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Thai ladies and modesty


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I see more girls that should/could be wearing more than girls that wear enough or too much.

Must add these are the younger girls/ women, probably not older than 30-35.

I see this, not in or near bars, but anywhere, far from any tourist area, e.g. Big C Saphan Kwai.

Of course, how conservative one dresses also depends on climate.

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To address the OP, taking all things into consideration: giggling Thai boys sending porn shots, their OWN exposure to porn! nascent curiosity, hormonal squalls, the innately ribald thread of Thai humor etc, Thai prudishness is vastly exaggadrated.

They have the raunchiest schoolgirl humour I have EVER encountered. And they give you glimpses of it when they are flirting with you. . . . . . . . . (IF they like you.)

Once she's focussed and she's decided that some of that incredibly naughty stuff might be fun there will be no end to her raunchiness and good luck stopping her. She is just dying to do all that internet sh!t . . . . . . . for the right guy.

But, once you have empowered her . . . . . And I mean POWER. . . . . . . . Can you handle it ?

"Sometimes, 'fuggedabowdit' just means fuggedabowdit. . . . "

I dont know the type of thai girl you are flirting with but i think it would be for money, real thai ladies, not bar girls, are modest and reserved particularly when out, they do not like showing their feelings in public.


Unless you are simply defining "real Thai ladies" in a convenient tautological syllogism.

Worked in an ad agency years ago. We were affiliated with a MAJOR Thai Corp.

The internet was just blossoming.

We had scads of Uni chicks, a few office punch-boards and even a Miss Thailand contestant.

I was constantly fielding questions like: Khun Donnie, ka. What does "bald" mean. ? What does "teen" mean ?

What is a p?ssy!? What does "Lolita mean ? What's a facial ? What does Ampland mean ? Have you been to Russia ?

There were dick jokes, hoi jokes, and hot dog jokes.

I have never been into porn that much but believe me they certainly certainly were.

One afternoon, one of them put on "short dick man, (don't want no short dick man) next day it was "you gotta lick it so you can kick it you got to get it sof . . . . . . over her new speakers.

They took me to Chatuchak one Saturday afternoon. A whole group of them because the one who "was focussed" needed the standard bodyguard routine in play of course to protect her reputation.

We stood in front of a card table display of "copeees" for about five minutes before the self-appointed office auntie insisted we move on.

There were plenty of overtures, direct and indirect.

These were young middle class Thai women. They were not prostitutes and they were gringo curious.

Had another bank employee who'd worked in London for two years. Hadn't had "that" since she got back from England and Thai boys "will eat seafood if they have to but don't really like it" (her words, not mine)

No more info for you. I don't wanna get triangulated.

"Sometimes, 'fuggedabowdit' just means fuggedabowdit. . . . "

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I see more girls that should/could be wearing more than girls that wear enough or too much.

Must add these are the younger girls/ women, probably not older than 30-35.

I see this, not in or near bars, but anywhere, far from any tourist area, e.g. Big C Saphan Kwai.

Of course, how conservative one dresses also depends on climate.

Personally i have the mindset of "how CLASSY one dresses depends on how one perceives themselves, and wishes to be perceived". Nowt to do with climate. YOu can look classy in shorts and a chiffon top or a cute dress..or you can instead wear hooker heels and a tarty tight dress thats fit for a night out in the rough end of town.

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kingston kid

I have been here a little over 3 years but as with most still learning.

Is it just that some girls are more westernized or can someone explain the

I thai I shy


It drives me crazy at times. We go shopping she sees a top that is nice I buy it for her and she never wears it.

Reason I thai I shy


According to my own learning, I do live in Isaan and not the bar-districts, up here people do NOT unwrap their gifts in comapn with the giver, they do not

ackknowledge a gift by saying thank you, and they will not even talk about the gift they were given.

One familymember told me that thai act like this because this is a way NOT to show the "giver" what they think about the gift...

They believe that they lose face if they react in a negative way over this gift....

Maybe this has something to do with what you have experienced...????


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To address the OP, taking all things into consideration: giggling Thai boys sending porn shots, their OWN exposure to porn! nascent curiosity, hormonal squalls, the innately ribald thread of Thai humor etc, Thai prudishness is vastly exaggadrated.

They have the raunchiest schoolgirl humour I have EVER encountered. And they give you glimpses of it when they are flirting with you. . . . . . . . . (IF they like you.)

Once she's focussed and she's decided that some of that incredibly naughty stuff might be fun there will be no end to her raunchiness and good luck stopping her. She is just dying to do all that internet sh!t . . . . . . . for the right guy.

But, once you have empowered her . . . . . And I mean POWER. . . . . . . . Can you handle it ?

"Sometimes, 'fuggedabowdit' just means fuggedabowdit. . . . "

I dont know the type of thai girl you are flirting with but i think it would be for money, real thai ladies, not bar girls, are modest and reserved particularly when out, they do not like showing their feelings in public.


Unless you are simply defining "real Thai ladies" in a convenient tautological syllogism.

Worked in an ad agency years ago. We were affiliated with a MAJOR Thai Corp.

The internet was just blossoming.

We had scads of Uni chicks, a few office punch-boards and even a Miss Thailand contestant.

I was constantly fielding questions like: Khun Donnie, ka. What does "bald" mean. ? What does "teen" mean ?

