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Thousands of police and troops for redshirt rally


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Thousands of police and troops for reds rally

The Nation

Pro-government red-shirt supporters practise self-defence as they attend training for Democracy Protection Volunteers in Udon Thani. The red shirts plan a mass rally near Bangkok today

Majority of people fear violence will break out as some protesters likely to carry weapons; no PDRC march plans

BANGKOK: -- More than 3,000 policemen and soldiers will be dispatched to take care of the pro-government red shirts' mass rally near Bangkok today amid increasing concern there could be clashes between pro- and anti-government groups or outbreaks of violence.

For many observers, there is fear that the country is careering towards a dangerous new phase of civil conflict.

Some 19 companies of a joint force of police and military personnel - totalling more than 3,000 - will be stationed in three areas around the planned rally site on Aksa (or Utthayan) Road, on the western fringe of the capital.

The areas are Phutthamonthon III and IV Roads and Thawi Wattana, said Sirima Sunawin, a spokesperson for the government's Centre for the Administration of Peace and Order (CAPO).

Checkpoints will be set up in those areas to screen passing vehicles for weapons, she said, adding that joint police-military patrols would also be conducted in the three areas.

A public opinion survey has found that most people are concerned there could be violence during the latest red-shirt rally.

Almost 70 per cent of 1,394 respondents said a large number of participants could lead to a violent incident or clashes, as some participants might carry weapons, according to the Rajabhat Suan Dusit University survey, findings of which were released yesterday.

The anti-government People's Democratic Reform Committee will today hold a meeting of its leaders from around the country and abroad.

It will take place at the PDRC's Lumpini Park rally site and the group says it has no plan to march anywhere.

About 100,000 red shirts are expected to gather on the edge of Bangkok today to show support for the government, red-shirt

leaders say. The figure has been adjusted down from their previous target of 500,000.

Their rhetoric has reached a crescendo over the last few weeks, matching an intensifying barrage of legal challenges that could lead to caretaker Prime Minister Yingluck Shinawatra's removal from office, AFP reported.

Yingluck faces neglect-of-duty charges linked to the loss-making rice price-pledging scheme and allegations of abuse of power over the transfer of National Security Council secretary-general Thawil Pliensri.

A long red-shirt rally in the capital in 2010 led to the death of 90 people and injuries to about 2,000 others. Many buildings in Bangkok and some government offices in the provinces became targets of arson attacks, and some red-shirt protesters were sentenced to jail for arson.

National police chief Pol General Adul Saengsingkaew estimated that 60,000 red shirts would join today's rally.

He said CAPO had assigned his deputy, Pol General Worapong Chewprecha, to be in charge of the force, whose role is to keep the situation under control. It will focus on preventing clashes between different groups of people with different opinions, which is his main concern, he added.

Metropolitan Police commissioner Pol Lt-General Camronwit Toopgrajank yesterday said he was confident there would be no violence or other trouble during the red shirts' rally.

However, police would prevent the pro- and anti-government groups from gathering close to each other, he insisted.

Meanwhile, the Army has added more checkpoints in border areas and on the roads leading to Bangkok in a bid to prevent the movement of weapons ahead of the rally, spokesman Colonel Winthai Suvari said yesterday.

CAPO has requested the Army send two companies of troops, or about 300 soldiers, to help police maintain law and order during the rally, the spokesman said.

He said the 58 companies of troops were already dispatched to 176 locations throughout Bangkok would remain intact.

Caretaker Labour Minister Chalerm Yoobamrung, who is in charge of CAPO, said yesterday no weapons had been found among the red shirts heading to Bangkok.

"This is because they do not come to overthrow the government. The people who carry weapons are those who want to bring down the government."

Chalerm also rejected as groundless reports in the social media that migrant workers would be hired to take part in the rally to boost the number of participants.

