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STR guard shot dead in Nonthaburi


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if anyone can defend this action (I am waiting for the usual TV red hoard) with a straight face, please try.

this is a precursor of things to come in the run up to the 5th.

No red shirt supporter will defend this, but neither will they assume it is the reds, yellows, army, ... until there is undisputed evidence that proves who did it.

After 4 years now, the thousands of accusations of the reds killing & burning have come to nothing. We have had the court though, adjudicating that most killed in 2010 were killed by the army, which is against what was being spewed by ST & the TV yellow cheerleaders, that the reds had slaughtered their own, etc, etc.

Since this insurgency began, we have had arrests of both sides, with war weapons, but so far the most obvious has been the popcorn shooter who admitted to having, being trained in, and using war weapons.

He later claimed he was tortured into confessing.

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It's a dreadful thing. Both sides are quite willing to use violence against each other but the truly innocent also get caught in the crossfire

Oh look, here's one of our red supporters already! Trying to attenuate the horrendusness of this crime and others like it, with the old everybody does it and s**t happens in the process line.

How pathetic!!!

Well it took awhile - 9 posts, a bit slow off the mark today.

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once again we see the red terorists shooting from inside a temple but then they bash the crap out of monks so why wouldnt they desecrate a temple. Looks like they are getting in some pratrice before the big meeting, low life red scum they are.

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if anyone can defend this action (I am waiting for the usual TV red hoard) with a straight face, please try.

this is a precursor of things to come in the run up to the 5th.

No red shirt supporter will defend this, but neither will they assume it is the reds, yellows, army, ... until there is undisputed evidence that proves who did it.

After 4 years now, the thousands of accusations of the reds killing & burning have come to nothing. We have had the court though, adjudicating that most killed in 2010 were killed by the army, which is against what was being spewed by ST & the TV yellow cheerleaders, that the reds had slaughtered their own, etc, etc.

Since this insurgency began, we have had arrests of both sides, with war weapons, but so far the most obvious has been the popcorn shooter who admitted to having, being trained in, and using war weapons.

I see you left out the 4 reds that were arrested and jailed the other day, they were caught with an m79 and ammo plus grenades and an ak47 plus many more. The ammo serials matched those used in previous attacks so they have actually got somoene responsible for the other grenade attacks now but dont let the truth get in the way of your biased rave especially when the police tortured the popcorn gunman to get a confession worded the way they wanted. As for for how the reds will react, they cheered the deaths of the kids so you think they will do any differently here.

Edited by seajae
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It's a dreadful thing. Both sides are quite willing to use violence against each other but the truly innocent also get caught in the crossfire

Ah yes, the old canard of "they are all the same". when was the last time a Red Shirt march was the target of an act of terrorism resulting in injuries and deaths?

In December, soi 24 Ramkamhaeng.

Sent from my i-mobile i-STYLE 8.2 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

That was one skirmish between the Red Shirts and the local population after days of escalating tensions, with casualties on both sides and not at all the same as the hit and run attacks against anti-government protestors. Even then it is the only example you can give? Because there have been nearly daily attacks against anti-government protestors.

Well at least he didn't claim that Suthep arranged it to get sympathy. I will give him that.... reluctantly. But the colourblindness of these people is stunning!! Shame on you PRBKK. Is that the best you can say under the circumstances? This is an occasion to give the red ant apologising a rest, out of common human decency! Can you find that in you? Or are you just too twisted (or well paid)?

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if anyone can defend this action (I am waiting for the usual TV red hoard) with a straight face, please try.

this is a precursor of things to come in the run up to the 5th.

No red shirt supporter will defend this, but neither will they assume it is the reds, yellows, army, ... until there is undisputed evidence that proves who did it.

After 4 years now, the thousands of accusations of the reds killing & burning have come to nothing. We have had the court though, adjudicating that most killed in 2010 were killed by the army, which is against what was being spewed by ST & the TV yellow cheerleaders, that the reds had slaughtered their own, etc, etc.

Since this insurgency began, we have had arrests of both sides, with war weapons, but so far the most obvious has been the popcorn shooter who admitted to having, being trained in, and using war weapons.

