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Gen Prayuth urges Thais to adhere to democratic rules

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I wish the Thai Army would for once and for all solve this problem in the deep South and follow the same strategy as they do in Bangkok. Build some small army posts in Bangkok which are manned 24/7 but in the deep South all Army posts are left after 6PM when soldiers return to their barracks and when insurgents and trouble makers take over the whole deep South from 9pm until 6am.

The Thai Army is part of the problems in Thailand for the last 50 years and sit on a huge budget which is full of corruption.

An important part of the political deal with Abhisit/Democrats was to make the military budget bigger than ever before. And they got it.

If memory serves, the budget was further increased after the 2011 elections.

Yes, they give them the budget so they can make some money out of it. Everybody in Thailand wants to make money and it is certainly not only the police. The army swallows a huge budget every year but it is as well going to the top.

That's why I said nothing change in this country, it's all about grabbing, with the army taking a large cut of the annual budget and look at what price they buy weapons. Overpriced is the norm and I have many friends that supply weapons to the Thai Armed Forces with a 30% mark-up to the decision makers.

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To sum up, no coup, military backs elected government, if they want their soft coup, they can't rely on the military to save them.

It still leaves the EC failure to run elections, but basically democracy won.

Excuse me

I missed something


this thread is about Thailand, please stick to talking about this thread

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Gen Prayuth urges Thais to adhere to democratic rules

This from a man who was Deputy Commander of the 1st Army during the 2006 Coup!

Excuse me If I can't take anything this man says without a complete sackful of salt.

Explain to me how the coup went in 2006. I wasn't here. I heard that they had no legal PM just a guy against a certain family pretending to be one.

Lastly, he said morality, ethics, virtue, moral, and justice are the key factors that would drive this nation forward

They are also the key features that the PTP red shirts lack of are using to split the nation. They have openly admitted they want to split the nation.

Two days later the leader of the party and Thaksin's puppet comes out on face book and says treat every one equal. What kind of air head thing was that to say. There was only the PTP red shirts advocating two nations.

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I wish the Thai Army would for once and for all solve this problem in the deep South and follow the same strategy as they do in Bangkok. Build some small army posts in Bangkok which are manned 24/7 but in the deep South all Army posts are left after 6PM when soldiers return to their barracks and when insurgents and trouble makers take over the whole deep South from 9pm until 6am.

The Thai Army is part of the problems in Thailand for the last 50 years and sit on a huge budget which is full of corruption.

An important part of the political deal with Abhisit/Democrats was to make the military budget bigger than ever before. And they got it.

If memory serves, the budget was further increased after the 2011 elections.

Look at who the minister of defense is. She is good at spending. In fact to the point where the country can't pay their bills.

Now I am not making accusations just pointing out that under her the country can no longer pay it's bills due to a lack of money.

In fact it can not even afford a helicopter equipped for night flying when she is being moved around.

But she has managed to increase her personal wealth. That is the traceable one. Hard to say what she has in off shore accounts.

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Even more totally irrelevant guffaw from Prayuth.

I fail to see the point of these relentless vapid statements he feels compelled to make.

Could it be that with retirement looming he's positioning himself as a potential "neutral" PM ....

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FAO Scamper, NorthernJohn, tezzainozz, djjamie, Robbie NZ, Costas and kurtgruen.

Virtually every single thread about politics in Thailand has the same meaningless cheer leading from yourselves in it, sometimes the thread doesnt even need to be about politics for you to drop it in. This thread in no different, there is little or no variation in what you say, just the same rhetoric over and over.

Scamper in particular puts great effort into his posts, they clearly take a long time to write yet everytime read like a professional spin doctor, carefully choosing words to fit a certain agenda.

So I have a genuine question to you all - what posseses you to spend so much time on here writing this? Is it just bordom or is there some other reason? I struggle to think of anyone so vocal on the "other side of the fence" in a conflict in which we are all just visitors.

Seriously guys, your in Thailand, life is far too short to spend it on here preaching to an audience that is powerless in a conflict in which you have similar levels of influence. Get out and have a beer or something, forget about Mark and Suthep and just go and enjoy yourselves.

Ps I cant stand Thaskin so preempt your inevitable comebackthumbsup.gif

I guess one could change the names at the top with the Red groupies "from the other side of the fence" and most of your script would also apply with Shinawatra and Shinawatra in for Mark and Suthep towards the end.

