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Would these shock horror tactics would work on the Thai’s?

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Driving up to Chiang Mai shortly before New Year 2013, I became startled by the number of idiots driving too fast, swerving all over the road to gain a few seconds. Most people were driving ok.

I can't deny that for a moment I was almost pleased when I saw one of these idiots (I remembered the car) off the road in a bad state. I then realised that there was a family in the car (standing and lying, obviously damaged, around) + another car. So seeing this, do you think that the maniac minority slowed down? Not even for a 100 meters, same as before. "If you think bad things will happen, they will happen" sums it up, so insurance is bad Karma, and so on. At least back home when you see an accident (about once a year, not twice a month like here) you can depend on a respect, not of the law, but basic human decencies.

I also saw something similar when those 30 + kids got killed in a bus a month or two back, I passed just after it had happened. And that was on a strictly no overtaking two lane mountain road.

So, no, videos like this would be viewed with morbid interest without reflecting on what had gone wrong and what could be done to prevent it happening again.

Sorry, have I been ranting?

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This is a program that I believe is used on the West coast of the USA. In it people who have been convicted of driving without due care and attention are taken to a morgue where they are made to view the bodies of people killed in road accidents.

Apparently after that something like 89% never drive in a reckless manner


This is a program that I believe is used on the West coast of the USA. In it people who have been convicted of driving without due care and attention are taken to a morgue where they are made to view the bodies of people killed in road accidents.

Apparently after that something like 89% never drive in a reckless manner

Quite hopeless for the other 11% brain-dead offenders, heh? sad.png


"... The fact is they are not given the proper training to even undertake one task at a time properly, let alone attempting to multitask while they are in control of a vehichle." Do you actually wish someone to proceed believing that you are an intelligent individual with a practicable idea after making a ridiculous crack like that? :cheesy:


Get Real !!

No adverts in the world would stop the senseless irresponsible driving / riding by Thais.

Road safety does not register.

The 71-a-day road deaths will only increase.

This is proven without a doubt by the custom of not using a helmet after dark.

I guess the almost total lack of law enforcement has something to do with it.

When a friend of mine gave as his reason for not using a helmet at night 'because there are no police', I reminded him that the hospitals are open all night for guys like him.


as long as they got protective amulets = worth more than a helmet and safety regulations...

living day by day... they can always come back in the next life

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I'm pretty shure it will help to show this on Television, especially between the Soapseries they show everynight, and they have to repeat it time after time.

I don't think using the same one would work. There would have to be a series of them as a campaign.

This has been classed as one of the most effective ones so far


i think it hilarious that the polce give 2 months notice of what thery are going to do, get off your asses and bl**dy do it NOW. i did see in a past post about Bangkok police cracking down on various driving offences recently, Yes and thay gave notice, can someone bring me up to speed on this, has it happened yet ?? and if not when ?, the suspence is killing me, will they publish statistics,as they just love statistics (well a thought up number generally) ha ha


NO !!! Thais are so used to tragedy in their lives they have become extremely stoic. As a friend explained the Buddhist philosophy to me, " Life's a bitch and then you die. "


Do you ever glance at Thai news media...papers and tv news are filled with gory pictures and videos of horrible accidents due to driver negligence daily. Doesn't seem to have much affect. And you can cease and desist from gratuitous Thai bashing...stupid careless drivers are found the world over, as your own video arrests.

You are so off-track..

These videos are from countries who try do something about these careless drivers..

In Thailand, the number of people driving with the smart phone on the left hand is staggering, even driving in front of the police station, on a motorbike, not like they are trying to hide it.

I see many acccidents caused by drivers on the phone. Nobody seems to care,,,,in Thailand.... Of course it happens in other countries, but darn, nothing as ubiquitous as here in Thailand.... Open your eyes....

If you want to refer to this as thai bashing, be my guest...

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Do you ever glance at Thai news media...papers and tv news are filled with gory pictures and videos of horrible accidents due to driver negligence daily. Doesn't seem to have much affect. And you can cease and desist from gratuitous Thai bashing...stupid careless drivers are found the world over, as your own video arrests.

HIV is rife in Thailand. So, because one person has HIV in, say, "Narnia" then to suggest that Thailand has a HIV problem is "gratuitous Thai bashing" because other countries have it too?

Thailand has at least 4 times more road deaths than the UK; and that ignores the fact that Thai stats are taken at roadside and UK stats give the victim a month extra to die.

Not sure what there is to gain by denying the truth about Thai road-safety. They drive on the same side of the road as the Brits and they can most certainly learn about road-safety from them. Nothing wrong with that.


Nothing will work on them. They are protected by whatever mojo they have hanging from their mirrors or necks, or tattooed on their bodies. They are beyond help because they do not remotely live in reality.

That is why they die in the numbers they do.


The problem is, as 'OMG' suggests, that carelessness is nearly impossible to eliminate, because it's human nature. Teenagers nearly all 'KNOW" that they are indestructible; therefore, it's OK to do whatever they want, whenever they want.

That said, every effort to increase their awareness of the very real dangers of driving carelessly (as well as other dangers of life, like drugs, etc.) is worth it. As the cliche goes, "If it saves one life, it's worth the effort."

I must add, however, that here in Pattaya, the most common danger is not from using cell phones. It's from the "normal" driving of motor bikes. There is little or no regard for traffic laws, or, for that matter, COMMON SENSE in operating motor bikes. Unfortunately, I have to say that a great many falangs tend to adopt the same discourteous and dangerous driving habits as the Thais! (I can't speak for the rest of Thailand, though I suspect that it's the same.)


So according to you all motorcyclist are bad drivers and the cause of all the accidents. Bulls*it. There are probably as many bad car and truck drivers as there are bad motorcyclists. And as for the mini-buses well that might be as high as 100% bad drivers. I however will not be as stupid as you and call for the BANNING OF ALL VEHICLES 4 WHEEL OR GREATER. The BANNING of YOURS will suffice.

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