What is a p?ssy!? What does "Lolita mean ? What's a facial ? What does Ampland mean ? Have you been to Russia ?

There were dick jokes, hoi jokes, and hot dog jokes.

I have never been into porn that much but believe me they certainly certainly were.

One afternoon, one of them put on "short dick man, (don't want no short dick man) next day it was "you gotta lick it so you can kick it you got to get it sof . . . . . . over her new speakers.

They took me to Chatuchak one Saturday afternoon. A whole group of them because the one who "was focussed" needed the standard bodyguard routine in play of course to protect her reputation.

We stood in front of a card table display of "copeees" for about five minutes before the self-appointed office auntie insisted we move on.

There were plenty of overtures, direct and indirect.

These were young middle class Thai women. They were not prostitutes and they were gringo curious.

Had another bank employee who'd worked in London for two years. Hadn't had "that" since she got back from England and Thai boys "will eat seafood if they have to but don't really like it" (her words, not mine)

No more info for you. I don't wanna get triangulated.

"Sometimes, 'fuggedabowdit' just means fuggedabowdit. . . . "


I am amazed and scared at the same time.

I certainly lead a very different (and possibly sheltered) upbringing.

I might have dreamed about such things (copy of Playboy in hand) but that's as far as it went.

To have relationships rendered down to such a base level must be disheartening.

For you I sadly believe that you have been there and done it all.

Nothing new to come or to look forward to, no questions, no intrigue, no sloppy romance, no Mills n Boone etc.

Thanks for such a shocking and detailed post, it helps to ground me and make me happy with my lot where I misunderstand things from time to time because I am clueless!

I was almost brought to tears the other day when, during a little chat, my wife told me that she felt so happy because we were together. That for her I was her lover and supporter and guide, like a boy friend/brother/father/granndfather all rolled into one and such a safe place to be. She is not highly educated in the formal school sense. Her uni was the uni of life and she gained her knowledge by working in many countried all round the world.

All Thai ladies are not the same.

All ladies are not the same.

Otherwise all men would be the same and that is plainly not true.

I do not criticise you or your POV but simply point out that I believe that you have had an insight into a side of life in Thailand that is very far from the experience of many of us and, in the end, perhaps some of us would be happy not to know but to blunder on like the innocents we are???

My wife is over 50 and I am 20 years older than her and we are very happy simply taking care of each other.

Fall back with both eyes open.

Keep things simple.

Listen - a lot.

Tell no lies.

Ask yourself: If she behaved how I am about to, how would I react

Ask, if everyone did what I am about to do, what kind of world would we live in?

I suppose being 2 years past the biblical sell by date makes me rather boring and if you were just on a joking wind up - sorry.

We could benefit from a sarcasm or an "I am joking" font or two

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I love this facet of Thai female persona.

It is so much more exciting than the trashy Paris Hilton wannabe behaviour of young western girls.

Because of her modesty, when I shag my thai girl I often feel like a young lad again, back in the west, risking a shag in the girlfriend's house while the parents are in the next room...

Not often we get to relive our youth...

Maybe your username is revealing, but please explain to me how Paris Hilton is (or ever was) a "trashy wannabe"? She was born wealthy as the heiress to one of the world's biggest and most well-regarded hotel empires. A "wannabe" by the very definition of that word isn't born rich. Paris Hilton doesn't have any "trashy" tattoos, isn't known for "trashy" excessive drinking (OK, maybe a few times in her much younger years) and has never had a "trashy" reputation for drug use. She looks very clean-cut to me, hardly "trashy" at all. Despite being born extremely wealthy, she has also carved out her own personal brand and is a company director involved in many successful business ventures in fashion and lifestyle products, which she is doing on her own merits thanks to her own work. She always looks classy and sophisticated to me. Explain to me, fatdrunkandstupid, how an innocent and uneducated Thai girl (oh excuse me if you're one of those who only dates "hi-so" Thai girls were were educated abroad!) is more exciting than an educated and successful Western business woman? Perhaps more exciting to you because she's easier to dominate than a Western woman, and you may even feel superior to her in some ways, whereas you probably feel quite inferior to Western women who won't even look in your direction. The reason that Thai women seem "modest" is that, on the inside, every Thai girl is ashamed to be in a relationship with a foreigner. No Thai woman genuinely wants to be with a foreigner, especially one who is rather older and uglier than her. They are with you thanks to the contents of your wallet (especially if they are much younger than the man, which is usually the case) and you seem to be committing the error of mistaking their "modesty" for some kind of "childlike innocence", whereas in reality it's much more related to shame and trying to save face. Believe me, almost all Thai women would rather be in a relationship with a Thai man (any Thai man, not necessarily with good looks) who can provide her with double the income she could earn alone, rather than being with a foreigner. The reason they are with a foreigner is simply that, in most cases, the foreigners are willing to spend 5, 10 or even 20 times more money than a Thai man. That's the only reason, but keep kidding yourself otherwise if that makes you feel better.

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I love this facet of Thai female persona.

It is so much more exciting than the trashy Paris Hilton wannabe behaviour of young western girls.

Because of her modesty, when I shag my thai girl I often feel like a young lad again, back in the west, risking a shag in the girlfriend's house while the parents are in the next room...

Not often we get to relive our youth...

