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Well I'm well versed in them as posted previously we are acquiring them and refurbishing them and blown motors are unlike any other car I've seen EVER, in such short amount of street time..Are you even aware of the extended engine warrantee Mazda quietly put on the early models? The early models are junk and most rotaries are very durable but not these. A compression test is only a mere check at that moment and helps naught for determining anything close to long term or even short term for that matter. In a week or so they could just suddenly blow out a seal, especially if you have no idea the catalytic converter has packed up or screw a coil set and the engine is toast, especially if it is already high mileage. Rx7's never flooded the way the 8's do either,. You're correct about one thing, failure is not the right word without "catastrophic" in front of it..

There must be some rotary specialists in Thailand because Petee has been racing an outdated 7 for several years now in the Super Car class.. Many of the engines that fail are not rebuildable, they're scrap metal after the seals blow because the housings get deeply gouged.

These engines fail in many cases with the BEST engine care one can give, it's a random thing like winning the lottery or in this case losing. Still there's no telling when, or if, but it is a well known engine flaw in design and manufacture that Mazda is well aware of and why they changed the engine design in 08..It's naught to do with maintenance by the owner, more to the point it's a host of smaller issues leading up to one big snowball and into an engine failure.. For example do you even know about the fuel pressure loss due to the early saddle bag fuel pump problems when the tank gets low? It causes the engine to sputter with loss of fuel pickup and loose pressure making the mixture lean and that is a death knell for those engines, it need only happen a couple of times..

Revving the engine @ shut down is complete <deleted>..It serves no purpose what-so-ever, in spite of what your "Mazda engineer" says.. It's also best to add premix to the fuel and not worry about keeping it topped up but do keep an eye on the oil for sure..

Yeah don't listen to any site in the US where we successfully raced RX8's since they're arrival as a factory program and won multiple championships with them up until they discontinued them, hell we don't know a thing about the, perfect reason NOT to listen to much of his advice to make such a rubbish closing comment... Only arrogant and smug British sites know the answers but check that site anyway and see how many members on there ARE British, getting their top advice from it..And sharing too.

It just occurred to me, he probably got booted for his rubbish advice so now he has an axe to grind against them..

Speechless eh? Wise choice, better to post nothing and look the fool then to post something foolish and leave no doubt..

He messed up the quote. his post is within yours.

Eh? where? blink.png Everything I see is my post.. So the word B0110cks is deleted now?? w00t.gif

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l was trying to post some helpful advice advice, but instead you have to get into a slagging match, no need really. If these cars are so bad why are you acquiring them, why race them ? A race engine is completely different to a road engine with pretty much everything strengthened so not comparable really. Read the post, it was not a Mazda engineer who told me about turning off procedure, it was a rotary engineer who deals with these cars only. Because of people like you giving bad information like this, the cars get badly treated and can fail. This is not a normal car and cannot be treated thus. l agree there were problems with the early models as there are with the later models, l know someone who has a 2009 with 10,000 miles on the clock that failed last week. l am in the RX8's owners club in the UK so have contact with quite a few people.

If you are such an expert you would know that coating the rotor with oil when you shut it down works. l agree the RX7 was a much better engine, l have known them do 200,000 - 300,000 miles.

My post was meant to be helpful for any potential buyer. Yes there are problems with this car, especially when people like you give it advice on how to run them; you need to take care with them and even when you do they can fail, as can any car, but l agree they have a higher failure rate. The point of my post even if l am a little bias, is what a rewarding car this is to drive and you MR expert can't take that away. l am never disrespectful to anyone, but they are forums in the US with not to helpful information.

