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Taking chances Bangkok


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This morning I had a phone call with my uncle saying I'd love to make it in Thailand having done a taster month already. He has travelled from country to country for years and spent 4 years in Bangkok as an English teacher before moving to Dubai to be a lecturer. He made many contacts whilst in Bangkok, one of them being a well connected lecturer in a Bangkok uni. My uncle assured me that if I quit my job and get a one way ticket to Bangkok (with a 60 day visa), he would fly to Bangkok to meet me, get me up and running, introduce me to his contact who in turn will sort me with contacts and work. I can trust my uncle as he is well travelled and knows a great deal about Bangkok and how to cut it there. The only thing I'm unsure about is if I'm to take a leap of faith and just do it or stay in England doing a dead end job. With powerful contacts is it possible to go to Bangkok, start from

Nothing, start earning a way to stay without looking back and if so how would this be done? Be it legit or not

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"Powerful contacts" is a uni professor?

Sure you will be miles ahead of a no-nothing noob coming in cold.

But the end result will be a job that pays 50-60,000 per month if you've very lucky, quite possibly 35-40K.

Sure you can live on it, but don't think it's anything but "dead end".

Supplement with private tutoring and then you'll be able to enjoy some entertainment.

Learn the language if you're going to stay long term.

But beware it will be a major negative on your CV if you want to get back into the rat race back home.

And to some there you'll be forever suspect as a possible sex tourist or even kiddy fiddler.

All depends on your priorities, you'll certainly have better fun here.

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I hear what your saying, but I didn't necessarily mean that I would be going to be a teacher. I said that my uncles friend is a good contact and that he may point me in the direction of his own contacts who may or may not be teachers. Bare in mind I will be going with little money and no job lined up, I rely solely on what this contact can do for me and who he can introduce me to for work, again not necessarily teaching, perhaps chef work or something a little less legit. I need to know if it's possible to go to a city the size of Bangkok with a one way ticket, only a couple of contacts and start making paper to sustain a life and the possible ways it can be done?

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I hear what your saying, but I didn't necessarily mean that I would be going to be a teacher. I said that my uncles friend is a good contact and that he may point me in the direction of his own contacts who may or may not be teachers. Bare in mind I will be going with little money and no job lined up, I rely solely on what this contact can do for me and who he can introduce me to for work, again not necessarily teaching, perhaps chef work or something a little less legit. I need to know if it's possible to go to a city the size of Bangkok with a one way ticket, only a couple of contacts and start making paper to sustain a life and the possible ways it can be done?

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Whats the relationshipstatus with ur gf in Phuket ?

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Sure it's possible but you'll need a lot of luck too. What if things don't work out after a reasonable amount of time? Do you have a plausible Plan B in that case? I wouldn't recommend you coming here unless you do.

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I hear what your saying, but I didn't necessarily mean that I would be going to be a teacher. I said that my uncles friend is a good contact and that he may point me in the direction of his own contacts who may or may not be teachers. Bare in mind I will be going with little money and no job lined up, I rely solely on what this contact can do for me and who he can introduce me to for work, again not necessarily teaching, perhaps chef work or something a little less legit. I need to know if it's possible to go to a city the size of Bangkok with a one way ticket, only a couple of contacts and start making paper to sustain a life and the possible ways it can be done?

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Whats the relationshipstatus with ur gf in Phuket ?

Well my months trip was to see her, after a great trip we still speak but she will just have to wait to see if I can/can't make it work in Bangkok, only then we can/can't be together.

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PS your "something less legit" implies that you may get yourself into some serious deep sh1t.

Watch out, "here be monsters", and the better connected the more dangerous. Stay legit. . .

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Sure it's possible but you'll need a lot of luck too. What if things don't work out after a reasonable amount of time? Do you have a plausible Plan B in that case? I wouldn't recommend you coming here unless you do.

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I come home back to the minimum wage job and think about plan b to get back

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I hear what your saying, but I didn't necessarily mean that I would be going to be a teacher. I said that my uncles friend is a good contact and that he may point me in the direction of his own contacts who may or may not be teachers. Bare in mind I will be going with little money and no job lined up, I rely solely on what this contact can do for me and who he can introduce me to for work, again not necessarily teaching, perhaps chef work or something a little less legit. I need to know if it's possible to go to a city the size of Bangkok with a one way ticket, only a couple of contacts and start making paper to sustain a life and the possible ways it can be done?

You have to be a very well-recognized chef internationally to make a decent salary at that here, plenty of well-trained locals happy to work for under 20,000 per month even at top hotels.

There are so many thousands of bamboo-obsessed sex addict farang desperate to stay with their teeraks a little bit longer most non-ultra-specialized jobs just pay peanuts.

The ones doing really well here were brought over by an MNC on a full expat package.

The more powerful "connected" Thais use, chew up and spit out newbies on a daily basis.

Not saying you need a job before you arrive but that would be ideal.

NO WAY you should come without at least six months' living expenses, including health insurance and visa run costs. Ideally a year's worth if you're likely to want to spend a while enjoying yourself rather than immediately hitting the pavement job hunting.

