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Thaksin wants everyone to forgive and forget


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I think Thaksin suffers from selective memory syndrom.Had Hitler lived he could have said "What War"

Thaksin - Hitler.

Do you have a seat near the window during your stay in class of history???

Megalomaniacs come in all sorts and colors and start as small time scum! What else would you like to know?

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Just look at his face in the picture. He has everything, and yet nothing. I almost pity him. Like a monkey with his fist in a jar, unwilling to let go to release himself.

Sent from my iPad using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

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Just look at his face in the picture. He has everything, and yet nothing. I almost pity him. Like a monkey with his fist in a jar, unwilling to let go to release himself.

Sent from my iPad using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

Nice analogy but I'm not sure I'd entirely agree he has nothing.

How many people do you know who live in the most luxurious city in the world, have more than they can ever spend, their own private jet, women on call (presumably), government officials on call (definitely) and in their spare time get to play politics in their homeland without having to put up with the irritation of insects, snakes, vermin and all the other Thai political low lifes. And the family can come to visit anytime YOU want.

Doesn't sound that bad to me. smile.png


Edited by bigbamboo
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Anyone remembers what Thaksin said in 2006? "IF I AM NOT HAPPY, THEN I WANT NOBODY IN THAILAND IS HAPPY" Well done with the UDD the United Front against democracy and for Dictatorship! That is the problem with this Country, loosing Face by not realizing that with every lie and faschist action they loose it all the time. Where Thaksin stands he has shown with the murder during the War against Drugs, with the murder in the south and with stealing shameless from the Financial covers, while claiming that he brought the Country back from the financial crisis. The biggest lie, the Country was brought back on his foot by Chuan Lekpai, and most of the Thais hate him for that because it was slow but accurate. As Thai - I want it now and not some time in the future and that is the problem of the Country. There is no reason, there is no humility, there is no common sense in this Country.

Should the UDD get it their way then this Country will become a second Cambodia during the Khmer Rouge years! And the other side does not have a viable solution either, both sides are full of hatred and contempt at each other.

The way it is looking now it is going to be a Civil war and maybe this is the only solution to get this Country out of the mess it is in it. It may be the wake up call needed for the Thais to understand that it makes no sense to be stucked with an Brain set like a 3 year old child, why I am saying that? Because this is the age where the Thais lose their Childhood.

The Seher vom Stein

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"the ex-premier who was currently staying alternately in China and Hong Kong"

Why, is there some problem with using Dubai, as his base, for managing his various business-interests ?

China would seem less-convenient due to distance, for Africa and the former-PM's mining-interests, than the Gulf ?

Just seems odd, is all.

Maybe his camel doesn't love him any more.

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Just look at his face in the picture. He has everything, and yet nothing. I almost pity him. Like a monkey with his fist in a jar, unwilling to let go to release himself.

Sent from my iPad using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

Nice analogy but I'm not sure I'd entirely agree he has nothing.

How many people do you know who live in the most luxurious city in the world, have more than they can ever spend, their own private jet, women on call (presumably), government officials on call (definitely) and in their spare time get to play politics in their homeland without having to put up with the irritation of insects, snakes, vermin and all the other Thai political low lifes. And the family can come to visit anytime YOU want.

Doesn't sound that bad to me. smile.png


To you and I it sounds amazing but consider this... Is he content? Happy with his lot? If he is why doesn't he just retire in luxury?

Sent from my iPad using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

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"the ex-premier who was currently staying alternately in China and Hong Kong"

Why, is there some problem with using Dubai, as his base, for managing his various business-interests ?

China would seem less-convenient due to distance, for Africa and the former-PM's mining-interests, than the Gulf ?

Just seems odd, is all.

Maybe his camel doesn't love him any more.

You mean that it 'has the hump' with him ? laugh.png

Lucky it's not a Baktrian camel, then (they have two humps) ! rolleyes.gif

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How could you forgive that trumped up self proclaimed peoples medium for the damage his dems have done to the people and the thai economy .

You guys really support an appointed reform committe hand picked and a hand picked pm by this mob of elitist thugs who deny the basic rite to vote.

Lucky you guys don't vote.Oh hang on that's right you support sutep the vote nazi!