Maybe your username is revealing, but please explain to me how Paris Hilton is (or ever was) a "trashy wannabe"? She was born wealthy as the heiress to one of the world's biggest and most well-regarded hotel empires. A "wannabe" by the very definition of that word isn't born rich. Paris Hilton doesn't have any "trashy" tattoos, isn't known for "trashy" excessive drinking (OK, maybe a few times in her much younger years) and has never had a "trashy" reputation for drug use. She looks very clean-cut to me, hardly "trashy" at all. Despite being born extremely wealthy, she has also carved out her own personal brand and is a company director involved in many successful business ventures in fashion and lifestyle products, which she is doing on her own merits thanks to her own work. She always looks classy and sophisticated to me. Explain to me, fatdrunkandstupid, how an innocent and uneducated Thai girl (oh excuse me if you're one of those who only dates "hi-so" Thai girls were were educated abroad!) is more exciting than an educated and successful Western business woman? Perhaps more exciting to you because she's easier to dominate than a Western woman, and you may even feel superior to her in some ways, whereas you probably feel quite inferior to Western women who won't even look in your direction. The reason that Thai women seem "modest" is that, on the inside, every Thai girl is ashamed to be in a relationship with a foreigner. No Thai woman genuinely wants to be with a foreigner, especially one who is rather older and uglier than her. They are with you thanks to the contents of your wallet (especially if they are much younger than the man, which is usually the case) and you seem to be committing the error of mistaking their "modesty" for some kind of "childlike innocence", whereas in reality it's much more related to shame and trying to save face. Believe me, almost all Thai women would rather be in a relationship with a Thai man (any Thai man, not necessarily with good looks) who can provide her with double the income she could earn alone, rather than being with a foreigner. The reason they are with a foreigner is simply that, in most cases, the foreigners are willing to spend 5, 10 or even 20 times more money than a Thai man. That's the only reason, but keep kidding yourself otherwise if that makes you feel better.

I was with you most of the way . . . . . . Then you got carried away.

There are now more farang-curious damaged goods type gals around than ever before.

When a middle class coed falls for her high school sweetheart and he returns the honour by dumping her in any and all manner of ways . . . . . she is damaged goods.

Thai guys have few scruples.

The can be complete and utter possy hounds and that leaves many a Siliporn . . . . . . . . porked and dumped.

And gossiped about.

Well if she can't have a Somchai from her former snack bracket she might possibly get into an experimental phase.

Twenty-five to late thirties gals just love that Robin Thicke song. . . . . . Good Girl

Notice I didn't say Thai gals.

Thai gals in this age bracket are down with gettin' nasty with guys "from outside" . . . . . . There's almost no gossip.

If the guy plays his cards right he can get right in there.

But eventually she'll want something. Whether it's marriage, kids or support she'll want something to justify her behaviour to herself, her friends and her family.

Each case if unique but there are many cases.

"Sometimes, 'fuggedabowdit' just means fuggedabowdit. . . . "

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To address the OP, taking all things into consideration: giggling Thai boys sending porn shots, their OWN exposure to porn! nascent curiosity, hormonal squalls, the innately ribald thread of Thai humor etc, Thai prudishness is vastly exaggadrated.

They have the raunchiest schoolgirl humour I have EVER encountered. And they give you glimpses of it when they are flirting with you. . . . . . . . . (IF they like you.)

Once she's focussed and she's decided that some of that incredibly naughty stuff might be fun there will be no end to her raunchiness and good luck stopping her. She is just dying to do all that internet sh!t . . . . . . . for the right guy.

But, once you have empowered her . . . . . And I mean POWER. . . . . . . . Can you handle it ?

"Sometimes, 'fuggedabowdit' just means fuggedabowdit. . . . "

I dont know the type of thai girl you are flirting with but i think it would be for money, real thai ladies, not bar girls, are modest and reserved particularly when out, they do not like showing their feelings in public.

Unless you are simply defining "real Thai ladies" in a convenient tautological syllogism.

Worked in an ad agency years ago. We were affiliated with a MAJOR Thai Corp.

The internet was just blossoming.

We had scads of Uni chicks, a few office punch-boards and even a Miss Thailand contestant.

I was constantly fielding questions like: Khun Donnie, ka. What does "bald" mean. ? What does "teen" mean ?

What is a p?ssy!? What does "Lolita mean ? What's a facial ? What does Ampland mean ? Have you been to Russia ?

There were dick jokes, hoi jokes, and hot dog jokes.

I have never been into porn that much but believe me they certainly certainly were.

One afternoon, one of them put on "short dick man, (don't want no short dick man) next day it was "you gotta lick it so you can kick it you got to get it sof . . . . . . over her new speakers.

They took me to Chatuchak one Saturday afternoon. A whole group of them because the one who "was focussed" needed the standard bodyguard routine in play of course to protect her reputation.

We stood in front of a card table display of "copeees" for about five minutes before the self-appointed office auntie insisted we move on.

There were plenty of overtures, direct and indirect.

These were young middle class Thai women. They were not prostitutes and they were gringo curious.

Had another bank employee who'd worked in London for two years. Hadn't had "that" since she got back from England and Thai boys "will eat seafood if they have to but don't really like it" (her words, not mine)

No more info for you. I don't wanna get triangulated.

"Sometimes, 'fuggedabowdit' just means fuggedabowdit. . . . "

Wow! "Unless you are simply defining "real Thai ladies" in a convenient tautological syllogism.


