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Your weirdest first date experience?


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my italian mate went to meet a girl who turned up with three friends. all they wanted to do was go to a restaurant - quite an expensive one. then they expected him to pick up the tab for all of them.

as he had not invited or been told about the friends he wasn't going to pay for them but would pay for his date. she kicked off and was bad mannered so he said he wasnt paying for her either.

he had the feeling it was a 'free meal' scam she/they had pulled before.

Free meal scam ? C'mon...

When I first met mine, we met in the restaurant of the hotel, where she worked for as an accountant.

Six of her office mates came with her to take a look at me. They sat down and ordered for a dozen.

After the meal I asked: "Who is going to pay for that all ?" It was the best joke for them ever. Big laughter.

Well, the bill wasn't much more than 700 THB. And after four years I'm still with her. Happy as can be.

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I was always chaperoned for the first month by mother and he vietnamese worker. After the first month it was ok. Now after 3 years together and one year married I ask them to come with us virtually everywhere because they are great company. You will find all good girls will do this. But if you want to meet a girl first time by herself then head to a bar. That usually works.

"the good girl perception" or perhaps "misnomer" it is no longer the 19th century. lots of decent thai gals do not require chaperones. even upscale family educated ones. if there is mutual like and chemistry no need for friends/family/chaperone. it seems the 26 yo poster is one of the few that can attest to this.

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my italian mate went to meet a girl who turned up with three friends. all they wanted to do was go to a restaurant - quite an expensive one. then they expected him to pick up the tab for all of them.

as he had not invited or been told about the friends he wasn't going to pay for them but would pay for his date. she kicked off and was bad mannered so he said he wasnt paying for her either.

he had the feeling it was a 'free meal' scam she/they had pulled before.

Free meal scam ? C'mon...

When I first met mine, we met in the restaurant of the hotel, where she worked for as an accountant.

Six of her office mates came with her to take a look at me. They sat down and ordered for a dozen.

After the meal I asked: "Who is going to pay for that all ?" It was the best joke for them ever. Big laughter.

Well, the bill wasn't much more than 700 THB. And after four years I'm still with her. Happy as can be.

Yeah, they all (6) got their free meal therefore felt comfortable in advising her you are acceptable.


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David48, on 12 Apr 2014 - 19:58, said:David48, on 12 Apr 2014 - 19:58, said:
celso, on 12 Apr 2014 - 19:53, said:celso, on 12 Apr 2014 - 19:53, said:

I'm 26, been here a year. Been out with plenty of girls, none of them brought their aunt along, I definitely don't think it is normal even in Thailand.

In the OP you said it was the Mother/sister, not the Aunt.

So which one was it?

Get the story straight!

David, you must be a recent arrival, mother/sister ( also said as sister/mother)is the Thai way of saying sister of my mother, in other words aunty. It seems you need to get it right, before commenting on others.

Thinglish for an Aunt on their Mother's side is usually Sister Mother Me.

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David48, on 12 Apr 2014 - 19:58, said:David48, on 12 Apr 2014 - 19:58, said:
celso, on 12 Apr 2014 - 19:53, said:celso, on 12 Apr 2014 - 19:53, said:

I'm 26, been here a year. Been out with plenty of girls, none of them brought their aunt along, I definitely don't think it is normal even in Thailand.

In the OP you said it was the Mother/sister, not the Aunt.

So which one was it?

Get the story straight!

David, you must be a recent arrival, mother/sister ( also said as sister/mother)is the Thai way of saying sister of my mother, in other words aunty. It seems you need to get it right, before commenting on others.

Thinglish for an Aunt on their Mother's side is usually Sister Mother Me.

Not "my friend you" or "my wife you" ?

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Thinglish for an Aunt on their Mother's side is usually Sister Mother Me.

Not "my friend you" or "my wife you" ?

This is all way over my head.

I've never been able to work out who is what to whom in Thailand.

"Is that a real blood relationship, or are they just a friend from an older generation?"

