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stopped bt the police, Warning/advice


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I got searched once with an unmarked jar of generic pills in my pocket and they thought they had found some yaba or xtc pills

I just told them I have a heart condition and i need to take them 3 times a day

They took them out and sniffed them and had a discussion and then gave them Bach to me and let me go

As if you could identify any random tablet by smell alone, keystone cops for sure... . .. .

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Note the 2nd part as it pertains to the OP. Source - Siam Legal

Guidelines to be followed in searches and seizures with a warrant
  1. The search warrant must be shown to the occupant before the search is conducted;
  2. The officer must give his name and title to the occupant prior to the search;
  3. As much as possible, the search must be conducted in the presence of the owner or occupant or a competent member of his family;
  4. If no owner/occupant/family member is available to witness the search, the police must secure the presence of at least two independent and competent witnesses before the search is conducted;
  5. The items found in the search must be shown to the witnesses, who must acknowledge the items found.

Police may conduct searches and seizures without a warrant when he has reasonable grounds to believe that the suspect has in his possession:

  1. Articles that may be used to commit a crime;
  2. The fruits of a crime;
  3. Illegal items (like illegal substances).

I think you will find that these pertain to house or premises searches, and not searches of people, which can be done by police to anyone, anywhere... the same as the old British 'S.U.S.' law... reasonable suspicion allows personal searches. Premises usually require a warrant - as stated above.

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kudos to 54321 for being aware - any cop here can stop you and look for something to get some tea money/shakedown money - esp. since Songkran is next week... I have been here 14 years out in Rangsit... was shook down in 2002 on news year eve in a cab downtown... looking for exctasy or drugs - went thru my bag but no drugs... and 5 minutes later away we go... HOWEVER - lots of snitches around that owe the cops or need favors to stay out of jail - my thai wife's brother had a local snitch set the cops up and they stuffed 5 yaba pills down his pocket out here in Rangsit... the cops have a monthly quota of arrests they have to make and yes some will do it illegally...they also stopped my wife one day when she was walking with hersister at Rangsit market and they told her she "looked too thin so she must be on yaba" - didn't bother her sister but they went all thru her bag and they took her mobile phone... she never got it back...yes lots of laws here to protect people - but lots of crooked cops as well... looks like with all the protests they maybe haven't been getting enough shakedown money.. and it all gets passed back up the ladder...and posters giving the guy a hard time for taking a damn bus? <deleted>...even if the cops want to stop you for a little shakedown cash money you better be aware and careful... and with Songkran next week this week might be the "get some fun money for Songkran" week downtown...oh yah one more story - 5-6 women at klong one in rangsit playing some card game for 10 baht hands and this same snitch called the cops out - 10 cops showed up at the house like 5000 bt cash to stay out of jail for a night and all but one of the ladies paid the fine... the rest spent a night in the local jail... this was for a small no money card game... so beware if you get a crooked dick out there... 5 5 5 be nice and have all your papers.... but i am surprised that they let 54321 film inside on his phone...

all for now from the burbs... have a good Songkran and stay out of the bad cops way here...

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Good on u 54321 for posting this - I wouldnt post your video as it would show my face and identify me which could cause trouble with the police as maybe they let u record but shouldn't have, and we cant assume the police are as squeaky clean as in the US or even Oz - ha ha - they can be nasty at times.

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another reason not to live in bkk. I don't understand why anyone would live there unless for work. I have been in thailandfor 11 years this time(lived here b4) and only been to yhe big city 4 times and couldn't wait to leave. on my street we have 3 active police 2 retired officers. our fav esting place is ran by the wife of senior police. they are all very nice.

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Thats your perogative, believe what you wish. Maybe it was my right to film the search? maybe it saved me from being set up, maybe i matched the description of someone they where looking for, i dont know

I posted the information to help/warn others. I went to the police station today, they explained they have the right to search anyone if they have reasonable suspicion. They could not explain "reasonable suspicion", Yesterday I had just got off a bus and was walking to meet someone for a pizza, am not sure what I did that made me look suspicious, but the fact that they approached when no one was around, made me rather concerned, hense the post

Well, if they allowed you to setup your ipad to video the search as you said, I doubt they were planning to "frame" you for something. Where you said you setup your ipad to film the search makes me somewhat suspicious of your post...like maybe its missing some important details...or its just a troll post.

