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My biggest complaint is NOT the waiting line at the bank. It's the people who have a half dozen ATM cards and it takes them longer to sort out the PIN numbers and to arrange the money as it does to make all the withdrawals. :o

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Try getting on the bus and stay in line, you'll never get on cause the bus will not wait ashame to say now gone native pushing away every one away so I can get in first! How about people getting in first before people can manage to get out of the bus, sky train, elevators etc.? :o

My biggest complaint is NOT the waiting line at the bank. It's the people who have a half dozen ATM cards and it takes them longer to sort out the PIN numbers and to arrange the money as it does to make all the withdrawals. :D

Seconded in Spades!

And then there are the ones that just refuse to believe that they have bugger all in their account so try again and again, starting from scratch each time... :o

ok, ok. I'll be the first one to take the bait!

Galong - Bambina is hardly 'someone with limited education'. Maybe you should check your facts before saying such nasty things about people you dont know.

But didn't BambinA slam the OP? She was nasty to the OP in my opinion. So why is striking back to her 'off base'?

The OP stated a very reasonable opinion and folks jumped on the flame wagon. This forum can get pretty darn silly at times. :o


I agree that to let people off the skytrain or bus first would be ideal but i've come to terms with the fact that it is simply not the way it is done here, or most other countries for that matter. I also think that people do not line up in lines they line up in circles ie around the food vender. It takes some getting used to and you have to compete but that is simply the way it is here so we are the one's who have to alter our expectations.


the only time i have ever lost my rag in Thailand was because of a queue jumper.

i was waiting outside tescos for a taxi with my pregnant wife and i became aware of a thai nun in full penguin suit (about 40 years old) stood behind us.

a taxi pulled up and this idiot went and got straight in it.

i was extremely shocked. at first i swore at her in english but then i thought she might not understand the lingo.

i opened the taxi door and gave her my best thai (d** t****, som nam na, dtolare etc etc)

the stupid woman looked shocked, i really felt like punching her face in but i think she got the message.


Galong, just because she might not have the same view as you doesnt mean there education is in question.

How did you come to the conclusion that her education is limited? I think you made that decision by looking at her avatar.


I do agree about it being annoying but trust me, most Thais don't like it either. More then one occasion where I've seen a queue jumper get the evil eye from a Thai. I've also seen cashiers politely remind someone it wasn't their turn (though rare). When I see a queue jumper coming I just move into their path and put my hand on my hip so my elbow blocks them. Children are the worse but then again they are children and I give them latitude. Seems it has become enough of an issue that both the bank and post office I go to now require a queue ticket in order to get serviced.


Although I will run into the odd rude person that even Thai’s get offended by, I’ve found that most of my queuing frustrations resulted by not understanding the rules of the game. I find that once part of a well established queue there are rarely any problems. It’s the situations where there is “queue ambiguity”, that are harder to deal with. I come from a naturally deferent culture so I’m used to the situation that when two people arrive at the end of a queue at a similar time, both people will have a split second pause and the one that recognizes that they came second will defer to the other. Over here that slight hesitation is a sign that you’ve given right away to the other, even if you were obviously there first.


If the OP wasn't a troll, it was along the all-to-familiar lines of "Why can't the rude and uncivilized Thais do things the way we do?" It would be more useful to forget the cultural superiority and just ask why Thais do things the way they do.

The tendency for queue-jumping was explained in the Bangkok Post Postbag by some crusty old Thai aristocrat many years ago. He said "Thais don't queue because they know who is supposed to go first." What he meant was that traditionally in a hierarchical society everyone defers to those of superior status. You can still see this in the way women and juniors will let seniors get out of an elevator or go through a door first.

But this has all got skewed with modern, urban living. People with higher status don't queue in post offices - they send their employees to do it. So what we end up with these days is a free-for-all in which no one defers to anyone because all are strangers. The same thing happens in traffic - everyone in the other cars is a stranger so the me-first ethic prevails. I don't think Thais see queues from the perspective that everyone is equal so they should all stick to their place in the queue.

When I know I might have to queue or wait I take my walkman and/or a book with me. If someone jumps the queue, I don't see it as an affront to my individual rights requiring a confrontational response. I just focus on having a pleasant day and think of the times Thais have allowed me to go first when I didn't arrive first.

