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Wanna buy a house in Thailand with your Thai wife / GF? Think twice and DON'T DO IT.


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What about the downpayment ?

She put down a 10,000 baht deposit to hold the lot until the bank approved everything.

So it was basically a 0% loan, as others have said you haven't lost much, just move on.

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Gee guys! You know one woman, one single Thai woman and that is enough to know how all other 30 million women in Thailand are!

My somewhat limited experience is different. I know about a dozen farang here in Thailand, married to a Thai woman and having their house in her name. Most of them for longer than 15 years. They have a family, kids, job etc.... a normal life.

Oh, and I count myself in the same category.

Nobody can guarantee that my marriage will last forever, I know. But I believe I know my wife after 16 years of marriage and I know, worst case scenario, I will loose the house. But think of the alternatives. Right.

Either you have to pay a rent or live in a condo.

The rent for a nice house in Bangkok would be around THB 60,000 pM. After 10 years you have spent a total of THB 7,2 mio. That's just about the value of the house. Except if you bought the house, you still have that value. If you rent, that money is gone. We bought the house, in her name. The kids have a home. Even if one day I am no longer there.

YES......I was paying rent for about 4 years, that's why WE decided to buy a house. I was now making the mortgage payments (NOT PAYING RENT). I was making an investment (or so I thought), so that is why I am asking for some of my money, THAT I INVESTED, back.
You forgot rule number one. Nothing is free. Time after time people come on this forum bragging how they don't pay for it. How they have a normal relationship. How they are so much better than the guys who pay for it. Well now you know. Money for chicks and nothings for free. That would be a good song title eh? Maybe needs a little more work.

Have you got an inferiority complex or something?

Many men living here - myself included - DO have "normal" relationships whose wheels don't need to be regularly greased with cash.

If that's the only way you can get yours, fine.

I don't think I'm better than you but neither do I think I've some kind of financial retribution coming because I don't hand over a salary every month.

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For your information...................she's not a prostitute so don't automatically make that assumption. And who says that your "so-called" normal relationships with successful women won't end up like this??

Screwing others (including family members) for money is what Thais seem to do. How do you think the wealthy Thais became wealthy?

I wasn't even answering a post of yours. Thais accumulate wealth in the same way as people in other countries. Don't make stupid generalisations because you made a bad choice.

I think YeahSiam hit the nail on the head - you, like many foreigners here, have an inferiority complex. You marry into a poor family to feel better about yourself and dismiss all wealthy Thai people as being dishonest because you can't bear the fact that they are more successful than you. (Just my opinion of course)

Whose to say my relationship won't end up like yours? Me, because I'm not paying for everything like you did. Plus, I have a daughter so ultimately it's for her benefit.

Edited by inthepink
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For your information...................she's not a prostitute so don't automatically make that assumption. And who says that your "so-called" normal relationships with successful women won't end up like this??

Screwing others (including family members) for money is what Thais seem to do. How do you think the wealthy Thais became wealthy?

I wasn't even answering a post of yours. Thais accumulate wealth in the same way as people in other countries. Don't make stupid generalisations because you made a bad choice.

I think YeahSiam hit the nail on the head - you, like many foreigners here, have an inferiority complex. You marry into a poor family to feel better about yourself and dismiss all wealthy Thai people as being dishonest because you can't bear the fact that they are more successful than you. (Just my opinion of course)

Hear hear...who is making generalisations....

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For your information...................she's not a prostitute so don't automatically make that assumption. And who says that your "so-called" normal relationships with successful women won't end up like this??

Screwing others (including family members) for money is what Thais seem to do. How do you think the wealthy Thais became wealthy?

I wasn't even answering a post of yours. Thais accumulate wealth in the same way as people in other countries. Don't make stupid generalisations because you made a bad choice.

I think YeahSiam hit the nail on the head - you, like many foreigners here, have an inferiority complex. You marry into a poor family to feel better about yourself and dismiss all wealthy Thai people as being dishonest because you can't bear the fact that they are more successful than you. (Just my opinion of course)

Whose to say my relationship won't end up like yours? Me, because I'm not paying for everything like you did. Plus, I have a daughter so ultimately it's for her benefit.

Thais accumulate wealth like everyone else? Is that why there's such a huge gap between the rich and the poor? How did your buddy Thaksin accumulate his fortune?

I hope you're right about your relationship. Never say never. Just because you have a daughter doesn't mean anything.

And who said I married into a poor family? Where did I mention that?

