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Hitching my hook to a star and going Walkabouts.


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I wonder what your first wife back in Farang land thinks of your plan...

Yep the first downer,

I am Jealous mate best of luck. I have dabbled a little in the same thing as you, just jumping on Buses and seeing where they go, I have met and seen some great people and places in Thailand. Lived in the Jungles in South Thailand for a while. I would do it again tomorrow, but i am happily married now. all i can say ,

have fun .

Edited by Thongkorn
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I was in Thailand almost 15 years ago when I ended up working with a Thai-based NGO under Royal Patronage totally by chance occurrences but predicated by past experience. I now have an NGO based in USA, federal government skill certification, and participate routinely in UN discussions and US court cases relating to disadvantage populations. All while/st sitting in my house in rural Isaan. On a daily basis I have hardly ever been busier doing things that I thoroughly enjoy.

So for me at least it's hard to imagine being in Thailand and have nothing better to do than to just pick-up-&-go

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Much respect...

When I first started travelling 18yrs ago, so many of my friends back home said they wanted to do the same thing. I told them they could fly anywhere in the world (at that time) for $500. Most of them are still grumbling from the same bar stool they were sat on at the time we talked :)

I'll see you out there..

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Nice idea! Here is line from Viking's Wake:

"What if the spell of a place falls upon a youthful heart, and the bright horizon calls!

Many a thing will keep till the world's work is done, and youth is only a memory.

When the old enchanter came to my door, laden with dreams, I reached out with both hands. For I know that he would not be lured with the gold that I might offer later, when age had come upon me."

-- Viking's Wake, Richard J. MacCullaugh


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Have been away from the forum for about a month (or there about).

Have been starting new business and attempting to manage existing business. Toyed with the idea of staying away - was a bit over the way some members interacted with each other.

Signed in today - read the OP which I thought was pretty bloo*y inspiring - one of my Dad's favourite saying was " sleep when you're dead" - what he was saying is basically get off your back side and make sure you don't leave single stone unturned - don't die wondering. In my opinion the OP seems to be following this type of mantra - all the best OP - hope you have a blast.

Went on to read responses to the OP and was genuinely surprised - is great to see so many expressing encouragement and genuine good will.

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@OP: some weeks ago i met a single western guy, 82 years old (!!!) travelling thailand on a scooter and tent (!!!). he had been coming here for ages. had settled for many years but had bad experience (like so many). he left phuket and was now on the move, having the time of his life. everywhere he came he was helped by thai people (respect for the elder) and he told me he had never known thailand like this although he had been here for ages .... and no he was not out of his mind (senile/crazy).

That's great for the guy, I used to love camping back in Scotland, but sure here in Thailand you would get eaten my mossies and goodness knows what else. If it wasn't for the mossies I would have gone camping in Thailand years ago.

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I don't know what to say......I wish I could express in words how much all your well wishes mean to me. I will say this though...if the journey makes me feel half as good as your support has done .....then it will be a great success.

"JSixpack"....I had thought about renting the house out as you suggested but it has been my experience that left to their own devices, a lot of people simply don't take care of other people's property the way they would their own and I certainly don't want the worry of what's happening with the house while I'm on my travels..... Anyway, I really think I need the money to do what I plan to do and as " tsigane" says, can get another if it is required but honestly, I take life as it comes with making as few plans as possible. Once heard it said...."Man makes plans and God laughs"

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