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coca cola light

sate ayam

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The FDA is the LAST place I would look for advice as it is run by former executives of big pharma and food manufacturers and this so-called administration is a piece of junk!!!

I get my information from reputable and respected doctors that are the bane of these mega organisations as they provide 'natural' cures for virtually every ailment out there (without the plethora of killer side-effects.

Dr. Mercola is probably the best source of information - even diabetic and heart health organisation spew out rubbish which is so 'old hat' and plain wrong.

Let me test you out on your health knowledge.

Which of these two is dangerous for you: margarine or butter?

What would you choose to reduce you're cholesterol? oats with cinnamon or statins.

Are eggs and beer good or bad for your cholesterol?

One last one, does direct sunlight (in moderation) prevent or cause skin cancer?


Lets see how you do in my challenge!!!

The FDA is the LAST place I would look for advice as it is run by former executives of big pharma and food manufacturers and this so-called administration is a piece of junk!!!

I get my information from reputable and respected doctors that are the bane of these mega organisations as they provide 'natural' cures for virtually every ailment out there (without the plethora of killer side-effects.

Dr. Mercola is probably the best source of information - even diabetic and heart health organisation spew out rubbish which is so 'old hat' and plain wrong.

OK one doctor is more reputable than the whole FDA if you say so.

Let me test you out on your health knowledge.

Which of these two is dangerous for you: margarine or butter?

Depends on who you listen to and when used to be butter was the worst now there are reports that Butter is better for you. If indeed either is good for you.

What would you choose to reduce you're cholesterol? oats with cinnamon or statins.

Oats and cinnamon. Not sure if they would reduce my cholesterol but would help my blood sugar level. I am one of those people who have a very negative statin affect so naturally I would choose some thing else. It is called common sense.

Are eggs and beer good or bad for your cholesterol?

Depends on if you eat the yoke. Don't know about beer any more than I do Caviar I don't ingest either one.

One last one, does direct sunlight (in moderation) prevent or cause skin cancer?

Probably neither. Also I think it would make a difference if you were living in the artic with a Artic ancestry or living in the Congo with an African Ancestry. For many over exposure can cause skin cancer.

Lets see how you do in my challenge!!!

Probably flunked it as I did not spend one moment looking up Biased studies. But I do lead a happy life

Not a big believer in quantity over quality when it comes to life. (To a point I am) Seen to many old people just staring off into space. Or bed ridden to the point where they have to be manually rolled over to clean them up for the rest of their life. the worst was the old fellow permantly strapped to a potty chair.

Edited by northernjohn
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i normally drink this stuff coz each regular cola contains 14 sugarcubs or so

so i surely gain weight when drinking this

now i found out that research showed aspartame makes you craving for food

im quite confused now

You are not confused at all - you have just given the answer as to the reason why it makes you fatter compared to sucrose (this only makes you fat BTW)!!

It actually make you crave for sweets and simple carbohydrates (that rapidly turn to sugar once ingested) - the food manufacturers love this as it is turns you into a sugar addict so you continue to buy their poisons.

I must have a messed up metabolism. I eat less carbs now than when I was drinking sugar laced Coke. I think these great think tanks should examine me.

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The FDA is the LAST place I would look for advice as it is run by former executives of big pharma and food manufacturers and this so-called administration is a piece of junk!!!

I get my information from reputable and respected doctors that are the bane of these mega organisations as they provide 'natural' cures for virtually every ailment out there (without the plethora of killer side-effects.

Dr. Mercola is probably the best source of information - even diabetic and heart health organisation spew out rubbish which is so 'old hat' and plain wrong.

Let me test you out on your health knowledge.

Which of these two is dangerous for you: margarine or butter?

What would you choose to reduce you're cholesterol? oats with cinnamon or statins.

Are eggs and beer good or bad for your cholesterol?

One last one, does direct sunlight (in moderation) prevent or cause skin cancer?


Lets see how you do in my challenge!!!

The FDA is the LAST place I would look for advice as it is run by former executives of big pharma and food manufacturers and this so-called administration is a piece of junk!!!

