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Abhisit challenges PM Yingluck to quit


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wow Abhisit's great "New Idea" ? 'Yingluck should quit'

after all these months THIS is his 'New Idea'? he's showing enormous leadership potential - but not in this life

why is he not coming out with a well thought out document detailing all the NEW policies he would like to put before the electorate? we already know his current policies:

  • keep Ammart in power and retain feudal power structure
  • silently support the attempted coup (but not TOO publicly) as they want to see who wins before 'coming out'
  • not taking a part in elections as they know they would lose and this they have cunningly named their 'can't win, won't play' strategy

You do realize you are in Thailand don't you. We are talking about Thailand not binjalin land

why is he not coming out with a well thought out document detailing all the NEW policies he would like to put before the electorate? we already know his current policies:

He is waiting for a fair and just government. that is what the whole anti government protest is about.

He is not running for election any more than you are.coffee1.gif

As for you already knowing his current policies I suspect you think it is what ever the Amarat want.cheesy.gifcheesy.gifcheesy.gif

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Thaksin can't bear the thought of Yingluck resigning because he has no one to replace her with. Surapong or Yaowapa on the campaign trail kissing babies will only result in infants traumatised for life.

Yingluck has limited intellectual ability but that doesn't matter upcountry.Just look pretty and smile is all that is required.

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Writing in her Facebook page today, Ms Yingluck insisted that the Constitutional Court had no right to revive Mr Thawil’s transfer case against her because the case was already over after the Supreme Administrative Court had decided to have him reinstated.

What a mindset!

Dear child, you did a no no. Uncle Administrative Court made it good. Now, Uncle Constitutional Court has to spank you, so you learn to be better. It's for you own good.

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Last time I checked the Yellows were a dead issue. they removed them selves from the political scene in their failed attempt to get Abhist to go to war with Cambodia. In fact their leader is in a Cambodian jail.

My big question is why do the red shirts continually try to blame it on a defunct section of the population when the truth is it is the grass roots people in the population who have brought the situation to the attention of the whole world and refuse to cover it up to make the PTP and their red shirts hired goons happy?wai.gif

I do have one answer but I can not verify it.burp.gif. Let the ear medicine flow.sorry.gif Not

As I mentioned, the bottles change, the wine stays the same. Yellows, PDRC, PAD, whatever. They are the same, fronted by one face or another. Same on the other side, they are just more consistent in terms of sticking with their color. Hired goons? Both have those, just try walking through Lumpini in a red jumper and you can prove that.

Wrong again but you can be excused you are obviously a red shirt. They are a group of grass roots people made up of many different groups. Yes the remnants of the Yellow shirts have seen the light but they are just a small part of it. Their is more white faces than them. But you have to bring a negative value into your post. So you get in your time machine and go back into history to find a group that will do that for you. Wake up this is 2014 not 2010m or 2011.

I can understand you being a red shirt why it would go over your head that the people are tired of the corrupt nepotistic government and want a government that cares for the nation. Not one that cares only for one man.

No small part as far as I see. Half of the PDRC leaders are ex-PAD. Name you some - Nitthithorn Lamleua, Uthai Yodmanee, Pipol Thongchai, Somkiat Pongpaiboon, Somsak Kosaisuuk. And remember most of the ex-Dem MPs were on the stage of the PAD.

I don't like corruption too and not particularly RED and Taksin fan but I dislike more when corrupted people try to pretend they are more righteous and try to snatch power without an election. I still believe that my vote counts.

They are ex because they are no longer yellow they have moved along. Next thing you will probably posting they don't want all the people to have a vote in any election just the ones they approve of. This is 2014 folks some have grown up while the rest of the people stay the same or go backward and try to drag every one back with them.

A good example is my self early 2010 I was a red shirt. I grew up and became a backer for any group seeking to help Thailand the most. You on the other hand are still stuck in the past. In short of no use to us today if we try to move ahead. A shining example of what Thailand is trying to get away from and become a newer stronger more honest government. Your time has come. the people are awake.

Sorry but those are the facts.

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Within the next two weeks or so the Constitutional Court will issue a ruling. The Supreme Administrative Court deemed the transfer illegal and unconstitutional. It was a unanimous decision. It follows a similar ruling eleven months previously by the Administrative Court. As the transfer was deemed unconstitutional, The Constitutional Court is compelled to review the case, and if they concur with the ruling of the Supreme Administrative Court they have to spell out what the constitutional consequences of that are, as any court would. And as they are the highest court in the land, only they can do so in matters as consequential as this.

