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My gf will not stop wearing 'Ugly Old Issan Clothing' UOIC


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The OP should think himself lucky. My missus like to wear the latest, smartest fashions and she always has something new for a evening out ( even though the wardrobe is bursting at the seams).

Stop complaining and count your blessings.

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Don't tell me the gold rings around her neck are getting in the way of love bites,


Based on what I saw, that is that the neck rings don't stretch the neck but push the collar bone down giving the appearance of an elongated neck, I think this is photoshopped.

Of course I will stand corrected if someone knows better.

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I had one situation some years ago with a man i met up with via a dating site.

I take my time to know a person, but seemed he was already convinced we would be a good match, just that i apparently needed some tweeking.

I like wearing muted colours, he liked to be more flashy.

He had bought me two dresses that he thought i would look nice in, although not at all to my taste.

But, not to be rude, i thanked him.

He then asked me later on if i would ever wear tie-dye (GOD NO!) Diplomatically told him that im not a fan of tie-dye.

He commented to me "you really like your own style, dont you"..after i didnt respond to his hints.

He mentioned about teasing his ex for wearing something he thought looked terrible on her...i guess to try drive it home.

Then he asked me if i would ever consider cutting my hair short, as he thought short hair looked cute.

Big red flags waved at me vigoriously as i happily said goodbye to him.

Thankfully i found out right away the control freak side.

Would have hated to have fallen for a guy, only to have this side creep out later..!

Bloody awful way to treat a partner OP!

he wanted you to be a tie dyed hippie, but with short hair?


Haha! I never thought of it like that..but yeh, weird!

Clean cut and in hippy clothes..lol blink.png

Think Sinead O'Connor .....ish.

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My gf does not wear fashion clothes either and she goes shopping in "Charity Shops" but then again she know the difference between style (even though conservative ) and fashion.. She is a Issan girl too but she has learnt that a good second hand dress in natural fibre from a good dress maker bought for a fraction of the original price is worth more than a cheap synthetic fashion item at twice the price. It is amazing how many people compliment her of her style so she is doing something right ( and yes it does make me proud) and is what attracted me to her the first time i saw her.

Maybe your girlfriend is the one with the style and class and you have cannot appreciate what a treasure you have.

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So maybe I'm nieve (?) But it's weird for someone to come on an anonymous forum and state his net worth when there is absolutely no forum rule that anything you post has to be the truth. But it's a slow Songkran holiday and if it makes you happy to come on here and tell the hoi polloi of your assets real or imaginary Hey! go right ahead.

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So maybe I'm nieve (?) But it's weird for someone to come on an anonymous forum and state his net worth when there is absolutely no forum rule that anything you post has to be the truth. But it's a slow Songkran holiday and if it makes you happy to come on here and tell the hoi polloi of your assets real or imaginary Hey! go right ahead.

You are pathetically jealouse! Your ego prevents you from getting the point! LOL!

Edited by philliphn
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So now we're talking about MY ego when you're the one who felt the need to declare his net worth. At any rate, here's why I came back on here before I was distracted by today's version of Donald Trump:

T-shirts and short jeans Thai style:


Edited by JLCrab
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<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

Don't tell me the gold rings around her neck are getting in the way of love bites,


Based on what I saw, that is that the neck rings don't stretch the neck but push the collar bone down giving the appearance of an elongated neck, I think this is photoshopped.

Of course I will stand corrected if someone knows better.

The Worth 1000.com stamp is a bit of a give away to its origins.......................wink.png

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So now we're talking about MY ego when you're the one who felt the need to declare his net worth. At any rate, here's why I came back on here before I was distracted by today's version of Donald Trump:

T-shirts and short jeans Thai style:


Why are you so focused on my net worth? You miss the whole point! If I wanted to advertise, or impress some one. I would post my photograph. Instead. I talk about not flaunting your assets, and value the person, not the dress. Get it!

