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Moving to Chiang Mai

eric eiser

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Hello all!!!

I plan on relocating to Chiang Mai by summer here in Brooklyn.

I have been an Art School Professor teaching computer animation and graphics,

School of Visual arts NY at the graduate and under graduate level. I'm 64 and wonder

if there will be any Teaching opportunities There. I know the cut off age is 6o. I am asking

if there are ant opportunities there, private or otherwise. I know my Visa will prohibit me from working...

Any suggestion? I hav my masters degree in computer animation./ computer graphics/computer animation

and motion graphics.

I would also be interested in setting up a life drawing workshop. Just a model and minimal fees for

people interested.

Am I wasting my time or should I attempt to set something up, Drawing, computer graphics and

animation training...

New to forum, any feedback or interest would be greatly appreciated.

Thanks to all

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All forms of work ,paid or unpaid would not be allowed

on a retirement extension.on the other hand i am sure

your field of expertise would be useful ,I believe that

there is an Animation company in Chiang Mai,seen

their stand at a fair once.

Or you could sell your services on line,do not know if

that would work or not or what the demand would be,

so maybe you are best just coming here and see what

happens.good luck and welcome

regards Worgeordie

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I started the film, tv, animation b.a. program at mahidol university and taught there on a work permit until retirement at about 65. I very much doubt you being hired by a school at your age....... that is the way it goes here regardless of your expertise. CM is, of course, off the media beaten track which is mostly in BKK, but even trying to get someone to provide u with a work permit anywhere in Thailand is very doubtful. I would probably have tried to recruit you in my program, then, but NOW, age has gottcha.

Giving private lessons for pay or free is illegal.

No one has told me what Thai law applies to a person living in Thailand all the time but being paid by a company OUTSIDE OF Thailand. For me an interesting question I can not hope to get a solid answer for. I also wonder what if a guy goes to Singapore to do a short job, gets paid there, and returns to Thailand residence? On the Internet, too??????????????

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Hi Eric, there are many retirees in Chiang Mai who would probably be interested in taking up a new hobby, like learning how to do life drawing, especially if you employee live models, but, as mentioned, it could be difficult for you to set up a studio business while you're on a retirement visa yourself.

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Thanks for the feedback... as soon as my condo in Brooklyn sells I will be there. I am definately interested in setting up an expat drawing workshop. There should be a lot of people interested I would think. All that's needed is a model (or two) and some drawing pads. In Brooklyn

we have drawing workshops in bars around the neighborhood. It's a great investment in time and really rewarding as you realize progress

and get feedback from other participants. I don't see how that could be against any rules, but who knows.

Hope to be there soon, at least by summer!

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Thanks for the feedback... as soon as my condo in Brooklyn sells I will be there. I am definately interested in setting up an expat drawing workshop. There should be a lot of people interested I would think. All that's needed is a model (or two) and some drawing pads. In Brooklyn

we have drawing workshops in bars around the neighborhood. It's a great investment in time and really rewarding as you realize progress

and get feedback from other participants. I don't see how that could be against any rules, but who knows.

Hope to be there soon, at least by summer!

It's almost certainly against the law. And all it takes is one spiteful person -usuallly it's another farang - to turn you in and put you in a mess of trouble. At the least, please consult with an experienced immigration lawyer before you embark on giving lessons. Trying to decide what is lawful and what is not based on what is reasonable can lead to disaster anywhere - but especially in Thailand.

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I was thinking it could be more like a club, or a hobby -- not a way to make money. Just collect enough money from the people to pay the model. But, this may not have been what Eric had in mind. Perhaps he thought he could make money teaching other retired expats how to do life drawing.

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Just to discuss all options:

If I am not mistaken, if you are married to a Thai and have an extension of stay based on marriage; I think you are allowed to work in Thailand.

Could another verify or dispute my understanding? Thanks.

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Thank you all for your constructive thoughts.

Would see it as more of a non profit workshop, not lessons I would recieve money.

Would just like to run it as a fun night out and we all learn something from each other.

Plenty structured like this in NYC, only the model gets paid.

Lifedrawing is very fulfilling and fun.

Will send out messages when I settle in there.

Thank you all

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Just to discuss all options:

If I am not mistaken, if you are married to a Thai and have an extension of stay based on marriage; I think you are allowed to work in Thailand.

Could another verify or dispute my understanding? Thanks.

Yes, if married to a Thai national then a yearly extension to stay is available subject to the financial requirements of income/pension or 400,000 baht in a Thai bank.

Only allowed to work in Thailand with a Work Permit in hand. Being married to a Thai national makes the WP issue much easier, for example the wife can apply for husband's WP on the back of her own business, and a company set-up is not required. Still not so easy to acquire that WP as much paperwork must be produced and approved.

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I don;t see any mention if the OP has ever been to Chiang Mai.... eric eiser, have you ever been in Chiang Mai? If not, are you planning on relocating to Chiang Mai without ever having been here?

Edited by hml367
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  • 1 month later...

Like it or not ( which I can't for the life of me figure why a person would get antagonistic about this) I'll make an announcement about some kind of "club" non money making. Just want to share designs, techniques and concepts. A get together for people that are interested in film, animation and the arts.

If someone is really bothered by this I feel sorry for you.

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Hello all!!!Thanks to all

Are you sure you'll cope with the levels of pollution (PM10) ?

Brooklyn and New york city are not exactly clean.

You have no idea of bad air pollution if you think NYC has bad air. Google Chiang Mai air pollution in March and find out what you're getting yourself into. Learn what PM10 means.

Edited by mesquite
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i like puukao on "If CM is your destiny, then so be it."


If you could sell your Nyc apartment, probably you dont NEED to work much here.

Working here doesnt pay as much anyway.

Keep your positive spirit up, move here and see how the life would unfold.

Chiang Mai is pretty cool city. Lot of creative people move here.

A lot of my friends moved here, and I am thinking to move here too later this year.

Surely I will be interested in your drawing workshop/hangout.

In fact, I will host you the first one in my friend 's coffee house here if you like.

Good luck and make it happens!

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Hey, CM sounds great. Watch for me too. Before June is out. I will rent not buy for 6 months. I will learn to shoot par, draw incomparable nudes, speak good conversational Thai, eat like a prince, explore the elephant and monkey kingdoms are not spend more than US$1000 per month. I cannot wait to retire. Any sunburn in CM as i am very pale?

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If my memory serves me correctly; they jailed some farang musicians based on their performances at an "open-mic" type event a few years ago. A number of farangs, who buy bars in their Thai wife's name have also been busted for just being on the wrong side of the bar or greeting customers at the door. It really opens you up to being extorted/deported (even rhymes). Talked to a guy last night, who said he had just started teaching. I asked if he had a WP. He said he had one since he was allowed to work with his Ed Visa......probably still believes in Santa Claus, too. A lot of us Naysayers aren't as negative as it might appear, and we actually like CM a lot. But many of us know the reality of what happens to great ideas in CM. There are even companies here that you can pay money to, to find you a volunteer position.....

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