Pee/Nong, Lung/Baa, etc.

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I'm 26, been here a year. Been out with plenty of girls, none of them brought their aunt along, I definitely don't think it is normal even in Thailand.

In the OP you said it was the Mother/sister, not the Aunt.

So which one was it?

Get the story straight!

Dear David48,

"mother-sister" is not a real English word.

I am assuming that she meant aunt.

Anyway glad yours went better than mine. Now I think, she did say she was from the northeast somewhere, not Bangkok. Maybe its more normal up there. Personally im impressed that I lasted 15 minutes!

How did you excuse yourself and did you have any communication afterwards?

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I'm 26, been here a year. Been out with plenty of girls, none of them brought their aunt along, I definitely don't think it is normal even in Thailand.

In the OP you said it was the Mother/sister, not the Aunt.

So which one was it?

Get the story straight!

Is there really any need for nit-picking...just because the OP left an ""S" off the end of Mother....if he had written "Mother's sister...that would be her Aunt..

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A couple of years back i met a girl on TLL and she ended up sending me naked pics - I finally got to meet her a couple of months back when I moved to an area closer to her. I met her near her house, I was in my car and followed her to her house. She invited me in and then I asked if she would show me around - when we went into her bedroom, she reached behind her pillow on her bed and grabbed a purple rabbit vibrator and kissed the business end of it and then put it back!!!!

Wow I thought, its going to be a good night! However, she said she had to go to work in the morning and asked me to leave shortly after that... how did that happen I still wonder... I just can't read the signals with these girls, guess she was happy with the rabbit and wanted to show me.

She was a working girl. She needed you out of the picture so she could go and score a paying fella.

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I met an Issan country girl on her turf and yes mother, aunty and nieces were all present to approve or disapprove, luckily they approved. A few days later the young Issan lady in question decided to stay with me at the resort I was at and she informed me that I needed to book a room at the resort for mother, aunty and nieces so they could all be close at hand to make sure she was safe whilst spending the night with me. There were indeed some very strange moments during this time but all went reasonably well, I just had to keep reminding myself that we are not in Kansas anymore Toto.

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David48, on 12 Apr 2014 - 19:58, said:David48, on 12 Apr 2014 - 19:58, said:
celso, on 12 Apr 2014 - 19:53, said:celso, on 12 Apr 2014 - 19:53, said:

I'm 26, been here a year. Been out with plenty of girls, none of them brought their aunt along, I definitely don't think it is normal even in Thailand.

In the OP you said it was the Mother/sister, not the Aunt.

So which one was it?

Get the story straight!

David, you must be a recent arrival, mother/sister ( also said as sister/mother)is the Thai way of saying sister of my mother, in other words aunty. It seems you need to get it right, before commenting on others.

Those of us who have been blessed with so many good things happening in our lives since coming to Thailand and as a result have so much to be grateful for should be wishing the same for the younger ones like the OP who have arrived here and may need all the support they can get. Why would one want to jump at an opportunity to put one down when they have so much to be grateful for in their own lives..

Edited by ubonjoe
moved reply from quoted text
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Mother sister, cousin brother,typical in all Asian culture to describe a female relative,a little different to " sister or brother " when they're friends. As for bringing a chaperone,not so long ago (in the big picture) woman in the west did it to, nice girls always had chaperones. What I don't understand from these chat rooms is most of you I presume are in a relationship with a Thai or having relationships with them;however reading these forums many of you talk in derogatory terms about the Thais. Why stay,why not leave if you're so bitter & disgruntled

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my italian mate went to meet a girl who turned up with three friends. all they wanted to do was go to a restaurant - quite an expensive one. then they expected him to pick up the tab for all of them.

as he had not invited or been told about the friends he wasn't going to pay for them but would pay for his date. she kicked off and was bad mannered so he said he wasnt paying for her either.

he had the feeling it was a 'free meal' scam she/they had pulled before.

