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PM Yingluck pleads for fair treatment of her cases


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She said that if everything was done according to the letters of the law and no double standard practice was used in the two cases against her, the judgements of both the charter court and the NACC would be acceptable by the public.

The public is not the one to judge. The court is. It is there duty to uphold the law not let some one steal 400 billion baht and incur no penalty just to make some farmer happy.

The prime minister declined to comment on the question that it appeared that her cases were quickly wrapped up saying that in her capacity as the accused, she would not comment on it.

But let her get home to her Facebook page and she will comment on it there.

Regarding the case with the NACC, she admitted that she felt heavyhearted because the NACC allowed only three more witnesses to testify instead of 11 that she had demanded. The three witnesses are Deputy Prime Minister and Finance Minister Kittirat Na-Ranong, Deputy Prime Minister and Commerce Minister Niwatthamrong Bunsongphaisarn and Deputy Commerce Minister Yanyong Puangrach.

She wants a minister who says it is OK to lie about the finances of the nation if it makes people feel good to be a witness for her. Just more of her arrogance.

The prime minister went on saying she would not want to accuse the independent agencies of putting pressure on her and would like the public to judge by themselves of their performances.

It is pretty obvious when the grass roots people come together and continue to maintain their judgment that she should go for 5 months that they have judged her and have not changed their mind.

Look who she has supporting her red shirts who threaten violence and even commit it if they don't get their way. Witness the beating performed on a monk with a cane by 30 of them and the death of children by grenades. The PTP who every time she says she is going to reshuffle the cabinet half of them fly off to get her brothers blessing. Losers all of them.


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I'm not the sharpest tool in the shed so go easy on me for asking.

Why has she been restricted to only three witnesses?

I thought under the law your entitled to a fair go.

Looking a bit like a kangaroo court to me with the restraints that are being put on her defense.

Because the others are irrelevant to the case.

No agency or court in the world will allow irrelevant witnesses to be brought in.

If they are not connected in any way with the rice scheme, then how the hell can they possibly be witness to anything?

She is just stalling for time and trying to stack her case with false witnesses and fake evidence.

It really is an open and shut case.... She was not only the PM, but also the chairman of the rice scheme, it is her responsibility to make sure that it is run correctly without corruption, she failed to do so even with the most compelling of warnings from local to international levels of massive corruption going on and yet she did nothing......, and in any country in the world is clear negligence.

What is the betting that these witnesses will come bearing evidence that she instructed particular departments and people to stop the corruption with paperwork back dated to prove this (which will all be fake documents).

But she is wasting her time... This is not going to hang her. The other case is what is going to do that.and the whole cabinet will be gone too.

Good riddance.

I am wondering if the Government to Government sales behind closed doors are not incriminating items also. Why else would she keep them a secret. That was her doing not the commissions.

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Well you guys seem to know the answers.

If I was defending charges of this magnitude I would expect to mount the best defense I could.

The problem I see with is that say she is found guilty the perception of bias against her will only divide the people even further.

You have another idea. If she is guilty and it divides the country even farther it should be a wake up call to all the honest citizens of the amount of damage the Shinawatra regime has done to the country.

I mean let's face it when a guilty person is allowed to go on unchecked because it might divide the country is ridicules. The country is already divided it will just make the dishonest citizens who have said nothing to come forward and stand with there fellow red shirts.

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Yingluck says Constitutional Court should treat her like other politicians

BANGKOK: -- Prime Minister Yingluck Shinawatra, maintained Thursday that the transfer in 2011 of NSC secretary-general Thawil Pliensri to become her adviser was "in line with the legal process".

Yingluck said she expected the Constitutional Court to treat her case with the same standard applied to other cases against politicians.

It was her first public reaction after the court agreed on Wednesday to consider a petition against the her by a group of senators over an alleged conflict of interest in her removal of Thawil.


