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World War II bomb explosion: Bangkok scrap shop owner to face charges


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It's all the fault of the farangs, who originally dropped the bomb on Thailand (or perhaps somewhere else in S.E.Asia), in the first place ! rolleyes.gif

I was wondering the same thing... I don't recall any WWII bombing in central Thailand. There was a little along the Japanese rail road, but no widespread bombing or action in Thailand during the war. So where would this ordinance come from? WWII seems strange...

In Bangkok, some bridges on Chaophaya River were bombed and rail marshalling yards and the canal westward out of BKK by USAAF in an attempt to disrupt Japanese logistics routes, Chumphon and railway south too. I have photos in my collection. Also areas of Nakorn Rachisima and, of course, Kanchanaburi so plenty of UXB remain.

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I guess they flunk UXB Disposal 101. It's tragic that there were innocent casualties. R.I.P to the victims and speedy recoveries to the injured.

Historical Ref: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bombing_of_Bangkok_in_World_War_II

A Perspective: Ten times the number victims of this kind of ignorance occur in road accidents every day on average. Thai people, as usual, pushing the envelope of ignorance.

Edited by MaxYakov
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I'm surprised the Thai media hasn't yet blamed the falangs who dropped the bomb.

But then again, that would mean reminding the Thai people that they declared war on the UK and USA.

I'm curious to know if Thailand really did declare war on the Allies (not only the USA and the UK). Remember the railway?

From the little I know of the subject, they capitulated rather than fight, which might have delayed things by a few days only.

Any references anyone? wai.gif

Good question. Thailand initially cooperated fully with the Japanese and this is why they were able to remain mostly autonomous, although their country became a virtual garrison of the Japanese army.

Their ambassadors in the UK and the US were ordered to deliver declarations of war but only the ambassador to the US complied; in the UK the Thai ambassador could not bring himself to do it and defied his govt. I believe the UK therefore took the official view that no declaration of war was in place.

At the end of the war Siam as it then was had become hostile to the Japanese (although I believe not openly) and there were numerous divisions of Japanese in the country to safeguard against internal revolt.

The Japanese bombed Bangkok and other Thai towns for about 3 days (could have been less) before the Thais submitted so theoretically the bomb that went off could have been either Allied or Japanese, although US bombing was of a much longer duration. Be interesting to know what of importance was out there at the time.

Sent from my GT-I9300T using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

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Thia story has made the international press. The Daily Telegraph concludes its article by stating "The allies conducted bombing raids on the Thai capital in retaliation for the kingdom joining the Japanese war effort in south-east Asia." No doubt this comment did not appear in the Thai press.

Even if it had, they wouldn't have understood it (including a lot of Westerners, I'm sure).

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Whatever the outcome, if he is high enough up in the hi-so pecking order, the owner will get away scott free and one of the dead workers will get the blame. Take for instance the Kader toy factory fire, one of Thailands biggest disasters. 188 girls died, 469 injuries, many critical. There were no emergency exits in the top floors of the 3 story building, many just jumped off, what exits there were at ground level, all locked, many died from smoke trapped in escape exits with locked doors.........................Guess what. All directors , owners and manager were exonerated but the real culprit was found to be a labourer who was smoking !

And people today wonder why the uneducated working class have had enough of these Suthep types who own and control industry. Unless things change drastically, one of two things are in store for Thailand , Dictatorship (under Suthep) or civil war.

I don't know about Suthep, but it's certainly fortuitous that some savvy, murderous red-shirts did not get their paws on this time-shifted weapon of mass destruction.

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Jump on the foreigners working in the diving industry,, even though highly qualified. And yet leave scrap metal shops unregulated for the locals,,,

This is a terrible scenario and one that everyone would be laughing at if it were not for the tragic deaths and injuries. It is staggering that the shop owner and the workers could be so unbelievably stupid.

It reminds me of a silly joke on Blackadder made by Nursey ,,,,

Nursey : "If you keep having such good ideas your foot will fall off!"

Queen : "Is that what happens when you have good ideas, your foot falls off?"

Nursey : "Yes, my cousin had a good idea of cutting his toenails with a scythe and his foot fell off"

RIP to the deceased….

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No one would cut open a crane hammer, so they must have known it was a bomb and just wanted to see what was inside.

AND ON THAT BOMBSHELL.............................................................

Or even worse, proving that it was solid by demonstrating that it was too thick to cut. We will never know, obviously the boss was not directing the operation.
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"Hey, be careful, as that could be a bomb." "Do you know how much money you can get for such a thing?"

Okay, guys....make little pieces , we'll make little Buddhas out of it. Bannnnngggggggggg.....

Time for Americans to build one more friendship bridge now.

Edited by sirchai
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The death toll rose to 8 this afternoon when the body parts of a 3 year-old girl were discovered.

Additionally, there are still missing persons that are being looked for.


Edited by Malone
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30 grand for a totaled home, seems about fair! Good lord.

25 for a partially damaged home too. Seems very equitable to me.

