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DSI to probe Suthep's 'people coup' speech


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The whole process is a charade at this point. What ever charges DSI comes up with, the courts will throw it out. How many times has that happened now in the last 6 months?

Due to inter-agency rivalry/squabbling based on political lines, branches of government are quickly approaching a failed-state condition for the ability to effectively rule and administer the country's affairs. Billions of taxpayer baht lost in nullified elections, arrest warrants set aside, multi-million-baht investigations called off.....

There is so much more this government could be doing to help the common man here. If it wasn't so pathetic, it'd be laughable. Hardly no one is laughing any more.

Edited by Fookhaht
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So all of those Suthep fans who were so vociferous in claiming Suthep has no interest in putting himself in power, what do you have to say now after this speech? <Mr. Suthep has said he would install himself as a "Sovereign Body" and present his own list of Prime Minister and Cabinet members to His Majesty the King to seek his Royal Approval. The PCAD will establish unelected legislative bodies afterwards, he explained, and implement series of "reforms" in Thailand.>

That's democracy then is it? He's bonkers and the cause of a lot of needless violence and deaths.

Its far more democratic than having members of the Shinawatra clan hand picked by one sad old fugitive in Arabia

Sent from my Nexus 7 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

How can you say that? Were they or were they not duly elected by the populace? Part of democracy is freedom to vote unhindered, right? Unlike your hero Suthep who wants the exact opposite of democracy and the freedom to vote unhindered (or otherwise)

Yes.... they were elected, and for the most part were left in peace by the people to run riot over every other principle of democracy and the rule of law with an attitude that mirrors your own.... 'We were elected so we can do what the f^^k we want and you can't stop us ..... ever!'

They raped the country by abusing populist policies that not only put them into power but also facilitated huge theft and corruption to the point that those policies collapsed and the voters are left in despair with HUGE debts and a rice industry that is over the next 2 years going to run at a loss for all 4.5 million rice farming families. Thrusting them into not only massive debt, but also vast swathes of poverty.

They then chose the final straw of the amnesty bill to bring back a convicted and disgraced dictator as a free man, and absolve 25,000 cases of fraud and corruption. and the nobbling of the senate so they could elect their family members as senators on a 'lifetime term' basis... Completely destroying the democratic check and balance over parliament.... effectively allowing them to change every single law to suit their cling to power.

So yes........ They WERE democratically elected and were given their chance for two and a half years totally unimpeded to prove they were worthy of running Thailand for the people of who's mandate they held.... They proved themselves an out and out disgrace to democracy and therefore have behaved in such a way as to justify their removal before any further damage is done.

If there were elections and this lot were allowed to run and were duly elected back to power to continue their rape and pillage of the nation, then it would be time to declare that democracy is actually the enemy of Thailand. Because the democracy can NEVER work when all the principles are abused and broken. Democracy ONLY works in a country where the principles are adhered to.

It is quite simple as basic as that.

You make some good and valid points. On a personal level I think all politicians and political parties in Thailand are hugely corrupt and outstandingly greedy, in my personal opinion, none is better than another. Snouts at troughs is what it's all about. One thing you fail to comment on is that they have not lost an election in many years and the reason Suthep is preventing another election is YL will win again. So the question is why? could it be in the main that the majority prefer Thaksin's corruption to any alternative corruption?

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So all of those Suthep fans who were so vociferous in claiming Suthep has no interest in putting himself in power, what do you have to say now after this speech? <Mr. Suthep has said he would install himself as a "Sovereign Body" and present his own list of Prime Minister and Cabinet members to His Majesty the King to seek his Royal Approval. The PCAD will establish unelected legislative bodies afterwards, he explained, and implement series of "reforms" in Thailand.>

That's democracy then is it? He's bonkers and the cause of a lot of needless violence and deaths.

Its far more democratic than having members of the Shinawatra clan hand picked by one sad old fugitive in Arabia

Sent from my Nexus 7 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

How can you say that? Were they or were they not duly elected by the populace? Part of democracy is freedom to vote unhindered, right? Unlike your hero Suthep who wants the exact opposite of democracy and the freedom to vote unhindered (or otherwise)

5 cabinet shuffles in less than 2.5 years, Nepotism and cronyism rife. Unaccounted for billions of baht. Openly caught lying......... again and again. Break down of law and order, increased corruption, ruin of the prestigious rice exporting business. Very little of anything to report for their first 2 years in office, when Poo finally after much pushing and delaying addressed parliament.

