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if a Thai girl who isn't a bar girl accepts money for sex....


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"if a Thai girl...accepts money for sex..."

That makes her a prostitute.

And a girl marrying a man purely to improve her social status is then a....???

... and a man sleeping with 1000 girls makes him a Playboy and Stud, while a girl doing the same is called a.... ???

Edited by khunpa
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Seriously I don't know why we from the west aka farang can be so bloody rightious, come here and give opinions on what girls do and do not do here.

We prob all have advantage. I went to expensive private school. Thanks mar and papa. Stuff around with medicine. Went into building. In AU I pay my painters $50 an hour. Then have to pay their super. I would love you all to go sell shrimp on pattaya beach or sunglasses for a week in soi 4 Nanna.

Stop evaluating these women. Stay here with manners. Stop whinging if your that STUPID to get ripped off. Have a beer kiss a girl and get con with life

LOL! Private Schools, taking over daddy's business... You sure sound like someone with a lot of life-experience.

Ever tried to do something by yourself in life or have nothing? Try that, and you might understand why your USD 120/Month girlfriend in HCM likes you. I doubt you would last 2 hours selling sunglasses from a street shop.

Your just a shore stirrer. I took over very basic home building business from father that was just breaking even. Went into sub divisions and turned it into very successful business. Did you miss the point about my friend in Vietnam.?? I give her money each month to help her along.

Put it this way. Look at what some members are saying aboutyour posts. There in is your problem. Your a misfit with issues. II'm guessing you have taken orders all your life and like the sudeo mental trip you perseve here. Say some constructive stuff or nick off. No one is remotely interested in fact you have issues.

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Seriously I don't know why we from the west aka farang can be so bloody rightious, come here and give opinions on what girls do and do not do here.

We prob all have advantage. I went to expensive private school. Thanks mar and papa. Stuff around with medicine. Went into building. In AU I pay my painters $50 an hour. Then have to pay their super. I would love you all to go sell shrimp on pattaya beach or sunglasses for a week in soi 4 Nanna.

Stop evaluating these women. Stay here with manners. Stop whinging if your that STUPID to get ripped off. Have a beer kiss a girl and get con with life

LOL! Private Schools, taking over daddy's business... You sure sound like someone with a lot of life-experience.

Ever tried to do something by yourself in life or have nothing? Try that, and you might understand why your USD 120/Month girlfriend in HCM likes you. I doubt you would last 2 hours selling sunglasses from a street shop.

Your just a shore stirrer. I took over very basic home building business from father that was just breaking even. Went into sub divisions and turned it into very successful business. Did you miss the point about my friend in Vietnam.?? I give her money each month to help her along.

Put it this way. Look at what some members are saying aboutyour posts. There in is your problem. Your a misfit with issues. II'm guessing you have taken orders all your life and like the sudeo mental trip you perseve here. Say some constructive stuff or nick off. No one is remotely interested in fact you have issues.

Have you ever wondered why the ads on this site turn up in specific posts? Think about it... :-)

I really do not need other users here to agree with me with all I say. I am here to debate, share experiences and also provoke (in a good way) sometimes, since this makes people think. I seem to have pissed you off, so must that hit some soft spot. Sorry for that... Don't take it all personal.

And very good you are helping your girlfriend out with sending her money. Giving a girl money of course has nothing to do with prostitution or her feeling obligated to give something back to you for the money. So that of course does not make her a prostitute. Sorry, if that was what made you angry :-)

So your girlfriend is not a prostitute! You feel better now?

Edited by khunpa
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"if a Thai girl...accepts money for sex..."

That makes her a prostitute.

And a girl marrying a man purely to improve her social status is then a....???

... and a man sleeping with 1000 girls makes him a Playboy and Stud, while a girl doing the same is called a.... ???

On ur last sentence.....that was indeed what ignorant people/youngsters where thinking and speaking in the past, 25 years ago, myself included. As times have changed, any sensible person nowadays would not come up with a statement or still think like that. Edited by benalibina
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If the OP is only looking for sex himself it really don't matter. If he is looking for a gf or wife keep looking .... Too many good girls in Thailand so why take a chance.
Why does a girl's choice of job determine whether she's "good" or not? Haven't you read the Bible?
It is a matter of odds. I would feel more confident and think I would have a better chance of having a good relationship with a girl who did not sell her body. I think and feel she would be more true to herself and me.