10 for a life.............whistling.gif

Sounds like a well thought out compensation package.............not

Why are you all going on about the compensation levels being provided? These are being paid for gratis by the Bangkok city administration, who don't have any direct responsibility for this disaster, and don't have an obligation to pay anything at all. The responsibility falls on the business owner, his insurer (if any), and possibly the property owner.

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30 grand for a totaled home, seems about fair! Good lord.

25 for a partially damaged home too. Seems very equitable to me.

10 for a life.............whistling.gif

Sounds like a well thought out compensation package.............not

Why are you all going on about the compensation levels being provided? These are being paid for gratis by the Bangkok city administration, who don't have any direct responsibility for this disaster, and don't have an obligation to pay anything at all. The responsibility falls on the business owner, his insurer (if any), and possibly the property owner.

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30 grand for a totaled home, seems about fair! Good lord.

25 for a partially damaged home too. Seems very equitable to me.

10 for a life.............whistling.gif

Sounds like a well thought out compensation package.............not

Why are you all going on about the compensation levels being provided? These are being paid for gratis by the Bangkok city administration, who don't have any direct responsibility for this disaster, and don't have an obligation to pay anything at all. The responsibility falls on the business owner, his insurer (if any), and possibly the property owner.

My point was to illustrate the value placed on a life compared with damaged property.

Perhaps the BMA are trying to preempt any potential liability for allowing such industry in a residential neighbourhood. I don't know.

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I'm surprised the Thai media hasn't yet blamed the falangs who dropped the bomb.

But then again, that would mean reminding the Thai people that they declared war on the UK and USA.

But at the time was not Thailand governed by a puppet government?

Funny how things never seem to change.

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I'm surprised the Thai media hasn't yet blamed the falangs who dropped the bomb.

But then again, that would mean reminding the Thai people that they declared war on the UK and USA.

The puppet leader of japan declared war on the U S however the Thai ambasador in Washington refused to deliver it. So in the wash up Thailand ( as opposed to the Japanese invaders) did not declare war on the U S. The U S bombed Bangkok to take out the Japanese H Q there. None the less a real tragedy for these poor workers who would have no idea about bombs and a real tragedy for all those affected..

Good old American quality...still packs a wallop over 60 years later!

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Owner Of Bombed Scrap Warehouse 'Still Missing'
By Khaosod English


BANGKOK: -- Death toll of huge explosion at an unregistered scrapyard in Bangkok suburb rises to 8, while its owner remains missing, police said.

The blast occurred yesterday at the scrap warehouse in Soi Lat Prakao 72 after its employees reportedly attempted to dismantle a WWII-era bomb with a gas-fueled cutter. The 230 kg bomb was said to have been unearthed by a group of construction workers in the vicinity.

Today Pol.Gen. Ake Angsananond, deputy chief of the Royal Thai Police, said 8 people have been killed by the explosion so far, with "dozens" more injured. He stressed that rescue workers are still searching for other possible survivors and dead bodies.

Pol.Col. Wirasak Foithong added that the deceased victims include one child who was reported missing by the parents. "We have gathered the body parts and determined that it was indeed the missing kid," Pol.Col. Wirasak said.

According to Pol.Col. Wirasak, the owner of the scrapyard, Ms. Euamphon Suebniam, is still missing. If found to be alive, Ms. Euamphon would likely face charges, as her warehouse was operated without proper registration or permit from the district office, according to Mr. Sanya Chanrat, secretary to the Governor of Bangkok.

Mr. Sanya said the shop has been in service for over 10 years, but he offered no explanation to why the authorities have not closed down the scrapyard earlier.

Mr. Krit Kiatponchart, Bang Khen district director, said Bang Khen police force will set up special posts for receiving complaints from the affected residents in the area, in order to allow the police to proceed with legal prosecution against the owner of the scrapyard.

Over 30 houses have been damaged by the blast, Mr. Krit said, and he said it is too early to estimate a total cost of damage in the incident, but insisted that the authorities will provide financial support to those affected by the explosion.

Meanwhile, Mr. Hiranwat Sopitseehasoop, the 40-year old leader of the construction worker team who found the explosive, told police that they unearthed the bomb when they attempted to drill into the ground for pillar construction.

Mr. Hiranwat claimed he already suspected it was a bomb, so he photographed the device and instructed his workers not to move it, but the workers reportedly took the bomb away from the site and sold it to the scrapyard without his permission.

A local resident, Ms. Chomechin Chantachart, claimed she witnessed the purchase at the scrap warehouse. According to Ms. Chomechin, the workers told her they believed it was a vintage defunct bomb, and agreed to sell it for 2,300 baht to the scrapyard owners.

The workers also jokingly suggested that she leave the area as the bomb might go off during the dismantling process, Ms. Chomechin added. She said the explosion occurred later when she went back to her residence.

Officials believe the bomb was likely dropped from an Allied airplane during the Second World War, and originally possessed a blast radius of 500 metres, but the device has lost much of its power due to the long years since it was produced.