On a personal note, l did not get kicked out of anywhere this is a forum for adults, but as usual big mouth Yank spouting his mouth off. Just what l used to see in the army, we do an exchange with the 82 Airborne and many of them suffered from feelings off grandeur. Wind your neck in pal, this forum to help people and do not think about slagging me off unless your prepared to meet me and back it you loud mouth <deleted>


l was trying to post some helpful advice advice, but instead you have to get into a slagging match, no need really. If these cars are so bad why are you acquiring them, why race them ? A race engine is completely different to a road engine with pretty much everything strengthened so not comparable really. Read the post, it was not a Mazda engineer who told me about turning off procedure, it was a rotary engineer who deals with these cars only. Because of people like you giving bad information like this, the cars get badly treated and can fail. This is not a normal car and cannot be treated thus. l agree there were problems with the early models as there are with the later models, l know someone who has a 2009 with 10,000 miles on the clock that failed last week. l am in the RX8's owners club in the UK so have contact with quite a few people.

If you are such an expert you would know that coating the rotor with oil when you shut it down works. l agree the RX7 was a much better engine, l have known them do 200,000 - 300,000 miles.

My post was meant to be helpful for any potential buyer. Yes there are problems with this car, especially when people like you give it advice on how to run them; you need to take care with them and even when you do they can fail, as can any car, but l agree they have a higher failure rate. The point of my post even if l am a little bias, is what a rewarding car this is to drive and you MR expert can't take that away. l am never disrespectful to anyone, but they are forums in the US with not to helpful information.

On a personal note, l did not get kicked out of anywhere this is a forum for adults, but as usual big mouth Yank spouting his mouth off. Just what l used to see in the army, we do an exchange with the 82 Airborne and many of them suffered from feelings off grandeur. Wind your neck in pal, this forum to help people and do not think about slagging me off unless your prepared to meet me and back it you loud mouth <deleted>

None of that was in my post? Have no clue where you got it from?

Anyway he's full of B0110cks right off the bat when he makes an ill informed blanket statement about racing engines being completely different from street engines, once again immediately demonstrates his ignorance on the topic.. Newbie comes on, most likely a troll and posts rubbish and then tells me I give bad info?? But yet doesn't answer a single question I posed to him about the problems origins?? He can flake off. The OP got top info from me and it was straight up.. My posts have been helpful, honest and informative nothing you said was anything I didn't say only mine isn't second hand like yours from my "Mazda engineer buddy" it wasn't just meant that way, but when you basically before, and now certainly, try to post against what I posted and try to make me look like I'm clueless you'll get an eye full..

We're selling them AFTER they've been updated and upgraded with the issues tended to and we race them BECAUSE we still like them once they've been upgraded as I also posted and they win then and only then, and the have big potential for profit for us too, that's good business decision. Your post was rose colored glasses, my posts are reality..End of..

How do you coat an engine with oil that's burning it as it runs? If you were half an expert or could read you'd see that I posted putting 2 cycle oil in the fuel and besides not needing it anyways (high revving on shut down), you'd still have plenty of oil without revving it and that has nothing to do with coating the engine anyway it is suggested that it cleans out the chambers of any carbon and burns off the fuel to prevent flooding on the restart especially if you intend to restart shortly after shutting down.

You're the one that needs to wind in your neck PAL.. Your mis-info may have led one of our members in the wrong direction, one that would have cost him a lot of aggro and money, mine gave him an honest balanced perspective on both the up sides and the down based on FIRST hand info..... Had I wanted to do otherwise and just set him up to sell a bunch of parts I would have told him "sure go and buy the 8 tomorrow, they're splendid cars"! Similar to what you did..

Spooners I'm responding to his post through yours, none of it is not directed at you..


This might help you.


Hmm, something weird going on, you can see my quotes right? Nothing in my quotes from him either?? Strange twilight zone sort of stuff going on..


So post #28 where you are quoted you cannot see the part I highlighted ?


Nope.. Just an empty box below mine and my previous post quoted which is why I posted the way I did.. Also I quoted that post for my response and there's no post of his in that one either.


Wondering now If a mod just deleted his post from that post and left it blank, just after you quoted it? Still strange as my response you quoted doesn't have it blink.png ..


I'll try, not too good at screen shots and stuff.. Even more strange, after going to bed last night, this morning post #28 has the content he posted but not my post #29, your post #30, my post #31 your post #32 or mine #35 I quoted so now I know I'm not losing it..