Now, you are casting pearls before swine. Most expats will wonder what dangerous venereal disease you are talking about. Your tautological slogan explains it all.

But, I can see the syllogism. All real Thai ladies are modest. Bar girls are not modest. Therefore, there are no Thai bar girls.

Maybe, you could come up with an adequate enthymeme?

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Most thai women are very conservative.So she might like it but maybe never wear it.If you give her some mad money every month to do what she want,then she shouldn't have any problem buying it.Then you ask her to model it for you.

"If you give her some mad money every month . . . " Is that your total understanding of any relationship with a girl? I believe most conservative Thai girls would be insulted if you offered them money every month.

HMMM - - - conservative Thai women I have known, had their parents demand money, up front...

To be insulted requires wealth enough to not need or want the money - a HYSO - nearly completely useless as a human being..

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rolleyes.gif Cultural thing.

Have you ever been at Soi Cowboy just before the dancing starts?

The girls will come in wearing their street clothes, and change into whatever they are (barely) wearing while dancing.

When they are up on stage they may be dancing nude in front of the customers, but when they change from their street clothes they will go somewhere to remove their clothes and into their dancing costume.

That seperates their JOB as a nude dancer from their REAL identity as a Thai woman.

That percieved seperation is what they want, dancing nude in front of a bunch of leering men is their JOB, not their reality.

When I was in Vietnam during the Vietnam war I saw the same thing.

And there were some bars there that would make Soi Cowboy look tame.

It's what they percieve they are .... not what others percieve they are that's important to them.

That's how they keeep their self-esteem and sanity.


Spot on..... !

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I love this facet of Thai female persona.

It is so much more exciting than the trashy Paris Hilton wannabe behaviour of young western girls.

Because of her modesty, when I shag my thai girl I often feel like a young lad again, back in the west, risking a shag in the girlfriend's house while the parents are in the next room...

Not often we get to relive our youth...

Maybe your username is revealing, but please explain to me how Paris Hilton is (or ever was) a "trashy wannabe"? She was born wealthy as the heiress to one of the world's biggest and most well-regarded hotel empires. A "wannabe" by the very definition of that word isn't born rich. Paris Hilton doesn't have any "trashy" tattoos, isn't known for "trashy" excessive drinking (OK, maybe a few times in her much younger years) and has never had a "trashy" reputation for drug use. She looks very clean-cut to me, hardly "trashy" at all. Despite being born extremely wealthy, she has also carved out her own personal brand and is a company director involved in many successful business ventures in fashion and lifestyle products, which she is doing on her own merits thanks to her own work. She always looks classy and sophisticated to me. Explain to me, fatdrunkandstupid, how an innocent and uneducated Thai girl (oh excuse me if you're one of those who only dates "hi-so" Thai girls were were educated abroad!) is more exciting than an educated and successful Western business woman? Perhaps more exciting to you because she's easier to dominate than a Western woman, and you may even feel superior to her in some ways, whereas you probably feel quite inferior to Western women who won't even look in your direction. The reason that Thai women seem "modest" is that, on the inside, every Thai girl is ashamed to be in a relationship with a foreigner. No Thai woman genuinely wants to be with a foreigner, especially one who is rather older and uglier than her. They are with you thanks to the contents of your wallet (especially if they are much younger than the man, which is usually the case) and you seem to be committing the error of mistaking their "modesty" for some kind of "childlike innocence", whereas in reality it's much more related to shame and trying to save face. Believe me, almost all Thai women would rather be in a relationship with a Thai man (any Thai man, not necessarily with good looks) who can provide her with double the income she could earn alone, rather than being with a foreigner. The reason they are with a foreigner is simply that, in most cases, the foreigners are willing to spend 5, 10 or even 20 times more money than a Thai man. That's the only reason, but keep kidding yourself otherwise if that makes you feel better.

I was with you most of the way . . . . . . Then you got carried away.

There are now more farang-curious damaged goods type gals around than ever before.

When a middle class coed falls for her high school sweetheart and he returns the honour by dumping her in any and all manner of ways . . . . . she is damaged goods.

Thai guys have few scruples.

The can be complete and utter possy hounds and that leaves many a Siliporn . . . . . . . . porked and dumped.

And gossiped about.

Well if she can't have a Somchai from her former snack bracket she might possibly get into an experimental phase.

Twenty-five to late thirties gals just love that Robin Thicke song. . . . . . Good Girl

Notice I didn't say Thai gals.

Thai gals in this age bracket are down with gettin' nasty with guys "from outside" . . . . . . There's almost no gossip.

If the guy plays his cards right he can get right in there.

But eventually she'll want something. Whether it's marriage, kids or support she'll want something to justify her behaviour to herself, her friends and her family.

Each case if unique but there are many cases.

"Sometimes, 'fuggedabowdit' just means fuggedabowdit. . . . "

I agree you have a point here Donnie. Many Thai ladies have been very badly let down by their Thai husbands, have gone on to spend their lives working hard to bring up the children with no help from the ex husband. The woman usually has the obligations of caring for aged parents as well and even supporting siblings as well.

Many Thai ladies in this condition are no longer interested in having another husband.

They want what everyone wants - to be taken care of. They are not interested in huge amounts of money and are usually well prepared to continue working and earning a living.

Earlier in this thread the question was asked - why would anyone want a relationship with someone with whom they could barely communicate. Perhaps the answer is mutual need.