Source: http://en.khaosod.co.th/detail.php?newsid=1396514731&section=12&typecate=06

-- Khaosod English 2014-04-03

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Cutting a bomb with a torch! wow the IQ levels in here seems to be very high

It could have been so corroded over time that is was not recognisable as a bomb though. But if that was the case, you wouldn't be able to gas-axe it either, as anyone who's ever oxy cut badly rusted steel would know.

The guy selling it passed it of as a hammer broken of a crane, so it can't have been that rusted. These hammers are not bomb shaped and the recycle shop owner was suspicious, so I guess he retired to a safe distance and went for a coffee whilst his Burmese/Cambodian employees cut it up!

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Bangkok was bombed during WWII...that's news to me. I thought hey just handed over the keys to the city to the Japanese. I mean, just think of the money to be made servicing Japanese soldiers on leave...isn't that how Thaniya Plaza got its start?

Another one that doesn't read history. Thailand was bombed in certain places, most notably Bangkok and the Kanchanaburi area by the Allies, not the Japanese.

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Bangkok was bombed during WWII...that's news to me. I thought hey just handed over the keys to the city to the Japanese. I mean, just think of the money to be made servicing Japanese soldiers on leave...isn't that how Thaniya Plaza got its start?

Another one that doesn't read history. Thailand was bombed in certain places, most notably Bangkok and the Kanchanaburi area by the Allies, not the Japanese.

The Japanese did bomb Thailand including Bkk for a few days at the very start of their campaign before the Thais capitulated. It was a pretty small effort compared to the later US effort. I believe a few Thai fighters were shot down and at least one Thai pilot was killed.

Sent from my GT-I9300T using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

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I'm surprised the Thai media hasn't yet blamed the falangs who dropped the bomb.

But then again, that would mean reminding the Thai people that they declared war on the UK and USA.

I'm curious to know if Thailand really did declare war on the Allies (not only the USA and the UK). Remember the railway?

From the little I know of the subject, they capitulated rather than fight, which might have delayed things by a few days only.

Any references anyone? wai.gif

Good question. Thailand initially cooperated fully with the Japanese and this is why they were able to remain mostly autonomous, although their country became a virtual garrison of the Japanese army.

Their ambassadors in the UK and the US were ordered to deliver declarations of war but only the ambassador to the US complied; in the UK the Thai ambassador could not bring himself to do it and defied his govt. I believe the UK therefore took the official view that no declaration of war was in place.

At the end of the war Siam as it then was had become hostile to the Japanese (although I believe not openly) and there were numerous divisions of Japanese in the country to safeguard against internal revolt.

The Japanese bombed Bangkok and other Thai towns for about 3 days (could have been less) before the Thais submitted so theoretically the bomb that went off could have been either Allied or Japanese, although US bombing was of a much longer duration. Be interesting to know what of importance was out there at the time.

Sent from my GT-I9300T using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

Apologies, it was the Thai ambassador to the US not the UK who refused to deliver the war decltn. Obviously it didnt matter too much to the US!

Sent from my GT-I9300T using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

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Jump on the foreigners working in the diving industry,, even though highly qualified. And yet leave scrap metal shops unregulated for the locals,,,

This is a terrible scenario and one that everyone would be laughing at if it were not for the tragic deaths and injuries. It is staggering that the shop owner and the workers could be so unbelievably stupid.

It reminds me of a silly joke on Blackadder made by Nursey ,,,,

Nursey : "If you keep having such good ideas your foot will fall off!"

Queen : "Is that what happens when you have good ideas, your foot falls off?"

Nursey : "Yes, my cousin had a good idea of cutting his toenails with a scythe and his foot fell off"

RIP to the deceased….

'another cunning idea ...?

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This is taking a "lack of common sense" to new heights...so sad for the innocents involved in this debacle...

Australian TV news showed the remains of the explosion, and stated that "they were try to remove a fuse."

In Papua New Guinea a few years ago, a group of villagers found a large bomb in the sand on a beach. They removed ONE of the fuses and then started hammering the bomb.

Many of the houses along the beach suffered shrapnel damage. I doubt the untrained bomb disposal guys felt a thing.

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As soon as I heard about the bomb I guessed some greedy little Arthur Daley type entrepreneur had a hand in this?

Cutting a WW2 bomb with a blow torch.....fark ????


Thailand; Hub of greed and stupidity!

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It's all the fault of the farangs, who originally dropped the bomb on Thailand (or perhaps somewhere else in S.E.Asia), in the first place ! rolleyes.gif

I was wondering the same thing... I don't recall any WWII bombing in central Thailand. There was a little along the Japanese rail road, but no widespread bombing or action in Thailand during the war. So where would this ordinance come from? WWII seems strange...

I'm pretty sure the RAF bombed Bangkok in WW2 at the same time they were bombing the Japs over the death rail camps. Just checked on Google: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bombing_of_Bangkok_in_World_War_II

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