck faces the same fate as Thaksin


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'Clone' Yingluck faces the same fate as Thaksin

Samudcha Hoonsara
Nation News Agency

During campaigning for the 2011 general election, Yingluck Shinawatra, who was Pheu Thai Party's prime ministerial candidate, was asked by reporters to comment on a remark by her brother Thaksin Shinawatra that she was his "political clone".

Yingluck said that she had an opportunity to learn from Thaksin about his ideas, vision, and the style of his political work. She had closely followed his work so she understood his views.

When she was asked if she was ready to face similar experiences as Thaksin, Yingluck paused briefly before saying: "As a clone, I understand and adopt his ideas of running business and management. But I will make decisions myself."

Now, almost three years later, the prospects of Yingluck "facing similar experiences" as Thaksin are more likely than before. For some political observers, Yingluck may even suffer the same political fate as her brother.

Thaksin, a two-time prime minister, was ousted by the military in 2006 and the coup-makers accused him of corruption and abuse of power, among other allegations.

In 2008, the Supreme Court's Criminal Division for Political Office Holders sentenced him to two years in jail for abuse of power while in office, in connection with his then-wife's purchase of a coveted state-seized land plot.

The law prohibits any political office holder and their spouse from entering into an agreement with the state.

The ex-premier, who is believed to be pulling the ruling party's strings, has lived in self-exile overseas to avoid imprisonment.

Yingluck has been accused by the National Anti-Corruption Commission of dereliction of duty, in connection with the government's loss-making and corruption-plagued rice price-pledging scheme. She is also being investigated by the anti-graft agency for allegedly condoning corruption.

In 2011, public opinion polls showed that Yingluck's popularity exceeded that of Democrat Party leader Abhisit Vejjajiva after trailing behind him initially. The election result in July that year showed that Pheu Thai won 264 MP seats and the Democrats 161.

Pheu Thai's victory catapulted Yingluck, a political novice who had been in politics for 49 days before the election, to the premiership.

Thaksin's "clone" has suffered from political impacts similar to those her brother faced. Their stories seem to come from the same script. The actors are different in this "remake" but the substance is the same.

Cases against Yingluck are under way - and some of them carry criminal penalties and impeachment. The results of those cases are expected in the near future.

Yingluck is a Sagittarius, so is Suthep Thaugsuban, the top leader of the anti-government People's Democratic Reform Committee (PDRC).

"They both are now in a time of trouble," said a senior journalist whose hobby is astrology,

"Sagittarius people are fighters and they are ready to fight until death. They don't give up easily unless they are in a life-threatening situation."

Suthep, who was a close friend and political ally of Thaksin, was behind the legal move that led to a Constitutional Court ruling in 2006 that the election in April that year should be nullified because it was organised in an unconstitutional way.

Thaksin at that time headed a caretaker government and the election was boycotted by the Democrat Party, which it also did in February.

This year, Suthep was blamed for disruptions that led to a Constitutional Court ruling that the February election was void.

This man from Surat Thani caused much trouble for Thaksin and is doing the same to Yingluck.

-- The Nation 2014-03-28

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To be fair Thaskin Shinwatra is a megalomaniac , has a dysfunction disorder , a short memory span and likes to re - write history , any one who likens to be a clone is due to get into trouble , I have my doubts that C.T. P.M. Yingluck is any of these , that is why , for the good of the Shinawatra name ,I urge her and her relations , not to renominate at the next election, a nice people going bad.