Thai culture teaches children that their parents had the generosity to bring them into the world and raise them. In return the children have an obligation to care for their parents.

Thus generosity causes a reflective responsibility of care.

I do not have a wide background knowledge of Thai ladies, I only have known the one I married but my experience is that she genuinely cares for me and takes care of me.

Having been married to a British lady before, the feelings I have now feel much more like what I had always hoped Love would be, it is unconditional.

I used to own a Jack Russell cross and she was the most brilliant dog in the world, did she love me - I believe so and it was unconditional, well it was accepted that I would always take care of her.

I don't mean to cloud the issue of love by making parallels between humans and pets, it's just that I am not good at expressing feelings.

Love is stuff for the young, it's fast and furious and generates offspring.

Older folk need stability, security and companionship.

The Western man is generally better behaved than Thai men with regard to caring for their wives, but as with all things, life is a lottery.

Some are lucky and others not so.

There are awlays exceptions, both good and bad and that what makes life so interesting.

Be lucky.

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I love this facet of Thai female persona.

It is so much more exciting than the trashy Paris Hilton wannabe behaviour of young western girls.

Because of her modesty, when I shag my thai girl I often feel like a young lad again, back in the west, risking a shag in the girlfriend's house while the parents are in the next room...

Not often we get to relive our youth...

Maybe your username is revealing, but please explain to me how Paris Hilton is (or ever was) a "trashy wannabe"? She was born wealthy as the heiress to one of the world's biggest and most well-regarded hotel empires. A "wannabe" by the very definition of that word isn't born rich. Paris Hilton doesn't have any "trashy" tattoos, isn't known for "trashy" excessive drinking (OK, maybe a few times in her much younger years) and has never had a "trashy" reputation for drug use. She looks very clean-cut to me, hardly "trashy" at all. Despite being born extremely wealthy, she has also carved out her own personal brand and is a company director involved in many successful business ventures in fashion and lifestyle products, which she is doing on her own merits thanks to her own work. She always looks classy and sophisticated to me. Explain to me, fatdrunkandstupid, how an innocent and uneducated Thai girl (oh excuse me if you're one of those who only dates "hi-so" Thai girls were were educated abroad!) is more exciting than an educated and successful Western business woman? Perhaps more exciting to you because she's easier to dominate than a Western woman, and you may even feel superior to her in some ways, whereas you probably feel quite inferior to Western women who won't even look in your direction. The reason that Thai women seem "modest" is that, on the inside, every Thai girl is ashamed to be in a relationship with a foreigner. No Thai woman genuinely wants to be with a foreigner, especially one who is rather older and uglier than her. They are with you thanks to the contents of your wallet (especially if they are much younger than the man, which is usually the case) and you seem to be committing the error of mistaking their "modesty" for some kind of "childlike innocence", whereas in reality it's much more related to shame and trying to save face. Believe me, almost all Thai women would rather be in a relationship with a Thai man (any Thai man, not necessarily with good looks) who can provide her with double the income she could earn alone, rather than being with a foreigner. The reason they are with a foreigner is simply that, in most cases, the foreigners are willing to spend 5, 10 or even 20 times more money than a Thai man. That's the only reason, but keep kidding yourself otherwise if that makes you feel better.

I was with you most of the way . . . . . . Then you got carried away.

There are now more farang-curious damaged goods type gals around than ever before.

When a middle class coed falls for her high school sweetheart and he returns the honour by dumping her in any and all manner of ways . . . . . she is damaged goods.

Thai guys have few scruples.

The can be complete and utter possy hounds and that leaves many a Siliporn . . . . . . . . porked and dumped.

And gossiped about.

Well if she can't have a Somchai from her former snack bracket she might possibly get into an experimental phase.

Twenty-five to late thirties gals just love that Robin Thicke song. . . . . . Good Girl

Notice I didn't say Thai gals.

Thai gals in this age bracket are down with gettin' nasty with guys "from outside" . . . . . . There's almost no gossip.

If the guy plays his cards right he can get right in there.

But eventually she'll want something. Whether it's marriage, kids or support she'll want something to justify her behaviour to herself, her friends and her family.

Each case if unique but there are many cases.

"Sometimes, 'fuggedabowdit' just means fuggedabowdit. . . . "

I agree you have a point here Donnie. Many Thai ladies have been very badly let down by their Thai husbands, have gone on to spend their lives working hard to bring up the children with no help from the ex husband. The woman usually has the obligations of caring for aged parents as well and even supporting siblings as well.

Many Thai ladies in this condition are no longer interested in having another husband.

They want what everyone wants - to be taken care of. They are not interested in huge amounts of money and are usually well prepared to continue working and earning a living.

Earlier in this thread the question was asked - why would anyone want a relationship with someone with whom they could barely communicate. Perhaps the answer is mutual need.

Thai culture teaches children that their parents had the generosity to bring them into the world and raise them. In return the children have an obligation to care for their parents.

Thus generosity causes a reflective responsibility of care.

I do not have a wide background knowledge of Thai ladies, I only have known the one I married but my experience is that she genuinely cares for me and takes care of me.

Having been married to a British lady before, the feelings I have now feel much more like what I had always hoped Love would be, it is unconditional.

