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Wanna buy a house in Thailand with your Thai wife / GF? Think twice and DON'T DO IT.


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It depends on the situation. Some people have kids. I wouldn't even bother trying to get half my money back (even if i could). What would i get anyway, maybe half a million or a little more. So each parent get a little over half a million. How does that benefit the child? That money would be spent in no time. The child loses it all. Not unless the house was worth 3 million up so that something else could be bought with my half.

In any case. My daughter has a nice home to grow up in and inherit, regardless of anything that may happen to me.

Would i buy/build a house for a woman who i didn't have a child with?......hmmm...maybe, but i would have to give it a lot of thought first. I certainly wouldn't spend all of my money on it. I would have to be able to afford it easily with plenty left to spare.

Correct. Dont put all your money into the property. Always keep a sneeky stashed away for any problems.

Its not only you could split with the missus. Your not sure what may happen from month to month with the other issues. Later it may not be a place you want to live.

Better to keep a home base in your country of origin as well for the great escape...

Sent from my GT-I9300T using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

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It would be unlikely that his name would be on the mortgage, since Thai banks generally aren't keen on issuing mortages in the name of foreigners. If the woman took out the morgage prior to their marriage, then clearly the obligation would be hers alone.

Actually its completely unlikely in case of a landed property, as we all know its illegal for a foreigner to own land, therefore it follows thant banks will not grant a mortgage in a foreigners name on landed property as they would be lending money for something which in part at least, ie the land, is illegal in the first instance, so not so much to do with with the bank not being keen to loaning the money, but what they are doing may in fact be interpreted as being illegal, as the foreigner is using the money to buy something which they can never legally fully own outright

in your second point, you could be correct provided the OP didnt co-sign on the loan as gurantor irrespective of whether they were married or not

If the OP signed on the loan, along with the lady in question he is just a liable for the loan if it defaults.

An American company owned 100% by an American can own land in Thailand.


Stay with the plot dear boy...this is actually a THAI company 100% owned by an American....the THAI company owns the property not the individual American as the company is seen as a legal entity ie a person ....if your going to post links try reading them first as even the lawyer replying to this post says the same thing I am saying...whistling.gif

Can an American in their INDIVIDUAL capacity own landed property ?....No......Is an American setting up a Amity Company for the sole purposes of owning land legal ?....one thinks not.

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It would be unlikely that his name would be on the mortgage, since Thai banks generally aren't keen on issuing mortages in the name of foreigners. If the woman took out the morgage prior to their marriage, then clearly the obligation would be hers alone.

Actually its completely unlikely in case of a landed property, as we all know its illegal for a foreigner to own land, therefore it follows thant banks will not grant a mortgage in a foreigners name on landed property as they would be lending money for something which in part at least, ie the land, is illegal in the first instance, so not so much to do with with the bank not being keen to loaning the money, but what they are doing may in fact be interpreted as being illegal, as the foreigner is using the money to buy something which they can never legally fully own outright

in your second point, you could be correct provided the OP didnt co-sign on the loan as gurantor irrespective of whether they were married or not

If the OP signed on the loan, along with the lady in question he is just a liable for the loan if it defaults.

An American company owned 100% by an American can own land in Thailand.


You still won't ever get 100% with a company. A Private Company Limited requires a minimum of three participating shareholders.

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Not too sure but a few years back used to know an American with a Thai wife. He suggested to me that as he was an American citizen he was allowed to own 1 Rai of land, and told me he owned the land his house was on?

Sent from my GT-I9500 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

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For your information...................she's not a prostitute so don't automatically make that assumption. And who says that your "so-called" normal relationships with successful women won't end up like this??

Screwing others (including family members) for money is what Thais seem to do. How do you think the wealthy Thais became wealthy?

I wasn't even answering a post of yours. Thais accumulate wealth in the same way as people in other countries. Don't make stupid generalisations because you made a bad choice.