Pheu Thai, Thaksin, his lawyers, the UDD, and their supporters are conducting a concerted campaign to discredit the authority and legitimacy of the judicial process. Red shirt supporters, by adopting this stance - even so far as to attempt to de-legitimize the Constitutional Court - are taking on a perilously dangerous position that has no endgame known to any society on the planet. Although Pheu Thai and the UDD are now focused on Suthep and his laughable comment, in two weeks they - as well as the international community - will be focused on something else entirely. If the Yingluck administration refuses to accept a ruling by the highest court in the land - the Constitutional Court - they will create an unprecedented constitutional crisis. The eyes of the world will be instantly riveted, and international opinion will crystallize and harden overnight. It will be a blanket condemnation. And every argument Pheu Thai and their supporters ever fashioned will fall like a house of cards. Because their narrative is completely unsupportable, by any standard. Defiance of the judicial process will not be tolerated by anyone. Nor should it be tolerated by anyone.

Edited by Scamper
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Thaksin can't bear the thought of Yingluck resigning because he has no one to replace her with. Surapong or Yaowapa on the campaign trail kissing babies will only result in infants traumatised for life.

Yingluck has limited intellectual ability but that doesn't matter upcountry.Just look pretty and smile is all that is required.

I see you have a very low opinion of Thais in the north, quite sad. 1508477.GIF

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Thaksin can't bear the thought of Yingluck resigning because he has no one to replace her with. Surapong or Yaowapa on the campaign trail kissing babies will only result in infants traumatised for life.

Yingluck has limited intellectual ability but that doesn't matter upcountry.Just look pretty and smile is all that is required.

Well that sounds ridicules.

Yet sadly it is the truth.


Thailand accelerates corruption.sad.png

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why is he not coming out with a well thought out document detailing all the NEW policies he would like to put before the electorate? we already know his current policies:

  • keep Ammart in power and retain feudal power structure
  • silently support the attempted coup (but not TOO publicly) as they want to see who wins before 'coming out'
  • not taking a part in elections as they know they would lose and this they have cunningly named their 'can't win, won't play' strategy

They are preparing policies.

Korn is traveling the country getting feedback from farmers on issues and presenting sustainable rice farming techniques to help mould the new policy structure. Will be nice to see Thai farmers produce rice as competitively as their neighbors 100 km away without needing hand outs.

Below is their alternate 2.2 trillion baht "in budget" infrastructure scheme that is not only transparent and will be scrutinized by parliament, but includes education, public health and irrigation funding.

As for your speculation on current policies. No comment needed. I could make something up to suit an agenda about current PTP policies, but it is pointless and not backed up with facts. It would be simply to demonize the opposition with unsubstantiated claims. Demonizing is not my speciality. It is yours.

As stated before, if you reply, don't demonize me, don't be condescending, don't quote me out of context, don't change the subject and don't cherry pick when replying.


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Writing in her Facebook page today, Ms Yingluck insisted that the Constitutional Court had no right to revive Mr Thawil’s transfer case against her because the case was already over after the Supreme Administrative Court had decided to have him reinstated.

She made an observation that the Constitutional Court had set a new precedent because it was the first time that the court accepted for consideration a legal case regarding personnel management despite the fact that the case had been finalized by the Supreme Administrative Court.

But the constitution clearly provides for removal from for wrongful dismissal of a civil servant. So she is saying that these clauses in a 7 year old constitution are now cancelled, just because they have not yet been used. On this basis most of the constitution should be cancelled.

The government is also arguing that it can't be removed from office because it is a caretaker administration which implies that a caretaker administration should be allowed to continue in office indefinitely and be totally above the constitution and beyond the reach of the courts, the NACC and the Senate.

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"Democrat party leader Abhisit Vejjajiva yesterday (Wednesday) challenged caretaker Prime Minister Yingluck Shinawatra to quit the office....."

Basically, what he is saying:

>Electoral majority, I ask that you rescind your votes?

>Please don't force the CC into exposing themselves

Or he could be saying

Thailand needs time to get rid of the corruption in bred into our political system

Would it not be better to step down now, and not be part of Thai history what you have caused

I wrote my answer

who wrote yours PTP

The problem with this is that Abhisit and his party are the source of much of the corruption in Thailand.

Welcome Michaelscottfan.... how many posts will you write in 2 days... another Red from under the bed...

