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When children kill their parents: Thai editorial


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When children kill their parents

The Nation

Two recent cases have sparked widespread horror and revulsion, with many asking what has gone wrong with the institution of the family in Thailand

BANGKOK: -- In the last few weeks Thailand has witnessed two murder cases in which young men have apparently slain their parents and siblings.

On March 8 a couple in Pathum Thani and their son were shot dead in their home by the eldest son, aged 19. On April 3 in Bangkok, a husband and wife and their elder son were killed in their home by two gunmen who the police say were hired by the couple's younger son, 22.

Police say the accused in the first case had confessed to murdering his parents and younger brother in a fit of anger at being continuously scolded by his mother. He said she also broke a promise to buy him a car and, on the night of the murders, refused to let him use the family car to pick up his girlfriend because he was drinking.

In the second case, police say, the slain couple's younger son and his close friend arranged the contract killing of his family. Police say the son, who had left home to live with a close friend, felt slighted by and angry with his parents for frequently comparing him to his successful elder brother, a police officer. His parents also owned land worth over Bt100 million and had bank deposits of more than Bt10 million, fuelling suspicion that a lust for inheritance was also a motive.

The multiple murders have caused shock and dismay across the country. People are wondering what has gone wrong with the institution of the family. The possible motives of the perpetrators are being widely discussed on the social media. Expressions of disgust and horror have been coupled with disbelief as users ask who in their right mind would kill their own parents. Many are calling the crime unforgivable and demanding that the perpetrators be sentenced to death.

Psychiatrists and experts on adolescent behaviour have attempted to shed light on the factors that lead young people to kill. Dr Panpimon Vipulakorn of the Mental Health Department has said the way some children are raised can drive them to use violence to try and solve problems. She said domineering parents who encourage competition among their children might cause rivalry that spills over into violence. Anchulee Thirawongpaisan of the Police Hospital said too much parental pressure and high expectations can spark aggression in their kids. Educator Sompong Jitradab of Chulalongkorn University pinpointed increasing materialism as a potential source of adolescent crime. Ticha Na Nakorn of the Kanchanaphisek Remand Home in Nakhon Pathom said lack of self-awareness and self-control were key factors behind murders committed by youngsters.

American criminologist Kathleen Heide, who has studied patricide and matricide, believes most perpetrators had been abused or neglected and lacked any emotional attachment to their parents. Others, she says, were overindulged and had never established personal boundaries or respect for others. Either way, they had not learned ways to cope with anger and emotional distress and had resorted to murderous violence.

Cases in which people kill their parents form part of the larger problem of domestic violence, which includes the murder of a spouse or partner, a sibling and even a child.

Shocking though they are, such cases provide lessons we can use to lower the incidence of violence within the home. Parents should guide their children in how to deal with conflict in constructive rather than violent ways. Kids also need to be guarded from the toxic mental side effects of a diet of parental pressure and materialistic desires. The consequences of violence within the home are terrible for all involved. We can help reduce the frequency of such tragedies by becoming more aware of the deeper causes and tackling them before they explode into life-ending violence.

-- The Nation 2014-04-10

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Spoiled brats not getting what they want. That's what it seems like to me.

When this happens in western countries the perpetrator it is usually classified with some sort of mental disorder. In the USA they say there is almost one parent killed by their child everyday. Must be their great gun laws...

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Spoiled brats not getting what they want. That's what it seems like to me.

When this happens in western countries the perpetrator it is usually classified with some sort of mental disorder. In the USA they say there is almost one parent killed by their child everyday. Must be their great gun laws...

oh so true.........

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Spoiled brats not getting what they want. That's what it seems like to me.

When this happens in western countries the perpetrator it is usually classified with some sort of mental disorder. In the USA they say there is almost one parent killed by their child everyday. Must be their great gun laws...

oh so true.........

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Spoiled brats not getting what they want. That's what it seems like to me.

When this happens in western countries the perpetrator it is usually classified with some sort of mental disorder. In the USA they say there is almost one parent killed by their child everyday. Must be their great gun laws...

Where have I heard that before, let me recall. Oh! yeah PTP.

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No one has mentioned the epidemic of technology addiction. I would guess that in any shopping mall on any given day 80% of people, particularly the young are glued to their I pad or phone. They are not all chatting to friends or taking 'selfies'. Too many are playing killing games where mutilation, blood and guts is normal. Even simple games have zero respect or concern for the types of characters they portray. Children, nuns, disabled people all get in on the killing spree. Is it any wonder then that respect for parents or anyone else is diminishing. Coupled with alcohol we hear daily of random king hits, glassing, and shootings for no reason.

Some recent research has suggested that a significant effect of prolonged phone and i pad use is a loss of empathy. Its not just in Thailand. It seems almost that fear of death is no longer an obstacle to trying anything. Yes I am old, but I like that, at least I can still find meaning in everyday things.

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I am from the US, retired to Thailand in November, what I have noticed is the total addiction for pretty much everyone, but mostly kids to cell phones, they are on them 24/7 not sure if they sleep. But when am walking in the mall, they always walk into me, they are glued to there phones, in restaurants people don't talk to each other anymore, they just play with there phones, it's like a bunch of Zombies, you are the only sane person, I never use my phone, only carry it with me in case I get lost. I think my wife is getting addicted now, always talking to the family, oh well I still have the dog to talk to.

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I am from the US, retired to Thailand in November, what I have noticed is the total addiction for pretty much everyone, but mostly kids to cell phones, they are on them 24/7 not sure if they sleep. But when am walking in the mall, they always walk into me, they are glued to there phones, in restaurants people don't talk to each other anymore, they just play with there phones, it's like a bunch of Zombies, you are the only sane person, I never use my phone, only carry it with me in case I get lost. I think my wife is getting addicted now, always talking to the family, oh well I still have the dog to talk to.

No different from anywhere else in the world, walk around any mall in the UK and the youngsters (but not always the youngsters) have their mobiles stuck to their ears, very rude and inconsiderate to others. And even when crossing the road, they seem to lose all sense of reality with these must have accessarys.

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One of the main problems is that they are not punished properly when they do break laws. Life is just one big joke to todays youngsters.

Driving a motorbike at 9,10,11 years of age is a criminal offence, but the police stop traffic for these kids to enter school. The parents need to be punished,. the schools too, and the police should do their job. Impound the motorbikes, charge the parents a minimum of 5000baht to get them back.. No helmet--100 baht is a farce! No lights and they are never apprehended!

Make punishment meaningful, and you will get results.

And if anyone thinks my suggestions are harsh, bear in mind that you don't pay if you don't break the law!

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