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Well, I wouldn't say you shouldn't do it. But I would say that you cannot expect anything you spend to be an investment. With that expectation, there's a good chance you will be disappointed. If you had entered into the purchase with the expectation that the payments were analogous to "paying rent", that is probably a more realistic assessment of the situation. I bought my wife a car (though its my car for use), but I don't consider it as "mine" really. Monthly payments are certainly far cheaper than a monthly rental fee would be, so I consider it a good deal, even if it does end up being just a rental in the future. I think this is the only practical mindset to use in these cases, if you'd had that in mind from the start, you would have never bought anything, or you'd be bailing out without the expectation of recouping an investment, probably far more happy with the situation.

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Doing a thing with good intentions and, probably, trust and then getting <deleted>, is no reason to whinge you think ? He has every reason to it IMO. In fact you are saying; naivety deserves no reciprocity !

Don't know what that last means.

But sure he can complain, but if he does it here he's not getting any sympathy from us.

"There was this nice guy on the street playing a game with three shells and a pea. . ."

"I have a new friend, seems to be a real sharp financial adviser. . ."

"This guy's helping me learn about drugs, giving me them for free. . ."

Sorry but in this day and age, fools parted from their money this way need to find other places to cry into their beer.

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Thais accumulate wealth like everyone else? Is that why there's such a huge gap between the rich and the poor?

No greater a gap than most,about the same as the US.

And the point is that few large fortunes anywhere were come by by playing "fair" or being "nice", many much less honestly than old square face's, no matter what your porkies yellow friends may be spinning.

Suck it up you got off easy.

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Doing a thing with good intentions and, probably, trust and then getting <deleted>, is no reason to whinge you think ? He has every reason to it IMO. In fact you are saying; naivety deserves no reciprocity !

Don't know what that last means.

But sure he can complain, but if he does it here he's not getting any sympathy from us.

"There was this nice guy on the street playing a game with three shells and a pea. . ."

"I have a new friend, seems to be a real sharp financial adviser. . ."

"This guy's helping me learn about drugs, giving me them for free. . ."

Sorry but in this day and age, fools parted from their money this way need to find other places to cry into their beer.

Right is right....wrong is wrong....Naivety i.e. stupidity as you call it. Surely your comments are supported by the many of posters here. That is the sad part. Understand though where you are coming from.

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ALL Thai ladies

even those who do NOT SPEAK ENGLISH will tell you - "NO MONEY - NO HONEY".

Check it out. Ask your wife. Isn't this surprising?

Back to the post. I live in a condo. My choice. My property. Nobody can kick me out. After I'm gone it's going to my de-facto wife according to my Will.

Never again would I put myself in the position when I can be ripped off BY ANY WOMAN East or West.

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Thais accumulate wealth like everyone else? Is that why there's such a huge gap between the rich and the poor?

No greater a gap than most,about the same as the US.

Could you BE any more completely out of touch with reality?

Only someone who's been living under a rock for 30 years could make such an idiotic statement.

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Right is right....wrong is wrong....Naivety i.e. stupidity as you call it. Surely your comments are supported by the many of posters here. That is the sad part. Understand though where you are coming from.

I do. In this case I don't feel the OP has a leg to stand on, not from a practical/cynical POV, not from the legal side and IMO not even morally.

The house is in her name, the loan is in her name, he chose for whatever reason to make the payments for her, didn't have any sort of explicit agreement with her to handle the inevitable split-up scenario, anyone looking at it from any objective POV - other than the "poor me I'm a nice-guy victim please feel sorry for me and validate my nice-guys should win" attitude - would agree he got what was coming to him, he completely cooperated in engineering the situation that he's complaining about, he made the bed and now complains, acts surprised that he has to lie in it.

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Thais accumulate wealth like everyone else? Is that why there's such a huge gap between the rich and the poor?

No greater a gap than most,about the same as the US.

Could you BE any more completely out of touch with reality?

Only someone who's been living under a rock for 30 years could make such an idiotic statement.

Are you implying that 30 years ago it was the case....the incomegap ?

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Right is right....wrong is wrong....Naivety i.e. stupidity as you call it. Surely your comments are supported by the many of posters here. That is the sad part. Understand though where you are coming from.

I do. In this case I don't feel the OP has a leg to stand on, not from a practical/cynical POV, not from the legal side and IMO not even morally.

The house is in her name, the loan is in her name, he chose for whatever reason to make the payments for her, didn't have any sort of explicit agreement with her to handle the inevitable split-up scenario, anyone looking at it from any objective POV - other than the "poor me I'm a nice-guy victim please feel sorry for me and validate my nice-guys should win" attitude - would agree he got what was coming to him, he completely cooperated in engineering the situation that he's complaining about, he made the bed and now complains, acts surprised that he has to lie in it.