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The comments here are so funny - like this is a case about the constitution or justice or wrongdoing. Hey people, this is all about power politics and Thai backroom games. The yellows - or BKK elite or PDRC or Suthep's Crew or whatever we want to call them under the current iteration - control the EC, courts, NACC and military. The reds - or Thaksin's Boys or upcountry folk or serfs - have the numbers. Both fight over the media and public space. The yellows - and let's stick to colors for simplicity - have to decide how much of their power they can use without really upsetting the masses. Can they throw her out? Of course, whether she broke the law or not - that is not the question. What will result? Well that is the question, as it appears the protests / Bangkok mob haven't worked, and the military is unwilling to make a move and take the blame. So a judicial coup or whatever you want to call this process is going to happen. But you all can go back to arguing about the law, like that matters, and demonstrate your naivete.

Last time I checked the Yellows were a dead issue. they removed them selves from the political scene in their failed attempt to get Abhist to go to war with Cambodia. In fact their leader is in a Cambodian jail.

My big question is why do the red shirts continually try to blame it on a defunct section of the population when the truth is it is the grass roots people in the population who have brought the situation to the attention of the whole world and refuse to cover it up to make the PTP and their red shirts hired goons happy?wai.gif

I do have one answer but I can not verify it.burp.gif. Let the ear medicine flow.sorry.gif Not

Stunning ignorance of reality.

Veera (he of being banged up in a cambodian jail and left to rot by abhisit) leader of PAD? You couldn't be more wrong. The "main" man (that can be identified as such) behind the PAD hasn't been anywhere near a jail (despite being convicted 5 times, the last sentence being 20 years, sorry, forgot about the the very latest jail sentence of 2 years for Lese Majeste - still not gone to jail) is the media moghul, Sondhi Limthongkul.

The PAD renamed itself the "People’s Movement to Overthrow the Thaksin Regime" and aligned itself with the PDRC. Several members of PAD/PEFOT are core leaders in the PDRC and are anything but defunct in their quest to rid Thailand of all things Thaksin/PTP/UDD

Sondhi and Chamlong stage a come-back
in Politics | November 11, 2013
BANGKOK: -- Leaders of the People Alliance for Democracy (PAD) now announced to join the anti-government protest to the end to bring reform to the country.

In a joint press conference at 11.00 a.m. today, Sondhi Limthongkul and Maj-Gen Chamlong Srimuang read their joint statement supporting the current protests by various groups, though they were not enough to bring reform to the country but they were justified since the Yingluck government during the past 10 months did not heed their call no matter they be the amnesty bill, the protection of Thai territory and upholding of sovereignty over the temple dispute.

They said that if all these demands were not met, they were ready to join as now they said the time was ripe for the return of the PAD to press for reform in the country.Sondhi also said everybody always keep asking why they did not show up to protest for a long time, adding that they did not stay put but just wanted to see other patriotic and right groups to play their roles.He said that now it was timely for PAD leaders to stage a comeback and this time would fight for the reform of the country. http://englishnews.thaipbs.or.th/sondhi-chamlong-stage-come-back/

So your "big question" is answered. The PAD never really went away, they just changed their name.

You''l find that your beloved "grass roots people in the population who have brought the situation to the attention of the whole world" are actually being manipulated by suthep and his backers, using the tried and trusted method of appealing to their notions of nationalism and monarchism, the traditional bedrock of PAD supporters.

You really do have a lot to learn.

Ok you had your say now go outside and play with the other kids !! The adults are talking now coffee1.gif

Edited by GeckosDiving
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Thaksin can't bear the thought of Yingluck resigning because he has no one to replace her with. Surapong or Yaowapa on the campaign trail kissing babies will only result in infants traumatised for life.

Yingluck has limited intellectual ability but that doesn't matter upcountry.Just look pretty and smile is all that is required.

I see you have a very low opinion of Thais in the north, quite sad. 1508477.GIF

It's an opinion reinforced on this forum every day and on the PDRC stage. Let's face even abhisit came out with the "Stupid Bitch" remark - they really do think they are born to rule and still cannot see why they don't. If anybody was looking for a display of ignorance just look at the dem party.

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Last time I checked the Yellows were a dead issue. they removed them selves from the political scene in their failed attempt to get Abhist to go to war with Cambodia. In fact their leader is in a Cambodian jail.