Only problem is with the Scamper bit - one could substitute his name for "again one from the other side of the fence" and they would fit the "to fit a certain agenda" but at least Scamper is mostly correct yet as shown time and time again the red subbie would just be spinning their usual made up bullshit rather than "carefully choosing words".

Edited by Roadman
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"Lastly, he said morality, ethics, virtue, moral, and justice are the key factors that would drive this nation forward."

I have to go guys.

After reading that, I have to go wash my eyes out with soap.

So you have to wash your eyes if you read wise words ?

A five year old could come up with this.

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Only problem is with the Scamper bit - one could substitute his name for "again one from the other side of the fence" and they would fit the "to fit a certain agenda" but at least Scamper is mostly correct yet as shown time and time again

Time and time again he writes some diatribe about the ultimate victory for Suthep being round the corner, originally by military then by courts, yet here we are after nearly 6 months and nothings changed - a real visionary that lad.

Out of curiousity who do you have in mind who posts with the same regularity and passion from the red side of the fence? I notice you deliberately left out names. (probably because there are none)

No one with any sense can whole heatedly support either side. They are all dodgy thieves.

It is a.choice of the lesser of two evils not a winner takes all situation.

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FAO Scamper, NorthernJohn, tezzainozz, djjamie, Robbie NZ, Costas and kurtgruen.

Virtually every single thread about politics in Thailand has the same meaningless cheer leading from yourselves in it, sometimes the thread doesnt even need to be about politics for you to drop it in. This thread in no different, there is little or no variation in what you say, just the same rhetoric over and over.

Scamper in particular puts great effort into his posts, they clearly take a long time to write yet everytime read like a professional spin doctor, carefully choosing words to fit a certain agenda.

So I have a genuine question to you all - what posseses you to spend so much time on here writing this? Is it just bordom or is there some other reason? I struggle to think of anyone so vocal on the "other side of the fence" in a conflict in which we are all just visitors.

Seriously guys, your in Thailand, life is far too short to spend it on here preaching to an audience that is powerless in a conflict in which you have similar levels of influence. Get out and have a beer or something, forget about Mark and Suthep and just go and enjoy yourselves.

Ps I cant stand Thaskin so preempt your inevitable comeback. thumbsup.gif

I can answer your question easily

You have recognised 7 western people who love Thailand

and I feel honoured you have exalted us to this status, but my thai wife thinks you must be mad ha ha

we all live here and enjoy what the country has to offer

Our biggest problem is we see what is going on, and apart from talking to our Thai wives, we are, as you said powerless to do anything

so have you ever though that maybe we get frustrated inside as some thing so easy to fix just keeps getting worse

Unlike many on here, to my knowledge we are married men, and can not race off to find a fake world in a beer bar ever day, with girls who will sell their souls for 500 baht, so we find freedom here on TVF

Maybe we are the most stupid members because, we hope that maybe others can see the truth form our words, but what we get is propaganda western reds who still deny the world is round

this I guess is just my opinion and I can not talk for the other 6, but at least I get some enjoyment from reading their posts, and I can truthfully say I am still capable of learning some thing from scampers post, which proves to me I still have an open mind and will to learn

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Time and time again he writes some diatribe about the ultimate victory for Suthep being round the corner, originally by military then by courts, yet here we are after nearly 6 months and nothings changed - a real visionary that lad.


You maybe right

but you forget he uses the same calendar as Yingluck uses, when she says the rice growers will be paid next week

Don't blame the poster when the Thai Calendar is the one at fault you need to learn that a "beer bar" to Thais is a "bar beer"

every thing is done in reverse

Its okay if you live here long enough you will learn

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FAO Scamper, NorthernJohn, tezzainozz, djjamie, Robbie NZ, Costas and kurtgruen.

Virtually every single thread about politics in Thailand has the same meaningless cheer leading from yourselves in it, sometimes the thread doesnt even need to be about politics for you to drop it in. This thread in no different, there is little or no variation in what you say, just the same rhetoric over and over.

Scamper in particular puts great effort into his posts, they clearly take a long time to write yet everytime read like a professional spin doctor, carefully choosing words to fit a certain agenda.