Bringing friends and family members to a meal with a farang...is very common...you may not be spoken to at all by the girls family and friends...and when you pickup the massive tab...some of them may actually acknowledge your presence...this is Thailand...

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my italian mate went to meet a girl who turned up with three friends. all they wanted to do was go to a restaurant - quite an expensive one. then they expected him to pick up the tab for all of them.

as he had not invited or been told about the friends he wasn't going to pay for them but would pay for his date. she kicked off and was bad mannered so he said he wasnt paying for her either.

he had the feeling it was a 'free meal' scam she/they had pulled before.

Bringing friends and family members to a meal with a farang...is very common...you may not be spoken to at all by the girls family and friends...and when you pickup the massive tab...some of them may actually acknowledge your presence...this is Thailand...

Is that good or bad ?

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David48, on 12 Apr 2014 - 19:58, said:David48, on 12 Apr 2014 - 19:58, said:
celso, on 12 Apr 2014 - 19:53, said:celso, on 12 Apr 2014 - 19:53, said:

I'm 26, been here a year. Been out with plenty of girls, none of them brought their aunt along, I definitely don't think it is normal even in Thailand.

In the OP you said it was the Mother/sister, not the Aunt.

So which one was it?

Get the story straight!

David, you must be a recent arrival, mother/sister ( also said as sister/mother)is the Thai way of saying sister of my mother, in other words aunty. It seems you need to get it right, before commenting on others.

rirri ... you are right, I am a bit wet behind the ears ... a 'greenhorn' ... thanks for pointing out the subtleties of Thai Culture and Thai Relationships to me ... I am forever in your debt ... wai.gif

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your not going to believe this,,,,

but once many many years ago i met a girl in a bar,

later we went back to my hotel, and she wanted sex,


how things have changed,,,,,,, starbucks now,,lol


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my italian mate went to meet a girl who turned up with three friends. all they wanted to do was go to a restaurant - quite an expensive one. then they expected him to pick up the tab for all of them.

as he had not invited or been told about the friends he wasn't going to pay for them but would pay for his date. she kicked off and was bad mannered so he said he wasnt paying for her either.

he had the feeling it was a 'free meal' scam she/they had pulled before.

Bringing friends and family members to a meal with a farang...is very common...you may not be spoken to at all by the girls family and friends...and when you pickup the massive tab...some of them may actually acknowledge your presence...this is Thailand...

Hopefully we learn from past experiences.

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my italian mate went to meet a girl who turned up with three friends. all they wanted to do was go to a restaurant - quite an expensive one. then they expected him to pick up the tab for all of them.

as he had not invited or been told about the friends he wasn't going to pay for them but would pay for his date. she kicked off and was bad mannered so he said he wasnt paying for her either.

he had the feeling it was a 'free meal' scam she/they had pulled before.

Bringing friends and family members to a meal with a farang...is very common...you may not be spoken to at all by the girls family and friends...and when you pickup the massive tab...some of them may actually acknowledge your presence...this is Thailand...

Is that good or bad ?

Good or bad...do not apply here...It is just the way many Thais perceive farangs...farangs are meant to be exploited...no qualms about padding a dinner bill or any other purchases...the ATM machine is spitting out money...all aboard...

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Rest assured you are the oddest one I have read today too!!

How old are you for this to be your first time?

Sent from my GT-N7100 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

I agree. Either your are a young hunk or an old fart.

Relax. Go,with the foe. If she is not for you there is one word to,remember.... NEXT!!!

Marcusd. Via tapatalk

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Rest assured you are the oddest one I have read today too!!

How old are you for this to be your first time?

Sent from my GT-N7100 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

I'm 26, been here a year. Been out with plenty of girls, none of them brought their aunt along, I definitely don't think it is normal even in Thailand. I guess the moral is don't go to starbucks for dates!

on one of my dates the person brought their friend along.

Their ended up,being 3 for breakfast.

See you never ever know....

Ps today I am part of a happy threesome. There ya go. Never ever know.....

Marcusd. Via tapatalk

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