My big question is why do the red shirts continually try to blame it on a defunct section of the population when the truth is it is the grass roots people in the population who have brought the situation to the attention of the whole world and refuse to cover it up to make the PTP and their red shirts hired goons happy?wai.gif

I do have one answer but I can not verify it.burp.gif. Let the ear medicine flow.sorry.gif Not

Stunning ignorance of reality.

Veera (he of being banged up in a cambodian jail and left to rot by abhisit) leader of PAD? You couldn't be more wrong. The "main" man (that can be identified as such) behind the PAD hasn't been anywhere near a jail (despite being convicted 5 times, the last sentence being 20 years, sorry, forgot about the the very latest jail sentence of 2 years for Lese Majeste - still not gone to jail) is the media moghul, Sondhi Limthongkul.

The PAD renamed itself the "People’s Movement to Overthrow the Thaksin Regime" and aligned itself with the PDRC. Several members of PAD/PEFOT are core leaders in the PDRC and are anything but defunct in their quest to rid Thailand of all things Thaksin/PTP/UDD

Sondhi and Chamlong stage a come-back
in Politics | November 11, 2013
BANGKOK: -- Leaders of the People Alliance for Democracy (PAD) now announced to join the anti-government protest to the end to bring reform to the country.

In a joint press conference at 11.00 a.m. today, Sondhi Limthongkul and Maj-Gen Chamlong Srimuang read their joint statement supporting the current protests by various groups, though they were not enough to bring reform to the country but they were justified since the Yingluck government during the past 10 months did not heed their call no matter they be the amnesty bill, the protection of Thai territory and upholding of sovereignty over the temple dispute.

They said that if all these demands were not met, they were ready to join as now they said the time was ripe for the return of the PAD to press for reform in the country.Sondhi also said everybody always keep asking why they did not show up to protest for a long time, adding that they did not stay put but just wanted to see other patriotic and right groups to play their roles.He said that now it was timely for PAD leaders to stage a comeback and this time would fight for the reform of the country. http://englishnews.thaipbs.or.th/sondhi-chamlong-stage-come-back/

So your "big question" is answered. The PAD never really went away, they just changed their name.

You''l find that your beloved "grass roots people in the population who have brought the situation to the attention of the whole world" are actually being manipulated by suthep and his backers, using the tried and trusted method of appealing to their notions of nationalism and monarchism, the traditional bedrock of PAD supporters.

You really do have a lot to learn.

Ok you had your say now go outside and play with the other kids !! The adults are talking now coffee1.gif

That's it? Your considered response, "the adults are talking"? If they had a mental age of 3 years old,I'd believe it.

Would you care to dispute anything I've said here, or, good luck with this, even back up northenjohn?

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The case may have been finalized, but the punishment is yet to be served upon the offender.

That is what happens when you breech the constitution... You get punished.

Nothing to do with bias or victimization.

Just the democratic rule of law in process.

Goodbye Yingluck and PTP cabinet.

Yes, it's very difficult for a corrupt government to understand what is a real democracy

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If PT had been an honest political party and not a tool of Thaksin (Thaksin thinks PT acts) then they would still be in charge today the fact that they are not brings us to the present situation.

If Yingluck and PT had the interest of the country and people at heart they would have resigned en mass 3 months ago and joined with everyone else to put in place meaningful reforms, starting with electoral reforms.

Had they done this the reform process would now be well underway and elections would be in the process of being held if not already held.

All the deaths and injuries of the last 3 months would have been avoided and the countries financial situation would be better off by the around 20 billion that has been spent, plus what has been lost through loss of trade and tourism.

The fact that they have decided to hold on to power regardless and continue to do so has set this country back many years and it will likely be many more before it recovers.

There is no doubt that they will go and unfortunately the longer they hold on the worse things will get both for them and the country.

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Abhisit ignored calls for him to step down when he was PM. Why should anyone listen to him now?

You can't compare the reasons for the calls to step down.

Abhisit had much less valid reasons to step down, so why should he have listen to these calls.

YS on the other hand will have no other choice then to step down - sooner or later (if she is clever enough - which I doubt). Otherwise she will be removed by other means - but it has to be done anyway.

I don't say the Suthep (I don't like him at all) and all the anti government groups are a 'good' solution, but they are by far better then what is in power now. If you have to choose between 'bad' and 'certainly the worst' (and there is no other choice in sight) it's better to take the 'smaller evil'.

Abhisit was called to step down because he claimed power through judicial intervention and backdoor deals without an electoral mandate. Moreover he was responsible for the largest (As a percentage of GDP) deficit in Thailand over the past decade, doing far more damage to the economy than Yingluck has been accused of doing, to say nothing of the nearly 100 protestors/innocent bystanders slaughtered during his incompetent crackdown.