So I have a genuine question to you all - what posseses you to spend so much time on here writing this? Is it just bordom or is there some other reason? I struggle to think of anyone so vocal on the "other side of the fence" in a conflict in which we are all just visitors.

Seriously guys, your in Thailand, life is far too short to spend it on here preaching to an audience that is powerless in a conflict in which you have similar levels of influence. Get out and have a beer or something, forget about Mark and Suthep and just go and enjoy yourselves.

Ps I cant stand Thaskin so preempt your inevitable comeback. thumbsup.gif

You are describing the members of the Thai Visa echo chamber.

One of them posts and the others rapidly join the chorus of support repeating the same old rhetoric.

As more join the echo chamber the validation of their position increases until it becomes "the truth" and they can bask in the fuzzy warmth of their shared vision

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FAO Scamper, NorthernJohn, tezzainozz, djjamie, Robbie NZ, Costas and kurtgruen.

Virtually every single thread about politics in Thailand has the same meaningless cheer leading from yourselves in it, sometimes the thread doesnt even need to be about politics for you to drop it in. This thread in no different, there is little or no variation in what you say, just the same rhetoric over and over.

Scamper in particular puts great effort into his posts, they clearly take a long time to write yet everytime read like a professional spin doctor, carefully choosing words to fit a certain agenda.

So I have a genuine question to you all - what posseses you to spend so much time on here writing this? Is it just bordom or is there some other reason? I struggle to think of anyone so vocal on the "other side of the fence" in a conflict in which we are all just visitors.

Seriously guys, your in Thailand, life is far too short to spend it on here preaching to an audience that is powerless in a conflict in which you have similar levels of influence. Get out and have a beer or something, forget about Mark and Suthep and just go and enjoy yourselves.

Ps I cant stand Thaskin so preempt your inevitable comeback. thumbsup.gif

You are describing the members of the Thai Visa echo chamber.

One of them posts and the others rapidly join the chorus of support repeating the same old rhetoric.

As more join the echo chamber the validation of their position increases until it becomes "the truth" and they can bask in the fuzzy warmth of their shared vision

Yeah, that's exactly the same logic that Thaksin/PT use and the red supporters use here (well done for noticing) . . . shout the lies out long enough and loud enough then people start to believe (well, the stupid ones at least). It's the same thing with advertising, get something in front of someone's face enough times and eventually they'll buy it. Same thing applies to all the misrepresentation here.

For your names doing this on the red side, try Publicus, chooka, OMGImInPattaya, Rich teacher, binjalin, Fryslan boppe (or Robert as we call him cos it makes him feel warm, fuzzy, superior and intelligent) . . . they are doing exactly the same things..

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FAO Scamper, NorthernJohn, tezzainozz, djjamie, Robbie NZ, Costas and kurtgruen.

Virtually every single thread about politics in Thailand has the same meaningless cheer leading from yourselves in it, sometimes the thread doesnt even need to be about politics for you to drop it in. This thread in no different, there is little or no variation in what you say, just the same rhetoric over and over.

Scamper in particular puts great effort into his posts, they clearly take a long time to write yet everytime read like a professional spin doctor, carefully choosing words to fit a certain agenda.

So I have a genuine question to you all - what posseses you to spend so much time on here writing this? Is it just bordom or is there some other reason? I struggle to think of anyone so vocal on the "other side of the fence" in a conflict in which we are all just visitors.

Seriously guys, your in Thailand, life is far too short to spend it on here preaching to an audience that is powerless in a conflict in which you have similar levels of influence. Get out and have a beer or something, forget about Mark and Suthep and just go and enjoy yourselves.

Ps I cant stand Thaskin so preempt your inevitable comeback. thumbsup.gif

You are describing the members of the Thai Visa echo chamber.

One of them posts and the others rapidly join the chorus of support repeating the same old rhetoric.

As more join the echo chamber the validation of their position increases until it becomes "the truth" and they can bask in the fuzzy warmth of their shared vision

Yeah, that's exactly the same logic that Thaksin/PT use and the red supporters use here (well done for noticing) . . . shout the lies out long enough and loud enough then people start to believe (well, the stupid ones at least). It's the same thing with advertising, get something in front of someone's face enough times and eventually they'll buy it. Same thing applies to all the misrepresentation here.