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Dr. Thaksin is a narcissist and doesn't see how his actions destroy other people's lives; including the life of his youngest sister, Yingluck. In Thailand, there is a phenomenon called, 'nong'. Nong is the youngest sibling and they grow up sheltered from the world and protected and spoiled by the older siblings. The do not know how to take care of themselves or learn responsibility. As nong, Ms Yingluck is very inexperienced in life and has always been protected. Nong is a double-edged sword in that Ms Yingluck cannot refuse older brother Thaksin when he asks her to represent the family's interest as his 'clone' PM. She, also cannot refuse to appoint those he wants her to appoint and to promote his policies. Because of the way Thai society defines the role of 'nong', Ms Yingluck is truly a puppet in every sense of the word. She doesn't have enough life experience to stand on her own and she cannot say no to her brother. Dr. Thaksin has mercilessly exploited his youngest sister to the detriment of her and the country. She will not be able to use 'nong' as a defense and will suffer whatever the law deals to her. It is a tragedy. A narcissist with billions of dollars on a power trip. This saga is a long way from over and fifty years from now will be a favorite subject of television serials.

Don't worry about her,she will be ok when she starts pratom1 and leaves anuban behind.She will then be Pi to anuban.

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"When she was asked if she was ready to face similar experiences as Thaksin, Yingluck paused briefly before saying: "As a clone, I understand and adopt his ideas of running business and management. But I will make decisions myself." 555! cheesy.gif

But I will make decisions myself.Thaksin told me.

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And yet both still win the popular vote while the other couldn't and have to resort to retro-active laws to get rid of one and the collective might of the independent agencies and the courts for the other. Fair fight? Neh. Conspiracy? Yes.

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sagitarius, doent that make her a goat, certainly would explain the way she is as it would sum her up perfectly, also does the same for suthep. Actually, wouldnt that make her goat "poo".............cheesy.gif

Edited by seajae
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Dr. Thaksin is a narcissist and doesn't see how his actions destroy other people's lives; including the life of his youngest sister, Yingluck. In Thailand, there is a phenomenon called, 'nong'. Nong is the youngest sibling and they grow up sheltered from the world and protected and spoiled by the older siblings. The do not know how to take care of themselves or learn responsibility. As nong, Ms Yingluck is very inexperienced in life and has always been protected. Nong is a double-edged sword in that Ms Yingluck cannot refuse older brother Thaksin when he asks her to represent the family's interest as his 'clone' PM. She, also cannot refuse to appoint those he wants her to appoint and to promote his policies. Because of the way Thai society defines the role of 'nong', Ms Yingluck is truly a puppet in every sense of the word. She doesn't have enough life experience to stand on her own and she cannot say no to her brother. Dr. Thaksin has mercilessly exploited his youngest sister to the detriment of her and the country. She will not be able to use 'nong' as a defense and will suffer whatever the law deals to her. It is a tragedy. A narcissist with billions of dollars on a power trip. This saga is a long way from over and fifty years from now will be a favorite subject of television serials.

Good post.

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YS was always going to run into trouble as a puppet for TS as neither care about Thailand and have no regard for the countries laws. They are just in it for their own financial gain.

No doubt....however, I'm not at all sure that YL would want to go and live in the sand hills.....even if they have the biggest palace they can find!

Having said that......there are plenty here in Thailand would like to see her move there.....actually, it would be good for her...nice dry climate.....lots of boutiques to visit....no-one knows here there...yes..she should go.

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Yingluck may be a Sagittarius, but she actually did want to give up on January 12. But Thaksin put his foot down, and rest is history, as they say. Yingluck came on to the scene by doing exactly what she was told, and she stays on the scene by doing exactly what she is told. She has therefore directly suffered from Thaksin's constant advice. He's put her in a terrible position.

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Dr. Thaksin is a narcissist and doesn't see how his actions destroy other people's lives; including the life of his youngest sister, Yingluck. In Thailand, there is a phenomenon called, 'nong'. Nong is the youngest sibling and they grow up sheltered from the world and protected and spoiled by the older siblings. The do not know how to take care of themselves or learn responsibility. As nong, Ms Yingluck is very inexperienced in life and has always been protected. Nong is a double-edged sword in that Ms Yingluck cannot refuse older brother Thaksin when he asks her to represent the family's interest as his 'clone' PM. She, also cannot refuse to appoint those he wants her to appoint and to promote his policies. Because of the way Thai society defines the role of 'nong', Ms Yingluck is truly a puppet in every sense of the word. She doesn't have enough life experience to stand on her own and she cannot say no to her brother. Dr. Thaksin has mercilessly exploited his youngest sister to the detriment of her and the country. She will not be able to use 'nong' as a defense and will suffer whatever the law deals to her. It is a tragedy. A narcissist with billions of dollars on a power trip. This saga is a long way from over and fifty years from now will be a favorite subject of television serials.

