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Revelation - There Are Actually Sidewalks Along Sukhumvit

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Mondays are always nice for getting around Sukhumvit, because the street vendors are banished to allow street cleaning - but the banishment is only about 75% effective. Today (Wednesday) was another story. The sidewalks were EMPTY of street vendors - at least 90% cleared away. There were still a few holdouts - but traveling very light - porno DVD's, cigarette lighters, and shirts.

Presumably, everyone else has been influenced to pack it up until about next Wednesday. Now - you can really GET somewhere on foot.

There must be one giant cavalcade of unhappy deaf-mutes assembled somewhere - their feelings about the upcoming celebration are presumably somewhat mixed.

At any rate, if you've had some business to conduct along Sukhumvit, but were dreading "running the gauntlet", now is the time to make your move.



Mondays are always nice for getting around Sukhumvit, because the street vendors are banished to allow street cleaning - but the banishment is only about 75% effective. Today (Wednesday) was another story. The sidewalks were EMPTY of street vendors - at least 90% cleared away. There were still a few holdouts - but traveling very light - porno DVD's, cigarette lighters, and shirts.

Presumably, everyone else has been influenced to pack it up until about next Wednesday. Now - you can really GET somewhere on foot.

There must be one giant cavalcade of unhappy deaf-mutes assembled somewhere - their feelings about the upcoming celebration are presumably somewhat mixed.

At any rate, if you've had some business to conduct along Sukhumvit, but were dreading "running the gauntlet", now is the time to make your move.



You don't realise how good this news is. That is the main reason I don't live in Sukhumvit, better spend 20 min. in the taxi to get there than 15 minutes of hassle through the sidewalk in Bangkok, makes me faint. :o


Love the sidewalk vendours - good laff when you have nought place to go!! :D

Annoying when you live here full time Brit :D

They do get old pretty quick.. :o


Indo-Siam – I actually passed you yesterday just before Bully’s pub on Sukhumvit.

Cannot agree more in regard to the respite we have been given in regard to the street vendors. I can deal with the food vendors, but those selling merchandise need to be thinned out. It would be different if every third stall wasn’t hawking the same garbage, or if there was sufficient space for the water-buffalo farang to be able to stop and look without blocking off the entire sidewalk.


During the APEC-meeting a few years ago, I realized for the first time that there actually are

walkways. Now they are coming out more and more often. :o

During the APEC-meeting a few years ago, I realized for the first time that there actually are

walkways. Now they are coming out more and more often. :o

Jeez, I am starting to miss all the soi dogs also. The cleanup crews must have carted them off to Khao Yai area again as they did during APEC. I am sure they will be back though.


During the APEC-meeting a few years ago, I realized for the first time that there actually are

walkways. Now they are coming out more and more often. :o

Jeez, I am starting to miss all the soi dogs also. The cleanup crews must have carted them off to Khao Yai area again as they did during APEC. I am sure they will be back though.

plenty here


I actually LOVE having the vendors around ... but I live further up ... so they aren't the aggressive ones ...

What kills me is being hustled for suits every time I go down that way


Was walking home earlier today and Sukhumvit was kind of weird – almost no vendors, with the holiday low pedestrian traffic, and then to top it off due to some kind of VIP needing to pass thru traffic going in both directions was stopped.

No cars, few vendors, few pedestrians - there was less going on at 3:00 PM then there generally is at 3:00 AM. So quiet I could almost hear myself think. Nice break from the usual.


The best I have ever seen Bangkok streets,

In the coming future there will be no street vendors allowed. That is if Thailand wants to catch up with just the rest of Asia.

It really is nice to be able to not only walk down the streets but not to have cars stopping and slowing down traffic while they either shop, or drop off or pick up products. Great streets great traffic flow.

Has anyone noticed also how quite it is now?

The future, I hope is near. less noise, less traffic and ability to walk on the streets.


I am happy to have street vendors, but don't like the obstructions they cause. I hope Bangkok never loses its street vendors.

Who do the vendors pay to keep their spot? (Fights break out sometimes.)

The city should derive income from them, not gangsters. Lines should be painted on the paving: if the lines are no longer visible, the trader has expanded outside of permission, and would be liable to being fined.

What i would like is some work undertaken to improve passage for people with disabilities. Can you imagine being in a wheelchair or even blind, and trying to negotiate those pavements?

The next step is then dealing with the wiring!

I am happy to have street vendors, but don't like the obstructions they cause. I hope Bangkok never loses its street vendors.

Who do the vendors pay to keep their spot? (Fights break out sometimes.)

The city should derive income from them, not gangsters. Lines should be painted on the paving: if the lines are no longer visible, the trader has expanded outside of permission, and would be liable to being fined.

What i would like is some work undertaken to improve passage for people with disabilities. Can you imagine being in a wheelchair or even blind, and trying to negotiate those pavements?

The next step is then dealing with the wiring!