Anyway no answer on his part and that's probably a good thing, he was misleading the OP and anyone else who wanted to know the truth. Obviously if I like 8's, owning 2 currently and am going forward with a plan to revitalize as many as possible not just for profit but also to bring them back to the road I have no other agenda, otherwise I would simply tell the OP they're perfect and cheer-lead like he did as it means nothing to me for him to lose his money and be frustrated at the purchase. The mere fact that there are gluts of them, low mileage but in good shape physically at auctions with blown engines, more so then any other car I can remember in history is enough evidence of a serious problem, that is irrefutable.

I was some what with him until he started in with the "don't listen to those American websites" manure and suggesting my info was off base as well, even though he was still more cheer leading then actually posting useful info.


l did post with Warpspeeds post, sorry it has been 5 years since l posted anything on this forum and it has changed slightly in that time. One of the reasons l do not post on forums is because of people like you. Everyone is entitled to an opinion and just because mine differed from yours does not give you the green light to slag me off.

The information l put on this site, came from a rotary engineer who deals exclusively with Mazda RX8's, nothing else. Also my comments were based on chats with the few thousand members from the RX8's owners'c club in the UK, because l do not listen to Mazda, they got it horribly wrong from the start.

You said you were selling them after the problems were sorted out, but this is a total contradiction to your previous post when you claimed quite rightly that they can fail straight after a compression test, So if they are so fragile my point is this - barring putting in a RX7's engine or a normal V6 or something you will never cure completely this weakness. You are saying one thing to back-up your post, then slagging it off.

All your points you listed about problems with the car are all correct, especially the catalytic-converter, which is very expensive when it goes. The compression test is not useless at all, you are so wrong to say this. l would not touch even a 2009/2010 car without getting one done. Because of the way the rotary engine works and the fact that believe it or not, this engine can take more abuse than a normal engine before it shows any signs of problems, a compression test is vital. Plus, there are not many working parts with this car, so when things do go wrong, normally its an engine-rebuild to fix the problem. So again, l agree with you that a car can fail straight after a compression test; but the point l was trying to make for your average buyer off the street, was that for the relatively small cost of the test its worth doing to uncover potential problems instead of forking out for a engine rebuild. Most cars non-starting problems, hit or cold are linked to compression and l have the facts to back that statement.

As you pointed out, unburnt fuel will cause problems for the engine, this is why you rev the engine before you turn it off. The rotors are coated with oil as you correctly pointed out, and its not like theres a massive injector to squirt more oil in as you rev the engine, but this procedure is done to cover yourself, just in case. This is especially relevant if you are turning the car off before it gets to working temperature. These engines do use alot more oil than a normal car.

Everything l posted was not my personal opinion, but that of a rotary expert who only deals with RX8's, so for you to suggest l am mis-leading anyone it wrong. l am going to their workshop this week to get the car l am buying compression tested, so l will show him your comments and maybe you could argue with him. These guys are experts, something you are not my friend, that is clearly demonstrated when you say l am mis-leading people, l am not, everything l have said will help your car, fact. l love these cars and over the years have alot of personal experience with them you don't, and just because you were involved with a race team means nothing. l have raced in Thailand and the UK at a decent level, but do not try to pass myself off as an engineer and l would never deride the comments of an engineer who deals only with RX8's.

Anyone reading this; get the compression test done, if you doubt what l say, contact Mazda and every forum you can, they will all tell you the same. Try to learn about the rotary engine, plenty of stuff on You Tube, when you do , then you will see how vital a compression test is. Yes your car could fail straight after, as can any car when you've just had it serviced or drove it off the forecourt, but for the small cost of the test, versus an engine rebuild its worth it. l quoted a price of £2,000 for a rebuild in my first post, this is from a RX8 specialist and lm not sure there are any in Thailand ???? So if you have to go to Mazda direct for a new engine, i know the cost in the UK is 8 grand upwards.