Nothing comes of most instances of reds violence because the police never investigate (properly). They only arrested those guys a couple of nights ago because the army was with them. You are a disgraceful individual to even mention that when everyone (yes, even you) understands the difference in focus of the BIB when the reds start throwing bombs & bullets.

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The 'attack on the anti government protesters' is currently headlining on CNN today.

That's how they are reading it along with 'continued violence in Bangkok' and 'putting more pressure on PM Yingluck 'and that is how it is going around the world.

Thailand's image is taking another bashing I'm afraid and it's all self inflicted.

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Did the government already express their condolence ?

Did they distance themselves from violence?

(like in every civilized country)

When govermenent sympatize with terrorist, It do nothing........

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if anyone can defend this action (I am waiting for the usual TV red hoard) with a straight face, please try.

this is a precursor of things to come in the run up to the 5th.

No red shirt supporter will defend this, but neither will they assume it is the reds, yellows, army, ... until there is undisputed evidence that proves who did it.

After 4 years now, the thousands of accusations of the reds killing & burning have come to nothing. We have had the court though, adjudicating that most killed in 2010 were killed by the army, which is against what was being spewed by ST & the TV yellow cheerleaders, that the reds had slaughtered their own, etc, etc.

Since this insurgency began, we have had arrests of both sides, with war weapons, but so far the most obvious has been the popcorn shooter who admitted to having, being trained in, and using war weapons.

Nothing comes of most instances of reds violence because the police never investigate (properly). They only arrested those guys a couple of nights ago because the army was with them. You are a disgraceful individual to even mention that when everyone (yes, even you) understands the difference in focus of the BIB when the reds start throwing bombs & bullets.

Only army make their job in this country, a lot of police officer are red shirt....

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if anyone can defend this action (I am waiting for the usual TV red hoard) with a straight face, please try.

this is a precursor of things to come in the run up to the 5th.

No red shirt supporter will defend this, but neither will they assume it is the reds, yellows, army, ... until there is undisputed evidence that proves who did it.

After 4 years now, the thousands of accusations of the reds killing & burning have come to nothing. We have had the court though, adjudicating that most killed in 2010 were killed by the army, which is against what was being spewed by ST & the TV yellow cheerleaders, that the reds had slaughtered their own, etc, etc.

Since this insurgency began, we have had arrests of both sides, with war weapons, but so far the most obvious has been the popcorn shooter who admitted to having, being trained in, and using war weapons.

Nothing comes of most instances of reds violence because the police never investigate (properly). They only arrested those guys a couple of nights ago because the army was with them. You are a disgraceful individual to even mention that when everyone (yes, even you) understands the difference in focus of the BIB when the reds start throwing bombs & bullets.

Persistent unfounded accusations by the yellow cheerleaders carry no weight with anyone except among their own. After constant accusation of police bias they then turn around and claim that the judiciary, NACC, ASC, ...are impartial. On several occasions the police have arrested PRDC guards with grenades, bombs and various war weapons, but somehow that is OK from your side. Appears that you & your ilk are the disgraceful ones in your support of an undemocratic, violent insurgency led by a corrupt murderer.

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if anyone can defend this action (I am waiting for the usual TV red hoard) with a straight face, please try.

this is a precursor of things to come in the run up to the 5th.

No red shirt supporter will defend this, but neither will they assume it is the reds, yellows, army, ... until there is undisputed evidence that proves who did it.

After 4 years now, the thousands of accusations of the reds killing & burning have come to nothing. We have had the court though, adjudicating that most killed in 2010 were killed by the army, which is against what was being spewed by ST & the TV yellow cheerleaders, that the reds had slaughtered their own, etc, etc.

Since this insurgency began, we have had arrests of both sides, with war weapons, but so far the most obvious has been the popcorn shooter who admitted to having, being trained in, and using war weapons.

In other Thai news, which you will have to google, as I do not believe I am allowed to mention or quote them here, it is mentioned that certain (named) hardcore red shirts warned fairly specifically about the attack on Facebook several hours BEFORE it happened. The same red shirts alledgedly later on Facebook denied involvement arguing that they had already warned people.