Anyway, things are a lot better than they were 20 years ago. The messengers fighting to get to the front counter at the old Labour Dept under the Interior Ministry for work permit renewals was a real nightmare then. Ditto just about every government office, bank and post office.

How did you come to the conclusion that her education is limited? I think you made that decision by looking at her avatar.

Hmmm, let's see... could it perhaps be that it was what she wrote? Naw, that can't be it. I'm sure you're right and I'm wrong. :o

The POINT was that she slammed the OP and I did a bit of slamming back. Tit for tat... so to speak. :D


How did you come to the conclusion that her education is limited? I think you made that decision by looking at her avatar.

Hmmm, let's see... could it perhaps be that it was what she wrote? Naw, that can't be it. I'm sure you're right and I'm wrong. :o

The POINT was that she slammed the OP and I did a bit of slamming back. Tit for tat... so to speak. :D

Im always right. and yes you are wrong as she is educated :D


How did you come to the conclusion that her education is limited? I think you made that decision by looking at her avatar.

Hmmm, let's see... could it perhaps be that it was what she wrote? Naw, that can't be it. I'm sure you're right and I'm wrong. :o

The POINT was that she slammed the OP and I did a bit of slamming back. Tit for tat... so to speak. :D

Made your point. Move on.

On another somewhat related point, how many people also find it annoying when a store clerk will stop helping you so that he or she can answer a telephone call,

What I worry about more is when I catch the girl cutting my hair watching TV at the same time.

Theres a TV in almost every shop I enter in Thailand. :o


On another somewhat related point, how many people also find it annoying when a store clerk will stop helping you so that he or she can answer a telephone call,

What I worry about more is when I catch the girl cutting my hair watching TV at the same time.

Theres a TV in almost every shop I enter in Thailand. :D

Oh I heard there are TV in massage palours as well :D:o

As I said, Thais are rank amateurs when it comes to queue discourtesy. Actually never experienced this and am surprised to hear it.

One thing I always find amusing id going into department stores and seeing the counter staff sitting/kneeling/hiding behind clothes-racks, counters etc . . . applying their make-up, plucking their eye-brows, doing their hair . . . :o So, this is the trick when looking for assistance - check in these places.

In general I find Thais to be so much more pleasant than any form of Chinese, when it comes to courtesy.

I catch Thai women fixing their hair/makeup in the shine of my shoes.

The worlds a mirror for Thai women, their obsessed.

Worse than getting cut in on is standing behind someone for 5mins who then doesnt know what they want when they get to the cashier....this is a world wide issue.

G, Ive only been here a short time and I already know that for some bizzare reason nobody is allowed to disagree with or say anything contrary to BAMBINA.

you are wrong .

for The OP , im sorry ..i did not mean to be rude .. my point is..you should keep your RIGHT when somebody tries to take advantage from you.



I will apologize if I seemed a bit rude. It had just happened to me and I was upset. I also wasn't inteding to start a topic trashing Thais, I really wanted to know what others did about it. I agree that Thais are very friendly and polite... except as I said, regarding butting in, which happens to me and my girlfriend alot.

@Ozone... I can't speak for other countries because I have only really been to Thailand besides my own country... and this problem isn't rampant there.

@camerata... I never tried to bring in cultural superiority or anything else you said. I think common curtesy would be understood and followed by any society, at least in a country like this one.

@Bambina... I now understand what you are saying, but being an outsider in Thailand I am a bit reserved when it comes to creating confrontation with locales.


:D I wasn't gonna say anything, but well said BambinA. :D

What was so special about Bambina's semi-coherent drivel that makes you say that it was 'well said'? Is it her avatar? Her response is exactly what I would expect from someone with a limited education.

Oooo, I bet I'm going to get flamed for picking on one of the forum's Chosen Ones. I'm trembling. :o

There is a serious problem with many (not all) Thais when it comes to waiting their turn. I try to be sort of polite when it happens. I somethings get a rude retort in Thai. When that happens, I let 'em have both barrels... in Thai. I can

Can you imagine how much fun it would be if Disney built a theme park in Thailand? :D

I think that being a Thai , she had a right to get mad at a bunch of whinning " Oh im a victim of Thai people in there own country doing things that THEY do and not how I want Thailand to be " .