The RX8 is a fickle car no doubt, yes there are problems, more so when you buy a car that has not been looked after, but the whole point of my post was meant to show that they are a very rewarding car to own, bit like a fine wine, but you need to take care of them; sometimes even when you do, they can still fail. l had an engine rebuild on my second car, so l have learned the hard way; but l have studied these cars for years and all the info l have posted it true. Again one of my original points was not to listen to all the scaremongering, because if you did you would never own one of these beautiful cars; be careful, take your time when buying, get it looked at, get the compression test done and hopefully you will be rewarded with a great car. l think there have been alot of documented problems with these cars, but look at Toyota, you can get problems with any car. Before l get slagged off again l am not comparing Toyota's reliability record with an RX8, merely any car can have problems and failures, but with an RX8 you do get more.

Last point, l am not a troll, l did not post and sneak away. l work in close protection, l have been working since Thursday without sleep, so l made my post and went to bed; plus lm on UK time. lm back in Thailand on 27th, so would be happy to chat with you further. l have been living in Thailand since 1998, so newbie isnt really correct, just have'nt posted for years to avoid situations like this. Although l do not do it for a job anymore, l used to work as a personal trainer and l have a degree in nutrition. l used to post helpful information about exercise and diet, that was grounded in science; then you would get 100 people who've read some fad in a magazine argue with you. l have thousands of posts on here, just could not remember my old username or password, hence newbie, but not troll, thankyou. l would never post anything that is wrong and what l posted about the RX8 is from a rotary engineer and years of ownership and contact with thousands of like-minded people from the club in the UK. Lets not get into a slagging match mate, it's not helpful and in the spirit of the this forum you would hope that the MOTORS section is trying to help people who have an interest in cars and bikes as l do.

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Oh get over yourself and maybe go back into hibernation then if you're so touchy and misinformed, no need to have that sort of posting here anyways..

BTW Couldn't begin to read all that nonsense without a single paragraph to be had, too painful to even look at, let alone read.

Any moment a gang of your countrymen will be along to tell me how rude I am or something though most of the same gang would post exactly what I'm posting were it someone other..


Why don't you go down to Soi 6 in Pattaya and then you get and tell all the girls who work there what a master of the universe you are !!! You are the one who is mis-informed, my info is from an expert and thousands of owners. You slagged the car into the ground, now you have one for yourself. You contradict yourself totally. Easy to sit behind a computer and throw insults into people.

Go look up narcissist in the dictionary you might find your name there. Don't read other people's post because yours must be right, don't forget you raced one once and now you are going to own one. Wow, what experience you have, race engines are a different animal to what you have on the street, and you have the gall to tell people not to get a compression test. You are completely full of shit.


Mark looking more and more the fool there mate. Especially when you talk about racing one once and silly, tripe like that when it clearly indicates you're not reading the posts you're trying so hard to belittle.

I am an EXPERT!!!!!!!!!!!! Not a second hand source like yours.. Only thousands of owners? Awfully low since over 162,000 were produced and sold world wide between 2003 and 2006 alone..

Insults? Who was it that first posted rubbish comments about not listening to either me or any American websites FULL of EXPERTS first hand with tons of personal experience that trumps you and your singular "expert" in spades.. Up until that point it was an informative and useful thread and thanks to me it might still be.... I know people like ME irritate people like YOU because we don't sit by and let you spout nonsense without taking you to task on it, that's unsettling to people like YOU..

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Hey Mark1972. When posting a wall of text can you stop and have a breath every few moments. the result will hopefully something that can be read.

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Let's get back on track.. I noticed that there's Mitsubishi fto and gto in Thailand. Would servicing parts and maintenance be a PITA?

Sent from my iPhone using Thaivisa Connect Thailand


Let's get back on track.. I noticed that there's Mitsubishi fto and gto in Thailand. Would servicing parts and maintenance be a PITA?

Sent from my iPhone using Thaivisa Connect Thailand

Neither were officially imported.. and anyways, no major manufacturer supports discontinued models very well, so the answer is yes.

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