Well, for start, I am more than sick and tired about the street vendors, being forced to walk through them everyday on Sukhumvit becomes a nightmare in less than 2 weeks of stay. as for tax, well, the city is government is represented by gangsters and of course they are not so keen to share. What makes me mad is that they don't seem to care about what they're leaving behind, at least drop a bucket or 2 of water after you're done and clean the place. Is that so much to ask?

I think the Sukhumvit looks great without the street vendors.


We're not talking about the odd somtam lady, or fruit vendor are we..? I for one would think it would be a shame to see them disapear from the streets... However, I'd be quite happy to see the other traders disappear, the ones selling the cheap novelty crap.

totster tcwozereeng.gif


Bangkok street vendors really irritate me. The insanely putrid smells of the stinking food, the broken sidewalks, the soi dogs, the stalls almost to the curb or even out to the first lane, and of course the touts. I was in some upscale commercial neighborhood a few months ago, and just gave up using the sidewalk; there was none. But in Chiang Mai and Hua Hin, the food stalls after dark are in the curb lane, and they park their motorcycles in the second lane!

When the Republican National Convention was held in Houston in 1992 or 1996, and also when the G-7 economic summit was held there during G. H. W. Bush's single term, they cleared the streets of Houston, around the convention center, of all the hookers. It gave a whole new look to the place.

When I'm naughty and want to really confuse the touts, I beat them to the punch: "Hey mister, I have some sex VCD's I want to sell. You buy, chaimai?" Or, "can I sell you this cheap, smelly shirt I'm wearing?"


I have found it quite disconcerting. Walking down sukhumvit and being able to hear ones thoughts it's tantamount to sheer danger. I almost started to question why I had gone there in the first place - peril!

Must say though I agree it's wonderful not to be hassled. I vote for two Kingly celebrations extra per year. Only downside is the increase in number of policemen stopping taxis to check for whatever it is that might pose a danger to the royalty in town.


Personally, I think that if you got rid of all the bargirls and katoys leading around farang then that would clear up the sidewalks a great deal.

When I lived in Bangkok I avoided the suk area as much as possible. When I had to venture into the jungle the first thing I did was move my wallet to my front pocket.

I usually walk in the first lane of the street as well (with the rats) to avoid the sidewalk traffic.


The vendors are a nusiance but what about that stupid Police Box at Sukhumvit Soi 4,

Practically blocks the entire sidewalk.

Who designs, approves and installs these things like that?

And who is putting up all the Phone Booths?

They are everywhere and placed very poorly. Nobody ever uses them, do they?

I do see some Phone boxes get moved, unfortunatly the workers leave behind the bolt studs sticking out. OUCH!

Very dumb.

The best I have ever seen Bangkok streets,

In the coming future there will be no street vendors allowed. That is if Thailand wants to catch up with just the rest of Asia.

It really is nice to be able to not only walk down the streets but not to have cars stopping and slowing down traffic while they either shop, or drop off or pick up products. Great streets great traffic flow.

Has anyone noticed also how quite it is now?

The future, I hope is near. less noise, less traffic and ability to walk on the streets.

IMO, that would be absolutely dreadful. I enjoyed the street vendor food more so than the restaurants. Thailand wouldn't be Thailand without them.


Yeah ... amazes me the people that move here and want it to end up being like where they moved FROM .....

then again when that happens they will realize that the basic problem still exists ... no matter where you go ; there you are ... and if you are not happy in your own skin ... you won't be happy anywhere

... or if there was sufficient space for the water-buffalo farang to be able to stop and look without blocking off the entire sidewalk...
Just what are you implying,



I like street vendors, especially the food stalls.

They have taken it to extreems though. It's out of control.

Virtual department stores and restaurants are completly blocking access.

Come on folks. Should'nt there still be room for at least a baby carriage?

The police and shop owners rent the space out by the sq. centimeter. It's valuable turf.

Sell some fake Rolexs or Movies and the rent goes up, that's all.

It's disgusting.

The cops don't own that area. It belongs to the millions of pedestrians that need a safe place to walk.


You are right Skipper.

Sometimes it can be too much, especially when you have to walk in the middle of the road to avoid the vendor's food cart. However, I really enjoy what these folks served up and am willing to deal with this issue. Also keep in mind that these people are not making that much money to feed their family, so if I have to give up a little comfort to aid their needs than I'll do it. Thailand is Thailand and this is one item in which I think its great.


I agree, the office workers etc. definitly need a place to eat cheap and the vendors add alot of atmosphere. I like em.

Just asking for some consideration.

Forcing pedestrians onto a busy street is too much. Some Taxi driver I was with recently, clipped a young lady with his mirror. Of course he was driving like an idiot.

That's why it is important to keep the walkways at least passable.

And not all street vendors are dirt poor. Far from it.

My stickmeat guy on Soi 11 sells 1,200 pieces a day!

He may look poor but he has a big farm and house up country.

Probably making more than a College Professor or Supreme Court Judge.

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