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Chalerm believes that NACC will uphold justice in the rice pledging case


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Director of CAPO believes that NACC will uphold justice in the rice pledging case

BANGKOK, 1 April 2014 (NNT) - Chalerm Yubamrung Director of the Centre for the Administration of Peace and Order (CAPO) has commented on Prime Minister Yingluck Shinawatra's testimony at the office of the National Anti-Corruption Commission (NACC) yesterday, concerning corruption in the government's flagship rice pledging scheme.

He said he believes that NACC won't charge Ms. Yingluck with corruption but might on neglect of the PM’s duty. Mr. Chalerm added that although he is one of the witnesses who is to be questioned by the NACC, he isn't worried about it since the fact is the Prime Minister only launched the policy and assigned the appropriate minister to carry out the scheme.

Therefore, it is believed that the NACC will uphold justice in questioning witnesses to justify the case. However, in the worst case, should the Prime Minister be charged with negligence of duty, it will not affect the next election and she can be still be re-elected.

-- NNT 2014-04-01 footer_n.gif

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"Director of CAPO believes that NACC will uphold justice in the rice pledging case"

​Obviously his opinion of what the outcome should be and mine are totally opposed, but then I do not have the means to intimidated the NACC.

Edited by Basil B
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it will not affect the next election and she can be still be re-elected.

This will/must be his famous last words. Did he forget that she probably would be banned from politics for five years, at the very least. Together with him and all the other red mafia!

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Chaleum is basing his expressed beliefs on what? I have never seen so many political hacks who profess to be products of a law school, trying to pass what legal knowledge they have, on such a wide spread of legal interpertations In the real world, compintent lawyers specialize in certain areas of law.

Thaland seems to produce people claiming law expertise in much the same way "'shade tree mechanics, weekend cowboys, the majority of karaoke singers,

sick buffalo, etc"' are produced. The imaginatation of their brain seems to be unlimited

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it will not affect the next election and she can be still be re-elected.

This will/must be his famous last words. Did he forget that she probably would be banned from politics for five years, at the very least. Together with him and all the other red mafia!

Chalerm just topple the opportunity for Churapon to be premier

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What a load of crock this idiot is spewing!

If they find her innocent, they've uphold 'justice'.

If they rule against her, he'll be the first to come out and condemn the NACC. Bloody hypocrite.

Like I said. This born liar is motivating the red shirts. He is now also a acting Red shirt leader.

The Shin clan is going for broke.

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"Director of CAPO believes that NACC will uphold justice in the rice pledging case"

​Obviously his opinion of what the outcome should be and mine are totally opposed, but then I do not have the means to intimidated the NACC.

PLUS, you don't have the benefit of ear medicine which, in the case of the good minister, seems to bestow clairvoyant powers.

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Therefore, it is believed that the NACC will uphold justice in questioning witnesses to justify the case. However, in the worst case, should the Prime Minister be charged with negligence of duty, it will not affect the next election and she can be still be re-elected.

I am not too sure if poor Yingluck can last a few more years playing Thaksin's game. For once I feel sorry for her because she is being used by Thaksin to fool the people in order for him to continue stealing from the taxpayers. Not a nice thing to do to your little sis. She has/had something Thaksin needed urgently....credibility.



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He said he believes that NACC won't charge Ms. Yingluck with corruption but might on neglect of the PMs duty. Mr. Chalerm added that although he is one of the witnesses who is to be questioned by the NACC, he isn't worried about it since the fact is the Prime Minister only launched the policy and assigned the appropriate minister to carry out the scheme.

He isn't worried about testifying because he wouldn't recognize the truth if he tripped over it, and even if he did, he wouldn't speak it.

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He said he believes that NACC won't charge Ms. Yingluck with corruption but might on neglect of the PMs duty. Mr. Chalerm added that although he is one of the witnesses who is to be questioned by the NACC, he isn't worried about it since the fact is the Prime Minister only launched the policy and assigned the appropriate minister to carry out the scheme.

He isn't worried about testifying because he wouldn't recognize the truth if he tripped over it, and even if he did, he wouldn't speak it.

So if the ship runs aground you blame the ship's cook that the captain hired? Is that about it? YL is supposedly the captain of this ship.

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However, in the worst case, should the Prime Minister be charged with negligence of duty, it will not affect the next election and she can be still be re-elected.