I used to own a Jack Russell cross and she was the most brilliant dog in the world, did she love me - I believe so and it was unconditional, well it was accepted that I would always take care of her.

I don't mean to cloud the issue of love by making parallels between humans and pets, it's just that I am not good at expressing feelings.

Love is stuff for the young, it's fast and furious and generates offspring.

Older folk need stability, security and companionship.

The Western man is generally better behaved than Thai men with regard to caring for their wives, but as with all things, life is a lottery.

Some are lucky and others not so.

There are awlays exceptions, both good and bad and that what makes life so interesting.

Be lucky.

We are in agreement here.

As a partnered man of at least decent appearance and adequate means I am routinely "canvassed" as to my willingness to acquire additional companionship. At this point in my life it is more of an ego boost than anything else. But there are episodes of real "disclosure" from Thai women who have found themselves in the situation you depict.

I've had "crush" action from women of all ages here.

When it happens it's best just to take it as a complement and move on.

Incidentally, if you are discreet and set things up in an adult manner with an appropriate venu and with an appropriate approach to compensate "a woman with a lot on her plate" your primary squeeze will intentionally or unintentionally turn a blind eye.

It's like going bowling (with benefits) if it's handled discreetly and the gal hasn't the time or inclination to get in too deep either.

"Sometimes, 'fuggedabowdit' just means fuggedabowdit. . . . "

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Mostly due to the way I was brought up, Mother totally dominating all around her LOL

I never got to learn about relationships, the model was, head down and work, get married and have kids and put up with everything. Therefore, I suppose I was only looking for firm and steady relationships and never considered anything else.

I have friends who can do as you say but it's not for me. The initial hard wiring it too well done!

I therefore bow to your greater knowledge in these matters.

When my wife's friends see how happy we are together, they all ask to be introduced to someone like me.

I think the mould for both "She and Me" got broken LOL

The few eligible male friends I have could not accept the "Care for" responsibilities gracefully.

It takes a lot of knowledge to Know what you are requires to accept in a Western/Thai relationship.

I can see why Rent often wins over Buy!

However, you get what you pay for so to speak.

Don't get me wrong, we all pay for it one way or another and that is true for all men and women world wide!

I hope that the OP manages to find a solution that suits them both.

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Most thai women are very conservative.So she might like it but maybe never wear it.If you give her some mad money every month to do what she want,then she shouldn't have any problem buying it.Then you ask her to model it for you.

"If you give her some mad money every month . . . " Is that your total understanding of any relationship with a girl? I believe most conservative Thai girls would be insulted if you offered them money every month.

HMMM - - - conservative Thai women I have known, had their parents demand money, up front...

To be insulted requires wealth enough to not need or want the money - a HYSO - nearly completely useless as a human being..

No one has to be high society to be conservative, the money asked by parents is for a marriage dowry, and even poor people can be insulted by gift money, especially if they are proud and willing to work.

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Getting back to the ops original intent...."im shy", over clothing, well mate women can like something thinks it looks great on....but not on them... you need to understand her better women better,

Ive bought my TG's standard apparel ie, jeans but levi a tshirt,British India, she wore bikinis so i took her to Paragon....are you getting the picture?

Its not the quantity and its not so much the quality its what they think it is.

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My experience with Thai girls has been that they are shy and dress conservative on the outside, but become sexual animals once the doors are closed. If you see sexy girls around town, it usually amounts to nothing in the bedroom. It's all show and no tell. Same with western girls and girls around the world. Remember the librarian fantasy? It's all true. Embrace their shyness and enjoy.

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My experience with Thai girls has been that they are shy and dress conservative on the outside, but become sexual animals once the doors are closed. If you see sexy girls around town, it usually amounts to nothing in the bedroom. It's all show and no tell. Same with western girls and girls around the world. Remember the librarian fantasy? It's all true. Embrace their shyness and enjoy.


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Mmm...Thainess and DB; I do agree with near all that you say but, the OP needs to understand (Thai) women a little better I'm thinking; or Thai mind and philosophy.

Your time here is still in its infancy and so is mine (5-6 years).

What true ethnicity, part of the country, demographic, social standing (class) has a bearing on her response and underlying motives.

Yes, most Thai girls are inherently modest but, a girl from Issarn (or lower class elsewhere) struggling in heels is far removed from the savvy, astute, well brought up BKK girl.

Where is she from?

That will partly answer your question.

My guess is, as with most girls partnered with guys on this forum; it's the former.

Savvy Thai girls with savvy (western) guys are about the same in age and social standing; both with $$$.

To the OP; your post discerns you as the majority.

Sorry lad.

Sent from my iPhone using Thaivisa Connect Thailand

Edited by Blackfox
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was the item of clothing vastly different to what she usually wears? or different to what thai girls of similar background to your gf wear? thai's love to play the thai culture card to suit their purpose; thai lady never have sex before marriage, thai lady not have baby if not married, thai lady not hold hands with man, thai lady not free sex (whatever free sex is?!) and so on... the task you have is to work out what is actually going on in her head. good luck with that.