For your names doing this on the red side, try Publicus, chooka, OMGImInPattaya, Rich teacher, binjalin, Fryslan boppe (or Robert as we call him cos it makes him feel warm, fuzzy, superior and intelligent) . . . they are doing exactly the same things..

Actually it is not the same.

The echo chamber believes that any one who does not share their vision is a Thaksin/Red supporter. This is clearly not the case but time and again this is the common retort.

It kills all balanced discussion.

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FAO Scamper, NorthernJohn, tezzainozz, djjamie, Robbie NZ, Costas and kurtgruen.

Virtually every single thread about politics in Thailand has the same meaningless cheer leading from yourselves in it, sometimes the thread doesnt even need to be about politics for you to drop it in. This thread in no different, there is little or no variation in what you say, just the same rhetoric over and over.

Scamper in particular puts great effort into his posts, they clearly take a long time to write yet everytime read like a professional spin doctor, carefully choosing words to fit a certain agenda.

So I have a genuine question to you all - what posseses you to spend so much time on here writing this? Is it just bordom or is there some other reason? I struggle to think of anyone so vocal on the "other side of the fence" in a conflict in which we are all just visitors.

Seriously guys, your in Thailand, life is far too short to spend it on here preaching to an audience that is powerless in a conflict in which you have similar levels of influence. Get out and have a beer or something, forget about Mark and Suthep and just go and enjoy yourselves.

Ps I cant stand Thaskin so preempt your inevitable comeback. thumbsup.gif.pagespeed.ce.dtxKiAJ9C7.gif alt=thumbsup.gif width=25 height=19>

So you are a follower of Jatuporn. Makes no difference. I post as I do because I like the truth when it is relevant to the topic. I also care a great deal about Thailand and the time you spend in the bar I spend on the internet. I have a loving wife and do not feel the need to buy a temporary one. Nor do I feel the need to distort my mind with a drink. I am retired and have the time. I have no say in what the Thais do but I can post my opinion and I am the type who when he see's B S responds.


I find it interesting that you spend enough time on the internet to sort out the frequent truth tellers but not the falsehood spreaders.

You Don't like Thaksin but you have time to try to question the ones on here who don't like him and don't buy into his B S and the people he has bought. Or is related to.


FAO Scamper, NorthernJohn, tezzainozz, djjamie, Robbie NZ, Costas and kurtgruen.

Virtually every single thread about politics in Thailand has the same meaningless cheer leading from yourselves in it, sometimes the thread doesnt even need to be about politics for you to drop it in. This thread in no different, there is little or no variation in what you say, just the same rhetoric over and over.

Scamper in particular puts great effort into his posts, they clearly take a long time to write yet everytime read like a professional spin doctor, carefully choosing words to fit a certain agenda.

So I have a genuine question to you all - what posseses you to spend so much time on here writing this? Is it just bordom or is there some other reason? I struggle to think of anyone so vocal on the "other side of the fence" in a conflict in which we are all just visitors.

Seriously guys, your in Thailand, life is far too short to spend it on here preaching to an audience that is powerless in a conflict in which you have similar levels of influence. Get out and have a beer or something, forget about Mark and Suthep and just go and enjoy yourselves.

Ps I cant stand Thaskin so preempt your inevitable comeback. thumbsup.gif.pagespeed.ce.dtxKiAJ9C7.gif alt=thumbsup.gif width=25 height=19>

You are describing the members of the Thai Visa echo chamber.

One of them posts and the others rapidly join the chorus of support repeating the same old rhetoric.

As more join the echo chamber the validation of their position increases until it becomes "the truth" and they can bask in the fuzzy warmth of their shared vision

Yeah, that's exactly the same logic that Thaksin/PT use and the red supporters use here (well done for noticing) . . . shout the lies out long enough and loud enough then people start to believe (well, the stupid ones at least). It's the same thing with advertising, get something in front of someone's face enough times and eventually they'll buy it. Same thing applies to all the misrepresentation here.

For your names doing this on the red side, try Publicus, chooka, OMGImInPattaya, Rich teacher, binjalin, Fryslan boppe (or Robert as we call him cos it makes him feel warm, fuzzy, superior and intelligent) . . . they are doing exactly the same things..