-- The Nation 2014-04-03

Mr Thawil, you will go down in history as being the one person who managed to get rid of Yingluck and her cronies. Hats off to you for fighting for you're rights, I bet you never realised that vengeance could taste as sweet as this!!!!

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Fair enough northern john good post.

Just by a slim chance and she is found not guilty will the dems accept the decision .

I just think she has played her cards in this whole fiasco pretty good.

Her statement on this issue let the people decide throws the pressure back on the nacc.

The caretaker governments allowing the anti government protests to go on and on and on has left sutep just virtually making empty statements with his supporters losing faith or interest .

Ok that being said after all this time it seems to me that it's reached a stage now where the disdain from both sides towards one another is here to stay.

Social media outlets now have given access to people who before didn't have an opinion who relied on word of mouth etc.

The sensational news headlines only stir the pot more and depending on which newspaper you read people tend to go with that bias reporting.

So what's the answer ?

The ballot box?

A coup?

A civil war?

I think the ballot box but hey and it like a bet I would be putting my money on the PTP purely because I think that the majority of thai people were fed up after blocking people right to vote and not only the red vote but the yellow vote to.

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So what has happened with all those letters fling from the likes of Surapong to the UN chief and the US state department? Explaining to them that the courts are biased and in the process of overthrowing the government????

Begging these same people to please come out and denounce these 'independent agencies'. Or to plead with them to treat the PM with 'fairness'....

All they got back in reply was a BIG FAT SILENCE.

The west can see all too clearly what is going on here, and what has been going on here.

I expected at least a stock 'off the shelf' reply saying to please maintain peaceful and respect democracy and the rule of law..... They didn't even issue that.

To me and to this shambles of a government. That silence speaks volumes about the current attitude of the international community. They don't agree with this government, and they sure as hell won't be getting involved in what is clear to them, 'correct judicial procedures in accordance with true democracy'...

Their silence is deafening.

The PTP, Cabinet and the UDD/reds are an island. They have zero support outside of their silly little tin pot regime.

If they want to rise up in a civil war, they will see the true feelings of the hot tempered Thai people in action.

They have declared a war on the


Independent agencies

The Military.

I suggest they bring more than 500,000 It will take a movement of literally millions prepared to die for their stupid disjointed cause.

This has been written on TV and elsewhere. It isn't that the international community agrees or disagrees with the current government. They just don't care.

Sent from my iPad using Thaivisa Connect Thailand

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If the rice scheme had been carried out transparently, with well kept records of how much has been spent, how much was paid to farmers, how much for storage etc, and exactly how much rice was actually bought, and has so far been sold, then she wouldn't need any time at all to prepare. The scheme has been run incompetently at best and criminally at worst. As leader and chairwoman, she should be treated as fairly as the CEO of a company that is unable to present the books for auditing would be.

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If the rice scheme had been carried out transparently, with well kept records of how much has been spent, how much was paid to farmers, how much for storage etc, and exactly how much rice was actually bought, and has so far been sold, then she wouldn't need any time at all to prepare. The scheme has been run incompetently at best and criminally at worst. As leader and chairwoman, she should be treated as fairly as the CEO of a company that is unable to present the books for auditing would be.

Far too complicated for the red shirts to deal with!!

Also, if you keep records of everything then just how can they plunder the scam for all its worth and get away with it.

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'fair'? ....like how her brother dealt with suspected drug dealers ?

'fair'? ....like how her brother orchestrated piling peaceful demonstrators like cordwood, in idling army trucks ?

'fair'? .....like squelching open debate on legislation she and her buddies tried railroading through parliament late at night?

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'fair'? ....like how her brother dealt with suspected drug dealers ?

'fair'? ....like how her brother orchestrated piling peaceful demonstrators like cordwood, in idling army trucks ?

'fair'? .....like squelching open debate on legislation she and her buddies tried railroading through parliament late at night?

