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Abhisit advises Somchai to stay patient


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Abhisit advises Somchai to stay patient


BANGKOK: -- Democrat party leader Abhisit Vejjajiva today told a commissioner to the Election Commission Somchai Srisuthiyakorn to exert patience when he strongly criticized the rude behavior of the redshirt supporters of the government.

Abhisit said that he felt uneasy as Mr Somchai is one of the five-member Election Commission who should be cautious in making expression of thoughts against any foe as it was inappropriate.

He said Mr Somchai could become a victim and also could be accused of siding with their rivals.

He said he has experiences in the past with them and therefore would like the commissioner to have patience.

Somchai posted on his Facebook page saying redshirt supporters of the government is a group of people who should not be associated with.

He said expressions of thoughts of people with different political ideologies came in many patterns.

Some are rational, some are emotional and some are rude, low and wild.

Since he is on Facebook, the expression of progovernment people and the red-shirts is the group of people which should never be associated with in the society.

“Let us mourn this group of people,” Somchai wrote.

Source: http://englishnews.thaipbs.or.th/abhisit-advises-somchai-stay-patient/

-- Thai PBS 2014-04-17

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Abhisit is right, though it will be interesting to see the number of people who criticize him just the same, just out of habit. When Yingluck chooses to address the courts through facebook it's similarly inappropriate. Having said that, there is no question that the Election Commission has come under a lot of pressure from both Pheu Thai and the UDD, and that is unacceptable, as well.

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yl has nothing but contempt for anyone not of her family, she thinks they are above the laws of the land and can do as they please. Somchai has every right to ridicule the reds behaviour and threats as they are not an elected group but a paid thasksin terrorist organization, he is defending the right of an appointed group to make decisions with threats and intimidation that the reds are constantly doing. If the ptp was a so called decent party they would be telling the reds to back off but instead they are sicking them onto everyone that refuses to abide by their doctrines, those that are finding them guilty and upholding the law and the truth of Thailand.

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Well done abhisit. Finally, something I agree with you on. Of course if the PTP had said anything it would have been met with a chorus of disapproval, still, credit where credit's due.

It also might help to convince certain people of just how "independent" these "independent" agencies are. This guy is in charge of organising the Election for deleted sake.

I agree. You're never going to get a group of people in a court or an independent body that have no political views but it's part of their job not to let that effect them. To suggest an entire group of people can be judged as all the same is stupid. That goes for all sides and also the suggestion that all judges and members of independent bodies are biased. People are different. I live among redshirts and they certainly aren't like the violent ones who are often seen on the media.

I personally think Abhisit has alot going for him it's those around him who are in a lot of cases suspect and that includes Suthep although he has done a good job of rallying people. He just needs to step back now and let someone less confrontational take over negotiations. A few have criticised Abhisit for not being born or educated in Thailand but in my opinion that's his strength if only he would use it.

I'm not sure the independent agencies or the courts are as biased as they're made out to be and after all it's down to the EC that the last government was in power in the first place. However there's a perception of bias in many people's eyes and these sort of comments don't help. This perceived bias needs to be dealt with or any wrongdoing by the PTP or any other party seen as on the other side from the courts can't be successfully brought to court as any negative result will be seen as corrupt.

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Election Commission Somchai Srisuthiyakorn to exert patience when he strongly criticized the rude behavior of the redshirt supporters of the government.

Yes, there is absolutely no need to stoop as low as some of the red shirts. This behavior by the red shirts has already tarnished their name and pushed them into the fringes of society and onto the much dreaded minority plateau where cheering terrorist attacks is not taboo, but encouraged. It would not bode well for the EC to share that same plateau where they could be perceived as biased. Though is it really biased when denouncing violence or intimidation perpetrated against the rule of law. According to the people that deliver that violence in the form of M79's and gun fire, then too right it is bad. Denouncing it is worse that committing it according to PTP logic.

The Honorable Ahbisit has a wise head on his shoulders with his refined Oxford and Eton education backing him up. He knows the PTP and the red shirts are their own worst enemy and no one else really needs to say anything because they will be their own downfall.

You don't need to say it Somchai. The majority already know it and have proven it through the failed 2014 election and the 3 polls that back that up which are not accepted because it does not suit the PTP agenda.

Edited by djjamie
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This public censoring of an EC member, from the leader of the opposing political party, is not appropriate.

Makes me feel like there's a game plan and Somchai just got his knuckles rapped by one of the Nuns.

Stay patient my silly, emotional child. This will all be over soon.

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Unfortunately no one in Thailand understands the meaning of neutral or how to keep their mouths shut just to appear so.

Abhisit said that he felt uneasy because Somchai is clearly expressing political bias and thats pretty dumb for a supposedly neutral entity like the EC... in other words shut up before you totally blow your cover....

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