Great username by the way

I have a Vandelay Industries t-shirt I wear every now and then

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must admit not read whole topic but what really offends me is nice short sexy skirt, nice legs and what's underneath a bloody pair of shortsbah.gif .....granny pants I can understand to some extent but not shorts.. must admit when working in Saigon I noted it was a very kettle of fish in this respect.... nice knickers on view clap2.gif

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was the item of clothing vastly different to what she usually wears? or different to what thai girls of similar background to your gf wear? thai's love to play the thai culture card to suit their purpose; thai lady never have sex before marriage, thai lady not have baby if not married, thai lady not hold hands with man, thai lady not free sex (whatever free sex is?!) and so on... the task you have is to work out what is actually going on in her head. good luck with that.

How many Thai ladies have you actually know? As to your "thai's love to play the thai culture card to suit their purpose" ... looks like the card they're playing is you

Nah, it's more likely a culture thing.

The young lady is perhaps a little insecure in the relationship,

she wants to avoid the confrontation that non acceptance of a gift might bring.

She accepts the gift to make her young man happy to be able to give,

She just doesn't wear it and hopes that her action is the lesser of the evils.....

Suggesting that you would like to buy her a new dress and that she should surprise you with the choice, you only pay might be a solution, it's a communication thing?

I dont understand any of this because, while shopping with any girl, you pick something off a rack, you show it, she likes it or she doesnt.

Never have a I seen a girl say yes to something she didnt want when asked

buying things for girls, if they arent with you, is for kids

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kingston kid

I have been here a little over 3 years but as with most still learning.

Is it just that some girls are more westernized or can someone explain the

I thai I shy


It drives me crazy at times. We go shopping she sees a top that is nice I buy it for her and she never wears it.

Reason I thai I shy


According to my own learning, I do live in Isaan and not the bar-districts, up here people do NOT unwrap their gifts in comapn with the giver, they do not

ackknowledge a gift by saying thank you, and they will not even talk about the gift they were given.

One familymember told me that thai act like this because this is a way NOT to show the "giver" what they think about the gift...

They believe that they lose face if they react in a negative way over this gift....

Maybe this has something to do with what you have experienced...????


Thats nonsense, in full bloom.

Any girl that accepts someting she doesnt like, is using the man, and will eventually sell the gifts or give to relatives.

They are a soceity of takers, period and they have no limit.

The girl I was with did not usually like anything I picked off the rack, so it went back on the rack.

I bought her a few sets of feather earrings, she didnt take them, because she said, they were not "her style"

If I picked up a dress she didnt like, she would say, "old" or mom.

that told me to stop picking things off racks

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I love this facet of Thai female persona.

It is so much more exciting than the trashy Paris Hilton wannabe behaviour of young western girls.

Because of her modesty, when I shag my thai girl I often feel like a young lad again, back in the west, risking a shag in the girlfriend's house while the parents are in the next room...

Not often we get to relive our youth...

Maybe your username is revealing, but please explain to me how Paris Hilton is (or ever was) a "trashy wannabe"? She was born wealthy as the heiress to one of the world's biggest and most well-regarded hotel empires. A "wannabe" by the very definition of that word isn't born rich. Paris Hilton doesn't have any "trashy" tattoos, isn't known for "trashy" excessive drinking (OK, maybe a few times in her much younger years) and has never had a "trashy" reputation for drug use. She looks very clean-cut to me, hardly "trashy" at all. Despite being born extremely wealthy, she has also carved out her own personal brand and is a company director involved in many successful business ventures in fashion and lifestyle products, which she is doing on her own merits thanks to her own work. She always looks classy and sophisticated to me. Explain to me, fatdrunkandstupid, how an innocent and uneducated Thai girl (oh excuse me if you're one of those who only dates "hi-so" Thai girls were were educated abroad!) is more exciting than an educated and successful Western business woman? Perhaps more exciting to you because she's easier to dominate than a Western woman, and you may even feel superior to her in some ways, whereas you probably feel quite inferior to Western women who won't even look in your direction. The reason that Thai women seem "modest" is that, on the inside, every Thai girl is ashamed to be in a relationship with a foreigner. No Thai woman genuinely wants to be with a foreigner, especially one who is rather older and uglier than her. They are with you thanks to the contents of your wallet (especially if they are much younger than the man, which is usually the case) and you seem to be committing the error of mistaking their "modesty" for some kind of "childlike innocence", whereas in reality it's much more related to shame and trying to save face. Believe me, almost all Thai women would rather be in a relationship with a Thai man (any Thai man, not necessarily with good looks) who can provide her with double the income she could earn alone, rather than being with a foreigner. The reason they are with a foreigner is simply that, in most cases, the foreigners are willing to spend 5, 10 or even 20 times more money than a Thai man. That's the only reason, but keep kidding yourself otherwise if that makes you feel better.

Tagged and Thai Friendly would argue against your foreigner label.

Or are they all writing in broken english to attract Thai men?

Paris Hilton?

had a bag of cocaine fall out of her purse while inpolice sutody for a DUI, so please,

no Paris Hilton apologies,

she also sucked a mean one on tape, that the entiire country saw

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I love this facet of Thai female persona.

It is so much more exciting than the trashy Paris Hilton wannabe behaviour of young western girls.

Because of her modesty, when I shag my thai girl I often feel like a young lad again, back in the west, risking a shag in the girlfriend's house while the parents are in the next room...

Not often we get to relive our youth...