More like Fair, as in travelling county show, complete with assortment of rip-off merchants and con men, but don't miss the world class collection of freaks, including the man with the liquid brain, the fireball family, the amazing green blob, the invisible ring master, 'Propello' the miracle fluid flow facilitator, the spineless woman, and, of course, the largest group of escape artists ever assembled in one cabinet. No prison can hold them. Bring your chidren. Roll up! Pay up! Shut up!

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Yingluck says Constitutional Court should treat her like other politicians

BANGKOK: -- Prime Minister Yingluck Shinawatra, maintained Thursday that the transfer in 2011 of NSC secretary-general Thawil Pliensri to become her adviser was "in line with the legal process".

Yingluck said she expected the Constitutional Court to treat her case with the same standard applied to other cases against politicians.

It was her first public reaction after the court agreed on Wednesday to consider a petition against the her by a group of senators over an alleged conflict of interest in her removal of Thawil.


-- The Nation 2014-04-03

So Yingluck is in effect saying that the Supreme Administrative Court was wrong in its judgement and that she is right?

Good luck with that one Yingluck!

The track record of abiding by the rules, avoiding nepotism, cheating and lying is well......... a little colorful to say the least, from all the Thaksin inspired regimes.

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Is Poo really surprised that the NACC declined to hear testimony from ludicrous witnesses she proposed such as Dr Chalerm Yoobamrung? It was an insult to their intelligence and the justice system to suggest that such a pathological liar and a drunk should give evidence.

For the sake of completeness she should mention the case of the B2.2trn Borrowing Bill which hasn't started yet but certainly will and will see her and the rest of the crooks in her cabinet indicted for sure. Even if out of office, they can still be impeached and banned for 5 years with criminal prosecution to follow which could result in a further 5 year ban and a lengthy stay in Dubai.

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Those cases are piling up aren't they. It's all a bit reminiscent of her brother's stay in the big chair.

Still the way things are going if she is found guilty on one she can always ask for all her other offences to be taken into consideration. Either that or catch a plane to Dubai.

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I do hope that YL will do the right thing if she is found guilty. Own up to her responsibility and be accountable for her actions. And not lay blame on anyone but herself. She took the position of PM very lightly giving all power to her cabinet members and advisers. Not understanding the responsibility of the highest position in the country. It's not like winning a popularity contest in High School.

I hope she doesn't blame the justice for enforcing the law as this is the normal process of democracy. There is no judicial coup, just justice being served. If anything, she needs to go after the criminals behind her using her as a puppet. All the ministers that stole from the rice scheme down to all the MP that advised her on what to do. But the ultimate responsibility must go to the person at the helm.

I hope she doesn't raise her kids that way. If her kids grow up all messed up, I hope she does not blame the teachers, the baby sitters, the cook, the maids, the monks.....and everyone else except herself.

Edited by aimbc
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To be fair to ms Yinluck she is only asking for the amount of advance warning that she has given other at times.

She had been warning farmer for nearly 6 months that they will get paid next week so that they will have the opportunity to plan how they spend the money that they have earned !!!!

Its just a pity that those who borrow from loan sharks out of desperation now will owe more in interest than they will receive - and still will need to find the money to repay the capital.

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There is something very questionable about a twice elected PM of a supposedly democratic nation having to "plea" for fair treatment in legal cases. That speaks huge about Thailand's failure to implement fair and equal treatment before the law for all. Walk away from Thailand now before it becomes uncontrollable bedlam.

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Yingluck says Constitutional Court should treat her like other politicians

BANGKOK: -- Prime Minister Yingluck Shinawatra, maintained Thursday that the transfer in 2011 of NSC secretary-general Thawil Pliensri to become her adviser was "in line with the legal process".

Yingluck said she expected the Constitutional Court to treat her case with the same standard applied to other cases against politicians.

It was her first public reaction after the court agreed on Wednesday to consider a petition against the her by a group of senators over an alleged conflict of interest in her removal of Thawil.


-- The Nation 2014-04-03

She will be treated the same as the other Thaksin Puppet PMs. The standard has been set and she will follow in the footsteps of the TRT and the PPP. It would be double standards if they didn't toss her out, whining will not change the outcome.