I get my information from reputable and respected doctors that are the bane of these mega organisations as they provide 'natural' cures for virtually every ailment out there (without the plethora of killer side-effects.

Dr. Mercola is probably the best source of information - even diabetic and heart health organisation spew out rubbish which is so 'old hat' and plain wrong.

OK one doctor is more reputable than the whole FDA if you say so.

Let me test you out on your health knowledge.

Which of these two is dangerous for you: margarine or butter?

Depends on who you listen to and when used to be butter was the worst now there are reports that Butter is better for you. If indeed either is good for you.

What would you choose to reduce you're cholesterol? oats with cinnamon or statins.

Oats and cinnamon. Not sure if they would reduce my cholesterol but would help my blood sugar level. I am one of those people who have a very negative statin affect so naturally I would choose some thing else. It is called common sense.

Are eggs and beer good or bad for your cholesterol?

Depends on if you eat the yoke. Don't know about beer any more than I do Caviar I don't ingest either one.

One last one, does direct sunlight (in moderation) prevent or cause skin cancer?

Probably neither. Also I think it would make a difference if you were living in the artic with a Artic ancestry or living in the Congo with an African Ancestry. For many over exposure can cause skin cancer.

Lets see how you do in my challenge!!!

Probably flunked it as I did not spend one moment looking up Biased studies. But I do lead a happy life

Not a big believer in quantity over quality when it comes to life. (To a point I am) Seen to many old people just staring off into space. Or bed ridden to the point where they have to be manually rolled over to clean them up for the rest of their life. the worst was the old fellow permantly strapped to a potty chair.

No you didn't flunk it at all!!

This doctor indeed gives out far better advice than the FDA (and I mean far better).

Butter from pasture fed cows is good for you because it contains CLA and is a great source of vitamins and minerals, it contains healthy saturated fats as well as a host of other benefits that can help protect you from cancer and also aid in weight loss whereas margarine is made out of trans fats and is one molecule away from being plastic (flies won't touch margarine unsurprisingly because it is inedible).

Again you are right about the oats and cinnamon, also, you are correct in your answer about cinnamon helping to regulate your blood sugar level - the oats will also help as they are a complex carbohydrate the contains soluble fiber which reduces the bad (LDL) cholesterol in your blood stream. Statins are killers that can induce heart attacks and strokes ie: the very thing they are supposed to protect you from. Aso they deplete you're life giving COQ10 ubiquinol and once this gets too low then you die!!

Eggs (especially the yoke) improve your cholesterol profile by raising the good cholesterol (HDL) - beer does the same,although it does raise the triglycerides which is not a good thing.

Finally, sunlight is a boon for your health - I cannot emphasise this enough. 15 - 20 minutes exposure to the strong mid-day sun activates (via vitamin D3) the calciferol in your skin, which is a precursor for making so many essential and important chemicals that raise your absorption of the bone minerals calcium and phosphorous. Sunlight help on blood sugar control if you have diabetes (both types 1 and 2) and is the best thing for protecting you against skin cancer plus a whole host of other health benefits.

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Now, they are using Phenylalanine....Coke Zero may have been the first. So I think there is possibly less of the stuff that gives rats brain tumors in the "Zero" drinks. Sold my KO stock on Tuesday....a billion drinks served per day, but Pepsico does a better job of penetrating markets. Look who has more shelf space at 7-11. I expect very strong growth from Dr Pepper/Snapple DPS in the next few years.

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i normally drink this stuff coz each regular cola contains 14 sugarcubs or so

so i surely gain weight when drinking this

now i found out that research showed aspartame makes you craving for food

im quite confused now

You are not confused at all - you have just given the answer as to the reason why it makes you fatter compared to sucrose (this only makes you fat BTW)!!

It actually make you crave for sweets and simple carbohydrates (that rapidly turn to sugar once ingested) - the food manufacturers love this as it is turns you into a sugar addict so you continue to buy their poisons.

I must have a messed up metabolism. I eat less carbs now than when I was drinking sugar laced Coke. I think these great think tanks should examine me.

I think so!!!

But seriously, these liquids (I hesitate to call them drinks) are seriously bad for and it is these combined with the junk foods containing HFCS (high fructose corn syrup) that are responsible for the obesity epidemic in America, and all over the world!!