Well Chalerm is right in a sense. If the next election is in 5 years after she has served her ban then by all means she can be re elected, but then who really cares for the opinion of a labour minister with a drinking problem.

I look forward to the judges reaction when he tells them that the responsibilities of the chair woman of the rice committee is only to launch the policy.

Maybe this is where the Titanic came unplugged. Maybe Edward Smith (Titanic Captain) shared the same ideology Chalerm does and after throwing the champagne bottle at the ship as it was being launched decided he was not responsible for the care, direction and overseeing the running of the ship after that.

I suspect yingluck is going to hit this riceburg and no amount of warning or predictions to state otherwise from the first mate, Chalerm will change that fact.

Full steam ahead.

Edited by djjamie
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He said he believes that NACC won't charge Ms. Yingluck with corruption but might on neglect of the PMs duty. Mr. Chalerm added that although he is one of the witnesses who is to be questioned by the NACC, he isn't worried about it since the fact is the Prime Minister only launched the policy and assigned the appropriate minister to carry out the scheme.

He isn't worried about testifying because he wouldn't recognize the truth if he tripped over it, and even if he did, he wouldn't speak it.

The charges of corruption are also leveled at many others including himself, the charge of dereliction of duty is leveled at the PM only,

Though I do wonder why they they have not charged him with dereliction of duty as it has been clear at time he has not been able to do his job due to self inflicted alcohol poisoning.

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Like his guru, Mr. T, Chaleum knows immediately what political outcomes will be - of any scenario. And like T and Noppadon, Chaleum thinks telling the truth is some silly notion for wimps. Chaleum claims to also know all the mafia heavies in Thailand, and what they've done and what they're planning, ......but the most we (the general public) get are vague references to the mafia dons. If we're lucky, Chaleum will tell us the first letter of the mafia don's name, but then immediately add: "He knows that I know who he is and what crimes he's committed, but because he knows I know, he will amend his ways and become a decent person."

It sounds like a joke, but he's actually stated things like that in public. It's particularly galling when the man who says such ridiculous things is given command of Thai law enforcement. It's almost as crazy as a drug addict (Chaleum is an alcoholic) being put in charge of Thailand's miserable 'War on Drugs.' Guess which drug he will never criminalize? Yup, alcoholic drinks.

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What a load of crock this idiot is spewing!

If they find her innocent, they've uphold 'justice'.

If they rule against her, he'll be the first to come out and condemn the NACC. Bloody hypocrite.

It's just yet another one of his thinly-veiled threats...read between the lines...!!

No worries, he'll get his comeuppance in the long run...!!

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I guess we were due some form of statement from The Headless Minister of Labour, on this very special day. The Count (spellcheck problem) Montenegro must be due for a statement anytime now as well on FB or SKYPE.

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He said he believes that NACC won't charge Ms. Yingluck with corruption but might on neglect of the PMs duty. Mr. Chalerm added that although he is one of the witnesses who is to be questioned by the NACC, he isn't worried about it since the fact is the Prime Minister only launched the policy and assigned the appropriate minister to carry out the scheme.

He isn't worried about testifying because he wouldn't recognize the truth if he tripped over it, and even if he did, he wouldn't speak it.

So if the ship runs aground you blame the ship's cook that the captain hired? Is that about it? YL is supposedly the captain of this ship.

Correct, anyone who knows anything about Thailand knows only the Boss is allowed to make the final important decisions. YL is exactly the same. She may not be making the decisions (surely she can't tell the NACC that her brother is), so she must accept responsibility for this rice debacle...."I didn't know what was going on" isn't a valid argument for a PM to be making regarding one of they main populist policy platforms.

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Therefore, it is believed that the NACC will uphold justice in questioning witnesses to justify the case. However, in the worst case, should the Prime Minister be charged with negligence of duty, it will not affect the next election and she can be still be re-elected.

I am not too sure if poor Yingluck can last a few more years playing Thaksin's game. For once I feel sorry for her because she is being used by Thaksin to fool the people in order for him to continue stealing from the taxpayers. Not a nice thing to do to your little sis. She has/had something Thaksin needed urgently....credibility.

I would be rather difficult for her to be re-elected (or stay in office), if she is impeached by the senate or found guilty by the Supreme Court for Political Office Holders in this case. She faces a 10 year ban from politics, if found guilty by both. If sentenced to prison by the latter court, that 5 year ban would start from the end of the prison sentence.

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