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<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

Well you guys seem to know the answers.

If I was defending charges of this magnitude I would expect to mount the best defense I could.

The problem I see with is that say she is found guilty the perception of bias against her will only divide the people even further.

She will be found guilty. Don't worry about perception, there is bias, that is pretty clear. Bias or not she bungled the rice scheme, tried to get amnesty for her brother, and had enough other shady dealings that one of them will catch up with her. The people are about as divided as they can be already. Booting her out will not make the reds any redder. Will the UDD react with violence? Yes that's their standard reaction to anything. More anti government protesters will be killed, but that's what they are for. Leaders on both sides are more than willing to sacrifice their pawns to get what they want. In the end the Thai people will lose, and politicians will continue to fight over positions so that they can continue to bleed the country dry. Nothing changes.

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Is Poo really surprised that the NACC declined to hear testimony from ludicrous witnesses she proposed such as Dr Chalerm Yoobamrung? It was an insult to their intelligence and the justice system to suggest that such a pathological liar and a drunk should give evidence.

For the sake of completeness she should mention the case of the B2.2trn Borrowing Bill which hasn't started yet but certainly will and will see her and the rest of the crooks in her cabinet indicted for sure. Even if out of office, they can still be impeached and banned for 5 years with criminal prosecution to follow which could result in a further 5 year ban and a lengthy stay in Dubai.

Ah yes, the 2.2 trillion baht 'mother of all boondoggles.' The law will never catch the crooks who go high-tailing with that boatload of money. They'll be grinning ear to ear from St. Moritz, of Caribbean hide-outs (nearby 'Ample Rich Corp. perhaps?') or one of the Dune countries. Whatever does get built on that train (10,000 baht for 10 baht's worth of work) from Bkk to China, will certainly aid Chinese commerce and lending banks.

Q. What's the sound of 10,000 Chinese bankers laughing? Answer: Thaksin laughing X 10,000.

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I'm not the sharpest tool in the shed so go easy on me for asking.

Why has she been restricted to only three witnesses?

I thought under the law your entitled to a fair go.

Looking a bit like a kangaroo court to me with the restraints that are being put on her defense.

Because the NACC isnt a court and us really just deciding if there is a case to go to the courts.

Sent from my iPhone using Thaivisa Connect Thailand

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I'm not the sharpest tool in the shed so go easy on me for asking.

Why has she been restricted to only three witnesses?

I thought under the law your entitled to a fair go.

Looking a bit like a kangaroo court to me with the restraints that are being put on her defense.

Line 1. - I agree

Line 2. - Because she is being treated like anyone else would, as she requested

Line 3. - Depends on how corrupt/bent/crooked you are

Line 4. - Your red pantyhose is showing

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Please treat them gently as you load them on to the plane to Dubai...don't want them scratched. They cost Thailand taxpayers a lot of money.

Edited by Mudcrab
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There is something very questionable about a twice elected PM of a supposedly democratic nation having to "plea" for fair treatment in legal cases. That speaks huge about Thailand's failure to implement fair and equal treatment before the law for all. Walk away from Thailand now before it becomes uncontrollable bedlam.

Twice elected??? Don't you mean once appointed!!!

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There is something very questionable about a twice elected PM of a supposedly democratic nation having to "plea" for fair treatment in legal cases. That speaks huge about Thailand's failure to implement fair and equal treatment before the law for all. Walk away from Thailand now before it becomes uncontrollable bedlam.

Twice elected??? Don't you mean once appointed!!!

True, never elected, and still these nuts are posting this rubbish-unbelievable.

Best reply is how many times have the family members been banned in some way or another, and the party whatever name they were under has been thrown out --was it the last 3 times ??

Thaksin+family have a fantastic record, along with their hangers on. I was looking at the list the other day of family offenders for various things, how can anyone think that they are honest. They do not even come close to the law of averages.

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