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You are confusing very controversial theories with facts, but I think that it is pretty safe to say that Diet Coke and high fructose corn syrup are only a few possible factors that are "responsible for the obesity epidemic in America, and all over the world!"

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You are confusing very controversial theories with facts, but I think that it is pretty safe to say that Diet Coke and high fructose corn syrup are only a few possible factors that are "responsible for the obesity epidemic in America, and all over the world!"

No!! The evidence is there in spade loads. Why do you think that obesity in the US has something like quadrupled in the last 20 years or so (I can't remember the exact details on this) since the advent of HFCS.

I do not buy factory produced foods any more as I would not touch them with a barge pole being that I know how dangerous they are to consume.

They are only controversial in that the food companies are paranoid about the bottom line and spread false rumours and feed us with flawed information to keep us buying them.

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No!! The evidence is there in spade loads.

No. The evidence is not there - only theories that need a lot more research. I'm sure any links that I give you will be viewed as some kind of a conspiracy by the medical industry and food companies, but these are the facts on HFCS from American Society for Clinical Nutrition. By the way HFCS has been around since the 1950s and used frequently since the 1970s. When I was young it was considered a health food sweetener like honey or real maple syrup.


Edited by Ulysses G.
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Yep, one recalls post flood coke light drought. Actually had a Diet Pepsi today. Between, DP , light and zero Coke Light is the least "sweet", and my fave. Not everyday but keep it down to one can two max.

Does anywhere have soda water or any sparking mineral water in a can? For picnic or hiking use.

Diet Pepsi in Thailand? I don't think so. Where did you buy in Chiang Mai? I think you mean Pepsi Max, right?

That should be correct. I didn't attempt to read the can closely. There are no Roman letters as far as I can recall. Picked it up at Tesco. Found the soda water in can today at Topps. Also they have Perrier at 45 Bhats per tin.

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No!! The evidence is there in spade loads.

No. The evidence is not there - only theories that need a lot more research. I'm sure any links that I give you will be viewed as some kind of a conspiracy by the medical industry and food companies, but these are the facts on HFCS from American Society for Clinical Nutrition. By the way HFCS has been around since the 1950s and used frequently since the 1970s. When I was young it was considered a health food sweetener like honey or real maple syrup.


I am a member of the American Society for Nutrition (ASN), the organization that publishes the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition (AJCN) and the Journal of Nutrition.

I’ve become increasingly worried about food company influence on ASN. Food companies fund sessions at ASN annual meetings.


But I’m even more concerned about food company sponsorship of scientific studies published in AJCN.

The results of sponsored studies almost invariably benefit the sponsor. Exceptions are scarce.

The conflicts are so blatant that I can often guess from reading an abstract who the study’s sponsor must be.

A look at the conflicts of interest disclosed by the editorial board of AJCN suggests why this problem is occurring.

Of the 12 members of the editorial board, only 3 disclose no corporate conflicts of interest, and 2 others disclose minor conflicts.

But the majority—7 of the 12—list major corporate affiliations. The list of food companies for which they consult or advise is too long to reproduce but it includes Coca-Cola, PepsiCo, The Sugar Association, The National Restaurant Association, ConAgra, McDonald’s, Kellogg, Mars, and many others.

This raises uncomfortable questions: How does this editorial board deal with papers suggesting harm to health from consuming products from these companies? How does it deal with sponsored papers suggesting benefits of the products?

Affiliations with food companies may or may not lead to publication bias, but at the very least they give the appearance of serious conflicted interest. This affects opinion not only of sponsored studies, but also of the overall credibility of research published in the journal.

For the results of papers published in the AJCN to be considered credible, the editorial board should:

  • List the editor responsible for review of published papers in the conflict disclosures.
  • Recuse individual members with conflicts from reviewing papers in their area of conflict.
  • Phase out conflicted editors as quickly as possible.
  • Appoint editors who have minimal or no conflicts.
  • Give special editorial scrutiny to papers sponsored by food and beverage companies.

ASN is not the only nutrition society raising doubts about its conflicts of interest with food company sponsorship. The Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics (AND) is the subject of two recent reports analyzing its conflicts of interest.