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I think that secretly the OP sees himself in these clothes. Or at best his anima ideal (googEN Jungian archetype etc) is peeking through the frilly bits ;-)

Be of good cheer. There appear to be many of your persuasion.

Sent from my iPhone using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

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<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

I think this is legitimate concern. I would feel the same way. Men have a right to be honest about their feelings and express what they WANT same as women do. While it is frustrating to have a partner who spends all your money on clothes, as if she was a fashion model; it is just as frustrating to have a partner who insists on wearing old, dumpy clothes. In fact, women usually complain about this very issue in their male partners. Therefore, the OP has honestly, yet tactfully, communicated to his wife that he wants her to start dressing better - but she refuses. The direct approach is now in order. Since it probably won't work, the OP must decide if he is willing to accept a stubborn partner who puts her own comfort first - OR look for someone who puts her husband's joy and delight first. After all, women know full well that men are attracted through their eyes. I don't want a dumpy looky wife any more than a woman wants a dumpy looking husband. I encourage the OP not to settle for less than he wants, but rather to keep seeking until he finds it. After all, life is short - go for the gusto. Good luck!

Should he not have known all this before he married her ?

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I had one situation some years ago with a man i met up with via a dating site.

I take my time to know a person, but seemed he was already convinced we would be a good match, just that i apparently needed some tweeking.

I like wearing muted colours, he liked to be more flashy.

He had bought me two dresses that he thought i would look nice in, although not at all to my taste.

But, not to be rude, i thanked him.

He then asked me later on if i would ever wear tie-dye (GOD NO!) Diplomatically told him that im not a fan of tie-dye.

He commented to me "you really like your own style, dont you"..after i didnt respond to his hints.

He mentioned about teasing his ex for wearing something he thought looked terrible on her...i guess to try drive it home.

Then he asked me if i would ever consider cutting my hair short, as he thought short hair looked cute.

Big red flags waved at me vigoriously as i happily said goodbye to him.

Thankfully i found out right away the control freak side.

Would have hated to have fallen for a guy, only to have this side creep out later..!

Bloody awful way to treat a partner OP!

he wanted you to be a tie dyed hippie, but with short hair?


Haha! I never thought of it like that..but yeh, weird!

Clean cut and in hippy clothes..lol blink.png

Think Sinead O'Connor .....ish.


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I learned that Thai traditional women believes that some western fashion may be OK for bar girls, and to use it not only makes them look very "bad', is not respectful to the BF or husband. What that means? Be grateful for her attitude. I had the same "problem" with my wife, but the nny part of my history with her is that her way to dress, very conservative, when we met the first time, makes me feel very good about her. After we got married, I did the same mistake you are doing. Buying clothing for her that she was not using. It was a waste of money some times, and make me upset. Again I learned that Thai women will accept any gift and never will say that its do not like it. Until I found out a better way. Every time women on TV or a magazine dress something I like for her, I comment about and look at her reaction. After one year of marriage I learned what my wife likes that I like, and she will use it, and just I give her the money to buy it. Slowly she is changing, but I never will get her wearing a mini skirt and make me proud showing her legs when we go out.

No way......

Again...takes time, and a lot of learning and negotiation to westernize a "decent" Thai woman. Be proud of her, and do not force anything.....

Edited by umbanda
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I for one don't think you are trying to control her and see the point you are making, but I wouldn't worry too much about it.

You GF simply wears these type of clothes as that is what they wear in her home territory. You wouldn't be concerned if she was an Eskimo and was wearing Rain Deer Skins and Furs if she was living in the North Pole. Consider that Bar Girls do not wear the same type of clothing as they do in Pattaya, when they go home to visit the family. They would dress very conservative and probably like your GF. On the street in their Home Town, you would not know the difference.

You talked about you taking your GF to your home country and how she would be looked upon with Old Fashioned Clothes, which I see your point. But did you ever consider how she will be looked upon if she wears provocative clothing in her Home Town? Obviously this is the most important to her and not fashion. Get her out of town and away from family, sexy underwear, and you might see a different Girl all together.

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