No vote for you!

is it a basic rite to vote... or

is it a basic Right to vote...or

is it a basic write to vote....? or does Mr Wright have the right to vote...... But Mr Stuttering Parrot.. You cannot spell and therefore do not have the right to write about any type of rite .. whether you are rite or rong... so,back to the KY and tissues for your schoolboy English... whistling.gif

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<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

"the ex-premier who was currently staying alternately in China and Hong Kong"

Why, is there some problem with using Dubai, as his base, for managing his various business-interests ?

China would seem less-convenient due to distance, for Africa and the former-PM's mining-interests, than the Gulf ?

Just seems odd, is all.

Just speculating,but could it possibly be he is becoming persona non grata in Dubai,maybe due to the Thai court ruling last week with the Saudi's.Like they say "Blood is thicker than water".
Thaksin is not welcome in Dubai anymore starting 2014. Mid 2013 they told him he would have until the end of 2013 to leave Dubai. Reasons: he kept on interfering with Thai politics which they asked him numerous times not to do from Dubai. And the fact that he has enemies among muslim extremists. Dubai didn't want to be in the middle as a muslim country.

That's why he tried to pull the amnesty bill stunt at the end of the last year.

China also told him previously he cannot make political comment etc., out of China.

Edited by scorecard
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Will the paymasters' family forgive him if his little sister ends up in jail and ends up as an impeached / dismissed pm, etc?

Will his little sister forgive him for leading her into the situation she now faces, and especially is she gets jail / a massive fine / gets impeached etc., and she ends up in a situation where she is labeled for the rest of her life / has to keep a low profile for the rest of her life?

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"Forgive and Forget" cheesy.gif

Is he "having-a-laugh" ????


Hopefully he is having a monumental seizure after realising that the vast majority of the population either have now come to the conclusion that some of them were being taken for a ride, and the others knew that anyway.

Chew that rug.

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Just look at his face in the picture. He has everything, and yet nothing. I almost pity him. Like a monkey with his fist in a jar, unwilling to let go to release himself.

Sent from my iPad using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

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Thaskin seems to have been right for Thailand, and w/e his level of corruption, Thailand doesnt livein a vacuum, look around at the countries on its border and China. Thais were better off with him, as he was THEIR corrupt leader and respected in that part of the world.

The next 12-36 months in Thailand can be summed up in one ecomonic term,


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He keeps repeating the same mantra hallowed words again and again knowing that he's going to

be the most to gain out this act....

Yes please, forgive and forget and give me back my lost billions and erase my jail sentence

and all will be sugar and spice and all things nice....

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Thaksin wants everyone to forgive and forget.

In any case he should be asking forgiveness of the individual Thai people who suffered because of his actions, not asking members of the political sphere to do this forgiving process. Forgiveness is a very personal act, and can not be done by proxy or on a macro scale. For example I do not have the moral power, even if I wished, to forgive him for ordering extra-judicial executions of innocent unarmed citizens. Forgiveness would have to come from the grieving members of each individual family.

As for the "forget" part, I can honestly confirm that I look forward joyfully to the day I can entirely forget this miserable excuse for a human being.

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Thaksin wants everyone to forgive and forget.

In any case he should be asking forgiveness of the individual Thai people who suffered because of his actions, not asking members of the political sphere to do this forgiving process. Forgiveness is a very personal act, and can not be done by proxy or on a macro scale. For example I do not have the moral power, even if I wished, to forgive him for ordering extra-judicial executions of innocent unarmed citizens. Forgiveness would have to come from the grieving members of each individual family.

As for the "forget" part, I can honestly confirm that I look forward joyfully to the day I can entirely forget this miserable excuse for a human being.

Forgetting is the first step in history being repeated

Truth and reconciliation may work for Thailand but will Thanksin ever understand that truth is not what is convenient or useful to him.

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You see the democrat supporters on here just cannot and I repeat cannot bring themselves to say they want a vote,


Because they know what the result will.

Give both sides 3 months to get their houses in order and then let the people decide.

No you guys want an seem to want that tanned up peoples medium appoint himself and whoever he wants to run Thailand .

I tell you what with all your negative comments on thaksin I guarantee if he ran in the next election the PTP would win in a landslide not that they won't anyway!

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