But yeah, Yingluck moved a civil servant to an alternate position with equal pay. What a monster.

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For someone who quit parliament, doesn't vote in national elections, supports blockade of voting polls, gave up Democrat membership, and under murder charges, he is not the one to tell anyone else to quit for the better of the Thai people. I challenge Abihisit to mind his own business unless he has something useful to contribute to the political conflict that isn't a knee-jerk reaction to Suthep pulling his chain.

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"Democrat party leader Abhisit Vejjajiva yesterday (Wednesday) challenged caretaker Prime Minister Yingluck Shinawatra to quit the office....."

Basically, what he is saying:

>Electoral majority, I ask that you rescind your votes?

>Please don't force the CC into exposing themselves

Or he could be saying

Thailand needs time to get rid of the corruption in bred into our political system

Would it not be better to step down now, and not be part of Thai history what you have caused

I wrote my answer

who wrote yours PTP

The problem with this is that Abhisit and his party are the source of much of the corruption in Thailand.

Are you saying that the Democrats are totally to blame for the rice scam, the flood prevention scam, the tablet for school children scam, all the corruption NOT stopped by the PM etc?

How did you manage to work that out?

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For someone who quit parliament, doesn't vote in national elections, supports blockade of voting polls, gave up Democrat membership, and under murder charges, he is not the one to tell anyone else to quit for the better of the Thai people. I challenge Abihisit to mind his own business unless he has something useful to contribute to the political conflict that isn't a knee-jerk reaction to Suthep pulling his chain.

I take it the basis if your right to challenge is your constitutional rights inferred in your toursit/ed/retirement visa.

I understand your ire.. the Democrat party's veto of the last election robbed you personally of the right to have your vote counted.

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Abhisit ignored calls for him to step down when he was PM. Why should anyone listen to him now?

You can't compare the reasons for the calls to step down.

Abhisit had much less valid reasons to step down, so why should he have listen to these calls.

YS on the other hand will have no other choice then to step down - sooner or later (if she is clever enough - which I doubt). Otherwise she will be removed by other means - but it has to be done anyway.

I don't say the Suthep (I don't like him at all) and all the anti government groups are a 'good' solution, but they are by far better then what is in power now. If you have to choose between 'bad' and 'certainly the worst' (and there is no other choice in sight) it's better to take the 'smaller evil'.

Abhisit was called to step down because he claimed power through judicial intervention and backdoor deals without an electoral mandate. Moreover he was responsible for the largest (As a percentage of GDP) deficit in Thailand over the past decade, doing far more damage to the economy than Yingluck has been accused of doing, to say nothing of the nearly 100 protestors/innocent bystanders slaughtered during his incompetent crackdown.

But yeah, Yingluck moved a civil servant to an alternate position with equal pay. What a monster.

Presumably this is the sort of garbage taught in red schools to continue the hate into the next generation, the hate that is destroying this country .

If you are as new to this country as you are to this forum and you really want to know the truth then you should do some checking before you make post number 9.

However if you are just another red troll, carry on, you might even get a like or two from the fellow brainwashed.

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She can't resign, until another Shinawatra is ready to take her place.

She don't need to resign.

She will be kick out next week by the court that represent the common people to Thailand.

I don't think the amart will take kindly to you calling them "common". That's rather the whole point, they just aren't (well in their minds anyway).

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So, just checking to see if I have it right .... ...

Anybody can lay siege to polling places for a legitimate election thereby stopping people from voting: the police do nothing and the courts say .."Oh wait, that wasn't a real election 'cos some polling booths were closed off !

The Democrats say .. I'm taking my bat n ball and not playing'

A madman decides he doesn't want elections and he should have sovereign power.

The courts think .. 'Hmmm yep ..that sounds about right.'

What a joke.

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So, just checking to see if I have it right .... ...

Anybody can lay siege to polling places for a legitimate election thereby stopping people from voting: the police do nothing and the courts say .."Oh wait, that wasn't a real election 'cos some polling booths were closed off !

The Democrats say .. I'm taking my bat n ball and not playing'

A madman decides he doesn't want elections and he should have sovereign power.

The courts think .. 'Hmmm yep ..that sounds about right.'

What a joke.

This is not a joke.

This is exactly how Thailand needs to do to get rid of the evil Thaksin, and his whole family, clan, friends, etc.

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