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S Korea's state insurer sues Philip Morris for disease caused by smoking


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S Korea's state insurer sues Philip Morris for disease caused by smoking

SEOUL: -- South Korea's state health insurer said on Monday it was seeking an initial 53.7 billion won ($51.9 million) from three tobacco companies, including the local units of Philip Morris and British American Tobacco, to compensate treatment costs for diseases linked to smoking.

The National Health Insurance Service (NHIS) said it was suing the two global cigarette makers, as well as local market leader KT&G Corp, in a South Korean court.

Only four tobacco lawsuits have ever been heard in South Korea, all by individuals or families, and there is no precedent of a successful action against a tobacco company.

"We believe the NHIS, as it takes responsibility for the health of the public and oversees the insurance budget, has a natural duty to bring this tobacco lawsuit," NHIS lawyer An Sun-young told reporters.

The damages were calculated based on data on payments by state insurers for patients with three cancer types associated with smoking, NHIS added. The insurer has previously said it spends more than $1.6 billion each year on treating smoking-linked diseases.

The lawsuit is the first by a state organization against tobacco firms among 37 countries and territories in the Western Pacific, according to the World Health Organization's Western Pacific Region Office (WHO WPRO).

Full story: http://voiceofrussia.com/news/2014_04_14/S-Koreas-state-insurer-sues-Philip-Morris-for-disease-caused-by-smoking-7085/

-- THE VOICE OF RUSSIA 2014-04-14

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Yeah, take them for everything you can get. These bastards have known smoking is grossly addictive for decades yet still peddle the stuff. The new growth market to replace declines in first world countries? Children in the third world. Tobacco is more toxic to the body than heroin and should be recognised as such.

Sent from my GT-I9300T using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

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Total BS......I don't even smoke but thats just wrong.

But what you expect judgement passed down by a Liberal (Turd) Judge that hates the Evil Big Business.

no worries. If you do not like what big business brings .. AND I BET YIU BENEFIT every day from big business.. You can join your mates in nth Korea.

Screw the drug pushers who have known of the I'll effects for decades

Marcusd. Via tapatalk

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I was a smoker...when I was young and ignorant of the damage I was doing to my body...even though I only smoked for 10 years and have been a non-smoker for more than 20 years...I still have some breathing problems which are a direct results of lung damage done by smoking...I hope I live to see all tobacco companies sued out of business...

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I was a smoker...when I was young and ignorant of the damage I was doing to my body...even though I only smoked for 10 years and have been a non-smoker for more than 20 years...I still have some breathing problems which are a direct results of lung damage done by smoking...I hope I live to see all tobacco companies sued out of business...

I had more lung trouble living in London as a non smoker than I do now in LOS enjoying a ciggy.

You must look at your life as a whole, not just a ciggy.

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No one forces anyone to smoke as far as I know.

No one forces anyone to drink alcohol as far as I know.

No one forces anyone to use illegal or prescription drugs as far as I know.

No one forces anyone to ingest enormous amounts of salt and sugar as far as I know.

No one forces anyone to drive an internal combustion engine that emits toxic fumes as far as I know.

No one forces anyone to buy anything that they don't need, won't use and can't afford as far as I know.

Be cautious when someone modifies your behaviors for "your own" good. Once their goal is achieved they may well find something else that isn't good for you.

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It's true that most people aren't forced to smoke, drink or do other things that are unhealthful. These companies have a good PR machine that makes it seem cool and hip to smoke. They also have been known to add additional nicotine to get people addicted quicker.

They are not truthful in the advertising and it is often directed squarely at young people who are less able to ascertain the dangers.

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And although its the smoker who dies or gets sick, the taxpayer generally foots the bill in terms of health costs and lost productivity. So sue the bastards!

Even if give up you are still in danger. My grandfather gave up when in his 50s but died due to emphasyma damage to his lungs at 88. Otherwise he was as fit as a mallee bull. He came from the WW2 generation when almost everyone smoked. We could of had him for another 10 years maybe if not for the damn emphasyma.

Sent from my GT-I9300T using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

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No one forces anyone to smoke as far as I know.

No one forces anyone to drink alcohol as far as I know.

No one forces anyone to use illegal or prescription drugs as far as I know.

No one forces anyone to ingest enormous amounts of salt and sugar as far as I know.

No one forces anyone to drive an internal combustion engine that emits toxic fumes as far as I know.

No one forces anyone to buy anything that they don't need, won't use and can't afford as far as I know.

Be cautious when someone modifies your behaviors for "your own" good. Once their goal is achieved they may well find something else that isn't good for you.

Agree with everything except for one point - you are forced to buy an insurance if you want to drive/ride, especially so in the West. Whether you should be on the road with out any insurance is another question...

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Life for our long-ago ancestors, had hazards: poisonous animals, plants, animals that would kill you in a second, tribal rivalries, etc. Modern life also has hazards. Each of us can choose: indulge or not. If you're addicted, tough tamales - you're losing at the game of life.

In the big picture, sugar and fermented sugar (alcohol) are each more harmful than ciggs. If Korean bureaucrats or whomever want to sue S&H Sugar Corp or Seagrams, that would be interesting. Bring it on.

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How about suing the smokers instead where the blame belongs for deliberately damaging insured property?

Could you please rewrite your post so it makes sense.

Thank you.

