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Jatuporn: UDD's rally on April 5-6 just a "final exercise before the big war"


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Suthep has the power of old cultural forces (and money) behind him. He can dress his words up in prettier language like "reform" ..hes part of the problem tho because his power relies on the very systems that created the status quo. The red shirts do not have the generational power and must resort to their numbers and a constant underlying, threatening layer of violence, actualized by events in 2010.

The reds really do seem to have the numbers, however, which is an empowerment in democratic nations. It determines who governs.

I agree, the threat of violence coming from the reds is damaging thailand, but bangkokians and the old lords need to understand: if u want democracy, respect the vote

Your argument is flawed from end to the other and suggests to me that you are hoping for violence and are already throwing in your justifications for it.

1. Suthep you claim is dressing up an agenda in words like 'reforms'? These are not just words, did you already forget the 2 week forum on the reform blueprint?

2. The red shirts are relying on numbers and a threat of violence because of the events of 2010? The red shirts got themselves killed in 2010, they deserved it for the main part for attacking an armed force with guns, etc. If they are what you say they are, why did they not hang around in 2010 to 'finish the job' instead of running away once their stupid leaders turned themselves over to the army because they were crapping their pants??

3. Red shirts have the numbers do they? Let me tell you that I live in what was once a 95% dominated red shirt town, it is now a Dem dominant town, full reversal in just 3 years. Red shirts are actually a collection of tine minorities and need to scrape the entire country to get a few thousand at their rallies and then they have to pay (video proof). Of the amount of fake supporters, only a tiny fraction are actually activists such as 16 year old kids and drunken thirty somethings.

4. You use of democracy and vote in the same sentence is particularly hilarious. Since when did Thailand ever have a true democratic election and this government has also broken just about every democratic principle there is.

The only thing I agree with you on is that the reds threat of violence is damaging Thailand, but not as much as the actual acts which have been almost daily. Jatuporn brings his red buffs to BKK and it goes pear shaped, you can forget the damage to Thailand so far.... It will be nothing compared to what will happen to the nation if Thaksin, Thida and YL get their civil war they are so hungry fore, so they at least have one last throw of the dice at separation and Thaksin's return to rule as the king of lanna.

1. pls tell me the results of these forums. Suthep has been unwilling to compromise or even speak to the PTP (aside from the strange challenge to debate yingluck live on tv

2. You misunderstand me. Reds were violent in 2010. They use this to their advantage to paralyze the army to stage a coup with threats, and they hold it over the country to intimidate voters. I dont agree with it and certainly dont advocate violence.

3. You could b right that your experience in your area is representative of thailand but it is impossible to tell as elections were blocked. I have stated many times that i believe the dems have an opening here to build their voting block.

4. We all agree thailand is an emerging democracy. Nevertheless, an election is the way to decide who governs the nation. I fully support new elections monitored by asean and the UN.

Sorry i got you all worked up..maybe sleep it off :)

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This announcement by Jatuporn is a tactic admission of failure. Suthep - knowing that the UDD hadn't managed to gather more than 100,000 to 120,000 in any single rally since 2010, and even then for only the first two days - has said that if Jatuporn could bring more people together than the PDRC, then the PDRC would gladly step down. What UDD leader wouldn't want that to happen ? But Suthep knows, and Jatuporn knows too - that they can't do it. It was all bluster. Jatuporn's famous bluster - protected by people's really bad memories of anything he says - including apparently himself. Jatuporn's claims of half a million people all came to absolutely nothing. But when did he make this claim ? Yesterday ! Now, it's just wait a few weeks.

Well, the people of Bangkok will be relieved. They know exactly what UDD rallies are like, and their memories of 2010 are vivid. And they would much prefer if they didn't turn up at all.

That would be Prayuth's choice as well, but Martial Law is ready to be called if need be, and backed if it has to come to this.

Sent from my iPad using Thaivisa Connect Thailand

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Good on Jatuporn. Orwell's "People sleep peacefully in their beds at night only because rough men stand ready to do violence on their behalf." might be paraphrased "The little people have their rights only because red men stand ready to do violence on their behalf."

Edited by The Dancer
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Yet one more example, as if we needed if, of the Reds' intolerance of any opinion other than their own. Now, they want to "cleanse" this forum of messages that offend them. A good example of what the Khmer Rouge-like Reds will do when they get their hands around the entire throat of Thailand. A plunge off a precipice into darkness.

Asking you to justify your support of coups and election sabotage is not the same thing as advocating that you be exterminated. Sad that it should even have to be pointed out.