What do you mean this organisation???

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You are confusing very controversial theories with facts, but I think that it is pretty safe to say that Diet Coke and high fructose corn syrup are only a few possible factors that are "responsible for the obesity epidemic in America, and all over the world!"

No!! The evidence is there in spade loads. Why do you think that obesity in the US has something like quadrupled in the last 20 years or so (I can't remember the exact details on this) since the advent of HFCS.

I do not buy factory produced foods any more as I would not touch them with a barge pole being that I know how dangerous they are to consume.

They are only controversial in that the food companies are paranoid about the bottom line and spread false rumours and feed us with flawed information to keep us buying them.

All those studies are done to come to one conclusion. They fail to take in reality. The over weight problem can be directly traced to the increased use of electronics in stead of action. Kids no longer go out and play they sit behind a keyboard or some other type of game controller. Take your self for instance. I know it is a very small thing but it is a part of the problem.

I am going to presume you are 60. If so you can remember when you had to travel a short distance to answer the phone and there is a fair chance there was only one in the house then. How far do you now have to travel to answer your phone. Just a small thing but it shows what is really going on in this day and age. When we were growing up there was no call for a gym we were already active.

One other thing I would not call 15 or 20 minutes a day of sunlight moderate. I would say for we as normal westerners maybe enough but defiantly far from moderate. I know in my childhood iot was more like hours a day. In my work life even more hours.

Edited by northernjohn
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You are confusing very controversial theories with facts, but I think that it is pretty safe to say that Diet Coke and high fructose corn syrup are only a few possible factors that are "responsible for the obesity epidemic in America, and all over the world!"

No!! The evidence is there in spade loads. Why do you think that obesity in the US has something like quadrupled in the last 20 years or so (I can't remember the exact details on this) since the advent of HFCS.

I do not buy factory produced foods any more as I would not touch them with a barge pole being that I know how dangerous they are to consume.

They are only controversial in that the food companies are paranoid about the bottom line and spread false rumours and feed us with flawed information to keep us buying them.

All those studies are done to come to one conclusion. They fail to tazke in reality. The over weight problem can be directly traced to the increased use of electronics in stead of action. Kids no longer go out and play they sit behind a keyboard or some other type controller. Take your self for instance. I know it is a very small thing but it is a part of the problem.

I am going to presume you are 60. If so you can remember when you had to travel a short distance to answer the phone and there is a fair chance there was only one in the house then. How far do you now have to travel to answer your phone. Just a small thing but it shows what is really doing in this day and age.. when we were growing up there was no call for a gym we were already active.

One other thing I would not call 15 or 20 minutes a day of sunlight moderate. I would say for we as normal westerners maybe enough but defiantly far from moderate.

Of course lack of exercise plays its part but consuming manufactured poisons is the big 'no no' and the main root of the problem. I am 57 so you were close and I don't do as much exercise as I should (being retired for 6 years) - but with me, its what I do and not what I don't do, so much.

I take supplements, carefully selected ones (12 in all) and always have my lemon, fennel and fenugreek + 12 spice combo drink every morning.

I could bore you with the details of my past ill health and how I transformed it completely and turned it around but it would take too long.

OK, I will revise my exposure advice to 15 - 20 minutes of at east 50% of your body every day at between mid day and 3 o'clock,

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Pallets of Coke Light at Macro Hang Dong road as of 17 April 1 PM.

Now no Pepsi Max!

It amazes me how you lot spend so much time desperately seeking out these poisons (in different guises) from all of the supermarkets in your vicinity!!!

The drinks companies certainly have you well and truly hooked - I have a feeling that in 2 years time when you are all diabetic that you may regret these compulsive obsessions in seeking out something that is going to make you ill, with your heart going all-a-flutter when a supermarket stops supplying them!!

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One won't become diabetic from drinking Coke Light. It has no calories and no carbs. It is something sweet that diabetics can drink while controlling the disease.