Hmmm....so OP started the relationship with the woman.....bought a house....paid for it.....and at the end consciously planned to have this predicament. Well.... then ....reciprocity and morality is surely lacking on your part. In fact you say....well done girl.....

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Thais accumulate wealth like everyone else? Is that why there's such a huge gap between the rich and the poor?

No greater a gap than most,about the same as the US.

Could you BE any more completely out of touch with reality?

Only someone who's been living under a rock for 30 years could make such an idiotic statement.

I'm afraid it's you that's out of touch with REAL reality. . .

The professional measure of a country's inequality is its "Gini Coefficient". The Gini Coefficient is the comparative ratio between two areas. One area is defined by a curved line between a horizontal axis on which the share of people with different income levels is plotted, and a vertical axis on which the cumulative share of income earned by percentage of the population is plotted. In a country with perfect equality the curve would be a straight line at a 45-degree angle, where every increase in income adds the same amount to the cumulative total of all income earned. The area between the straight line at an angle and the curve is compared to the area on the other side of the curved line. The bigger the first area, then the more inequality there is in that country's income distribution as the slope of the curve is farther away from the 45-degree straight line.

Of all nations, the lowest Gini coefficient is found in Denmark at 24.7. The highest is found in Namibia at 74. Both the UN and the CIA estimate Thailand's Gini Coefficient at 42. Other Asean countries have the following Gini Coefficients: Malaysia 49;

Philippines 44; Laos 34; Vietnam 34; Cambodia 41.7; Myanmar - no calculation available; Indonesia 34.3/36.3; Singapore 42.5; So Thailand has less income inequality than Malaysia and the Philippines, and a little less than Singapore.

So why is such a fuss being made by some Thai politicians and many foreign commentators about inequality and an unsustainable gap between rich and poor in Thailand and not about similar or worse conditions in Malaysia, the Philippines and Singapore? Why is Thailand singled out for such criticism? Some other relevant countries to compare with Thailand are: The US with a Gini Coefficient of 40/45; the UK at 36; Norway at 25.8/28; and Germany at 28.3. China has a Gini Coefficient of 46.9, or more inequality than Thailand even though it went through a period of Maoist social and economic equalisation.

It is time to drop the pretense that there is something very wrong with Thailand, its values and traditions that is unfairly - when compared to other countries - keeping its people down. Thailand, along with the US and China has work to do to raise up those with lower incomes. But that is the normal task of economic and social development, education and job creation. No political crisis or social upheaval is needed to deal with Thailand's economic challenges.

Professor Stephen Young is the global executive director of the Caux Round Table.


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How many times have we seen these posts on this forum? Why on earth would anybody come to a foreign country, where they have NO rights, meet a girl in a bar or wherever, and buy a house in her name, knowing that they have NO legal claim on this house? There are so many people here who are at the mercy of these girls, 'ah but mine is different, she really loves me etc etc' This is nonsense. Would they do this back in their home country? Meet a girl, get their <deleted> sucked for the first time in twenty years, and then buy her a house? In her name? Probably a girl who is half their age? Thinking they will live happily ever after? Because she really loves me? Of course not, absolutely laughable. Nobody really knows the history of these girls, despite what they may think. A little anecdote. A few months ago i was invited to an engagement party, an American in his fifties, i didn't know him, a nice guy who was sitting proudly with his new love, a few of us were sat round on the sofa at my friends house( who was hosting the party). In a very loud voice he was telling everybody in earshot that she had never worked in a bar, was going back to the USA with him etc etc. I asked him very politely where he had met her, he said she was buying a telephone and he got chatting to her. Probably about half a dozen times he repeatedly said he was so lucky because she had never worked in a bar. Anyone could see that she was so embarrassed when he kept repeating this, totally humiliated. She shot me a few helpless looks with an almost pleading look on her face. She was a really nice lady. I know this for a fact because i had bar fined her on a few occasions a year or so previously! Of course i didn't let on, i am a gentleman! But it just goes to show how easily it is to believe something you want to believe over here. Despite all this 'mine is different' nonsense', nobody really knows!

Now i am just generalising.......you know the girl....the 55 yr old guy is now married under false, naive maybe, perceptions....when later he gets scammed emotionally and/or financially.....well....shit happens....i am happy i do not know you.

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Go out into the real world and open your eyes instead of spending your life on the forum relying on Google searches for stats to lend gravitas to your stupid claims.

The PRACTICAL difference in the wealth gap in this country compared to that in, say, Europe or the UK is like night and day.

Sure, maybe not between those at the extremities but there are far more people in the middle in Western societies than there are in Thailand.