I think YeahSiam hit the nail on the head - you, like many foreigners here, have an inferiority complex. You marry into a poor family to feel better about yourself and dismiss all wealthy Thai people as being dishonest because you can't bear the fact that they are more successful than you. (Just my opinion of course)

Whose to say my relationship won't end up like yours? Me, because I'm not paying for everything like you did. Plus, I have a daughter so ultimately it's for her benefit.

Thais accumulate wealth like everyone else? Is that why there's such a huge gap between the rich and the poor? How did your buddy Thaksin accumulate his fortune?

I hope you're right about your relationship. Never say never. Just because you have a daughter doesn't mean anything.

And who said I married into a poor family? Where did I mention that?

The gap between the rich and the poor in Thailand is roughly the same as it is in the USA - check out the figures and stop posting nonsense. Thaksin is a convicted criminal on the run, not my friend.

If you didn't marry into a poor family, why were you paying for everything? Was your wife unemployed?

Edited by inthepink
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you realize of course though,

that we believe you are paying for it, just calling it something else.

and many come here describing what they thought we LTR, that turned out to be less, and when the girl gets the upper hand, it is you guys who scream in surprise at their cunning and ruthlessness of assault

maybe it happens to them more so they hit the kill switch faster than girls in the west, and therein lies the cultural divide?

thai girls it turns out, are smarter

You can believe what you like. Men with your attitude towards women literally make me want to vomit. You've already announced what type of girls you date on this forum so I can understand why you think of all relationships in monetary terms. Your loss, not mine.

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YES......I was paying rent for about 4 years, that's why WE decided to buy a house. I was now making the mortgage payments (NOT PAYING RENT). I was making an investment (or so I thought), so that is why I am asking for some of my money, THAT I INVESTED, back.

You forgot rule number one. Nothing is free. Time after time people come on this forum bragging how they don't pay for it. How they have a normal relationship. How they are so much better than the guys who pay for it. Well now you know. Money for chicks and nothings for free. That would be a good song title eh? Maybe needs a little more work.
It's not bragging (not on my part anyway). Some of us do have normal relationships with successful women who contribute at least 50% to household expenses and we get bored of listening to men that married prostitutes trying to justify their bad choices by saying that everybody pays for it.

You said, "Some of us do have normal relationships with successful women." If that's not bragging I don't know what is. You are saying you and some lucky others have normal relationships and us others don't. Sorry that is bragging.

I was answering a post that claimed anybody who said they didn't pay their partner for sex was bragging - do you have reading difficulties?

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Not too sure but a few years back used to know an American with a Thai wife. He suggested to me that as he was an American citizen he was allowed to own 1 Rai of land, and told me he owned the land his house was on?

Old, unfounded myths and BS. No foreigner can directly, legally own land - period. It takes anyone about 5 minutes to learn that.

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Just slightly off topic -apologies Mods- but I've just spent a thoroughly enjoyable 5mins following Bjork & Diddy's phone conversation on Mossfinn's avatar. Genius, thank you! :-)

Me too.. that was funny!

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paz, sorry for ever mentioning iy!

You can mention anything you want, but that doesn't make things true or even credible. When you have a link to Thai law to support the American's claims, post it here and wait for apologies.

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I'm sure the horror story the OP describes has also happened In the UK, USA,AUS, Germany, Canada and any other country in the world.

I think the issue here is about finding the right girl, not buying a house in a foreign country.

Just out of interest, she wasn't one of those hi-so Thai/Chinese types was she?

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It would be unlikely that his name would be on the mortgage, since Thai banks generally aren't keen on issuing mortages in the name of foreigners. If the woman took out the morgage prior to their marriage, then clearly the obligation would be hers alone.

Actually its completely unlikely in case of a landed property, as we all know its illegal for a foreigner to own land, therefore it follows thant banks will not grant a mortgage in a foreigners name on landed property as they would be lending money for something which in part at least, ie the land, is illegal in the first instance, so not so much to do with with the bank not being keen to loaning the money, but what they are doing may in fact be interpreted as being illegal, as the foreigner is using the money to buy something which they can never legally fully own outright

in your second point, you could be correct provided the OP didnt co-sign on the loan as gurantor irrespective of whether they were married or not

If the OP signed on the loan, along with the lady in question he is just a liable for the loan if it defaults.