It's associated with an increased risk of type 2 diabetes

Drinking one diet soda a day was associated with a 36 percent increased risk of metabolic syndrome and diabetes in a University of Minnesota study. Metabolic syndrome describes a cluster of conditions (including high blood pressure, elevated glucose levels, raised cholesterol, and large waist circumference) that put people at high risk for heart disease, stroke, and diabetes, Bjork explains.


Diet soda won’t save you from obesity or diabetes

By John Upton


Niall Kennedy

Bad news for everybody who drinks diet sodas instead of the sugary varieties to help stay healthy.

In an opinion piece [PDF] in the journal Trends in Endocrinology and Metabolism, Purdue University professor Susan Swithers writes that drinks containing such chemicals as aspartame, sucralose, and saccharin have been found to contribute to excessive weight gain, metabolic syndrome, type 2 diabetes, and cardiovascular disease. Her piece summarizes studies on the health effects of artificial sweeteners:


It's long been known that sugar-sweetened drinks raise a person's risk of Type 2 diabetes. But now, a new study from French researchers at Inserm suggests sugar-free diet drinks could also play a role.

The research, to be published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, shows an association between consumption of "light" or diet soda and increased risk of Type 2 diabetes.

The study involved 66,118 women, whose beverage habits were tracked over 14 years. The women self-reported their consumption of 100 percent juice, sugar-sweetened drinks and artificially sweetened drinks.

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One won't become diabetic from drinking Coke Light. It has no calories and no carbs. It is something sweet that diabetics can drink while controlling the disease.

It's associated with an increased risk of type 2 diabetes

Drinking one diet soda a day was associated with a 36 percent increased risk of metabolic syndrome and diabetes in a University of Minnesota study. Metabolic syndrome describes a cluster of conditions (including high blood pressure, elevated glucose levels, raised cholesterol, and large waist circumference) that put people at high risk for heart disease, stroke, and diabetes, Bjork explains.


Diet soda won’t save you from obesity or diabetes

By John Upton


Niall Kennedy

Bad news for everybody who drinks diet sodas instead of the sugary varieties to help stay healthy.

In an opinion piece [PDF] in the journal Trends in Endocrinology and Metabolism, Purdue University professor Susan Swithers writes that drinks containing such chemicals as aspartame, sucralose, and saccharin have been found to contribute to excessive weight gain, metabolic syndrome, type 2 diabetes, and cardiovascular disease. Her piece summarizes studies on the health effects of artificial sweeteners:


It's long been known that sugar-sweetened drinks raise a person's risk of Type 2 diabetes. But now, a new study from French researchers at Inserm suggests sugar-free diet drinks could also play a role.

The research, to be published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, shows an association between consumption of "light" or diet soda and increased risk of Type 2 diabetes.

The study involved 66,118 women, whose beverage habits were tracked over 14 years. The women self-reported their consumption of 100 percent juice, sugar-sweetened drinks and artificially sweetened drinks.

Like I said earlier and I stand behind it. That study is designed to one end only and completely over looks the lack of physical activity. Give me a series of comprehensive reports. Who paid for that investigation more than likely the sugar industry.

I know you don't like the FDA but they came to their ok on aspartame based on years of studies and many different ones.

I bet any amount of money if they say some thing you approve of you will back them to the hilt. But one you don't approve of and you claim they are controlled by the big drug companies.

I am not saying there is not other things out there that do not have their approval that are no good. I am saying that was does have their approval is probably about a 95% chance of being rite. I know that there has been times when they did unapprove a substance they had previously approved. They are constantly looking for evidence and thurley examine it when they get it and one source is not all they use. Contrary to opinions of some they are not a rubber stamp organization. They have a long list of things big pharmacies tried to get approved but failed. They had to research further into them and either improve them or drop them.

Edited by northernjohn
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One won't become diabetic from drinking Coke Light. It has no calories and no carbs. It is something sweet that diabetics can drink while controlling the disease.

It's associated with an increased risk of type 2 diabetes

Drinking one diet soda a day was associated with a 36 percent increased risk of metabolic syndrome and diabetes in a University of Minnesota study. Metabolic syndrome describes a cluster of conditions (including high blood pressure, elevated glucose levels, raised cholesterol, and large waist circumference) that put people at high risk for heart disease, stroke, and diabetes, Bjork explains.