That you suggest otherwise only serves to compound your stupidity.

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Go out into the real world and open your eyes instead of spending your life on the forum relying on Google searches for stats to lend gravitas to your stupid claims.

The PRACTICAL difference in the wealth gap in this country compared to that in, say, Europe or the UK is like night and day.

Sure, maybe not between those at the extremities but there are far more people in the middle in Western societies than there are in Thailand.

That you suggest otherwise only serves to compound your stupidity.

You should drop your tone by few octaves and stop insulting others.

When you will have done that, you may realize that there is a lot of middle class in Thailand. Public servants, average farmers, shop owners, basically anyone with an income that pays roof, food and some extra. Of course that income is lower than the middle class in the West. Nowaday, there is little extreme poverty left in Thailand. It is also a full occupation country, unlike most of he West.

So, these statistics appear to be right after all.

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How many times have we seen these posts on this forum? Why on earth would anybody come to a foreign country, where they have NO rights, meet a girl in a bar or wherever, and buy a house in her name, knowing that they have NO legal claim on this house? There are so many people here who are at the mercy of these girls, 'ah but mine is different, she really loves me etc etc' This is nonsense. Would they do this back in their home country? Meet a girl, get their <deleted> sucked for the first time in twenty years, and then buy her a house? In her name? Probably a girl who is half their age? Thinking they will live happily ever after? Because she really loves me? Of course not, absolutely laughable. Nobody really knows the history of these girls, despite what they may think. A little anecdote. A few months ago i was invited to an engagement party, an American in his fifties, i didn't know him, a nice guy who was sitting proudly with his new love, a few of us were sat round on the sofa at my friends house( who was hosting the party). In a very loud voice he was telling everybody in earshot that she had never worked in a bar, was going back to the USA with him etc etc. I asked him very politely where he had met her, he said she was buying a telephone and he got chatting to her. Probably about half a dozen times he repeatedly said he was so lucky because she had never worked in a bar. Anyone could see that she was so embarrassed when he kept repeating this, totally humiliated. She shot me a few helpless looks with an almost pleading look on her face. She was a really nice lady. I know this for a fact because i had bar fined her on a few occasions a year or so previously! Of course i didn't let on, i am a gentleman! But it just goes to show how easily it is to believe something you want to believe over here. Despite all this 'mine is different' nonsense', nobody really knows!

Now i am just generalising.......you know the girl....the 55 yr old guy is now married under false, naive maybe, perceptions....when later he gets scammed emotionally and/or financially.....well....shit happens....i am happy i do not know you.

Well to be honest i am happy i don't know you. The girl was not a friend, she was someone i had a few short liasons with a year or so previously. What did you expect me to do, inform him in front of everybody that she had once been a hooker? At his engagement party? I bet you wouldn't have done, despite your self righteous twaddle. Maybe they are really happy back in America. Who knows? I hope so. He was a grown man, a Thailand veteran. Judging by your response i would imagine you are a tad naive, ripe for the taking i would guess! False perceptions? Perlease!

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How many times have we seen these posts on this forum? Why on earth would anybody come to a foreign country, where they have NO rights, meet a girl in a bar or wherever, and buy a house in her name, knowing that they have NO legal claim on this house? There are so many people here who are at the mercy of these girls, 'ah but mine is different, she really loves me etc etc' This is nonsense. Would they do this back in their home country? Meet a girl, get their <deleted> sucked for the first time in twenty years, and then buy her a house? In her name? Probably a girl who is half their age? Thinking they will live happily ever after? Because she really loves me? Of course not, absolutely laughable. Nobody really knows the history of these girls, despite what they may think. A little anecdote. A few months ago i was invited to an engagement party, an American in his fifties, i didn't know him, a nice guy who was sitting proudly with his new love, a few of us were sat round on the sofa at my friends house( who was hosting the party). In a very loud voice he was telling everybody in earshot that she had never worked in a bar, was going back to the USA with him etc etc. I asked him very politely where he had met her, he said she was buying a telephone and he got chatting to her. Probably about half a dozen times he repeatedly said he was so lucky because she had never worked in a bar. Anyone could see that she was so embarrassed when he kept repeating this, totally humiliated. She shot me a few helpless looks with an almost pleading look on her face. She was a really nice lady. I know this for a fact because i had bar fined her on a few occasions a year or so previously! Of course i didn't let on, i am a gentleman! But it just goes to show how easily it is to believe something you want to believe over here. Despite all this 'mine is different' nonsense', nobody really knows!

Now i am just generalising.......you know the girl....the 55 yr old guy is now married under false, naive maybe, perceptions....when later he gets scammed emotionally and/or financially.....well....shit happens....i am happy i do not know you.