They searched you because they saw a farang getting off a bus. Why farang him use bus in Bangkok? Farang big money, him always go taxi. Mucho suspicioso...

Secondly, if I actually believed your story, you would have posted the video you took on your iPad. Why set it up to record video if you don't post the video to back up your story? Also I don't believe you would own an iPad if you're the kind of ultra-low-budget farang who has to resort to using the terrible and slow buses in this city when you can use BTS from 20 baht and a taxi typically costs only 35-50 baht for most trips.

TD poster of the worst kind.

There are no BTS stations in Banglamphu mister know-it-all and if youve got nothing useful to say , dont say anything , or try to get your post count up by saying something worth reading.

With your stupid 'much suspicio' you sound thicker than the cops .

Ever considered that someone may not want to have their identity on video on a thread with so many k_ob posters?

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another reason not to live in bkk. I don't understand why anyone would live there unless for work. I have been in thailandfor 11 years this time(lived here b4) and only been to yhe big city 4 times and couldn't wait to leave. on my street we have 3 active police 2 retired officers. our fav esting place is ran by the wife of senior police. they are all very nice.

555 And another one ...

Nothing like the TV poster , who wants to tell us all how long hes lived here , and that we should all be as astute as him and move to his villiage- sorry , "Utopia"... geez.

It seems long habitation in Thailand does not evenly remotely equate to any growth in intelligence .

Edited by zaZa9
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Sounds like they were setting you up for a curbside hustle and (if I got it right) you insisted on going to the station, threw them off. That and the other defensive measures, maybe they decided you were going to be too much trouble.

Traveled all over SE Asia, except Singapore (guessing that is likely the sole exception), have not heard a good thing yet about the cops, anywhere. They get paid crap, or literally zero in some places, so petty extortion is part of the gig. If they approach, I'm polite, smile the BS smile, never a problem.

Then last year in Bali had a couple of them roust me and an associate over a typical trivial rented motor bike beef -- was never exactly clear on the *charge*. Was starting to get fed up, push back, ugly American style, getting in one guy's face, then I realized the *road fine* was about 12 bucks. Paid it, thanked them, gave a hearty handshake and on our way.

And, yeah, some of the comments, insulting the OP... and if you think he is fabricating (who knows why), maybe just don't post.

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''Yeah, it was really necessary. Considering how ludicrously cheap taxis are in BKK compared to almost any other major city in the world, who in their "right mind" would take one of this city's decrepit, crappy buses to anywhere unless the additional 20 baht that a taxi would cost really matters to your pocket? Answer: One of the thousands of "English teachers" who think they're "living the dream" in Thailand and making their family and friends back home jealous because they're making a whopping 25,000 baht a month and living in an 8,000 baht a month shoebox. I see these "English teachers" everywhere with their sweaty and unhealthy appearance and $200 polyester "suits" and $10 shirts. They'd be "on the dole" in their home country, so to be fair at least it's one small step up from that for them.''

Do they really think like that? You clearly think these 'English teachers'' feel like that. I reckon it's more that they are here and not there. They see being here as much better than being there. It's as simple as that. It's not a competition to make others feel jealous. You just need to open your mind man.

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Note the 2nd part as it pertains to the OP. Source - Siam Legal

Guidelines to be followed in searches and seizures with a warrant
  1. The search warrant must be shown to the occupant before the search is conducted;
  2. The officer must give his name and title to the occupant prior to the search;
  3. As much as possible, the search must be conducted in the presence of the owner or occupant or a competent member of his family;
  4. If no owner/occupant/family member is available to witness the search, the police must secure the presence of at least two independent and competent witnesses before the search is conducted;
  5. The items found in the search must be shown to the witnesses, who must acknowledge the items found.

Police may conduct searches and seizures without a warrant when he has reasonable grounds to believe that the suspect has in his possession:

  1. Articles that may be used to commit a crime;
  2. The fruits of a crime;
  3. Illegal items (like illegal substances).

I will add that (according to my lawyer) even if there is NOT a search warrant, the person being searched still has a right to know rank and name of the officer requesting the search and this would usually be by requesting to see the officers police ID card, and he (being searched) also has a right to have an independent (non police) witness present. If the officer refuses either request then you should all go to the police station where he can inform his boss why he does not want to comply with your request of your right. Tried this once or twice in the notorious Thonglor area, when singled out for a random spot search - and after a while and a lot of hesitation they eventually gave in and showed me their police ID card.

