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Lose the branches of power, lose the nation: Thai politics


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The judiciary's power will also enter a vacuum if a major political camp dismisses its power citing discrimination and biased rulings.

A stand has to be made.

A nation cannot exist if the courts continually throw out elected governments on trumped up charges.

The courts are not the last bastion of hope, they are the last remaining stronghold of the anti-democrats.

It is in the courts that the reforms this country so desperately need must begin and the reform process begins with PTP not accepting anymore biased rulings against them.

​Those concerned about a power vacuum should be out campaigning for new elections to be held ASAP

What's trumped up?

Sent from my Nexus 4 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

When it comes to these courts...

What's not?

Please answer the question.

What is trumped up?

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The judiciary's power will also enter a vacuum if a major political camp dismisses its power citing discrimination and biased rulings.

A stand has to be made.

A nation cannot exist if the courts continually throw out elected governments on trumped up charges.

The courts are not the last bastion of hope, they are the last remaining stronghold of the anti-democrats.

It is in the courts that the reforms this country so desperately need must begin and the reform process begins with PTP not accepting anymore biased rulings against them.

​Those concerned about a power vacuum should be out campaigning for new elections to be held ASAP

What's trumped up?

Sent from my Nexus 4 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

When it comes to these courts...

What's not?

Answer the question.

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This article summarizes well what the Yingluck administration is trying to do by attempting to block the Senate from functioning. However, they will not have the last word. The Constitutional Court will. Those who support Pheu Thai are trying to maintain an argument that is a vacuum in and of itself. They are somehow trying to de-legitimize the judicial process. The words they choose are dangerous and have far-reaching implications. It is hard to imagine what the end game would look like if the administration of the day simply choose to ignore the highest constitutional court in the land. And yet, Pheu Thai supporters seem to be openly toying with the concept. One thing is for certain - we'll know very soon, because that unfortunately seems to be where we're headed. But if that were to happen - if the Yingluck administration actually choose to ignore a ruling of the Constitutional Court - international condemnation would be swift. Overnight. It would be a blanket condemnation. Make no mistake of it. And the backlash within the country would be enormous.

The army is obligated to protect the constitution and the judicial process, as well as judicial rulings, as are all Thais. All Thais are obligated to respect the constitution and the judicial process of checks and balances outlined in the constitution. Entertaining a dialogue that attempts to cast aspersions on the judicial process is profoundly dangerous. There is no place for it. Anywhere.

You really enjoy getting yourself off, don't you.

When the Associated Press is reporting an upcoming judicial coup in Thailand, it goes into almost every newspaper and news broadcast in the United States. Reuters and other international news agencies have reported the same story - judicial coup in Thailand. It's been reported globally on CNN, BBC, Bloomberg, CNBC - the list gets very long.

The whole world knows what's happening here. The word "coup" is universally known. The term "judicial coup" is immediately recognizable to anyone living in a democracy. Governments too know what is going on here, that justice is injustice and that injustice is justice.

Further, no one in the world is going to accept a prime minister and an entire government being removed by a court because of the transfer of one government employee.

Who's kidding whom around here.

Thailand's Red Shirts brace for 'judicial coup'


By THANYARAT DOKSONE April 8, 2014 7:41 AM

But now, with growing speculation that Thailand's constitutional court and anti-graft agency may remove Yingluck from office in what critics say would be a "judicial coup," her supporters are gearing up to march on Bangkok themselves.

Suthep Thaugsuban, leader of the so-called People's Democratic Reform Committee, told his own cheering crowds in Bangkok this past weekend he would seize power in the name of "the people" if legal rulings are issued against Yingluck's government. He promised to replace the current democratically elected administration with an unelected "people's council".


You actually believe that the world knows only of this wrong -the man being removed ????

It is the rest of the PTP governments wrongs that are gradually emerging that the WORLD are now noticing what is going on.

I believe you have left out some MAJOR wrongs when you posted. If you want to post about the wrongs post them all, NOT pick out one, and speak the world would not agree a government is toppled by this one item.

These bad courts decide against good government------the opposite. Always the same --We don't do wrong--why people pick on us ????

PDRC have been in the global headlines the past six months as a street mob besieging the democratically elected government which Suthep as the face of the insurrection is determined to replace with an unelected (still anonymous) "people's council."