Well to be honest i am happy i don't know you. The girl was not a friend, she was someone i had a few short liasons with a year or so previously. What did you expect me to do, inform him in front of everybody that she had once been a hooker? At his engagement party? I bet you wouldn't have done, despite your self righteous twaddle. Maybe they are really happy back in America. Who knows? I hope so. He was a grown man, a Thailand veteran. Judging by your response i would imagine you are a tad naive, ripe for the taking i would guess! False perceptions? Perlease!

Sorry, i got ahead of myself. Self righteous twaddle....555. Yes, i have been taken. Thanks for your good judgement.

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Go out into the real world and open your eyes instead of spending your life on the forum relying on Google searches for stats to lend gravitas to your stupid claims.

The PRACTICAL difference in the wealth gap in this country compared to that in, say, Europe or the UK is like night and day.

Sure, maybe not between those at the extremities but there are far more people in the middle in Western societies than there are in Thailand.

That you suggest otherwise only serves to compound your stupidity.

You should drop your tone by few octaves and stop insulting others.

When you will have done that, you may realize that there is a lot of middle class in Thailand. Public servants, average farmers, shop owners, basically anyone with an income that pays roof, food and some extra. Of course that income is lower than the middle class in the West. Nowaday, there is little extreme poverty left in Thailand. It is also a full occupation country, unlike most of he West.

So, these statistics appear to be right after all.

Stats are just that - stats. The "stats" say there is no inflation but the man in the street is seeing prices rise every week. You can stick stats where the sun don't shine

Any street in any major city in the West (with a few exceptions) will depict a wealth gap that is far less prominent that the one here. Walk anywhere in BKK and the signs of widespread poverty are everywhere. Not even talking beggars here - I'm talking about hotel staff, 7-11 staff, massage women, bus drivers, security guards and cleaners etc.

The middle class in the UK and Europe is massive. If you're not on benefits and you're not rich in the UK and Europe, then you're in the middle albeit between some very widely-spaced goalposts.

You can still - at a stretch - get a mortgage, finance on a car, a new LED TV and still have enough left over to feed yourself reasonably well. That is NOT the case here. Here, those jobs I mentioned earlier don't pay anywhere near enough for the people doing them to call themselves middle class. They are poor. They can't buy houses, cars and LED TVs ............even on credit.

You suggest that if someone can pay roof, food and "some extra", they're "middle class". I think maybe you need to get some REAL perspective too.

I can't believe there are so many people wearing blinkers on this forum but then again, look at where we're living.

Edited by YeahSiam
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I used the word "screwing" in place of ripping people off.

Fair enough, why not just look at it as her providing sex in return for the loan payments.

Loan repayments are about 2% of the capital a year for the first 10 years.

On a 30 year repayment mortgage.

4 years of repayments only amount to about 8% of the house value at most.

I wouldn't think that would even be worth arguing about.

It's not as if you have to keep paying.

Walk away and forget it.

MAybe he was providing sex

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You can still - at a stretch - get a mortgage, finance on a car, a new LED TV and still have enough left over to feed yourself reasonably well. That is NOT the case here. Here, those jobs I mentioned earlier don't pay anywhere near enough for the people doing them to call themselves middle class. They are poor. They can't buy houses, cars and LED TVs ............even on credit.

There is your mistake - again. You are using Western standard to define middle-class. A wealth distribution stat (correctly) does not do that, it simply define how many people are in a given group. Then you were talking about low paying jobs, sure the goods you mentioned are largely inaccesible to these people. Are they poor by Wester standards? Somehow. By Thai standards? No.

However the goods are accessible to mid-paying jobs, proof is, housing, cars, and electronics are in no crisis since many years. They sell more each year. And is not like the only the top 5% can buy them. You want to see poverty and and almost absent middle class, go to Myanmar, Cambodia, Laos. Not Thailand.

And if you want to see a society where middle class does worst every time and there are more poors every year, look at the West including the US. Not at Thailand.

Edited by paz
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If you were living in Europe or the USA and got divorced with kids, you would have got exactly what you are getting here, nothing.

Same, same, but different

In California,

they have the 4 year look back rule,

4 years prior to the divorce, your income becomes her future royalty payment.

if there are kids, expect child support into college and miss a payment, she goes to the judge,

people in Thailand dont know they're better off,

and to the OP, what could have been the mortgage payment, 30,000 baht, MAX?


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4 years prior to the divorce, your income becomes her future royalty payment.

The correct term is: alimony.

Royalties are compensation for intelectual, patented or artistic work.

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