An American company owned 100% by an American can own land in Thailand.


Stay with the plot dear boy...this is actually a THAI company 100% owned by an American....the THAI company owns the property not the individual American as the company is seen as a legal entity ie a person ....if your going to post links try reading them first as even the lawyer replying to this post says the same thing I am saying...whistling.gif

Can an American in their INDIVIDUAL capacity own landed property ?....No......Is an American setting up a Amity Company for the sole purposes of owning land legal ?....one thinks not.

Not an American a person in Thailand setting up a company...how many times can we see America or USA mentionef on one thread?

Sent from my GT-I9300T using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

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Not too sure but a few years back used to know an American with a Thai wife. He suggested to me that as he was an American citizen he was allowed to own 1 Rai of land, and told me he owned the land his house was on?

Old, unfounded myths and BS. No foreigner can directly, legally own land - period. It takes anyone about 5 minutes to learn that.


It holds no interest to me but apparently there was some kind of arrangement made back in the 60's between the USA and Thailand. The site describing it is fairly recently updated as well.

No telling what a cleaver Thai lawyer could fanagle out of it.

Some U.S. businesses continue to pursue joint ventures with Thai partners and permit them to have a majority stake because of their familiarity with the Thai economy and local regulations.

American companies are exempt from many of these restrictions under the U.S. Thai Treaty of Amity and Economic Relations of 1966.

The Treaty of Amity

The Treaty of Amity is a special economic relationship between the United States of America and the Kingdom of Thailand. The Treaty of Amity was signed on May 29, 1966 and secured two major trade advantages for the U.S.

  • The Treaty permits American companies to maintain a majority shareholding or to wholly own its company, branch office or representative office located in Thailand.
  • American companies receive national treatment, meaning U.S. firms may engage in business on the same basis as Thai companies, and are exempt from most of the restrictions on foreign investment imposed by the Alien Business Law of 1972.
Last Updated: 7/18/13 12:33 AM

Doesn't quite look like a myth to me.

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Not too sure but a few years back used to know an American with a Thai wife. He suggested to me that as he was an American citizen he was allowed to own 1 Rai of land, and told me he owned the land his house was on?

Old, unfounded myths and BS. No foreigner can directly, legally own land - period. It takes anyone about 5 minutes to learn that.


It holds no interest to me but apparently there was some kind of arrangement made back in the 60's between the USA and Thailand. The site describing it is fairly recently updated as well.

No telling what a cleaver Thai lawyer could fanagle out of it.

Some U.S. businesses continue to pursue joint ventures with Thai partners and permit them to have a majority stake because of their familiarity with the Thai economy and local regulations.

American companies are exempt from many of these restrictions under the U.S. Thai Treaty of Amity and Economic Relations of 1966.

The Treaty of Amity

The Treaty of Amity is a special economic relationship between the United States of America and the Kingdom of Thailand. The Treaty of Amity was signed on May 29, 1966 and secured two major trade advantages for the U.S.

  • The Treaty permits American companies to maintain a majority shareholding or to wholly own its company, branch office or representative office located in Thailand.
  • American companies receive national treatment, meaning U.S. firms may engage in business on the same basis as Thai companies, and are exempt from most of the restrictions on foreign investment imposed by the Alien Business Law of 1972.
Last Updated: 7/18/13 12:33 AM

Doesn't quite look like a myth to me.

It depends on the definition of "american companies"

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This is a thread about a man wanting a share of his mortgage payments back.

I know hes onto plums buts bye the bye.

Mods please change to USA/America forum if you have such a thing!

Sent from my GT-I9300T using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

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It holds no interest to me but apparently there was some kind of arrangement made back in the 60's between the USA and Thailand. The site describing it is fairly recently updated as well.

No telling what a cleaver Thai lawyer could fanagle out of it.

Doesn't quite look like a myth to me.

You will see that the traety is about owning a company, not 1 rai of land.

Owning a company, that it turn owns land, is not directly owning land.