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I give up. I have nothing to prove I just tried to give a little advice.

Show me a bts station near ko lanta pizza banglampoo.

Excuse me for trying to offer a little help and insight into what happened to me. If it was 2 in the morning I would understand your deluded offensive comments as alcohol induced, but as it's 3pm then ???

I have nothing to prove, and certainly nothing to gain and no interest in responding to pathetic challenges and accusations. Over and out.

Here, HERE! I do NOT blame you at all for feeling this way,, I'm CONSTANTLY sickened, by the attitudes, comments, snide, foul, condicending, and general, RUDE comments by SOOO many on here,,, "Pictures or it didn't happen",, "Never happens to anyone", etc, etc,,,, Or the need some feel to interject their political beliefs, biggotry,, etc,, in nearly every post at least SOMEwhere,,, I'm actually shocked the comment wasn't made,, "You must be Russian/American/British/Aussie,,,, etc,, Everyone knows they're always guilty of something",,,,, I'd guess at least half of the posters on this site, TRULY need to GET A LIFE!

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Note the 2nd part as it pertains to the OP. Source - Siam Legal

Guidelines to be followed in searches and seizures with a warrant
  1. The search warrant must be shown to the occupant before the search is conducted;
  2. The officer must give his name and title to the occupant prior to the search;
  3. As much as possible, the search must be conducted in the presence of the owner or occupant or a competent member of his family;
  4. If no owner/occupant/family member is available to witness the search, the police must secure the presence of at least two independent and competent witnesses before the search is conducted;
  5. The items found in the search must be shown to the witnesses, who must acknowledge the items found.

Police may conduct searches and seizures without a warrant when he has reasonable grounds to believe that the suspect has in his possession:

  1. Articles that may be used to commit a crime;
  2. The fruits of a crime;
  3. Illegal items (like illegal substances).

And I'm guessing it's up to the officer to determine, that someone clean cut, dressed decently, is carrying drugs,,, Funny,, they seem to think the Nigerians all up and down Soi 4, and 5, are completely FREE of any of the, "suspect" behavior..... Jeez,,,

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I have heard of these stop and searches but generally around Sukhumvit area. Most of the reports I heard about did seem to be legit searches i.e. they didn't ask for any money or anything but for some reason randomly stopped people

I'd be very suspicious too though. Think he did the right thing. Banglumphuu has a police station nearby. 2am though there are generally still a fair amount of people around Banglumphuu area, not heard of it happening down there but not too surprising. I am generally alone also but never had any of these searches

Just wondering were you carrying a small back pack/day pack type thing? Seems to happen to people carrying those a bit more than those not imo

It's happened to me several times,, in fact,, right at about a week ago,,, walking on Suk, about Soi 17 or so,,, 2 rode up on a scooter,, nearly hitting me,,, they bailed off,, were VERY rude,,, yelling,, pushing me,,, asking to search,, I backed away about 3 feet,, they advanced, I backed away,, emptied all my pockets,,, provided ID,, they then wanted to search my pockets themselves,, I pulled them inside out,,, and asked,,, "let me see your hands please",,, They again yelled,, I motioned with my hands, rotating them backs, to palms, "let me see your hands please?",,,,, they tossed my ID's on the ground,, yelled,, and rode off,,,, No pics,,, so I guess I'm lying also,,,,

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Still waiting for the video of the search to be posted...

why you want to see the video? does the inside of a police station turn you on? get a life!

The main reason I wanted to see the video is because I have a hard time believing most of the stories I read/hear about involving "falang" being robbed, shaken down, etc. These stories usually have the same underlying tone; namely "all Thais are bad and they're all out to get the good, harmless falang".

To date, I've only had two bad experiences here in Thailand (or Southeast Asia for that matter), one with drunken cops in Hua Hin (which turned out okay as everybody involved remained cool, calm, cooperative and polite) and one with a drunken Caucasian in Bangkok (which didn't turn out so good). Maybe I've been extremely fortunate up until now and have managed to avoid all these dishonest, corrupt cops or maybe, just maybe, they aren't as bad/there aren't as many as some people here would have us believe.

I'm sure some of the stories are true, some are fabricated and others are simply exaggerated to make the Thais, cops, ladies, etc. look worse than they really are. I'm NOT saying that the OP has fabricated or exaggerated this story, but I wanted to actually see the video footage - seeing is believing.