Diet soda won’t save you from obesity or diabetes

By John Upton


Niall Kennedy

Bad news for everybody who drinks diet sodas instead of the sugary varieties to help stay healthy.

In an opinion piece [PDF] in the journal Trends in Endocrinology and Metabolism, Purdue University professor Susan Swithers writes that drinks containing such chemicals as aspartame, sucralose, and saccharin have been found to contribute to excessive weight gain, metabolic syndrome, type 2 diabetes, and cardiovascular disease. Her piece summarizes studies on the health effects of artificial sweeteners:


It's long been known that sugar-sweetened drinks raise a person's risk of Type 2 diabetes. But now, a new study from French researchers at Inserm suggests sugar-free diet drinks could also play a role.

The research, to be published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, shows an association between consumption of "light" or diet soda and increased risk of Type 2 diabetes.

The study involved 66,118 women, whose beverage habits were tracked over 14 years. The women self-reported their consumption of 100 percent juice, sugar-sweetened drinks and artificially sweetened drinks.

Like I said earlier and I stand behind it. That study is designed to one end only and completely over looks the lack of physical activity. Give me a series of comprehensive reports. Who paid for that investigation more than likely the sugar industry.

I know you don't like the FDA but they came to their ok on aspartame based on years of studies and many different ones.

I bet any amount of money if they say some thing you approve of you will back them to the hilt. But one you domn't approve of and you claim they are controlled by the big drfug companies.

I am not saying there is not other things out there that do not have their approval that are no good. I am saying that was does have their approval is probably about a 95% chance of being rite. I know that there has been times when they did unapproved a substance they had previously approved. They are constantly looking for evidence and thurley examine it when they get it and one source is not all they use. Contrary to opinions of some they are not a rubber stamp organization. They have a long list of things big pharmacies tried to get approved but failed. They had to research further into them and either improve them or drop them.

No point in continuing this really - believe what you want and drink what you want. I have made my choice and that is NOT to drink another soda/coke/bottle of fruit juice sugar free or not in my lifetime.

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One won't become diabetic from drinking Coke Light. It has no calories and no carbs. It is something sweet that diabetics can drink while controlling the disease.

It's associated with an increased risk of type 2 diabetes

There are plenty of scientists that dispute that. It is only an unproven theory.

The bloggers of the world have latched on to the notion that diet sodas cause obesity, but the science just isnt there to back it up, Popkin says.


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Why do you think that obesity in the US has something like quadrupled in the last 20 years or so

Right about the time that personal computers starting appearing in almost every home and people started spending a lot of time sitting in front of it instead of going outside?


Edited by Ulysses G.
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Pallets of Coke Light at Macro Hang Dong road as of 17 April 1 PM.

Now no Pepsi Max!

It amazes me how you lot spend so much time desperately seeking out these poisons (in different guises) from all of the supermarkets in your vicinity!!!

The drinks companies certainly have you well and truly hooked - I have a feeling that in 2 years time when you are all diabetic that you may regret these compulsive obsessions in seeking out something that is going to make you ill, with your heart going all-a-flutter when a supermarket stops supplying them!!

"In two years time when you are all diabetic"?

This is uttertosh.

Mum is in her seventies and has been consuming Diet soda, in quantity, since we had saccharine sweetened TAB for Petes' sake. She has never had a surgery or major illness and is certainly not diabetic. The only exercise taken walking a small dog. Not to say reports of artificial sweeteners toxicity/metabolic effect don't cause concern. I recently read some of these horrific online reports of diet soda as worse than sugar fizzies, but then linked to the site of the esteemed Mayo Clinic in the US. Said having such drinks in moderation should cause no concern, more research was needed to establish links to early mortality.

I'll go with the Mayo Clinic's advice for now, and not worry about the one or two cans a day. Personally, I'd rather have a canned Perrier or San Pellegrino, but it is not so easy to come by. I like diet Coke because it is not sweet. In fact other than an occasional small dish of Vanilla gelato and the more infrequent piece of quality chocolate (which has beneficial health properties supposedly), I'd rather not have any sweets at all.

Edited by arunsakda
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