Part of democracy, as you rightly, say is having the freedom to vote unhindered. (That means not being bribed, coerced, threatened, watched and intimidated as well as being obstructed). No why don't you look up the other parts of democracy?

Remember being elected, even because you polled the largest minority, does't legitimize your corruption, or allow you to ignore due process, or allow you to break the law, or allow you to put yourself, family and friends above the law.

It's not often I agree with you but you are absolutely correct in what you say. My problem with it all is that the alternative (at this present moment at least) is just as bad if not worse than what's in place at the moment. Suthep himself is guilty of most of the above - particularly the nepotism part. If the government is overthrown with (if one can believe what's written) by Suthep being Royally appointed as "sovereign body" it's all a bit of a kick in the face for democracy. If the people are really sick of Thaksin's puppet government why does he obstruct elections instead of embracing them to show he's correct. Others have said that unless corruption is eradicated democracy cannot work. In a way they're half correct but democracy works in other countries where corruption is rife, Ital and even the UK are examples. I just feel that no particular party is less corrupt than any other.

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Tharits day of reckoning will come... Something between the two extremes of Thaksin government and pdrc needs to be done. Personally I think the army should have stepped in my now but then the head of the army seems to only be worried about retiring with an unblemished record?

It's hardly unblemished.

Look at daily events in the South of Thailand, a country which he says the army is there to defend whistling.gif

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So all of those Suthep fans who were so vociferous in claiming Suthep has no interest in putting himself in power, what do you have to say now after this speech? <Mr. Suthep has said he would install himself as a "Sovereign Body" and present his own list of Prime Minister and Cabinet members to His Majesty the King to seek his Royal Approval. The PCAD will establish unelected legislative bodies afterwards, he explained, and implement series of "reforms" in Thailand.>

That's democracy then is it? He's bonkers and the cause of a lot of needless violence and deaths.

Suthep Will Ask HM King To Appoint Himself As Coup Leader


WOW, 10 bloody pages, so far, and only one, single, poster realized that this [Kaosad] headline DOES NOT REFER TO SUTHEP being appointed as coup leader, and still they go on...........

wow. hairraising.gif

THE PDRC from the beginning advocates the role of the king.

And yet when a Royal Decree is issued, to call an election, they oppose it?

Sent from my Nexus 7 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

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Ah this didnt take long..The DSI...biggrin.png bless em...

Maybe they should spend some time investigating dodgy rice deals...woospie forgot they are working for Poo

I thought this original story had shown to be bogus and he didnt say any of these things ?

Since PT became the government, the DSI has never investigated anything related to PT/Thaksin/Redskirts etc. Nothing at all. But the Red shirts don't see this as injustice.

I don't recall Tarit investigating Jatuporn's recent "war" speech. Why is that then...?

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One interesting point here that the DSI needs to consider is that Suthep's stated plan appears to rely on Royal approval of his PM/Cabinet. So, if the King withholds approval he is dead in the water. So, I think that unless the DSI charges the king, there isn't much to do. Suthep's rhetoric does seem to be a bit extreme and not practical.

But, what do I know?

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Its far more democratic than having members of the Shinawatra clan hand picked by one sad old fugitive in Arabia

Sent from my Nexus 7 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

How can you say that? Were they or were they not duly elected by the populace? Part of democracy is freedom to vote unhindered, right? Unlike your hero Suthep who wants the exact opposite of democracy and the freedom to vote unhindered (or otherwise)

Yes.... they were elected, and for the most part were left in peace by the people to run riot over every other principle of democracy and the rule of law with an attitude that mirrors your own.... 'We were elected so we can do what the f^^k we want and you can't stop us ..... ever!'

They raped the country by abusing populist policies that not only put them into power but also facilitated huge theft and corruption to the point that those policies collapsed and the voters are left in despair with HUGE debts and a rice industry that is over the next 2 years going to run at a loss for all 4.5 million rice farming families. Thrusting them into not only massive debt, but also vast swathes of poverty.

They then chose the final straw of the amnesty bill to bring back a convicted and disgraced dictator as a free man, and absolve 25,000 cases of fraud and corruption. and the nobbling of the senate so they could elect their family members as senators on a 'lifetime term' basis... Completely destroying the democratic check and balance over parliament.... effectively allowing them to change every single law to suit their cling to power.