-- The Nation 2014-04-05

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3,000 police, soldiers deployed to handle red shirt mass rally
By English News


BANGKOK, April 5 - Combined forces of 3,000 police and army personnel are being deployed to provide security as the red shirt United Front for Democracy against Dictatorship (UDD) is set to hold a mass rally in tomorrow, according to the Centre for the Administration of Peace and Order (CAPO).

CAPO told a media briefing that 19 companies amounting to 3,000 police and soldiers will be deployed in three main areas, including Buddhamonthon Sai 3, Buddhamonthon Sai 4 and Thaweewattana district, as the red shirts will gather on Aksa Road in Nakhon Pathom, west of Bangkok.

The CAPO operations will cover the joint patrol team of police and soldiers, as well as the setup of security checkpoints to scan for suspicious persons, ammunitions, and vehicles.

The CAPO also prepares rapid response units and medical teams on standby.

On the same day, the anti-government People’s Democratic Reform Committee (PDRC), led by Suthep Thaugsuban, will meet with leaders of their movement nationwide in Bangkok to map out the next move to achieve their objective of national reform before a general election.

The CAPO said the number of security personnel now being deployed to monitor the PDRC protest will remain the same.

The centre however urged the leaders of two movements to adhere to peaceful gatherings and avoid any confrontation, while the public were advised to refrain from joining the political demonstrations for their safety.

CAPO added it will not hold a press briefing until Monday, but a "war room" will be set up to closely monitor the situation.

Meanwhile, the UDD spokesman Thanawut Vichaidit said the group is ready for their rally tomorrow, with about 700,000 protesters expected to join to show the power of the red shirts.

He pledged that the gathering will be peaceful and unarmed. There will be no confrontation, he said, in part because Aksa Road is also very far from the PDRC protest site. (MCOT online news)

-- TNA 2014-04-05

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So from 500.000 paid red shirts 3 days ago down to 200.000 yesterday and now 700.000! The guy who do their counting probably need a calculator to add 10 + 10.

No matter HOW MANY-------- they are red shirts.This is a serious rally ----not a Suthep play around-------- Big trouble for all of us

May Buddha protect you allwai2.gif

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speaking to many thais on the street ... they all have the same opinion regarding these mass rallies ...

Everyone has had enough and they just want to get back to a normal life where there is no such thing as red shirts or yellow shirts.

They say it's time for the Yingluck government to go and stop all the thaksin corruption.

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The eyes of the world will be focused on the behavior of the UDD. The people of Bangkok only have to remember how they behaved in 2010. Then, they instigated arson in the support of democracy. This time, they have set their sights on the rulings of the constitutionally empowered institutions of the law - the National Anti-Corruption Commission and the Constitutional Court. The stakes are much higher this time, because the UDD intends to sow doubt on the rulings of the system of constitutionally empowered checks and balances.

A key question will be - if the UDD cross the line, will Yingluck say anything ?

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Thai Wife brother is a Thai Kick boxer and when I showed him the photo, he could not stop laughing

I asked him why

He said they have left them selves open for the most serious Kick boxing mistake any apponent can make, for a thunder kick

when I asked him what he meant .he walked away laughing

A side direct kick between the legs, .............. game over

Ooh I could feel the pain as I visualised his words

A side kick is not the right technique for that target.

I think something was lost in the translation. Sure you're brother in law meant to kick them in the crown jewels, but I bet he had a different kick in mind!

The guys in the photo remind me of the pics of the Serb militia limbering up when recruited after the break up of Yugoslavia. Great at fighting unharmed peaceful people who don't fight back, with odds of 5 to one!

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What a farce, for months Suthep and his thugs have terrorized bangkok, and the people and no police and no army.

Now that the reds are having a rally they muster army and police.

What a joke, ok for Suthep the thief, but not the other side that represent the poor.

clueless...of course no police shooting anti government protesters they need a clean getaway where have you been..pipkins is this you ..look up 2010 and see what the red shirts did then you might have a clue as to why the security is needed stop trolling.wai2.gif

Anyone who thinks Thaksin and his gang are in this to represent the interests of the poor is indeed clueless.

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