As stated before, I just don't trust girls who sell themselves.

If you want to marry a girl who does then marry one, as they say in Thailand " up to you".

I voice my opinion, you can agree or disagree.

Now, of course more people probably "went to calage" than went to UNIVERSITY and I'll grant you the "usage" point for that reason. I'm sure American Creationists and calage dropouts are enthusiastic blurrers of the distinction.

Yes of course common usage dictates what is correct in language.

English doesn't have a "Académie Française" to attempt to officially moderate the language.

Absence of a such a central authority does not mean that sloppy usage and poor diction are acceptable. They are not. There are standards. I have given many examples of the inaccuracies and vulgarisms the broad stroke usage relativists would have us accept if they ran things. Go ahead, wym if across the board usage of this gibberish floats you egalitarian boat, by all means use these howlers.

And anyway, I gave you a clear link that refutes your opinion to Cambridge's dictionary service - that's pretty authoritative if you want to believe in a central authority.

What I stated was not an opinion. The attempted obfuscation of that fact by suggesting that the existence of a Harvard College at Harvard University was proof was but a tiresome red herring.

I'm not claiming anyone calls the overall uni "Harvard College", I'm saying the normal US usage is to talk about "where I went to college", or even "where I went to school" when talking about tertiary education.

I do not care what the common herd in the US suggests is proper usage. Anyway the use of school as in "he went to good schools" is entirely different. It is an understating of the case.

"He has a college degree" is the principal vulgarization you wish us to accept BTW.

The diminishing of "university" as a designation distinct from "college" by suggesting they are the same is sloppy and inaccurate.

The attempt to aggrandize one's attendance at a college as being the same as one's graduation from a university is one I will not accept. It's just not true.

And that's among professional sophisticated writers and speakers that were educated in the best institutions in the world.

And here you go again trying to drag me into an opposition to some imaginary central regulatory body which three paragraphs ago you said did not exist. (You specious Academies Francais reference)

Some of which may well have worked for ESPN or in the Bush administration, those are just weird contexts AFAIC.

Spare me the BS.


Sorry I struck such a nerve with your pathological hatred of all things British BTW.

It is YOU who incessantly smear me as hating all things British.

The Britishisms I deplore, much the same as the Americanisms I deplore are identical.

Bad food, stoopidity, innacuracy, vulgarization, imprecision, crimes against logic, xenophobia and flag waving as a cover for murder of innocents are only a few of these things.

It is by these stupidities that society is manipulated and freedoms laid down in sacrifice.

You very well know this but you seem to fancy yourself as some kind of keen debater so here we are.

You, as well as anybody on this board are well aware of what constitutes stoopidity and what does not.

To feign otherwise is tiresome and obtuse and serves little or no purpose.


"Sometimes, 'fuggedabowdit' just means fuggedabowdit. . . . "

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Marry ANY woman in the world and then tell her after a couple of years, that you have decided to stop working and let her bring in the money. Then see what happens. All women that have some kind of financial interest in their partner are basically prostitutes, when it comes down to it.

You want to be sure not to marry a prostitute, then marry a nun. If you are lucky, she might be feed up with the primitive and simple life as a nun and want to live a little. But then again, she becomes a prostitute after leaving the church... ;-) So you need to marry her while still being a nun and ensure she remains one, to be 100% sure you are not marrying a prostitute. Good luck with that!

I have a friend who is single and very rich. His biggest problem is finding a life partner. Why? Because he never knows if the girl really likes him or his money. He gets loads of sex, but has a serious problem finding real love. But why do you think he gets loads of sex? For sure it is not his good looks or amazing personality.

So the only way you can really "test" your girlfriend is by burning all you money and her agreeing to financially support you both. Good luck with that too! But then you become a prostitute yourself.