So yes........ They WERE democratically elected and were given their chance for two and a half years totally unimpeded to prove they were worthy of running Thailand for the people of who's mandate they held.... They proved themselves an out and out disgrace to democracy and therefore have behaved in such a way as to justify their removal before any further damage is done.

If there were elections and this lot were allowed to run and were duly elected back to power to continue their rape and pillage of the nation, then it would be time to declare that democracy is actually the enemy of Thailand. Because the democracy can NEVER work when all the principles are abused and broken. Democracy ONLY works in a country where the principles are adhered to.

It is quite simple as basic as that.

You make some good and valid points. On a personal level I think all politicians and political parties in Thailand are hugely corrupt and outstandingly greedy, in my personal opinion, none is better than another. Snouts at troughs is what it's all about. One thing you fail to comment on is that they have not lost an election in many years and the reason Suthep is preventing another election is YL will win again. So the question is why? could it be in the main that the majority prefer Thaksin's corruption to any alternative corruption?

Actually I only failed to touch on it because I wanted to keep the post from going on too long.

It is actually very debatable as to whether the Dems would have actually lost the election, because the PTP were at a very weak point in the popularity of the country, that was actually echoed by the abstinence, the huge amount of 'no votes' and the very large losses of PT votes compared with their 2011 numbers.

It is also debatable that since Feb 2nd anything has even changed in public opinion. Have the PTP got weaker and the Dems stronger since then? or is it the other way round?... no point because we won't know.

There at least needs to be a compromise in the situation, I agree that full reforms before elections is not in the best interests of the nation, but electoral reforms that hand out huge penalties to either party who dare to breech any including intimidation from supporters.... Parties should be held 100% responsible for the way their supporters act on their behalf, and should face dismissal and dissolution of their party as punishment.

Then an election held under the scrutiny of a huge neutral body assigned by the EC to make sure that the elections are indeed completely untainted.

Encourage televised debate like they do in the west just to show the country that they are not in fact voting for some empty headed bimbo that has no clue about politics. All candidates should be intellectual and experienced political figures who know what they are doing and not just there as puppets and cronies.

If we can get at least that agreed, then maybe this country can actually start tasting true democracy for the first time ever.

But if we are left in a situation where we will be just going around in one more political circle 'same old same old'... situation, then it is about time to actually stand up and say 'democracy and the Thai people do not and never will mix'.... It is time to throw it to one side for another hundred or so years and move towards a benevolent dictatorship... at least the country will be re-unified, which has got to be better than clinging onto a system that has proven not to work.

Democracy actually divides.

Edited by WoopyDoo
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Ah this didnt take long..The DSI...biggrin.png bless em...

Maybe they should spend some time investigating dodgy rice deals...woospie forgot they are working for Poo

I thought this original story had shown to be bogus and he didnt say any of these things ?

Since PT became the government, the DSI has never investigated anything related to PT/Thaksin/Redskirts etc. Nothing at all. But the Red shirts don't see this as injustice.

I don't recall Tarit investigating Jatuporn's recent "war" speech. Why is that then...?

Sadly the DSI is just another corrupt agency in need of reform. I did not see the Democrats pulling them into line when they themselves were using them as their attack dogs.

What goes around comes around. I expect if the Democrats will be happy to see the DSI do another about turn, rather than looking to charge the DSI with improper conduct or whatever else they can fling at them!

I expect that Tarit might have so much damaging turd on so many politicians of all different color that perhaps they all just let him get on with it, rather than pulling him up and having him singing like a canary.

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The DSI are still trying to get him on the same old charges that they already attempted several times already.

Another interesting Khaosod article.

They are still the only idiots publishing this junk based on their equally junk article yesterday.

If they want to push the envelope it is up to them, but when they join forces with the DSI who are going to be one of the first organisation to be taken out, they all may actually find themselves in court for defamation.

Khaosod now seem to be resigned to the fact that they are to be closed down in the next month, and seem to be doing all they can to fight it.

It can't be hard to prove if he said this stuff or not, If not then let the law close on Khaosod and punish them for it, but if he did say something he should not have then the same fate should apply, fair enough, But hey Mark really doesn't like an open media now dose he, what's that freedom of the press,,, you have to be joking if it's not in my favor, he proved that in 2010 huh,

Wow, somehow you managed to make this about Abhisit! Question. If I asked you about the weather, would you be complaining about Abhisit causing the rain while telling me that it's raining?