Maybe your username is revealing, but please explain to me how Paris Hilton is (or ever was) a "trashy wannabe"? She was born wealthy as the heiress to one of the world's biggest and most well-regarded hotel empires. A "wannabe" by the very definition of that word isn't born rich. Paris Hilton doesn't have any "trashy" tattoos, isn't known for "trashy" excessive drinking (OK, maybe a few times in her much younger years) and has never had a "trashy" reputation for drug use. She looks very clean-cut to me, hardly "trashy" at all. Despite being born extremely wealthy, she has also carved out her own personal brand and is a company director involved in many successful business ventures in fashion and lifestyle products, which she is doing on her own merits thanks to her own work. She always looks classy and sophisticated to me. Explain to me, fatdrunkandstupid, how an innocent and uneducated Thai girl (oh excuse me if you're one of those who only dates "hi-so" Thai girls were were educated abroad!) is more exciting than an educated and successful Western business woman? Perhaps more exciting to you because she's easier to dominate than a Western woman, and you may even feel superior to her in some ways, whereas you probably feel quite inferior to Western women who won't even look in your direction. The reason that Thai women seem "modest" is that, on the inside, every Thai girl is ashamed to be in a relationship with a foreigner. No Thai woman genuinely wants to be with a foreigner, especially one who is rather older and uglier than her. They are with you thanks to the contents of your wallet (especially if they are much younger than the man, which is usually the case) and you seem to be committing the error of mistaking their "modesty" for some kind of "childlike innocence", whereas in reality it's much more related to shame and trying to save face. Believe me, almost all Thai women would rather be in a relationship with a Thai man (any Thai man, not necessarily with good looks) who can provide her with double the income she could earn alone, rather than being with a foreigner. The reason they are with a foreigner is simply that, in most cases, the foreigners are willing to spend 5, 10 or even 20 times more money than a Thai man. That's the only reason, but keep kidding yourself otherwise if that makes you feel better.

I was with you most of the way . . . . . . Then you got carried away.

There are now more farang-curious damaged goods type gals around than ever before.

When a middle class coed falls for her high school sweetheart and he returns the honour by dumping her in any and all manner of ways . . . . . she is damaged goods.

Thai guys have few scruples.

The can be complete and utter possy hounds and that leaves many a Siliporn . . . . . . . . porked and dumped.

And gossiped about.

Well if she can't have a Somchai from her former snack bracket she might possibly get into an experimental phase.

Twenty-five to late thirties gals just love that Robin Thicke song. . . . . . Good Girl

Notice I didn't say Thai gals.

Thai gals in this age bracket are down with gettin' nasty with guys "from outside" . . . . . . There's almost no gossip.

If the guy plays his cards right he can get right in there.

But eventually she'll want something. Whether it's marriage, kids or support she'll want something to justify her behaviour to herself, her friends and her family.

Each case if unique but there are many cases.

"Sometimes, 'fuggedabowdit' just means fuggedabowdit. . . . "

you left out the sin sot for the hungry mother

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To address the OP, taking all things into consideration: giggling Thai boys sending porn shots, their OWN exposure to porn! nascent curiosity, hormonal squalls, the innately ribald thread of Thai humor etc, Thai prudishness is vastly exaggadrated.

They have the raunchiest schoolgirl humour I have EVER encountered. And they give you glimpses of it when they are flirting with you. . . . . . . . . (IF they like you.)

Once she's focussed and she's decided that some of that incredibly naughty stuff might be fun there will be no end to her raunchiness and good luck stopping her. She is just dying to do all that internet sh!t . . . . . . . for the right guy.

But, once you have empowered her . . . . . And I mean POWER. . . . . . . . Can you handle it ?

"Sometimes, 'fuggedabowdit' just means fuggedabowdit. . . . "

I dont know the type of thai girl you are flirting with but i think it would be for money, real thai ladies, not bar girls, are modest and reserved particularly when out, they do not like showing their feelings in public.

some wont show their feelings, at all,

until it is too late

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was the item of clothing vastly different to what she usually wears? or different to what thai girls of similar background to your gf wear? thai's love to play the thai culture card to suit their purpose; thai lady never have sex before marriage, thai lady not have baby if not married, thai lady not hold hands with man, thai lady not free sex (whatever free sex is?!) and so on... the task you have is to work out what is actually going on in her head. good luck with that.

Great username by the way

I have a Vandelay Industries t-shirt I wear every now and then


is it latex?

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was the item of clothing vastly different to what she usually wears? or different to what thai girls of similar background to your gf wear? thai's love to play the thai culture card to suit their purpose; thai lady never have sex before marriage, thai lady not have baby if not married, thai lady not hold hands with man, thai lady not free sex (whatever free sex is?!) and so on... the task you have is to work out what is actually going on in her head. good luck with that.

Great username by the way

I have a Vandelay Industries t-shirt I wear every now and then


is it latex?

5 5 5 5

The funniest posts I've read for a long time.

Why wait until now to impress me with your humour and knowledge?

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was the item of clothing vastly different to what she usually wears? or different to what thai girls of similar background to your gf wear? thai's love to play the thai culture card to suit their purpose; thai lady never have sex before marriage, thai lady not have baby if not married, thai lady not hold hands with man, thai lady not free sex (whatever free sex is?!) and so on... the task you have is to work out what is actually going on in her head. good luck with that.

Great username by the way

I have a Vandelay Industries t-shirt I wear every now and then


is it latex?

5 5 5 5

The funniest posts I've read for a long time.

Why wait until now to impress me with your humour and knowledge?

because I didnt think you were young,

or pretty?

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