There is a difference. Some of them do it because they are just plain ignorant of the reality and some of them are just trolling they know better but they like the attention trolling get's them.

As for repeating the same old rhetoric. Well all we are doing is repeating the truth.

Edited by northernjohn
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FAO Scamper, NorthernJohn, tezzainozz, djjamie, Robbie NZ, Costas and kurtgruen.

Virtually every single thread about politics in Thailand has the same meaningless cheer leading from yourselves in it, sometimes the thread doesnt even need to be about politics for you to drop it in. This thread in no different, there is little or no variation in what you say, just the same rhetoric over and over.

Scamper in particular puts great effort into his posts, they clearly take a long time to write yet everytime read like a professional spin doctor, carefully choosing words to fit a certain agenda.

So I have a genuine question to you all - what posseses you to spend so much time on here writing this? Is it just bordom or is there some other reason? I struggle to think of anyone so vocal on the "other side of the fence" in a conflict in which we are all just visitors.

Seriously guys, your in Thailand, life is far too short to spend it on here preaching to an audience that is powerless in a conflict in which you have similar levels of influence. Get out and have a beer or something, forget about Mark and Suthep and just go and enjoy yourselves.

Ps I cant stand Thaskin so preempt your inevitable comeback. thumbsup.gif

You are describing the members of the Thai Visa echo chamber.

One of them posts and the others rapidly join the chorus of support repeating the same old rhetoric.

As more join the echo chamber the validation of their position increases until it becomes "the truth" and they can bask in the fuzzy warmth of their shared vision

Yeah, that's exactly the same logic that Thaksin/PT use and the red supporters use here (well done for noticing) . . . shout the lies out long enough and loud enough then people start to believe (well, the stupid ones at least). It's the same thing with advertising, get something in front of someone's face enough times and eventually they'll buy it. Same thing applies to all the misrepresentation here.

For your names doing this on the red side, try Publicus, chooka, OMGImInPattaya, Rich teacher, binjalin, Fryslan boppe (or Robert as we call him cos it makes him feel warm, fuzzy, superior and intelligent) . . . they are doing exactly the same things..

Actually it is not the same.

The echo chamber believes that any one who does not share their vision is a Thaksin/Red supporter. This is clearly not the case but time and again this is the common retort.

It kills all balanced discussion.

Sounds to me like the pot calling the kettle black lol

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" ... while assuring that the army would be well-prepared for any unprecedented incidents. "

This is the most telling phrase of all. It's a very big clue, actually, because the only unprecedented incident would be if the ruling of the Constitutional Court was not accepted by Pheu Thai. That would unquestionably be unprecedented. And that unquestionably would be a constitutional crisis. These words by Prayuth are entirely appropriate.

Only in your dreams, Scampi.

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FAO Scamper, NorthernJohn, tezzainozz, djjamie, Robbie NZ, Costas and kurtgruen.

Virtually every single thread about politics in Thailand has the same meaningless cheer leading from yourselves in it, sometimes the thread doesnt even need to be about politics for you to drop it in. This thread in no different, there is little or no variation in what you say, just the same rhetoric over and over.

Scamper in particular puts great effort into his posts, they clearly take a long time to write yet everytime read like a professional spin doctor, carefully choosing words to fit a certain agenda.

So I have a genuine question to you all - what posseses you to spend so much time on here writing this? Is it just bordom or is there some other reason? I struggle to think of anyone so vocal on the "other side of the fence" in a conflict in which we are all just visitors.

Seriously guys, your in Thailand, life is far too short to spend it on here preaching to an audience that is powerless in a conflict in which you have similar levels of influence. Get out and have a beer or something, forget about Mark and Suthep and just go and enjoy yourselves.

Ps I cant stand Thaskin so preempt your inevitable comeback. thumbsup.gif

It' good you have included my name with those who post truth and common sense.

However in my case if you were to look around the pages of this site you would see my diverse interests, but of course you haven't done that have you ?

It is difficult for those of us who have lived here for several years and want to continue living here and know the truth of what has happened and is happening to sit idle when we read the lies and hate that are regularly posted by the red supporters.

Hence our posts contradicting those lies.

Now in relation to the topic at hand :

I don't know a lot about the Thai military but what I do know is that they do a lot of good for the country.