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So all of those Suthep fans who were so vociferous in claiming Suthep has no interest in putting himself in power, what do you have to say now after this speech? <Mr. Suthep has said he would install himself as a "Sovereign Body" and present his own list of Prime Minister and Cabinet members to His Majesty the King to seek his Royal Approval. The PCAD will establish unelected legislative bodies afterwards, he explained, and implement series of "reforms" in Thailand.>

That's democracy then is it? He's bonkers and the cause of a lot of needless violence and deaths.

Suthep Will Ask HM King To Appoint Himself As Coup Leader


WOW, 10 bloody pages, so far, and only one, single, poster realized that this [Kaosad] headline DOES NOT REFER TO SUTHEP being appointed as coup leader, and still they go on...........

wow. hairraising.gif

THE PDRC from the beginning advocates the role of the king.

In English, the grammatical antecedent of "Himself" is ambiguous. A typical lame headline which would typically leave us scratching our heads, if it weren't for the reaction Suthep is getting from the Thais on their social media, and from the current care-taker government. Society's reaction within the last 24 hours makes it pretty clear that Suthep was referring to himself, and not the monarchy.

The PDRC's advocacy, which you refer to at the end of your post, has just stepped backward a notch. Now it's clearly a dictatorship headed by none other than Herr Suthep, that he has in mind. He's crossed the line, and stated what most non-followers have suspected all along. His colors are coming out, and it's not a pretty sight, from a democratic viewpoint, or from international public opinion. I expect to see more anti-government supporters starting to distance themselves, possibly even the supposed Democratic Party "voice of reason," Mr. Abhisit himself.

i believe your post evidences your wishful thinking, and maybe my rebuttal is no better. Just IMHO.

Both the headline and most of the Khaosod content has not been corroborated by other media outlets. It is deliberately misleading and seems only designed to inflame and of course get the corrupt DSI involved. Inflammatory speeches from the UDD stages have never been investigated.

Read the Bangkok Post version - nothing more than he has said in the past. Another final push to remove power from the Shin mafia......& so on.

It pays to be sceptical to what constitutes news in Thailand.

Edited by khunken
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So all of those Suthep fans who were so vociferous in claiming Suthep has no interest in putting himself in power, what do you have to say now after this speech? <Mr. Suthep has said he would install himself as a "Sovereign Body" and present his own list of Prime Minister and Cabinet members to His Majesty the King to seek his Royal Approval. The PCAD will establish unelected legislative bodies afterwards, he explained, and implement series of "reforms" in Thailand.>

That's democracy then is it? He's bonkers and the cause of a lot of needless violence and deaths.

Its far more democratic than having members of the Shinawatra clan hand picked by one sad old fugitive in Arabia

Sent from my Nexus 7 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

How can you say that? Were they or were they not duly elected by the populace? Part of democracy is freedom to vote unhindered, right? Unlike your hero Suthep who wants the exact opposite of democracy and the freedom to vote unhindered (or otherwise)

Yes.... they were elected, and for the most part were left in peace by the people to run riot over every other principle of democracy and the rule of law with an attitude that mirrors your own.... 'We were elected so we can do what the f^^k we want and you can't stop us ..... ever!'

They raped the country by abusing populist policies that not only put them into power but also facilitated huge theft and corruption to the point that those policies collapsed and the voters are left in despair with HUGE debts and a rice industry that is over the next 2 years going to run at a loss for all 4.5 million rice farming families. Thrusting them into not only massive debt, but also vast swathes of poverty.

They then chose the final straw of the amnesty bill to bring back a convicted and disgraced dictator as a free man, and absolve 25,000 cases of fraud and corruption. and the nobbling of the senate so they could elect their family members as senators on a 'lifetime term' basis... Completely destroying the democratic check and balance over parliament.... effectively allowing them to change every single law to suit their cling to power.

So yes........ They WERE democratically elected and were given their chance for two and a half years totally unimpeded to prove they were worthy of running Thailand for the people of who's mandate they held.... They proved themselves an out and out disgrace to democracy and therefore have behaved in such a way as to justify their removal before any further damage is done.

If there were elections and this lot were allowed to run and were duly elected back to power to continue their rape and pillage of the nation, then it would be time to declare that democracy is actually the enemy of Thailand. Because the democracy can NEVER work when all the principles are abused and broken. Democracy ONLY works in a country where the principles are adhered to.