Maybe ( just maybe :D ) the point was , Stop being a doormat and stand up for yourself and tell the person in question to get to the end of the line , like everybody else. Complaining about it here tho , you will be seen as very brave and you will get alot of support .


Queue jumping would NEVER happen in London of course.[Hahahahahahahahahaha]I have been allowed to go to the front os queues in Thailand before[in a hurry for flights,feeling unwell etc.]and unlike London,a quiet word will not result in you getting your head kicked in or worse.


Personally I am happy to have left behind the following when I departed UK.

Terrible weather

Letter boxes

Long lines of people waiting to do something increadibly mundane.

Fat ugly women

Any how if I do find my self in such a predicament in Thailand waiting in line to do some thing boring,I will always happily give my place to:

Mothers with sreaming kids (obviously want to get stuff done and get out ASAP,and better on the ears)

Expectant Mothers with obvious bulge.

Old folk who dont wish to waste there remaining precious days queing.

As for any one else who tries a convienient fart normally does the trick :o

Personally I am happy to have left behind the following when I departed UK.

Terrible weather

Letter boxes

Long lines of people waiting to do something increadibly mundane.

Fat ugly women

Any how if I do find my self in such a predicament in Thailand waiting in line to do some thing boring,I will always happily give my place to:

Mothers with sreaming kids (obviously want to get stuff done and get out ASAP,and better on the ears)

Expectant Mothers with obvious bulge.

Old folk who dont wish to waste there remaining precious days queing.

As for any one else who tries a convienient fart normally does the trick :o

Very well said,sir.


How did you come to the conclusion that her education is limited? I think you made that decision by looking at her avatar.

Hmmm, let's see... could it perhaps be that it was what she wrote? Naw, that can't be it. I'm sure you're right and I'm wrong. :o

She is a Vet and English is her second langauge. How many langauges do you speak and speak well?

The POINT was that she slammed the OP and I did a bit of slamming back. Tit for tat... so to speak. :D

What are you his big sister? :D The OP slammed Thais, she is Thai, she slammed back. Where were you at? Answer me this TittyTat, why is your hat size and colon width the same? :D

I travelled India with a friend who used to pick up any Indian queue-jumpers and carry them to the end of the line.

In doing so, would he lose his spot? :o

... It is all annoying as heck, but to be honest if you do not stand up for yourself you are going to get walked over.

My old man told me one day that he has had enough and tends to stick his foot out at the right moment, not recommended but highly satisfying according to him.

Well said, :D

The Japanese seem to be the worst, especially queuing at ski lifts,

There is no other recourse than to get in their face when someone butts in front of you, :D

unless they convey a real sense of urgency, like a flight boarding in minutes, etc,

(or unless she's really cute :o )


ok, ok. I'll be the first one to take the bait!

Galong - Bambina is hardly 'someone with limited education'. Maybe you should check your facts before saying such nasty things about people you dont know.

But didn't BambinA slam the OP? She was nasty to the OP in my opinion. So why is striking back to her 'off base'?

The OP stated a very reasonable opinion and folks jumped on the flame wagon. This forum can get pretty darn silly at times. :o

G, Ive only been here a short time and I already know that for some bizzare reason nobody is allowed to disagree with or say anything contrary to BAMBINA.

Why I dont know, I guess people just like him for some reason.

That being said I think he's a vet , and that does recquire an education.

Queue jumping occurs everywhere try remembering the people that let you go first - what really disappoints me is I now find out Bambina is a he !!!


ok, ok. I'll be the first one to take the bait!

Galong - Bambina is hardly 'someone with limited education'. Maybe you should check your facts before saying such nasty things about people you dont know.

But didn't BambinA slam the OP? She was nasty to the OP in my opinion. So why is striking back to her 'off base'?

The OP stated a very reasonable opinion and folks jumped on the flame wagon. This forum can get pretty darn silly at times. :o

G, Ive only been here a short time and I already know that for some bizzare reason nobody is allowed to disagree with or say anything contrary to BAMBINA.

Why I dont know, I guess people just like him for some reason.

That being said I think he's a vet , and that does recquire an education.

Queue jumping occurs everywhere try remembering the people that let you go first - what really disappoints me is I now find out Bambina is a he !!!

Bambi is female :D

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