Very very unlikely your income will be higher than 60K in your first year here.

But as I said it's possible to get by on very little, so if you want the adventure and have friends & family to bail you out if it goes pear-shaped then go for it. . .

If you do, be sure to keep us updated 8-)

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I hear what your saying, but I didn't necessarily mean that I would be going to be a teacher. I said that my uncles friend is a good contact and that he may point me in the direction of his own contacts who may or may not be teachers. Bare in mind I will be going with little money and no job lined up, I rely solely on what this contact can do for me and who he can introduce me to for work, again not necessarily teaching, perhaps chef work or something a little less legit. I need to know if it's possible to go to a city the size of Bangkok with a one way ticket, only a couple of contacts and start making paper to sustain a life and the possible ways it can be done?

You have to be a very well-recognized chef internationally to make a decent salary at that here, plenty of well-trained locals happy to work for under 20,000 per month even at top hotels.

There are so many thousands of bamboo-obsessed sex addict farang desperate to stay with their teeraks a little bit longer most non-ultra-specialized jobs just pay peanuts.

The ones doing really well here were brought over by an MNC on a full expat package.

The more powerful "connected" Thais use, chew up and spit out newbies on a daily basis.

Not saying you need a job before you arrive but that would be ideal.

NO WAY you should come without at least six months' living expenses, including health insurance and visa run costs. Ideally a year's worth if you're likely to want to spend a while enjoying yourself rather than immediately hitting the pavement job hunting.

Very very unlikely your income will be higher than 60K in your first year here.

But as I said it's possible to get by on very little, so if you want the adventure and have friends & family to bail you out if it goes pear-shaped then go for it. . .

I have no idea what to expect I'm just taking my uncles word, I hope to get work soon after arrival, whatever that may be. I'm happy to work for thai wages at the start as I'm sure I will meet more people the longer I'm in Bangkok, plus if the contact with contacts in many fields can help that's better, if it turns out to be a short adventure and I have to return then so be it. But I want to be in Thailand badly, if this is the lucky break then I've got to take it come what may.

If you do, be sure to keep us updated 8-)

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Sure it's possible but you'll need a lot of luck too. What if things don't work out after a reasonable amount of time? Do you have a plausible Plan B in that case? I wouldn't recommend you coming here unless you do.

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I come home back to the minimum wage job and think about plan b to get back

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Sorry, no disrespect,

but if you havent made yourself to a notch or a few above minimum wage at your home country, ie. didnt succeed?

what makes you think you will do a whole lot better in a foreign country, depending on contact you dont know, and without even as much support net as you have back in your country. not to mention language, cultural differences, etc.

yes, your proposal isnt impossible...on the other hand, it sounds just the same dead end.

your legal options, with or without connection possible wont pay above avarage, if any, your not-so-legal will be panished lot harder than in your place back home.

but hey, you live once, so, go for it, if that what your heart desire!!

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"work for Thai wages" = 300 per day x 6 days per week, 3-4 days off per month and brutal management

Even a totally unqualified teacher out in the sticks does 3x better than that, 25-30K is the low end.

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I would say it is mainly "Up To You" and your true willingness to live and succeed here.

But although your uncle has connections and can get you a job, then keep in mind that it will require just as hard work here to survive as back home. And here your only safety net will be your uncle and yourself. Personally, I would not rely on anyone else than myself.

If you are in any doubt, I would stay put and think some more about it before doing the move. I know it all sounds very good here, but this is not a nice place to be without money or friends/family. So make sure you have at least some kind of "buffer" before arriving. And be prepared to work hard, before being able to truly enjoy it here.

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No point in waffling and pleasant maybe's, DONT DO IT! You are opening yourself up to a world of hurt.

No money , no job, no language skill, no insurance, etc, but a fistful of maybe's

Stay where you are til you have a reasonable pot to support yourself and any "accidents" or disappointments.

Set yourself a realistic timescale, then try it if you still feel you want to. To do it as you describe would be just stupid. In my opinion.

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"work for Thai wages" = 300 per day x 6 days per week, 3-4 days off per month and brutal management

Even a totally unqualified teacher out in the sticks does 3x better than that, 25-30K is the low end.

any employer whos going to take on a farang for 300 a day under the table

probably wont be making a work permit for him either

whenever they feel like it they can make a phonecall and have him arrested

and sent to the detention centre for working without a permit and keep any salaries

owed as well ..........

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I've now been told I can work as a chef and to invite friends to come to Thailand with 'baggage', be middle man for the contact. My uncle is one crazy fella. What to do!!!!!

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I've now been told I can work as a chef and to invite friends to come to Thailand with 'baggage', be middle man for the contact. My uncle is one crazy fella. What to do!!!!!

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Well if you are to be a middle man you have already failed. This would be the last place said person would post this. Easy things to Dox someone and find out info you don't want. I was on your side till this now I think you would not last here. Stay home save some good money and come for a visit sure. Leave things like this out of your future. Have you ever seen a Thai jail? 5 guys in one room chained to a railing with 3 inches of water on the floor not a pretty sight.