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How long before the Red Shirt Fag Wavers come on here with their buffed out chests trying to be big mouth tough minions whistling.gif Thank goodness no children have been killed yet or they would be jumping up and down like a bunch of excited monkeys in heat thumbsup.gif

The reds have already killed children with grenade blasts in Trat and in front of Big C Ratchdamri.

Yes but it was OK with Thaksin. He appreciates the product that he orders.

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I am amazed at the overwhelming anti democratic posts here.

You are all advocating Thailand rejects the voters choice of government. (yet again)


It has zero relevance to you, as a foreigner, yet you think your views mean something.

They are irrelevant so calm down and stop thinking you know what you are talking about.

Yet one more example, as if we needed if, of the Reds' intolerance of any opinion other than their own. Now, they want to "cleanse" this forum of messages that offend them. A good example of what the Khmer Rouge-like Reds will do when they get their hands around the entire throat of Thailand. A plunge off a precipice into darkness.

They were elected you know. They can do what they want now. Don't have to answer to anyone. Above the law.

Usual PTP/UDD mantra.

What amazes me is that people really fall for the PR that PTP are democractic.

Proof that you don't have to be a red shirt to be dumber than a board fence.

It is fairly obvious by the number of foreigners backing the PTP red shirts that other countries are lacking in education also.

Democracy is not electing some one to govern you because they say they are all for you and are going to do great things for you. Then scamming you out of all your tax baht's. That is a scam of national sizesad.png

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Yet one more example, as if we needed if, of the Reds' intolerance of any opinion other than their own. Now, they want to "cleanse" this forum of messages that offend them. A good example of what the Khmer Rouge-like Reds will do when they get their hands around the entire throat of Thailand. A plunge off a precipice into darkness.

Asking you to justify your support of coups and election sabotage is not the same thing as advocating that you be exterminated. Sad that it should even have to be pointed out.

At last some one that agrees with me that the PTP sabotaged the election.

Praise the Lord hallelujah brother you are not alone.wai.gif

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I am amazed at the overwhelming anti democratic posts here.

You are all advocating Thailand rejects the voters choice of government. (yet again)


It has zero relevance to you, as a foreigner, yet you think your views mean something.

They are irrelevant so calm down and stop thinking you know what you are talking about.

The pro-Suthep farang are in fact and reality contemporary fascists who want to retain as much of the quaint and charming feudal order of the post-war period as possible. They don't want girls from Issan out of their bar slave roles in Bangkok nor do they want any more of the modern world in Thailand than they are compelled by reality to accept. Developments of the past 14-15 years are directly relevant to these fahlang, personally, vitally, in their entirety. Their virulent lashing out against the changes modernization has imposed on the society testifies to the vested interests of these farang in their own private yet passé quaint and charming feudal Thailand. If they weren't so personally invested in multiple ways, they wouldn't be making such unrelenting and unrestrained personal attacks against those who threaten their own private Thailand.

The talk in recent years of republicanism is just that, a lot of empty talk. Keep In mind however that such talk mortifies these fahlang. The only two native English language countries that are republics are Ireland and the United States, neither of which are strongly represented among farang. Even the empty talk of republicanism here doesn't calm the hyper horrors of so many fahlang.

All I read was

'The pro-Suthep farang are in fact and reality contemporary fascists who want to retain as much of the quaint and charming feudal order of the post-war period'

I didn't have to read the rest.

I would say that fascism is actually being displayed right now by the UDD/Reds and the PTP.

What do you call gaining power and clinging to it using violence and threats, ignoring courts, and all the checks and balances of democracy, as well as huge self interest and intimidation... I would call that fascism.

Don't bother using the D word, it doesn't exist and has never existed in Thailand.

Show me a single principle of 'D' (again I won'tt mention it). that has not been broken or abused by this regime of Chinese elitists??

There is your challenge for the night.

I am hanging around.

Sooo, you didn't read the whole of my post, izzat what you said? And you can say the word "fascism" but you are wholly and entirely unable to say the word "Democracy." I see. Actually, I have seen for some time now concerning a whole bunch of you.

Listen, if and when you challenge me, I'll let you know.

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I am amazed at the overwhelming anti democratic posts here.

You are all advocating Thailand rejects the voters choice of government. (yet again)


It has zero relevance to you, as a foreigner, yet you think your views mean something.

They are irrelevant so calm down and stop thinking you know what you are talking about.

The pro-Suthep farang are in fact and reality contemporary fascists who want to retain as much of the quaint and charming feudal order of the post-war period as possible. They don't want girls from Issan out of their bar slave roles in Bangkok nor do they want any more of the modern world in Thailand than they are compelled by reality to accept. Developments of the past 14-15 years are directly relevant to these fahlang, personally, vitally, in their entirety. Their virulent lashing out against the changes modernization has imposed on the society testifies to the vested interests of these farang in their own private yet passé quaint and charming feudal Thailand. If they weren't so personally invested in multiple ways, they wouldn't be making such unrelenting and unrestrained personal attacks against those who threaten their own private Thailand.

