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Unsung Hero - TVCommercial


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What a great advert. Got me thinking and I hope to do more good deeds in the near future.wai.gif.pagespeed.ce.ptXUXgG4cA.gif

Starting with tonight as it's Friday, and I'll be supporting the local bar owners with a bottle or twodrunk.gif.pagespeed.ce.hfErN2aQEE.gif

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It`s the proper thing to do, being generous and kind to others, but unfortunately some people equate being kind with stupid and that sincere people with good hearts are there to be taken advantage of.

It is a case of having worldly experience and being able to differentiate between the deserving and those in genuine need and those who would try to make gains on the good natures of others by deception and pretence. But as a whole, I believe there are more decent people than the unscrupulous in all countries of the world and that seeing the delight of people on the receiving end of a kindness is reward enough.

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Or how a fictional ad can work so much on the emotions, hey wait that is the purpose of the ad.

Quickly go spend some silly money with the company that paid for the ad, they are waiting to cheat out of some more.

Edited by JesseFrank
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