As some other member has already pointed out, since I posted my comment on 5th April, it's probably wise not to post the video.

I'll take this, and many of the other stories, with a pinch of salt. If you want to believe everything at face-value, that's your choice.

To the OP: I wasn't trying to provoke you or show you up, but normally people post videos or pictures if they have any. Personally, I don't care if you do or you don't. Glad things turned out okay for you in the end.

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Don't believe a word of it, the police allowed you to film an official procedure in the police station? Post the video.

Maybe they were just wasting your time and wanted to piss you off because you called their bluff when you could have got the search over with in 30 seconds at the roadside. As long as you empty your pockets and don't allow anyone to put their hands in them you'll be ok.

"As long as you empty your pockets and don't allow anyone to put their hands in them you'll be ok."

Thanks for the insight. So when they conduct a search they just ask you to take everything out of your pockets and take your word for it that you have done so? Good to know.

You're very welcome. Yes, you either turn your pockets inside out or they pat you down, or both. It is good to know, isn't it?

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I thought I had signed out, but on going to Thai visa I noticed I hadn'tt, and was happy to see more supportive comments. I only posted this to potentially be of help.My recording was not very good as I could not properly balance the ipad ( cheap case, and I was rather nervous), it shows a sweeping image of the police station, the officers and my asking if they would mind if I recorded the search, they agreed. My ipad wouldn't stand properly, I tried to balance it on a book, but if failed. They assured me the station cameras worked, and in addition used their phone to record it. Thai visa have my email address and my number (I assume), if you want it posted agree to mute my voice and I am happy to forward it for you to show it, on the condition the doubters full names are revealed. Put your money were you mouth is doubters. If you agree to my conditions I will forward it. Make it legal Thai visa and show these people for what they are.

"...on the condition the doubters full names are revealed"

You'll be revealing your full name then also? Your conditions seem like a guaranteed way to make sure you don't have to post your "video".

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Note the 2nd part as it pertains to the OP. Source - Siam Legal

Guidelines to be followed in searches and seizures with a warrant
  1. The search warrant must be shown to the occupant before the search is conducted;
  2. The officer must give his name and title to the occupant prior to the search;
  3. As much as possible, the search must be conducted in the presence of the owner or occupant or a competent member of his family;
  4. If no owner/occupant/family member is available to witness the search, the police must secure the presence of at least two independent and competent witnesses before the search is conducted;
  5. The items found in the search must be shown to the witnesses, who must acknowledge the items found.

Police may conduct searches and seizures without a warrant when he has reasonable grounds to believe that the suspect has in his possession:

  1. Articles that may be used to commit a crime;
  2. The fruits of a crime;
  3. Illegal items (like illegal substances).

And I'm guessing it's up to the officer to determine, that someone clean cut, dressed decently, is carrying drugs,,, Funny,, they seem to think the Nigerians all up and down Soi 4, and 5, are completely FREE of any of the, "suspect" behavior..... Jeez,,,

Any well dress person can also deal with drugs and not all Nigerian are dealer. This is what is happening here in Thailand unfortunately that they scam everyone somehow be it a jet ski, police, taxi driver etc. Last night I had argument with a woman how had a place to sell some drinks etc talking to us in bad tone and later was ashamed of what she did and I told her she loose customers like this.

No wonder less and less tourist are coming here now. Many places I had seen that people are moving out of this place just because of foul behavior of many Thai now, unfortunately.

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My take on all this is that as long as you have nothing to hide, your papers are in order, no harm, no foul, except when they shake people down in public. Then a lack of training really shows.

I saw a poor guy last year near Prom Phong BTS getting near as <deleted> it strip searched by a little gaggle of cops right there on the street. They were all over him like a pack of dogs on a rat.

One was going through his pack, another inspecting his passport like he was translating the Dead Sea Scrolls, one more going through his wallet, another two or three frisking the lad. This happened for about 5 minutes until one uniformed cop seeing the crowd of horrified looking Thais (who were making a few choice comments at this treatment of a tourist), called off the dogs and let the geezer go.

Had that have been me I'd have had none of it in public but I'd guess I've been here a while longer than this poor bloke had. I saw him later having a well deserved ale in Lower Suk looking rather shaken by his experience.

I think the OP did the right thing. If nothing else it showed he wasn't some hapless tourist just wandering around.