Good post.

With social and family pressure in Thailand being so rigidly enforced, it's hard not to have a little sympathy for Ms Yingluck. After all, she is not the mastermind (far from it), and she is not her own person. She will be self-exiled, with her millions, to some nice area of England where she can reacquire her badly deteriorated English skills and the sun won't burn her delicate Thai complexion like Dubai will. She will miss Thailand for a few years but she will get used to it as she will have her son with her and she can fly friends in from time to time. Thaksin won't suffer as he has sister Yaowapa to possibly be his next 'clone' though Thaksin will have to worry more as Yaowapa has her own power base and is not as easily manipulated by her brother. It will be very interesting to see who Thaksin chooses to lead his next puppet government. So many are crawling on their bellies for that job only to stab him in he back if given the chance. Seriously, this family is beginning to compare to the Borgias for intrigue. I hope I live long enough to see the television miniseries of 'The Shinawatras of Chiang Mai'.

You are on point. Another good post.

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Dr. Thaksin is a narcissist and doesn't see how his actions destroy other people's lives; including the life of his youngest sister, Yingluck. In Thailand, there is a phenomenon called, 'nong'. Nong is the youngest sibling and they grow up sheltered from the world and protected and spoiled by the older siblings. The do not know how to take care of themselves or learn responsibility. As nong, Ms Yingluck is very inexperienced in life and has always been protected. Nong is a double-edged sword in that Ms Yingluck cannot refuse older brother Thaksin when he asks her to represent the family's interest as his 'clone' PM. She, also cannot refuse to appoint those he wants her to appoint and to promote his policies. Because of the way Thai society defines the role of 'nong', Ms Yingluck is truly a puppet in every sense of the word. She doesn't have enough life experience to stand on her own and she cannot say no to her brother. Dr. Thaksin has mercilessly exploited his youngest sister to the detriment of her and the country. She will not be able to use 'nong' as a defense and will suffer whatever the law deals to her. It is a tragedy. A narcissist with billions of dollars on a power trip. This saga is a long way from over and fifty years from now will be a favorite subject of television serials.

Good post.

With social and family pressure in Thailand being so rigidly enforced, it's hard not to have a little sympathy for Ms Yingluck. After all, she is not the mastermind (far from it), and she is not her own person. She will be self-exiled, with her millions, to some nice area of England where she can reacquire her badly deteriorated English skills and the sun won't burn her delicate Thai complexion like Dubai will. She will miss Thailand for a few years but she will get used to it as she will have her son with her and she can fly friends in from time to time. Thaksin won't suffer as he has sister Yaowapa to possibly be his next 'clone' though Thaksin will have to worry more as Yaowapa has her own power base and is not as easily manipulated by her brother. It will be very interesting to see who Thaksin chooses to lead his next puppet government. So many are crawling on their bellies for that job only to stab him in he back if given the chance. Seriously, this family is beginning to compare to the Borgias for intrigue. I hope I live long enough to see the television miniseries of 'The Shinawatras of Chiang Mai'.

You are on point. Another good post.

Yeah yeah...buuut she won the election. The others didn't. Case closed.

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Yingluck said that she had an opportunity to learn from Thaksin about his ideas, vision, and the style of his political work.

The good news for all crooks is:

According to this, every corruption, law breaking and accepting advantage will rightfully get a carte blanche in court, as long as you tell the judges: “Your Honour, I was driven to do it by ideas, visions and my style of political work.”