(PS: Instead of burning your money, you could use them on prostitutes. Just in case your girlfriend says "no" to supporting you. Because it will become much harder to get sex and/or a girlfriend, when you have no money and live on the street.)

Basically, most things in life is one way or the other connected to money... with sprinkles of real "feelings" in between. For sure without money, there would be a lot less sex in this world.


before money was even invented ,women gave it up for whatever men could provide food etc so i think its same same just modernised version ......food is now maybe an iphone5 or a new motorbike or a car if the guy is decently well heeled and doesnt mind it ......

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Khumpa you missed my point about the shy traditional Vietnamese chick. The OP was about sex and money. My illustration about my friend was not some bragging gig. I've had a bar gf here in bkk for two years and you would have an opinion of her. Very sad one I'm afraid. Point is the HCM girl would also have sex with me because I'm helping her and shesees that as a TAKE CARE THING. Same as tThai. Bit irrelevant but might add I have never been with a prostitute in farang land. Not that it matters just wasn't my go. This is another world. You are viewing things from a western perspective. I don't think you will ever change. And no you didn't hit a raw nerve. I don't give a flying censored about what narrow minded people think.

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Have you been spending your last 25 years in a cave? Away from the rest of the world. Most women are working and bring in money to her family just like her husbund.

In Southern Asia, Western Asia, and Africa, only 20% of women work at paid non-agricultural jobs. Worldwide, women's rate of paid employment outside of agriculture grew to 41% by 2008.


What kind of lighting and plumbing is in your cave?biggrin.png

He wrote any women in the world. Maybe that is bit to difficult for you....

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> Yes of course common usage dictates what is correct in language.


> English doesn't have a "Académie Française" to attempt to officially moderate the language.

Absence of a such a central authority does not mean that sloppy usage and poor diction are acceptable. They are not. There are standards.

The diminishing of "university" as a designation distinct from "college" by suggesting they are the same is sloppy and inaccurate.

The attempt to aggrandize one's attendance at a college as being the same as one's graduation from a university is one I will not accept. It's just not true.

Well in that absence of a central authority, there is only individual opinion, or mainstream usage, no other alternatives. You seem to be setting yourself - obviously a foreigner - up as some language authority wrt a dialect you're just not that familiar with, your inexplicable borrowing of some weird vernacular from the movies nothwithstanding.

The "to go to college" verb phrase - in the US, including the most well-spoken groups - simply means "to attend tertiary education".

The fact that YOU think there is some kind of magical distinction in status between a college and university is not just elitist and snobby but mistaken.

There are many top colleges that give a much better education than lower-standard universities, it's simply a question of scale and complexity, not an indicator of quality.

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All women that have some kind of financial interest in their partner are basically prostitutes, when it comes down to it.

You are really weird.

Yes weird. And it also say a lot about him as a person

Well if it's a given that there is nothing wrong with sex work, he's just broadening the definition beyond how most people would use it.

It's only if you think it's a pejorative term that you would take offense.

It's another "how long is a piece of string", all grey-scale gradations, no hard-edged lines between the various semantic categories.

People do choose their mates in the marriage market at least partly based on practical considerations - to do anything else is just stupid.

Some do so exclusively on that basis, to some (I would suggest those not desperately poor) it's of relatively little relevance.

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I went to college at a university.


He graduated near the top of his class from King's College at Oxford University and his brother went to Law School at the University of Toronto. Both their parents were alumnae of Trinity College at the same University.

The youngest of their three boys took a Communication Arts Diploma from Wesleyan College but the guy who finally got the job had graduated from Columbia University's School of Journalism.

Sent from my iPhone using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

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Khumpa you missed my point about the shy traditional Vietnamese chick. The OP was about sex and money. My illustration about my friend was not some bragging gig. I've had a bar gf here in bkk for two years and you would have an opinion of her. Very sad one I'm afraid. Point is the HCM girl would also have sex with me because I'm helping her and shesees that as a TAKE CARE THING. Same as tThai. Bit irrelevant but might add I have never been with a prostitute in farang land. Not that it matters just wasn't my go. This is another world. You are viewing things from a western perspective. I don't think you will ever change. And no you didn't hit a raw nerve. I don't give a flying censored about what narrow minded people think.