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The 'attack on the anti government protesters' is currently headlining on CNN today.

That's how they are reading it along with 'continued violence in Bangkok' and 'putting more pressure on PM Yingluck 'and that is how it is going around the world.

Thailand's image is taking another bashing I'm afraid and it's all self inflicted.

Objectively, you're right. This IS the image of Thailand, today; there isn't much more to be done that can bash the already beatenup view of today's Thailand. For the other part of that equation is that people in the US and Europe probably see that crawler at the bottom of the screen announcing Bangkok violence and shootings and probably don't pay any more attention to it than if it was in Mogadishu or some province in Afghanistan. Somalia, Afghanistan, Thailand--they are all merging together in the international mind as places where bad sh!t happens--as usual. Thailand's image has soured.

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if anyone can defend this action (I am waiting for the usual TV red hoard) with a straight face, please try.

this is a precursor of things to come in the run up to the 5th.

No red shirt supporter will defend this, but neither will they assume it is the reds, yellows, army, ... until there is undisputed evidence that proves who did it.

After 4 years now, the thousands of accusations of the reds killing & burning have come to nothing. We have had the court though, adjudicating that most killed in 2010 were killed by the army, which is against what was being spewed by ST & the TV yellow cheerleaders, that the reds had slaughtered their own, etc, etc.

Since this insurgency began, we have had arrests of both sides, with war weapons, but so far the most obvious has been the popcorn shooter who admitted to having, being trained in, and using war weapons.

In other Thai news, which you will have to google, as I do not believe I am allowed to mention or quote them here, it is mentioned that certain (named) hardcore red shirts warned fairly specifically about the attack on Facebook several hours BEFORE it happened. The same red shirts alledgedly later on Facebook denied involvement arguing that they had already warned people.

They are getting more and more brazzen, aren't they? Not surprising, having the implicit support of the police and the government to engage in terrorism.

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I think it is getting to the point where some form of civil war is all but inevitable. If not in fact we have already arrived there already.

I won't listen to those deluded individuals on here who claim that the Thais are not that kind of people to tolerate a civil war. My Thai wife even says they expect a war now.

I have been to over 30 countries including lots of African countries, I have lived in several countries in my time and I have to say that the Thai people are actually the most violent I have come across and also with the least appreciation for the sanctity of human life with their backward 'mai pen rai' attitude.

Look at the road deaths and the way they drive motor scooters here.

It is entirely possible and even probable that the Thais are more than willing to host a civil war.

Thaksin and the Shins are all too happy to be backers.... They are incredibly ruthless and dangerous people... Including Yingluck, not once has she condemned the slaying of protesters, in fact she condones it by her very refusal to address it publicly. She is no better than Thaksin... quite inhuman.

If these red shirts continue or step up their campaign of terror, then I am going to have to voice my support for the PDRC to start retaliating by taking out red shirts in a similar fashion. If they do not, they will continue to be picked off one by one.

These reds are out and out terrorists, they have made multiple assaults with intent to kill indiscriminately, and they should be treated as such.

The police are not going to do it, and for all I know, Prayuth has been paid off handsomely to turn the cheek. (I could be wrong). But it is not impossible in Thailand, millions of baht is a temptation here.

So the only option is for the people to take down this terrorist organization. This will of course be a start of a widening civil war... I personally have lost all opposition to something that in my eyes is now unavoidable.

Many of you will shout out against me... But I am just being a realist.

This government and its terrorist movement needs to be stopped sooner rather than later,m and with these people, you can only bite back and scare them off.

Imprison all leaders of the UDD and outlaw the movement, then start taking down the red shirt activists. If the police and army won't do it, then the people will have to.

Edited by WoopyDoo
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Did the government already express their condolence ?

Did they distance themselves from violence?

(like in every civilized country)

of course not. We don't live in a civilized society, and not sticking up for any party here either, but from memory been a long time since an apology has been issued by any side. But let's have the US with their pathetic gun control start first na!

Sent from my i-mobile i-STYLE 8.2 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

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Ah yes, the old canard of "they are all the same". when was the last time a Red Shirt march was the target of an act of terrorism resulting in injuries and deaths?