I think he means; if you consider a person with insurance policy 'insured property', then that person, by bringing a cigg to her mouth with her arm, and deep sucking the smoke, is damaging that property - her own body.

factoid #376: Pharma drugs have been proven more harmful overall, than illegal drugs. And alcohol has been proven more harmful than Pharma. There are a lot of hazards out there, boys and girls. It's time to become aware, and (if it's too late to save your sorry selves) at least try and assist youngsters.

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Obviously, you have never been addicted to tobacco, or probably anything else for that matter. When I first started smoking as a teenager it was because I hated the smell of smoke but all my friends smoked. I said, "Give me one of those", and I smoked it and another and another. There were a few coughs, a few sputters, but it was a love affair of epic proportions.

I did manage to quite in my early 20's and did start again until I was in my mid 30's. I lived in Hong Kong and again, it was a smokers paradise. I have now quit again, because of a medical problem (not directly related to smoking, by the way), but even after 2 years, I would do almost anything for a cigarette. I love it when I walk into/out of a shopping mall and get the whiff of those standing near the door smoking.

Tobacco is one of the most addictive substances known to man. It's a little more complicated than just a choice, especially when it encouraged by a company and targeted toward youth.

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I'm a smoker and I'm all for it. Screw them for every cent you can get from them. Smoking has not given any benefit to any consumer since the day tobacco was introduced to the world from the Americas. It's a disgusting habit with not one positive attribute.

I'm returning to the UK after 15 years in SE Asia and I have no choice but to give up for economic reasons. Even with an e-cigarette it's going to be difficult. It's obscene that something so evil is so difficult to quit. IMHO :-)

If you are dumb enough to start smoking..and then continue....why blame somebody else.

Everyone knows its about the dumbest and most dangerous habit to take on.

Yes...should be outlawed to protect the ignorant.

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I don't thing tobacco smoking should be outlawed. Similarly, I don't think drugs should be outlawed, not even the most damaging drug of all: alcohol.

People should be apprised of the characteristics of each drug, including caffeine or whatever, and go on from there. If they get addicted, well then deal with that (social programs, etc). Don't throw 'em in jail, but also don't run insurance rates up for all the rest of us. Drug and nicotine addiction is a big topic, as is the War on Drugs, which is so assed-backwards it would be a joke, were it not screwing up so many peoples' lives.

My mom started me on ciggs (Kent, ugh) when I was 11. I quit after many attempts, ten years later. For decades now, I haven't done alcohol, caffeine, or any pharma drugs. Just aspirin once in awhile for headaches. I also detest MSG, but that's another topic.

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Regarding outlawing tobacco:

Once you go down that path, several things happen:

>>>> you make it a challenge, and therefore more appealing - particularly for youngsters.

>>>> You create a black market and prices hike

>>>> quality usually tanks, and other stuff (dried weed leaves?) can be added to tobacco to make the supply spread further. Tobacco companies probably already do that. I've even heard that some add nicotine in order to increase its addictiveness.

If you want a substance to become more of a problem: criminalize it.

If you want it to lead to hundreds of extrajudicial killings, put someone like Thaksin in charge.

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The thing is...people know they will die from smoking, but do not take responsibility. Now they want somebody else to pay for the damages.

That does now wash well. Everything cost more..health insurance, legal fees, taxes to deal with the education of these people...etc.

I do not wish for these costs to go up.....

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Total BS......I don't even smoke but thats just wrong.

But what you expect judgement passed down by a Liberal (Turd) Judge that hates the Evil Big Business.

But the tobacco companies are 'Evil Big Businesses' that everyone should hate. They really are evil big businesses.

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There are two types of people. The Nanny state people who want government to coddle them, cradle to grave,

and independents. Lots of people present themselves as independent, but most of those are actually Nanny Staters. In reality, there are comparatively few independents.

Most farang residing in Thailand, exist here, thanks to Nanny State coddling. They would try to explain it away, by calling it something different (SS, or pension or dole, or whatever) ....and they can fool most of the people most of the time, but some of us can't be fooled.

The US, hour by hour, is getting increasingly cemented in to a Nanny State, and perhaps S.Korea is doing the same - with this lawsuit which wants to compel corporations to fix the harm those cigg smokers have been doing to themselves for decades.

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Every whiner on this thread knew the perils of smoking, when they took up the habit. Why not sue the liquor companies for the alcoholics, the food manufacturers for the fat folks, the candy companies for bad teeth


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Every whiner on this thread knew the perils of smoking, when they took up the habit. Why not sue the liquor companies for the alcoholics, the food manufacturers for the fat folks, the candy companies for bad teeth


Not true. When I was young and most of my friends started smoking, there was nothing said about health hazards. Most people seem to think it probably wasn't good for you, but there was nothing published about it being bad. The only things that were said were things like 'you should wait until you grow up,' or 'it will stunt your growth.'

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Every whiner on this thread knew the perils of smoking, when they took up the habit. Why not sue the liquor companies for the alcoholics, the food manufacturers for the fat folks, the candy companies for bad teeth


Not true. When I was young and most of my friends started smoking, there was nothing said about health hazards. Most people seem to think it probably wasn't good for you, but there was nothing published about it being bad. The only things that were said were things like 'you should wait until you grow up,' or 'it will stunt your growth.'

50 years ago, the old timer used to call cigs cancer sticks and coffin nails, give me a break

Edited by danmarnj
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