If you meet with Thai-people (who do not only talk with and service you, only for your money), then you would find out that Thailand or Thai people are actually not very different from all other people in this world. And this is not some "magical" place on earth.

Thai people have feelings, dreams and personal worries just like all other people on this planet. This also includes bargirls. Yes, it is a place of different culture, religion, traditions etc. But deep down the people here are not much different from people in the west or any other place on this earth.

Narrow minded is actually believing this is "Another World". If you believe a prostitute here is any different or thinking different than a prostitute back home, then you are wrong. Its all about the same thing... Money - nothing else. The feelings deep within both women selling their body, are exactly the same. The biggest difference is actually that the prostitute in the west often has other options, while the Thai girls options are extremely limited. So the Thai-girls situation is actually worse and she is under a lot more pressure... How do you think that makes her feel? If you think her tradition, culture or religion makes her feel good while having sex with a much older older fat ugly white man, then believe me you are very wrong.

And I think you are right. I will never change. I have lived in SEA for nearly 10 years now and most of my life abroad. Changing my traditions, culture or religion would be stupid and lying to myself. I on the other hand will respect the Thai people and their way of living, but I also require them to respect me, if they want to hang around me. I have no ambitions of becoming Thai at all and I really do not care where in the world people come from or the color of their skin. To me, we are all the same. As long as they respect me, then I will respect them.

Edited by khunpa
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All women that have some kind of financial interest in their partner are basically prostitutes, when it comes down to it.

You are really weird.

Yes weird. And it also say a lot about him as a person

Well if it's a given that there is nothing wrong with sex work, he's just broadening the definition beyond how most people would use it.

It's only if you think it's a pejorative term that you would take offense.

It's another "how long is a piece of string", all grey-scale gradations, no hard-edged lines between the various semantic categories.

People do choose their mates in the marriage market at least partly based on practical considerations - to do anything else is just stupid.

Some do so exclusively on that basis, to some (I would suggest those not desperately poor) it's of relatively little relevance.

Finally a person here with the ability to think "out of the box"... without taking personal offense :-) Hope you will not also be called "Weird".... LOL!

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I'm over this. I'm not fat and ugly. My gf is maybe a very good actor but she seems in a happy world while we travel about. As I type this on 3g we are in a bar in hua hin listening to a band play Hendrix. She had giggles about the tripe you spin. 10 years here? Give me a break your still stuffed up with your upbringing. Time to end this pin pong game. Boring to members and not directly on the OP.

Good luck with your world. Don't send me an invite.

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Oh as a passing shot KHUMPA ..its not surprising the number of ticks I've had from members about your rubbish. Maybe thaivisa could introduce a negative tick. Guess that would be a cross. Get with the programe. The forums ain't suppose to be slinging match or negatives. STICK to the op

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I'm over this. I'm not fat and ugly. My gf is maybe a very good actor but she seems in a happy world while we travel about. As I type this on 3g we are in a bar in hua hin listening to a band play Hendrix. She had giggles about the tripe you spin. 10 years here? Give me a break your still stuffed up with your upbringing. Time to end this pin pong game. Boring to members and not directly on the OP.

Good luck with your world. Don't send me an invite.


Sounds like my kind of bar

perhaps Hua Hin was my better option

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All women that have some kind of financial interest in their partner are basically prostitutes, when it comes down to it.

You are really weird.

Yes weird. And it also say a lot about him as a person

Not truly understanding what was put up for discussion and simply just calling people "weird", also tells a lot about you as a person.

READ, THINK and DEBATE........ has alway been better than "Read" followed by simple "Personal Attacks".

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I'm over this. I'm not fat and ugly. My gf is maybe a very good actor but she seems in a happy world while we travel about. As I type this on 3g we are in a bar in hua hin listening to a band play Hendrix. She had giggles about the tripe you spin. 10 years here? Give me a break your still stuffed up with your upbringing. Time to end this pin pong game. Boring to members and not directly on the OP.

Good luck with your world. Don't send me an invite.