In December, soi 24 Ramkamhaeng.

Sent from my i-mobile i-STYLE 8.2 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

That was one skirmish between the Red Shirts and the local population with casualties on both sides and not at all the same as the hit and run attacks against anti-government protestors. Even then it is the only example you can give? Because there have been nearly daily attacks against anti-government protestors.

Do we need to name the occurrences of such violence?


Compare the two lists and then try and repeat the "they are all the same" malarkey.

Pure Red BS.

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It's a dreadful thing. Both sides are quite willing to use violence against each other but the truly innocent also get caught in the crossfire

Not quite true. One side has used violence against anyone they don't like for years. The other side uses violence to defend itself.

But you just can't admit it.

Try telling that to anyone who saw the violence at Rajamangala last November...just one example. There are many. This should not be a question of which side has the greater capacity for/willingness to use violence. All violence is to be condemned.

All violence has to be condemned I agree with that 100%

However the reds are famous for it.. this one is surely a red one.. and trad for sure too.. then you got the military grade weapons cache found from the reds.. it kinda shows what side is more violent. You have to go way back to find victims while its much easier to find victims of red violence. They advertise it.. and they are pleased with it.. the red speakers loving the slaughter of children in Thrad (video evidence of them cheering for the good news).

You might argue the pop corn gunman from Suthep, but that time it was a shootout between 2 sides, i haven't seen them attack unarmed people like the reds are doing. Mind you those pop corn gunmen need to be put in jail too I am not saying what they are doing is good.

But violence wise.. the reds rule supreme.

It's the very uncomfortable truth that the red shirt advocates desperately try squirming to worm out of.


Edited by Malone
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In other Thai news,it is mentioned that certain (named) hardcore red shirts warned fairly specifically about the attack on Facebook several hours BEFORE it happened.

Red Shirter Yim Tasawang posted on Facebook at 11:00am that nefarious Red Shirt Leader Ko Tee had "sweets from the border" waiting for Suthep followers on their way back on the expressway.

The protesters were attacked on the expressway at 2:30pm.

Edited by Malone
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RIP, my prayers are with the injured and the relatives of the deceased.

This might be the delayed reaction to the STR leader calling for the kidnap of Yingluck and family some time ago. I was expecting a violent response to that statement, and this looks like it.

Cowardly ugly violence is not political. It is just cowardly ugly violence without any purpose, regardless of how political the person might be. Politics is about using language to construct, not about using weapons to destroy. Anybody who has been trained to use a weapon as part of their job, will tell you that it is the last resort, and it is to some degree a sign of weakness - in the sense that you failed to resolve or diffuse a situation without violence.

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Posts with messed up quotes have been removed as being difficult to see who said what. Maybe try deleting the middle, oldest quoted post from the quoted posts and perhaps the maximum quote header criteria will be met and the quote headers will then be posted correctly so we can see who said what easier.

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Gun attack targets anti-govt protesters

The Nation


One guard killed; 500,000 red shirts expected

BANGKOK: -- ONE PROTESTER was killed and four others injured yesterday when gunmen fired in broad daylight at their convoy while travelling on an expressway in Nonthaburi province, in a further inflammation of the political conflict.

The group from the Students and People's Network for Thailand's Reform (STR), travelling in a three-vehicle convoy, were returning from a rally led by core protest leader Suthep Thaugsuban at the Chaeng Wattana rally site. The convoy was hit by gunfire as it was passing a tollgate and entering the expressway.

The slain man was travelling in the lead vehicle with STR leaders, while the four injured protesters were in the following two vehicles. At a press briefing, STR adviser Nitithorn Lamlua said the attack showed that police could not be trusted to protect members of his group, adding that the STR would travel with maximum self-defence capability when conducting future activities, and was ready to counter any threat.

The slain man was identified as STR guard Wasan Khamwong. He was pronounced dead at Ramathibodi Hospital, while the four injured people, including two women, were being treated there. The risk of political violence has heightened with the two rival groups organising mass gatherings on Saturday. The pro-government red shirts are set to converge in large numbers around Bangkok, while a key anti-government movement is arranging a meeting of provincial reform councils from across the country at Lumpini Park.