The AP and other global news organizations are now quoting Suthep as he says he will "seize power" and appoint his secret council. The only role the global readership and viewership have seen of the courts is to also remove the government in what's being called a "judicial coup."

No one in the world is going to accept a prime minister and an entire government being removed by a court because the PM transferred one government employee. If you think this absurdity will carry any weight with people abroad and in democracies especially, then you have been in Absurdland too long to see the forest from the trees.

Will the world accept when all the other charges are brought up before the courts, dirt farmer what do you think, the same ???

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The judiciary's power will also enter a vacuum if a major political camp dismisses its power citing discrimination and biased rulings.

A stand has to be made.

A nation cannot exist if the courts continually throw out elected governments on trumped up charges.

The courts are not the last bastion of hope, they are the last remaining stronghold of the anti-democrats.

It is in the courts that the reforms this country so desperately need must begin and the reform process begins with PTP not accepting anymore biased rulings against them.

​Those concerned about a power vacuum should be out campaigning for new elections to be held ASAP

What's trumped up?

Sent from my Nexus 4 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

When it comes to these courts...

What's not?

Answer the question.

He will after he maid a phone call.

Sent from my GT-I9300 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

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No one in the world is going to accept a prime minister and an entire government being removed by a court because the PM transferred one government employee. If you think this absurdity will carry any weight with people abroad and in democracies especially, then you have been in Absurdland too long to see the forest from the trees.

Most of the world don't give a toss about Thailand's internal affairs.

Short of grievous human rights violations, most of the world will work with whomever comes on top.

The worst that can be expected are standard issue statements expressing concern.

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No one in the world is going to accept a prime minister and an entire government being removed by a court because the PM transferred one government employee. If you think this absurdity will carry any weight with people abroad and in democracies especially, then you have been in Absurdland too long to see the forest from the trees.

Most of the world don't give a toss about Thailand's internal affairs.

Short of grievous human rights violations, most of the world will work with whomever comes on top.

The worst that can be expected are standard issue statements expressing concern.

Thank you for your news bulletin and invaluable insights Rubl, er, Morch. I'd like to separate them to offer a quick specific comment regarding each one.

Most of the world don't give a toss about Thailand's internal affairs.

This has been true for 1000 years continuously to the present and will continue being true forward through to the next 1000 years. Why are you posting the obvious?

Short of grievous human rights violations, most of the world will work with whomever comes on top.

Stop the presses, we have another hot news bulletin.

The worst that can be expected are standard issue statements expressing concern.

That's because governments don't issue public statements encouraging or supporting revolution in other countries, to include civil wars in other countries. But then we all knew that. So why are you wasting our precious time with your vacuous post.

I seriously wish you do enjoy the holiday and that you make the most of it. Take a break.

Edited by Publicus
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No one in the world is going to accept a prime minister and an entire government being removed by a court because the PM transferred one government employee. If you think this absurdity will carry any weight with people abroad and in democracies especially, then you have been in Absurdland too long to see the forest from the trees.

Most of the world don't give a toss about Thailand's internal affairs.

Short of grievous human rights violations, most of the world will work with whomever comes on top.

The worst that can be expected are standard issue statements expressing concern.

Thank you for your news bulletin and invaluable insights Rubl, er, Morch. I'd like to separate them to offer a quick specific comment regarding each one.

Most of the world don't give a toss about Thailand's internal affairs.

This has been true for 1000 years continuously to the present and will continue being true forward through to the next 1000 years. Why are you posting the obvious?

Short of grievous human rights violations, most of the world will work with whomever comes on top.

Stop the presses, we have another hot news bulletin.

The worst that can be expected are standard issue statements expressing concern.

That's because governments don't issue public statements encouraging or supporting revolution in other countries, to include civil wars in other countries. But then we all knew that. So why are you wasting our precious time with your vacuous post.

I seriously wish you do enjoy the holiday and that you make the most of it. Take a break.

My time is my own, plus I usually don't bother with writing long important sounding posts like some do.

Thank you for spending the time to reply to my "vacuous post", with (as usual) a much longer post which says nothing much.