Who ever said you were fat or ugly? Why do you keep feeling personally offended? And might I remind you of who started this personal stuff? It was actually you! Every time I write about a bargirl or a prostitute, you keep feeling it has something to do with you personally. Why is that?

BTW... Many girls here giggle or smile, when they have absolutely no idea what you are talking about. Just so you know :-) And if you pay your girlfriend then she is a good actor, because she is at work when with you and acting his her job. Her job is to create the illusion, that she really likes you and is very happy with you. If I or someone else paid here more than you, she would be smiling even more.

Try to stop paying her and you will see the real person behind the actor.

Edited by khunpa
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Glad your awake SCARPOLO. thought of you earlier. Went intofirst bar and this amazing band did gGary Moore "still got the blues" hell he could play. A young USA guy then did couple of songs playing bass. Had chat with him. Nice guys from states living here. I said ..are you guys just bumming about. Answer YES.

THEN moved to next bar and even better band did Hendrix and more. Got to go they are playing Santana.

It ain't New Orleans but its not too bad

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Khumpa you missed my point about the shy traditional Vietnamese chick. The OP was about sex and money. My illustration about my friend was not some bragging gig. I've had a bar gf here in bkk for two years and you would have an opinion of her. Very sad one I'm afraid. Point is the HCM girl would also have sex with me because I'm helping her and shesees that as a TAKE CARE THING. Same as tThai. Bit irrelevant but might add I have never been with a prostitute in farang land. Not that it matters just wasn't my go. This is another world. You are viewing things from a western perspective. I don't think you will ever change. And no you didn't hit a raw nerve. I don't give a flying censored about what narrow minded people think.

Its all about the same thing... Money - nothing else.

not really.. many bar girls are looking for good husbands as well... western whores are not.. A Western whore is a million times worse than a thai bar girl... because they truly only do it for the money even though they have the option to do other things.

Edited by ve741
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George Bernard Shaw is alleged to asked a lady at a dinner party if she would sleep with him for a million pounds (which was probably worth about 100m in todays money) and of course she said she'd be a fool not to. Then he offered her 5 pounds at which she retorted, "What do you think I am, a whore?", to which GBS replied, "Madam, we've already established that. Now we are just haggling about the price."

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Its all about the same thing... Money - nothing else.

not really.. many bar girls are looking for good husbands as well... western whores are not.. A Western whore is a million times worse than a thai bar girl... because they truly only do it for the money even though they have the option to do other things.

A million times "worse".

Remember anything multiplied by zero is still zero.

It doesn't matter whether a sex worker needs the money to feed her starving child or wants to buy a nice new handbag, whether she chooses to go with twenty guys a night to maximize her revenue or is looking for that one special sponsor who will take care of her long-term.

There is nothing "wrong" with choosing to sell your body, nothing at all.

Doesn't matter if you choose that career over being a real estate agent or a preacher or a teacher.

Now if you're saving up your money because you want to develop some new deadly bio-terror weapon, OK then it's your motive that's evil, but your choice to trade sex/companionship for money, is anyone's right to make and it's all good.

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I admit I skimmed over the last 20 or so pages but since the OP never met this woman and she wasn't in a relationship isn't it possible that she just likes sex and liked his friend's profile and photo and would have screwed him just for the fun of it and if he offered to give her money it was just a bonus?

I've had lots of women who wanted to sleep with me and if I liked them, I often did. I've never directly been offered money to do it but if I'd already made up my mind that I wanted to boink her, and then she said "can I <deleted> you and give you money for the privilege?", would I change my mind and say "no sex for you", or "I'll do you for free"? I dunno...

I've had women make me things, buy me things, give me gifts. It would be rude to turn them down. It was never a condition of sleeping with them and I sure never felt like a man-whore just because someone I slept with made me a jacket or brought me some smoke or drink.

100's of posts but not enough info from the OP.he never mentioned how much money. A million bucks like in "Pretty Woman"?

She's probably a freelancer but lots of women like sex and will do guys they like for free, and we all know that many (especially Thai) women like money. She could just be having her cake and eating it too.

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