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Why so many posters are negative ? There is no gain without risk. Sure you should come with 6 months funds, and you may have to try a few teaching jobs - just go for it ! travel broadens the mind and all that. BUT don't come just for the girlfriend. Do it for yourself, break out of the greyness and cold weather. If you expect everything to be like home it won't be. But if your open to having your values challenged, and have new experiences then come. I've lived here a long time now, and i still don't know what will happen tomorrow - that makes life interesting. Do it !

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I agree with Tim but there is one big problem. I believe working here and in Asia is for young people doing somethinglike teaching. Having said that you ccan't do it for allifetime. Its a short term thing. Maybe few years. I don't understand how people come here with nothing and expect tomake a life working here. Shortish term fine.

Reason most of the xpats are 50,s like myself is that we have made our money already.

When my gf moans and says....easy for you ,you have lot of mmoney....I say YES and I worked bloody hard for all of it for 40 years. Yes rich but never got to travel etc.

So JIMMY go for it.

Forget the gf. Don't come for her. Come for the experience and when you go back in a year or whatever, so what. Your life will be so much better for it.

I met 3 young blokes from USA in a music bar last night. They teach here. I said so you blokes are just bumming around. Their reply " umm basically yes "

I said with a smile I hate you guys.....meaning I was jealous I didn't do it when their age.

Maybe I would have a lot less money. But hey money can't buy experience. Good luck

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I agree with Tim but there is one big problem. I believe working here and in Asia is for young people doing somethinglike teaching. Having said that you ccan't do it for allifetime. Its a short term thing. Maybe few years. I don't understand how people come here with nothing and expect tomake a life working here. Shortish term fine.

Reason most of the xpats are 50,s like myself is that we have made our money already.

When my gf moans and says....easy for you ,you have lot of mmoney....I say YES and I worked bloody hard for all of it for 40 years. Yes rich but never got to travel etc.

So JIMMY go for it.

Forget the gf. Don't come for her. Come for the experience and when you go back in a year or whatever, so what. Your life will be so much better for it.

I met 3 young blokes from USA in a music bar last night. They teach here. I said so you blokes are just bumming around. Their reply " umm basically yes "

I said with a smile I hate you guys.....meaning I was jealous I didn't do it when their age.

Maybe I would have a lot less money. But hey money can't buy experience. Good luck

music teachers?

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OP, at the end of the day it all comes down to you. If you are stuck in your home country with a dead end job, then why not give it a go? OK, here are a couple of reasons:

Your uncle I am assuming is a qualified teacher, I say this as normally Dubai won't just accept work experience from Thailand stated on a CV as proof of qualifications. I am also assuming that you are not a qualified teacher, stuck in a dead end job, etc. Your point of contact is a Thai university lecturer and, unless he has his 'hands in many pies' the only way that he will be able to help you is in the educational field. That is logical thought, but he could be connected. Have you ever met him?

As previously stated, for you to get work as a chef in one of the top hotels, you will need a good CV, qualifications and work experience. There are too many good Thai chefs here who will accept lower wages. If as you say in post #18 that you will now be a middleman (?) in chef recruitment, I don't think you will be working in Thailand as recruiters usually work at source.

As previously stated, look at having at least 6 months living expenses as a safety net. Accommodation, transportation, food, entertainment all add up.

And finally, you are talking about coming here with a one-way ticket on a tourist visa? I would rethink that and pay the extra for a return ticket. This will give you an additional option in case it hits the fan.

It is a free world (in most cases) and if you think you can make it, give it a go. But keep your retreat options open..................wink.png

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" ฿20-30K per month - working writing articles through Elance - work from home and online so work permits are irrelevant."

The above is not true, work permit is required for any work carried out in Thailand, even volunteering.

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" ฿20-30K per month - working writing articles through Elance - work from home and online so work permits are irrelevant."

The above is not true, work permit is required for any work carried out in Thailand, even volunteering.

Yes, I should've made that clear.

My point was that it's almost impossible to be caught working without a work permit when you're not commuting to and from a place of work.

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" ฿20-30K per month - working writing articles through Elance - work from home and online so work permits are irrelevant."

The above is not true, work permit is required for any work carried out in Thailand, even volunteering.

Yes, I should've made that clear.

My point was that it's almost impossible to be caught working without a work permit when you're not commuting to and from a place of work.

its unlikley to be caught but not impossible

i know people who have ed visas for many years and selling thai silk on ebay,evenually they will ask about your finances ,i dont know if you can get

more than 3 years eduation visa in a row ?

Of coure you can just overstay and pay 20k on the way out if you dont get caught but after 5-10-20 years that might not be acceptable and they might feel like you deserve a half a year in a thai jail for abusing the visa system ........

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I've now been told I can work as a chef and to invite friends to come to Thailand with 'baggage', be middle man for the contact. My uncle is one crazy fella. What to do!!!!!

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Sounds very dodgy to me.

Do you have a degree or any other qualifications?

A qualified Thai chef would be very happy with a 30K Baht a month salary. Why would anyone hire a farang who could never get a work permit (as a non qualified chef)? It seems to me that maybe there is some kind of money laundering or something else going on here.

My advice.... FORGET IT!!!!!!!!!

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