Sorry for keeping you from telling the World (and especially the democracies) what they're going to do.

PS - rubl does the "my dear Publicus" thing. I don't.

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This article summarizes well what the Yingluck administration is trying to do by attempting to block the Senate from functioning. However, they will not have the last word. The Constitutional Court will. Those who support Pheu Thai are trying to maintain an argument that is a vacuum in and of itself. They are somehow trying to de-legitimize the judicial process. The words they choose are dangerous and have far-reaching implications. It is hard to imagine what the end game would look like if the administration of the day simply choose to ignore the highest constitutional court in the land. And yet, Pheu Thai supporters seem to be openly toying with the concept. One thing is for certain - we'll know very soon, because that unfortunately seems to be where we're headed. But if that were to happen - if the Yingluck administration actually choose to ignore a ruling of the Constitutional Court - international condemnation would be swift. Overnight. It would be a blanket condemnation. Make no mistake of it. And the backlash within the country would be enormous.

The army is obligated to protect the constitution and the judicial process, as well as judicial rulings, as are all Thais. All Thais are obligated to respect the constitution and the judicial process of checks and balances outlined in the constitution. Entertaining a dialogue that attempts to cast aspersions on the judicial process is profoundly dangerous. There is no place for it. Anywhere.

You really enjoy getting yourself off, don't you.

When the Associated Press is reporting an upcoming judicial coup in Thailand, it goes into almost every newspaper and news broadcast in the United States. Reuters and other international news agencies have reported the same story - judicial coup in Thailand. It's been reported globally on CNN, BBC, Bloomberg, CNBC - the list gets very long.

The whole world knows what's happening here. The word "coup" is universally known. The term "judicial coup" is immediately recognizable to anyone living in a democracy. Governments too know what is going on here, that justice is injustice and that injustice is justice.

Further, no one in the world is going to accept a prime minister and an entire government being removed by a court because of the transfer of one government employee.

Who's kidding whom around here.

Thailand's Red Shirts brace for 'judicial coup'


By THANYARAT DOKSONE April 8, 2014 7:41 AM


But now, with growing speculation that Thailand's constitutional court and anti-graft agency may remove Yingluck from office in what critics say would be a "judicial coup," her supporters are gearing up to march on Bangkok themselves.

Suthep Thaugsuban, leader of the so-called People's Democratic Reform Committee, told his own cheering crowds in Bangkok this past weekend he would seize power in the name of "the people" if legal rulings are issued against Yingluck's government. He promised to replace the current democratically elected administration with an unelected "people's council".


You actually believe that the world knows only of this wrong -the man being removed ????

It is the rest of the PTP governments wrongs that are gradually emerging that the WORLD are now noticing what is going on.

I believe you have left out some MAJOR wrongs when you posted. If you want to post about the wrongs post them all, NOT pick out one, and speak the world would not agree a government is toppled by this one item.

These bad courts decide against good government------the opposite. Always the same --We don't do wrong--why people pick on us ????

PDRC have been in the global headlines the past six months as a street mob besieging the democratically elected government which Suthep as the face of the insurrection is determined to replace with an unelected (still anonymous) "people's council."

The AP and other global news organizations are now quoting Suthep as he says he will "seize power" and appoint his secret council. The only role the global readership and viewership have seen of the courts is to also remove the government in what's being called a "judicial coup."

No one in the world is going to accept a prime minister and an entire government being removed by a court because the PM transferred one government employee. If you think this absurdity will carry any weight with people abroad and in democracies especially, then you have been in Absurdland too long to see the forest from the trees.

Leaving aside your first 2 paragraphs--rants-normal stance.

Your last sentence may well be true IF it was the only wrong committed. As I posted there are other factors why PTP Y.S. have mega probs but again you FAILED to post these, but the international community are aware of them NOT only the solitary point you made.

The USA and EU have basically said they like to deal with democratic governments of any type over appointed or coup created ones.

China?, well they seem to get on well with ptp. Russia? Do they care?

So, basically, everyone appears to want Thailand to find a way to go down the democratic elections path. They might put up with Suthep for a bit, but wait until the EU/USA trade people start saying they want to deal with a democratic government.

Then the rich will get a bee in their bonnets about losing money and Suthep will be out on his ear.

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