The talk in recent years of republicanism is just that, a lot of empty talk. Keep In mind however that such talk mortifies these fahlang. The only two native English language countries that are republics are Ireland and the United States, neither of which are strongly represented among farang. Even the empty talk of republicanism here doesn't calm the hyper horrors of so many fahlang.

All I read was

'The pro-Suthep farang are in fact and reality contemporary fascists who want to retain as much of the quaint and charming feudal order of the post-war period'

I didn't have to read the rest.

I would say that fascism is actually being displayed right now by the UDD/Reds and the PTP.

What do you call gaining power and clinging to it using violence and threats, ignoring courts, and all the checks and balances of democracy, as well as huge self interest and intimidation... I would call that fascism.

Don't bother using the D word, it doesn't exist and has never existed in Thailand.

Show me a single principle of 'D' (again I won'tt mention it). that has not been broken or abused by this regime of Chinese elitists??

There is your challenge for the night.

I am hanging around.

Sooo, you didn't read the whole of my post, izzat what you said? And you can say the word "fascism" but you are wholly and entirely unable to say the word "Democracy." I see. Actually, I have seen for some time now concerning a whole bunch of you.

Listen, if and when you challenge me, I'll let you know.

You need a hug......

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The international court of justice awaits, because this stupid and backward country never really punishes anyone but the complete poor and destitute.

And yet you have chosen to live here? ;) didn't you carry out due diligence and weigh up the pro's and con's of moving to Thailand, the fact that you've chosen to still live in Thailand despite calling it stupid and backwards, kind of shows the contempt you have for the place, without really knowing what you were letting yourself in for, when you decided Thailand was the place to put down new roots.

It's history has been turbulent, what with the dozens of coups since the 1930's..as for the corruption in the Far East, it's endemic, and the culture is almost impossible to change after generations of your Thai family doing things their way, they don't need to conform to your customs mate, you need to conform to theirs and accept that some things you simply can't change, if the roles were reversed, you'd be expecting your Thai family to adopt the customs of your native country would you not, so that they felt a part of the community and fitted in?

Guy's like Juttaporn are blow hards, all talk and no action, they're doing a great job being antagonists, they're saying all these things to provoke reactions, and it seems to be working, do you honestly think he would risk being known as the man known to have plunged Thailand into a civil war?

Violence solves nothing, the acts of these renegade reds responsible for the deaths of the kids, need to be punished to the full extent of a 5.56mm, no point in saying the Law as the Law is part of the problem, as in the Police. But all out violence is not going to solve the current situation, it's not going to get the farmers their money, and it's not going to benefit Thailand in the short, or long run, there needs to be cool heads and common sense to prevail, and avert this possible flash point that seems to be looming.

General Prayuth better have a very good plan B, as he might need to use it soon!!

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I am amazed at the overwhelming anti democratic posts here.

You are all advocating Thailand rejects the voters choice of government. (yet again)


It has zero relevance to you, as a foreigner, yet you think your views mean something.

They are irrelevant so calm down and stop thinking you know what you are talking about.

The pro-Suthep farang are in fact and reality contemporary fascists who want to retain as much of the quaint and charming feudal order of the post-war period as possible. They don't want girls from Issan out of their bar slave roles in Bangkok nor do they want any more of the modern world in Thailand than they are compelled by reality to accept. Developments of the past 14-15 years are directly relevant to these fahlang, personally, vitally, in their entirety. Their virulent lashing out against the changes modernization has imposed on the society testifies to the vested interests of these farang in their own private yet passé quaint and charming feudal Thailand. If they weren't so personally invested in multiple ways, they wouldn't be making such unrelenting and unrestrained personal attacks against those who threaten their own private Thailand.

The talk in recent years of republicanism is just that, a lot of empty talk. Keep In mind however that such talk mortifies these fahlang. The only two native English language countries that are republics are Ireland and the United States, neither of which are strongly represented among farang. Even the empty talk of republicanism here doesn't calm the hyper horrors of so many fahlang.

(Also overlooking every ridiculous claim of the desires of other posters beyond the first sentence...)

So everybody on this forum who challenges "red rule" (read: can see through their heavily PR-enforced BS) is a "fascist" ?

Well there's clearly a wide range of them on here, from what appear to be a wide range of cultural and political backgrounds.

With so many of these "contemporary" Neo-Nazi's about on here, it's a wonder why this forum wasn't shut down years ago.

Sent from my armchair

Your post is in the category of things my post never said.

Edited by Publicus
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