Public is the best place to have it done,but in the ops case nobody around.How many "independant witnesses"down the cop shop and you can bet the cctv wasnt working.

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Note the 2nd part as it pertains to the OP. Source - Siam Legal

Guidelines to be followed in searches and seizures with a warrant

  • The search warrant must be shown to the occupant before the search is conducted;
  • The officer must give his name and title to the occupant prior to the search;
  • As much as possible, the search must be conducted in the presence of the owner or occupant or a competent member of his family;
  • If no owner/occupant/family member is available to witness the search, the police must secure the presence of at least two independent and competent witnesses before the search is conducted;
  • The items found in the search must be shown to the witnesses, who must acknowledge the items found.

Police may conduct searches and seizures without a warrant when he has reasonable grounds to believe that the suspect has in his possession:

  • Articles that may be used to commit a crime;
  • The fruits of a crime;
  • Illegal items (like illegal substances).

And I'm guessing it's up to the officer to determine, that someone clean cut, dressed decently, is carrying drugs,,, Funny,, they seem to think the Nigerians all up and down Soi 4, and 5, are completely FREE of any of the, "suspect" behavior..... Jeez,,,

Any well dress person can also deal with drugs and not all Nigerian are dealer. This is what is happening here in Thailand unfortunately that they scam everyone somehow be it a jet ski, police, taxi driver etc. Last night I had argument with a woman how had a place to sell some drinks etc talking to us in bad tone and later was ashamed of what she did and I told her she loose customers like this.

No wonder less and less tourist are coming here now. Many places I had seen that people are moving out of this place just because of foul behavior of many Thai now, unfortunately.

Tourist are still coming here in droves despite their govt.issuing warnings.You may like to correct your last sentence to a few Thai.If you get ripped off by jet ski operaters,you deserve it,imo,been enough warnings the lasr 20 years and as far as taxi drivers go,never had a dud yet.

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Sounds like they were setting you up for a curbside hustle and (if I got it right) you insisted on going to the station, threw them off. That and the other defensive measures, maybe they decided you were going to be too much trouble.

Traveled all over SE Asia, except Singapore (guessing that is likely the sole exception), have not heard a good thing yet about the cops, anywhere. They get paid crap, or literally zero in some places, so petty extortion is part of the gig. If they approach, I'm polite, smile the BS smile, never a problem.

Then last year in Bali had a couple of them roust me and an associate over a typical trivial rented motor bike beef -- was never exactly clear on the *charge*. Was starting to get fed up, push back, ugly American style, getting in one guy's face, then I realized the *road fine* was about 12 bucks. Paid it, thanked them, gave a hearty handshake and on our way.

And, yeah, some of the comments, insulting the OP... and if you think he is fabricating (who knows why), maybe just don't post.

So you paid a for a shakedown,and so it goes on,til we stop paying.

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Steveni love,Thailand isn't the only place they plant drugs.hope you don't live in Thailand or with your naïvety your going to be caught out a lot.

Thank you for the warning. Been living here for 15 years now, never been stopped, never been stopped with the car for fake offenses, etc.

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54321.... from what you wrote I have to say that you did certainly overreact. Listen, you were outside when it was dark at an early hour and so would have been stopped and questioned by any police department. In LA and NYC you certainly would have been. So why did you react the way you did? What was it about the policemen that stopped you that made the little hairs stand up on the back of your neck?

If you had just answered their questions at the time of being stopped all would have been done and dusted and you would have not wasted the time going to a police station. Using your iPad to film the whole thing was even more silly. For there is nothing that can get a local Plod more upset with the Farang and his gadgets than doing what you did. Also by offering up the fact that you have an iPad within a police station you could have opened yourself up to them taking your iPad and examining it and what it holds.

Yes there are police here that will target Farangs and try and 'shake them down for some Tea Money'. But you have to understand that this might not always be the case. I know... the Thai Police doing their job in a proper way? Well it could happen. Just be happy that they did not place you in handcuffs, which would have been the case in the US and Canada if you had failed to answer questions and been taken (even by your own choice) to the local police station.

Thai Police are an enigma. We all know that they are not always on the up and up. But to to give them any further excuses to haul you in is (or even offering) is just adding fuel to a possible fire. So, just be nice, answer their questions, present your documents and smile. Then offer to buy them a coffee... that way you will have two new friends!

Edited by iamariva1957
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