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Yingluck said that she had an opportunity to learn from Thaksin about his ideas, vision, and the style of his political work.

The good news for all crooks is:

According to this, every corruption, law breaking and accepting advantage will rightfully get a carte blanche in court, as long as you tell the judges: “Your Honour, I was driven to do it by ideas, visions and my style of political work.”

Why bother to defend when the courts have already made up their mind. The Courts just refer to previous judiciary coup references and sentence. The hearing is just a side show.

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sagitarius, doent that make her a goat, certainly would explain the way she is as it would sum her up perfectly, also does the same for suthep. Actually, wouldnt that make her goat "poo".............cheesy.gif

Actually Goat is Capricorn .. Sagittarius is symbolized by the Archer--half-man, half-horse. This symbolizes the Sagittarian's attempt to free itself from man's animal nature. The centaur is thought to symbolize the development of the human soul. It symbolizes the animal natures and desires of man, as well as its spiritual aspirations. In Greek mythology, centaurs were adventurous, brave, and wise; they were also given to brawling and uncivilized behavior.

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<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

"When she was asked if she was ready to face similar experiences as Thaksin, Yingluck paused briefly before saying: "As a clone, I understand and adopt his ideas of running business and management. But I will make decisions myself." 555! cheesy.gif.pagespeed.ce.HaOxm9--Zv.gif alt=cheesy.gif width=32 height=20>

The only decision she make her self is what shopping mall to visit w00t.gif

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And yet both still win the popular vote while the other couldn't and have to resort to retro-active laws to get rid of one and the collective might of the independent agencies and the courts for the other. Fair fight? Neh. Conspiracy? Yes.

Correct Constitutional Self Defence for, and on behalf of the people of Thailand? Hell. YES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Dr. Thaksin is a narcissist and doesn't see how his actions destroy other people's lives; including the life of his youngest sister, Yingluck. In Thailand, there is a phenomenon called, 'nong'. Nong is the youngest sibling and they grow up sheltered from the world and protected and spoiled by the older siblings. The do not know how to take care of themselves or learn responsibility. As nong, Ms Yingluck is very inexperienced in life and has always been protected. Nong is a double-edged sword in that Ms Yingluck cannot refuse older brother Thaksin when he asks her to represent the family's interest as his 'clone' PM. She, also cannot refuse to appoint those he wants her to appoint and to promote his policies. Because of the way Thai society defines the role of 'nong', Ms Yingluck is truly a puppet in every sense of the word. She doesn't have enough life experience to stand on her own and she cannot say no to her brother. Dr. Thaksin has mercilessly exploited his youngest sister to the detriment of her and the country. She will not be able to use 'nong' as a defense and will suffer whatever the law deals to her. It is a tragedy. A narcissist with billions of dollars on a power trip. This saga is a long way from over and fifty years from now will be a favorite subject of television serials.

Good post.

With social and family pressure in Thailand being so rigidly enforced, it's hard not to have a little sympathy for Ms Yingluck. After all, she is not the mastermind (far from it), and she is not her own person. She will be self-exiled, with her millions, to some nice area of England where she can reacquire her badly deteriorated English skills and the sun won't burn her delicate Thai complexion like Dubai will. She will miss Thailand for a few years but she will get used to it as she will have her son with her and she can fly friends in from time to time. Thaksin won't suffer as he has sister Yaowapa to possibly be his next 'clone' though Thaksin will have to worry more as Yaowapa has her own power base and is not as easily manipulated by her brother. It will be very interesting to see who Thaksin chooses to lead his next puppet government. So many are crawling on their bellies for that job only to stab him in he back if given the chance. Seriously, this family is beginning to compare to the Borgias for intrigue. I hope I live long enough to see the television miniseries of 'The Shinawatras of Chiang Mai'.

England? Well if she has convictions the Poms might extradite her. As a previous poster pointed out. Megalomaniacs have a hard time to finde safe places to hide in the is "brave new world." I wonder if big brother told her about that?

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