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Spending the remainder of my life in Thailand.

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My girlfriend wants to get married. She's 35 years old so I'm sure her biological clock is ticking. She wants to have a child and a house. That's only normal.

Antidote: http://www.reddit.com/r/TheRedPill/

That website is for sad nerd bastards that have had their spirit broken by bitches. Women are like children. They will keep testing you until you cave in or you give them a slap and send them to their room. A woman's understanding of men is usually based on their father, so unless you're going to be Daddy and hand out a bit of corporal punishment now and then, you're going to end up playing Mommy.


Marrying a Thai girl you know well but to marry one you know little about sounds like an impending car crash. It seems to me you are seeking a fantasy. A fantasy exists in Thailand as long as you are paying. Forget rescuing the girls, forget thinking they value your company along with a passport. Not true, you are the moneytrain and if you continue that then you may only have to put up with a little moodiness, once the money stops then you are history.

I just played my guitar and stayed out of the way, when there was "moodiness"

Ovulation and its aftermath, one thing we forget about when we had wives pushing 50


I love how you guys talk sh*t on Thai girls. What about Western women? Do you think all is going to be great once you marry a money grubbing western girl?

Example: My buddy flipped houses in the 90's and early 2000's. He made a sh*t load of money. He decided to open a restaurant with his wife. The property alone was worth over a million dollars. The couple had 2 children. All was fine until she wanted to have more children. He was older so he didn't want a large family. She got pissed, and divorced his ass. She claimed that she was no longer in love with him. Next, she was out at the bars hitting on everybody and everything. She married someone new. She had 2 more children with her new husband. Meanwhile she sued her old husband and took 60% of his earnings, and got 50% of the restaurant when he sold it 2 years ago. The great thing is she contributed ZERO! He was the one that hustled and made the money.

I know a bit about Thai culture. My gf takes care of her mother. She sends her a little bit home every week. If we were to marry I would send her mother some money each week. Why not? I respect the fact that she takes care of her mother. Compare that to our western values. We just dump our old parents in nursing homes, or we just neglect them altogether.


I love how you guys talk sh*t on Thai girls. What about Western women? Do you think all is going to be great once you marry a money grubbing western girl?

Example: My buddy flipped houses in the 90's and early 2000's. He made a sh*t load of money. He decided to open a restaurant with his wife. The property alone was worth over a million dollars. The couple had 2 children. All was fine until she wanted to have more children. He was older so he didn't want a large family. She got pissed, and divorced his ass. She claimed that she was no longer in love with him. Next, she was out at the bars hitting on everybody and everything. She married someone new. She had 2 more children with her new husband. Meanwhile she sued her old husband and took 60% of his earnings, and got 50% of the restaurant when he sold it 2 years ago. The great thing is she contributed ZERO! He was the one that hustled and made the money.

I know a bit about Thai culture. My gf takes care of her mother. She sends her a little bit home every week. If we were to marry I would send her mother some money each week. Why not? I respect the fact that she takes care of her mother. Compare that to our western values. We just dump our old parents in nursing homes, or we just neglect them altogether.

you make no mention of your own parents?

and, whether you have children somewhere?

lets have a fair analysis


Whilst Thai women are the most wonderful on earth they are highly capable of manipulating situations. Beware

some manipulate a situation, and some go with the flow.

it isnt all necessarily nefarious, though


I love how you guys talk sh*t on Thai girls. What about Western women? Do you think all is going to be great once you marry a money grubbing western girl?

Example: My buddy flipped houses in the 90's and early 2000's. He made a sh*t load of money. He decided to open a restaurant with his wife. The property alone was worth over a million dollars. The couple had 2 children. All was fine until she wanted to have more children. He was older so he didn't want a large family. She got pissed, and divorced his ass. She claimed that she was no longer in love with him. Next, she was out at the bars hitting on everybody and everything. She married someone new. She had 2 more children with her new husband. Meanwhile she sued her old husband and took 60% of his earnings, and got 50% of the restaurant when he sold it 2 years ago. The great thing is she contributed ZERO! He was the one that hustled and made the money.

I know a bit about Thai culture. My gf takes care of her mother. She sends her a little bit home every week. If we were to marry I would send her mother some money each week. Why not? I respect the fact that she takes care of her mother. Compare that to our western values. We just dump our old parents in nursing homes, or we just neglect them altogether.

Why do you think we are in Thailand? Women can't do that here, unless you put your house in her name, DUUH! Western women are the worst, most of them don't enjoy sex or they have hang ups about it. They are also much more unfaithful than Thai women. I see my old school buddies when I return home and they are stuck with absolute pigs. No way they can get out without losing everything. They also look at least ten years older than me too. In my personal opinion most women are out for what they can get without working. Much easier to get married, have kids and be supported for the rest of their lives.