They run several large hospitals around the country including one which I credit with saving my life, Pramonklutklau in BKK.

It is, I understand the fifth biggest hospital in the country and includes a medical school and nursing collage, they have top specialists in every medical specialty who are farmed out to other hospitals around the country when a specialist is needed.

There are other army, navy and air force hospitals around the country all of which cater for the public.

These hospitals all come under the military budget and must save the health budget billions every year.

You may or may not have noticed that any time there an emergency the military are always there to help, floods, the tsunami, whatever, including right now when the police are not doing their job.

I read there is a fair bit of unnecessary spending such as aircraft carrier, sub base and so on and no doubt corruption in there as well, however consider how much of that can be laid at the door of Governments who offer or approve bigger budgets to try and get the military on side.

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Lastly, he said morality, ethics, virtue, moral, and justice are the key factors that would drive this nation forward.

That counts the PTP out then.

Morality - Denounce Supa for telling the truth. Defend Kittiratt for lying.

Ethics -Give a passport to a convicted criminal.

Virtue - Try to push a 2.2 trillion infrastructure bill through off budget so no one in parliament can scrutinize it.

Justice - Amnesty for 25 000 corruption cases including the PM's brother.

So you have nothing then. The worst of those criminals to get amnesty were from your party from 2010 under this reconciliation program. The lot of them were to be pardoned for murder and the army given immunity. Suthep twisted that against PT, but the first thing they'd do if they got power was to give themselves immunity. Your side is the lying side, scheming corrupt side. You accuse others of your own crimes.

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FAO Scamper, NorthernJohn, tezzainozz, djjamie, Robbie NZ, Costas and kurtgruen.

Virtually every single thread about politics in Thailand has the same meaningless cheer leading from yourselves in it, sometimes the thread doesnt even need to be about politics for you to drop it in. This thread in no different, there is little or no variation in what you say, just the same rhetoric over and over.

Scamper in particular puts great effort into his posts, they clearly take a long time to write yet everytime read like a professional spin doctor, carefully choosing words to fit a certain agenda.

So I have a genuine question to you all - what posseses you to spend so much time on here writing this? Is it just bordom or is there some other reason? I struggle to think of anyone so vocal on the "other side of the fence" in a conflict in which we are all just visitors.

Seriously guys, your in Thailand, life is far too short to spend it on here preaching to an audience that is powerless in a conflict in which you have similar levels of influence. Get out and have a beer or something, forget about Mark and Suthep and just go and enjoy yourselves.

Ps I cant stand Thaskin so preempt your inevitable comeback. thumbsup.gif

You are describing the members of the Thai Visa echo chamber.

One of them posts and the others rapidly join the chorus of support repeating the same old rhetoric.

As more join the echo chamber the validation of their position increases until it becomes "the truth" and they can bask in the fuzzy warmth of their shared vision

Yeah, that's exactly the same logic that Thaksin/PT use and the red supporters use here (well done for noticing) . . . shout the lies out long enough and loud enough then people start to believe (well, the stupid ones at least). It's the same thing with advertising, get something in front of someone's face enough times and eventually they'll buy it. Same thing applies to all the misrepresentation here.

For your names doing this on the red side, try Publicus, chooka, OMGImInPattaya, Rich teacher, binjalin, Fryslan boppe (or Robert as we call him cos it makes him feel warm, fuzzy, superior and intelligent) . . . they are doing exactly the same things..

Actually it is not the same.

The echo chamber believes that any one who does not share their vision is a Thaksin/Red supporter. This is clearly not the case but time and again this is the common retort.

It kills all balanced discussion.

Well, when you post something the other side don't like you get called servant of the elite, Suthep lover, Ammart wannabe, right wing fanatic, etc etc... You get these things from supporters of either side here, not a one way street.

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the time you spend in the bar I spend on the internet. I have a loving wife and do not feel the need to buy a temporary one. Nor do I feel the need to distort my mind with a drink. I am retired and have the time.

How do you know when I`m in a bar? 2 young kids and a 50 hour job shuttling between Europe and here means aint too much time for that.

So anyway, your basically retired and pass your time being a troll on here, fair enough. Ps if your wife is so perfect and no longer charging you maybe you should go spend more time with her than spend it on here on a forum wai2.gif

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