Since November 30, there have been 21 deaths and 733 cases of injuries related to the political strife. The first outbreak of violence, at Rajamangala Stadium, between red shirts and Ramkhamhaeng University students saw five people killed.

The latest violence before yesterday's incident near the Ratchaprasong protest site saw two children killed in an M79 grenade attack.

United Front for Democracy against Dictatorship (UDD) chairman Jatuporn Promphan said about 500,000 red shirts would converge at Aksa Road, off Phutthamonthon in western Bangkok. UDD chief adviser Thida Thavornseth said Aksa Road was a good, spacious venue and the gathering on Saturday was also regarded as an exercise that could serve as preparation for an actual battle.

UDD secretary-general Nuttawut Saikuar said there would be no confrontation between the red shirts and the anti-government protesters, but the red shirts were ready to enter Bangkok if there were a military coup.

The gathering was organised by local and provincial red-shirt leaders, however, with the aim to ready them for further mobilisation, possibly moved further inside Bangkok, in case of any sudden development such as a coup, or the appointment of a non-elected prime minister, Nuttawut said.

A meeting of key UDD leaders will be held tomorrow about this further movement, he added. He called on military leaders not to declare martial law aimed at preventing the red shirts from moving into Bangkok.

"The Armed Forces should stay put and remain neutral while a new general election is announced and voting takes place without disruption. With all these [measures], the country can go forward," he said.

The government’s Centre for the Administration of Peace and Order (CAPO)’s chief advisor Surapong Tovichakchaikul said police were capable of coping with political gatherings of the two camps under the Internal Security Act.

He said CAPO’s chief Chalerm Yoobamrung had repeatedly told Nuttawut to ensure that the red shirts remained peaceful during Saturday's rally.

Army commander-in-chief General Prayuth Chan-ocha said the military's stance and security measures remained unchanged to cope with the red-shirt gathering on Saturday.

-- The Nation 2014-04-02

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However the reds are famous for it.. this one is surely a red one.. and trad for sure too.. then you got the military grade weapons cache found from the reds.. it kinda shows what side is more violent. You have to go way back to find victims while its much easier to find victims of red violence. They advertise it.. and they are pleased with it.. the red speakers loving the slaughter of children in Thrad (video evidence of them cheering for the good news).

You might argue the pop corn gunman from Suthep, but that time it was a shootout between 2 sides, i haven't seen them attack unarmed people like the reds are doing. Mind you those pop corn gunmen need to be put in jail too I am not saying what they are doing is good.

But violence wise.. the reds rule supreme.

It's the very uncomfortable truth that the red shirt advocates desperately try squirming to worm out of.

. Not at all, I especially deplore all acts of violence. Simple as that.

Sent from my i-mobile i-STYLE 8.2 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

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However the reds are famous for it.. this one is surely a red one.. and trad for sure too.. then you got the military grade weapons cache found from the reds.. it kinda shows what side is more violent. You have to go way back to find victims while its much easier to find victims of red violence. They advertise it.. and they are pleased with it.. the red speakers loving the slaughter of children in Thrad (video evidence of them cheering for the good news).

You might argue the pop corn gunman from Suthep, but that time it was a shootout between 2 sides, i haven't seen them attack unarmed people like the reds are doing. Mind you those pop corn gunmen need to be put in jail too I am not saying what they are doing is good.

But violence wise.. the reds rule supreme.

It's the very uncomfortable truth that the red shirt advocates desperately try squirming to worm out of.


Not at all, I especially deplore all acts of violence. Simple as that.

Sent from my i-mobile i-STYLE 8.2 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

The colour of the clothes you wear doesn't make you more violent or less violent. These people on both sides are thai and are all the same. Both sides are going to go hell for leather and I believe it is going to get messy but I won't be blaming just one side for the violence.

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UDD secretary-general Nuttawut Saikuar said there would be no confrontation between the red shirts and the anti-government protesters

A day late and a baht short for the multiple-indicted out on bail Red Shirted Deputy Commerce Minister.


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