Beside, company requires more than one shareholder, yearly tax returns, and such.

Not very different from having a company and nominees.

Surely you can find a lot of ways to "own" in Thailand, none of which is truly legal or risk free.

Edited by paz
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Gotta agree with the OP, every Thai woman are the same as the OP's......................... with no exception

Again, for the benefit of the tape

I think you should quit hanging out at Nana Plaza, Soi Cowboy etc, get your head out of the bottle, and try to meet someone not associated with the nite life scene. Then you may have a different opinion of Thai women. I suspect you live a pretty miserable life.

Spaniel, I believe you must have posted whilst under the influence. If you ever see the line, 'again for the benefit of the tape and fot the lack of visual signs' it means I am using irony with a big 'I'.

For those that are still a little behind, I wasn't being serious, for those that are stupid, please ignore my post because you are stupid.

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I'm sure the horror story the OP describes has also happened In the UK, USA,AUS, Germany, Canada and any other country in the world.

I think the issue here is about finding the right girl, not buying a house in a foreign country.

Just out of interest, she wasn't one of those hi-so Thai/Chinese types was she?

of course she was,,,,

theres only me on here who married a poor rice farmers daughter,,,


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An American company owned 100% by an American can own land in Thailand.


Stay with the plot dear boy...this is actually a THAI company 100% owned by an American....the THAI company owns the property not the individual American as the company is seen as a legal entity ie a person ....if your going to post links try reading them first as even the lawyer replying to this post says the same thing I am saying...whistling.gif

Can an American in their INDIVIDUAL capacity own landed property ?....No......Is an American setting up a Amity Company for the sole purposes of owning land legal ?....one thinks not.

Question, "I've heard a US citizen may own a small amount of land in Thailand as a result of a treaty between Thailand and the USA enacted right after WWII. Is there any truth in this?"

Thai Visa lawyer answer, "Only a US company under the Amity treaty can own land, individuals can't."

If you have any more questions why don't you post them in the "Ask the lawyer section."

As far as I know an American can own 100% of a company in Thailand. But why ague with me. If you need some help understanding the treaty below post a question in the ask the lawyer forum.

  • The Treaty permits American companies to maintain a majority shareholding or to wholly own its company, branch office or representative office located in Thailand.
  • American companies receive national treatment, meaning U.S. firms may engage in business on the same basis as Thai companies, and are exempt from most of the restrictions on foreign investment imposed by the Alien Business Law of 1972.
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It depends on the definition of "american companies"

The Thailand Treaty of Amity aims to provide significant advantages for US investors to run businesses in Thailand for both corporations and individuals.

A minimum of 51% of shares must be held by American citizens

A minimum of 50% of directors must be American citizen(s)

For a sole proprietorship, all that is required to seek protection under the Thailand Treaty of Amity is a notarized copy of the owner's passport or birth certificate to prove U.S. citizenship (either by birth or naturalization). They must send this information to the Commercial Service office at the U.S. Embassy in Bangkok for certification.

Upon receipt of the preceding required documents, the Commercial Service prepares a document that certifies that the applying business organization is an American owned and managed company and is therefore entitled to national treatment under the provisions of the Thailand Treaty of Amity.


Edited by thailiketoo
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It would be interesting to hear from members who actually operate an 'Amity company' in Thailand regarding the following :

Under the Treaty, Thailand is permitted to apply the following restrictions to American and other foreign investment: owning land; engaging in the business of inland communications; inland transportation; fiduciary functions; banking involving depository functions; engaging in domestic trade in indigenous agricultural products; and exploiting land or other natural resources.


Edit : Just found the answer in this thread : http://www.thaivisa.com/forum/topic/546623-owning-land-under-the-us-amity-treaty/

Edited by Trembly
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It would be interesting to hear from members who actually operate an 'Amity company' in Thailand regarding the following :

Under the Treaty, Thailand is permitted to apply the following restrictions to American and other foreign investment: owning land; engaging in the business of inland communications; inland transportation; fiduciary functions; banking involving depository functions; engaging in domestic trade in indigenous agricultural products; and exploiting land or other natural resources.