It is quite simply as basic as that.

"They WERE democratically elected and were given their chance for two and a half years totally unimpeded to prove they were worthy of running Thailand for the people of who's mandate they held"

Thaksin parties have won every general election since 2001, only being out of government for a few periods up to the present day due to the actions of the military or the judiciary. You say they were given a mandate for 'two and a half years' when in fact they have been endorsed by 'the people' at every general election since 2001. At the last general election (that was not sabotaged by Suthep) PTP gained 15.75 million votes. Let the people decide and they vote for Thaksin.

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Its far more democratic than having members of the Shinawatra clan hand picked by one sad old fugitive in Arabia

Sent from my Nexus 7 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

How can you say that? Were they or were they not duly elected by the populace? Part of democracy is freedom to vote unhindered, right? Unlike your hero Suthep who wants the exact opposite of democracy and the freedom to vote unhindered (or otherwise)

Yes.... they were elected, and for the most part were left in peace by the people to run riot over every other principle of democracy and the rule of law with an attitude that mirrors your own.... 'We were elected so we can do what the f^^k we want and you can't stop us ..... ever!'

They raped the country by abusing populist policies that not only put them into power but also facilitated huge theft and corruption to the point that those policies collapsed and the voters are left in despair with HUGE debts and a rice industry that is over the next 2 years going to run at a loss for all 4.5 million rice farming families. Thrusting them into not only massive debt, but also vast swathes of poverty.

They then chose the final straw of the amnesty bill to bring back a convicted and disgraced dictator as a free man, and absolve 25,000 cases of fraud and corruption. and the nobbling of the senate so they could elect their family members as senators on a 'lifetime term' basis... Completely destroying the democratic check and balance over parliament.... effectively allowing them to change every single law to suit their cling to power.

So yes........ They WERE democratically elected and were given their chance for two and a half years totally unimpeded to prove they were worthy of running Thailand for the people of who's mandate they held.... They proved themselves an out and out disgrace to democracy and therefore have behaved in such a way as to justify their removal before any further damage is done.

If there were elections and this lot were allowed to run and were duly elected back to power to continue their rape and pillage of the nation, then it would be time to declare that democracy is actually the enemy of Thailand. Because the democracy can NEVER work when all the principles are abused and broken. Democracy ONLY works in a country where the principles are adhered to.

It is quite simple as basic as that.

Woopy Doo, i wont disagree with you on what you say about TS, although i would question some of your facts like '25,000' corruption and fraud cases.....

Can you tell me why it is okay for the army to hold a coup (which is illegal), installing a senate elected by themselves (now that is nobbling the senate) and then giving themselves amnesty and then to top it all off basically not let anyone vote no or disagree with the new constitution they drew up? Where were you when all this illegal activity was going on, rigged voting, providing coaches to take people to vote, jail for voting no etc etc? If it was okay to do certain things then i.e change/rewrite the Constitution, give amnesty etc why is this so bad now??

People like Suthep was all to happy to benefit and not voice dissent from the above, has he suddenly grown a conscious? or dare i say much of the same faces behind the coup in 2006, are acting behind the scenes again currently.

If anyone from PTP had said some of the things Suthep did the other day, even if you believe the toned down version, they would be strung up on LM charges already. Where have all the PAD, the PDRC who voiced that TS wanted to be the very top person? Where is their condemnation of Suthep??

The 25,000 cases is nothing new.

The proposed impunity for other human-rights abuses and for corruption is also sweeping. The anti-corruption commission says the bill would kill off over 25,000 graft cases. Of these, about 400 cases involve senior politicians; another 670-odd are already at the indictment stage. To many poorer Thais, the bill is a charter for crooks


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Ah this didnt take long..The DSI...biggrin.png bless em...

Maybe they should spend some time investigating dodgy rice deals...woospie forgot they are working for Poo

I thought this original story had shown to be bogus and he didnt say any of these things ?

Since PT became the government, the DSI has never investigated anything related to PT/Thaksin/Redskirts etc. Nothing at all. But the Red shirts don't see this as injustice.

I don't recall Tarit investigating Jatuporn's recent "war" speech. Why is that then...?

Sadly the DSI is just another corrupt agency in need of reform. I did not see the Democrats pulling them into line when they themselves were using them as their attack dogs.

What goes around comes around. I expect if the Democrats will be happy to see the DSI do another about turn, rather than looking to charge the DSI with improper conduct or whatever else they can fling at them!

I expect that Tarit might have so much damaging turd on so many politicians of all different color that perhaps they all just let him get on with it, rather than pulling him up and having him singing like a canary.

You mean the Dems didn't interfere in their fundamental function?

I recall that the DSI were actually called into action immediately to investigate the red shirt killings etc....

You seriously need to get those red glasses off that only see one side and filter out the other.

The PTP have used the DSI as nothing other than an undermining political tool from the day they grabbed power.

Please supply us evidence that the Dems manipulated the DSI into a puppet police department with one sole purpose.... to keep the government in power at any cost by attempting to remove the competition.

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I don't recall Tarit investigating Jatuporn's recent "war" speech. Why is that then...?

Sadly the DSI is just another corrupt agency in need of reform. I did not see the Democrats pulling them into line when they themselves were using them as their attack dogs.

What goes around comes around. I expect if the Democrats will be happy to see the DSI do another about turn, rather than looking to charge the DSI with improper conduct or whatever else they can fling at them!

I expect that Tarit might have so much damaging turd on so many politicians of all different color that perhaps they all just let him get on with it, rather than pulling him up and having him singing like a canary.

You mean the Dems didn't interfere in their fundamental function?

I recall that the DSI were actually called into action immediately to investigate the red shirt killings etc....

You seriously need to get those red glasses off that only see one side and filter out the other.

The PTP have used the DSI as nothing other than an undermining political tool from the day they grabbed power.

Please supply us evidence that the Dems manipulated the DSI into a puppet police department with one sole purpose.... to keep the government in power at any cost by attempting to remove the competition.

I am all to well aware of the red failing, maybe you should take you yellow glasses off. When the Dems were in power the only people who were investigated were PTP/UDD, when the PTP/UDD were in power vice versa.

But if you want to believe that everything the Dems do is just perfect, and they would never do anything wrong, that's up to you- but you are living in cloud cuckoo land.

If you are talking about removing competition, i think the Dems use of courts, etc is far more viable ways of moving political parties, rather than the DSI taking aim at individuals.

The PTP won an election, that is not grabbing power, regardless of what has happened since.

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So all of those Suthep fans who were so vociferous in claiming Suthep has no interest in putting himself in power, what do you have to say now after this speech? <Mr. Suthep has said he would install himself as a "Sovereign Body" and present his own list of Prime Minister and Cabinet members to His Majesty the King to seek his Royal Approval. The PCAD will establish unelected legislative bodies afterwards, he explained, and implement series of "reforms" in Thailand.>

That's democracy then is it? He's bonkers and the cause of a lot of needless violence and deaths.

After all the postings proving this was wrong

why are you still living in La La Land and in your mind you have not past posting No. 1

and we things Thai's don;t have the ability to think

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So all of those Suthep fans who were so vociferous in claiming Suthep has no interest in putting himself in power, what do you have to say now after this speech? <Mr. Suthep has said he would install himself as a "Sovereign Body" and present his own list of Prime Minister and Cabinet members to His Majesty the King to seek his Royal Approval. The PCAD will establish unelected legislative bodies afterwards, he explained, and implement series of "reforms" in Thailand.>

That's democracy then is it? He's bonkers and the cause of a lot of needless violence and deaths.

Its far more democratic than having members of the Shinawatra clan hand picked by one sad old fugitive in Arabia

Sent from my Nexus 7 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

How can you say that? Were they or were they not duly elected by the populace? Part of democracy is freedom to vote unhindered, right? Unlike your hero Suthep who wants the exact opposite of democracy and the freedom to vote unhindered (or otherwise)

Try living in North Korea or Zimbabwe where they have elections and everone can vote, Democracy is not only wining the majority of vote legally, but of more importance is obeying the legal system when you are in power and doing good things for the country, not just getting money for the boss in Dubai.

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You make some good and valid points. On a personal level I think all politicians and political parties in Thailand are hugely corrupt and outstandingly greedy, in my personal opinion, none is better than another. Snouts at troughs is what it's all about. One thing you fail to comment on is that they have not lost an election in many years and the reason Suthep is preventing another election is YL will win again. So the question is why? could it be in the main that the majority prefer Thaksin's corruption to any alternative corruption?