Edit : Just found the answer in this thread : http://www.thaivisa.com/forum/topic/546623-owning-land-under-the-us-amity-treaty/

Why are you an American thinking of investing in Thailand? The link you posted has no factual information on owning a Treaty of Amity company. The lawyer stated in the "ask the lawyer" forum than an Amity treaty company can own land. Why don't you ask him?

Edited by thailiketoo
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It would be interesting to hear from members who actually operate an 'Amity company' in Thailand regarding the following :

Under the Treaty, Thailand is permitted to apply the following restrictions to American and other foreign investment: owning land; engaging in the business of inland communications; inland transportation; fiduciary functions; banking involving depository functions; engaging in domestic trade in indigenous agricultural products; and exploiting land or other natural resources.


Edit : Just found the answer in this thread : http://www.thaivisa.com/forum/topic/546623-owning-land-under-the-us-amity-treaty/

Why are you an American thinking of investing in Thailand? The link you posted has no factual information on owning a Treaty of Amity company.

Both links lead to plenty of factual information for those who can read.

Here's another : http://www.amchamthailand.com/acct/asp/general.asp?MenuCatID=5&MenuItemID=168&SponsorID=0

"The 1966 iteration of the Treaty allows U.S. citizens and businesses incorporated in the U.S., or in Thailand that are majority-owned by U.S. citizens, to engage in business on the same basis as Thai companies (national treatment), exempting them from most restrictions on foreign investment imposed by the Foreign Business Act."

So in short, Amity businesses are not Thai and therefore cannot own land.

You're welcome.

Edited by Trembly
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robblok, you trusted your betrothed so much you needed a pre-nup? How did it go? My understanding out here is divorce is generally 50/50 but I may be wrong. Try divorce in the West with a couple of kids after 2 years and let me know how much it cost you.

Sent from my GT-I9500 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

Ah yes because in Thailand you dont have to pay for the kids you can just ditch them and dont care about them. Many guys just escape to Thailand and dont pay for their kids. In my eyes they are trash (those guys)

But again your comparing apples with oranges. At least in the west you can protect your assets if you want too. But most guys aren't smart enough to do so. I am all for paying up for the time spend together and compensating her but I am against her owning half of what i previously owned (West situation not Thailand)

As for the pre nup.. im just sensible, why would i want my previous owned house go to a girl who did not pay a dime for it. So that is why I had a pre nup and it saved me. I still had to pay alimony but that was it and because the marriage was not long I did not have to pay that long either.

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It would be interesting to hear from members who actually operate an 'Amity company' in Thailand regarding the following :

Under the Treaty, Thailand is permitted to apply the following restrictions to American and other foreign investment: owning land; engaging in the business of inland communications; inland transportation; fiduciary functions; banking involving depository functions; engaging in domestic trade in indigenous agricultural products; and exploiting land or other natural resources.


Edit : Just found the answer in this thread : http://www.thaivisa.com/forum/topic/546623-owning-land-under-the-us-amity-treaty/

Why are you an American thinking of investing in Thailand? The link you posted has no factual information on owning a Treaty of Amity company.

Both links lead to plenty of factual information for those who can read.

Here's another : http://www.amchamthailand.com/acct/asp/general.asp?MenuCatID=5&MenuItemID=168&SponsorID=0

"The 1966 iteration of the Treaty allows U.S. citizens and businesses incorporated in the U.S., or in Thailand that are majority-owned by U.S. citizens, to engage in business on the same basis as Thai companies (national treatment), exempting them from most restrictions on foreign investment imposed by the Foreign Business Act."

So in short, Amity businesses are not Thai companies and therefore cannot own land.

You're welcome.


Only a US company under the Amity treaty can own land

Somsak Lawyer

So the Thai Visa lawyer does not agree with you. There is already a thread running on this very issue. Why don't you post that you know more about the law than the Thai Visa lawyer and straighten him out.

Unless you don't really want the correct answer. Because a US company under the Amity treaty can own land.

Your welcome.

Edited by thailiketoo
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