Actually I only failed to touch on it because I wanted to keep the post from going on too long.

It is actually very debatable as to whether the Dems would have actually lost the election, because the PTP were at a very weak point in the popularity of the country, that was actually echoed by the abstinence, the huge amount of 'no votes' and the very large losses of PT votes compared with their 2011 numbers.

It is also debatable that since Feb 2nd anything has even changed in public opinion. Have the PTP got weaker and the Dems stronger since then? or is it the other way round?... no point because we won't know.

There at least needs to be a compromise in the situation, I agree that full reforms before elections is not in the best interests of the nation, but electoral reforms that hand out huge penalties to either party who dare to breech any including intimidation from supporters.... Parties should be held 100% responsible for the way their supporters act on their behalf, and should face dismissal and dissolution of their party as punishment.

Then an election held under the scrutiny of a huge neutral body assigned by the EC to make sure that the elections are indeed completely untainted.

Rncourage televisded debate like they do in the west just to show the country that they are not in fact voting for some empty headed bimbo that has no clue about politics. All candidates should be intellectual and experienced political figures who know what they are doing and not just there as puppets and cronies.

If we can get at least that agreed, then maybe this country can actually start tasting true democracy for the first time ever.

But if we are left in a situation where we will be just going around in one more political circle 'same old smae old'... situation, then it is about time to actually stand up and say 'democracy and the Thai people do not and never will mix'.... It is time to throw it to one side for another hundred or so years and move towards a benevolent dictatorship... at least the country will be re-unified, which has got to be better than clinging onto a system that has proven not to work.

Democracy actually divides.

Re: whether PTP would actually win an election now. It's interesting to note that Chiang Mai, a red shirt stronghold that doesn't tolerate Democrat gatherings (or concerts by democrat aligned artists), did NOT elect the red shirt senator and instead elected a Senator that is more aligned with the Democrats.

Yup.... People need to wake up to the fact that the Dems actually shunned a great chance to win.

They know that democracy is not currently working, and they would have been hypocrites to join in with an election that was not conducive to true democracy.... They even came out and said it on record.

Opinions about Thaksin's support are very out of focus with reality.

Huge non turnouts on Feb 2nd and huge 'no votes' and spoiled ballots from right across the north and northeast (apart from particular hard core Thaksin areas) by the people speaks volumes.

It has been quoted that they polled between 8 million and 11 million votes and most of those were the popular vote in a handful of constituencies in they most supported areas, across the majority of the north and northeast they actually did very bad.

They would have clearly struggled to win the overall election, in fact highly unlikely.

The fact is, they are doing nothing to improve their popularity. In fact the farmers are getting more desperate and with the exception of a few really misguided individuals the vast majority know exactly who is to blame and have cast off the aspersions that it is the PDRC to blame. They know it is the pilfering of the rice scheme that has caused its ultimate collapse lest there would have been plenty of funds to pay the debts.

Reforms are definitely needed fast if this country is to be saved.

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So all of those Suthep fans who were so vociferous in claiming Suthep has no interest in putting himself in power, what do you have to say now after this speech? <Mr. Suthep has said he would install himself as a "Sovereign Body" and present his own list of Prime Minister and Cabinet members to His Majesty the King to seek his Royal Approval. The PCAD will establish unelected legislative bodies afterwards, he explained, and implement series of "reforms" in Thailand.>

That's democracy then is it? He's bonkers and the cause of a lot of needless violence and deaths.

After all the postings proving this was wrong

why are you still living in La La Land and in your mind you have not past posting No. 1

and we things Thai's don;t have the ability to think

I have no idea what point you're trying to make

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So all of those Suthep fans who were so vociferous in claiming Suthep has no interest in putting himself in power, what do you have to say now after this speech? <Mr. Suthep has said he would install himself as a "Sovereign Body" and present his own list of Prime Minister and Cabinet members to His Majesty the King to seek his Royal Approval. The PCAD will establish unelected legislative bodies afterwards, he explained, and implement series of "reforms" in Thailand.>

That's democracy then is it? He's bonkers and the cause of a lot of needless violence and deaths.

After all the postings proving this was wrong

why are you still living in La La Land and in your mind you have not past posting No. 1

and we things Thai's don;t have the ability to think

I have no idea what point you're trying to make

By reading your posts it looks like you have no idea at all coffee1.gif

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