I love how you guys talk sh*t on Thai girls. What about Western women? Do you think all is going to be great once you marry a money grubbing western girl?

Example: My buddy flipped houses in the 90's and early 2000's. He made a sh*t load of money. He decided to open a restaurant with his wife. The property alone was worth over a million dollars. The couple had 2 children. All was fine until she wanted to have more children. He was older so he didn't want a large family. She got pissed, and divorced his ass. She claimed that she was no longer in love with him. Next, she was out at the bars hitting on everybody and everything. She married someone new. She had 2 more children with her new husband. Meanwhile she sued her old husband and took 60% of his earnings, and got 50% of the restaurant when he sold it 2 years ago. The great thing is she contributed ZERO! He was the one that hustled and made the money.

I know a bit about Thai culture. My gf takes care of her mother. She sends her a little bit home every week. If we were to marry I would send her mother some money each week. Why not? I respect the fact that she takes care of her mother. Compare that to our western values. We just dump our old parents in nursing homes, or we just neglect them altogether.

Why do you think we are in Thailand? Women can't do that here, unless you put your house in her name, DUUH! Western women are the worst, most of them don't enjoy sex or they have hang ups about it. They are also much more unfaithful than Thai women. I see my old school buddies when I return home and they are stuck with absolute pigs. No way they can get out without losing everything. They also look at least ten years older than me too. In my personal opinion most women are out for what they can get without working. Much easier to get married, have kids and be supported for the rest of their lives.


Will focus soley on rich women now,

will get back with progress report


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Having a mixed white baby is one of their dreams which is like a commodity so that they could walk aloof in their moo ban as if they were better than any other Thais who do not have white mixed baby. There are even many Thai women who want to sleep with white man just want to get pregnant and she does not care what the future would be. As long as she has a white mixed baby of her own that would satisfy her. I have some Thai woman whose broke up with their white man b/f but rather keep the baby for herself. They placed their white mixed child on the pedestal as if they were god children. Those children were raised with brainwashed hang up that they are beautiful and handsome from very young. Many of them are self-centered from being raised by a very typical Thainess mother.

I concur with this paragraph.

Trust you to agree with such a moronic assertion.

Just because your kids' mother is like that, doesn't mean all Thai women are like that.

I can see why some Westerners have this perception when they've spent so much time grubbing around with the detritus at the bottom of the socio-economic scale in Thailand but I'm sure that any one of those men capable of walking upright without dragging their knuckles on the ground realises this is just idle chatter and gossip right up there with "Oooh, my kid is gonna be a soap star and take care of me when I get old".

I don't understand guys who have to validate their posts by saying their chosen one wasn't a bargirl. A low wages economy such as Thailand along with the culture means that a girl doesn't have to be a bargirl in order to provide a service. I'd say good luck to all involved as long as they know the rules. Sadly many farang don't understand this. Baseline : Money number one, regardless of social statuus.

I'm not 'validating my post', I'm making the point that generalising about girls from any country is ridiculous. I don't understand guys who get into relationships with women that want them to support their extended family. Why don't they just walk away? Are they that desperate for company?

Yes, ITP . . . These guys are that desperate for company.


Western women are the worst, most of them don't enjoy sex or they have hang ups about it. They are also much more unfaithful than Thai women. I see my old school buddies when I return home and they are stuck with absolute pigs. No way they can get out without losing everything. They also look at least ten years older than me too. In my personal opinion most women are out for what they can get without working. Much easier to get married, have kids and be supported for the rest of their lives.

Maybe you're just crap in the sack, mate.

I swear to God, when so many Western men think like this fool, is it any wonder so many of them end up financially and emotionally eviscerated?

Nothing but pity for you, pal

Do you really think that men who aren't talented in bed deserve to be financially and emotionally eviscerated?

Speaking for the 99.5% of males who aren't talented at anything, I believe we need a fair chance at happiness too.

Isn't the whole concept of western law to protect the weak?

(meaning us needy, nerdy, wimpy males)

Or is everything designed for the benefit of the 1 in 1000 Alpha male, and predatory women?


Firstly I think you should "pay unto Caesar that which is Caesars" and I don't understand why or how the US can demand Taxes from it's victims citizens who work abroad.

But back to your situation, it sounds like you need a well paid job so that you can pay yet more Taxes and save a little for your retirement in Thailand. Now you will earn more in the US than working as a teacher than you will ever earn in Thailand, so it looks like you would be best off where you are.

I don't know how it works in the US, but in Australia they tax non-residents if they earn the income from an Australian entity. It's unconscionable as the person doesn't get the benefits of Australian services but they had to do it due to a loophole in which company directors would stay out of the country for 6 months in a particular year so they would not be a taxable resident, then the company would pay them an obscene salary that year (even borrowing to pay it), so the company would run a loss for that year. The director would not need to pay tax on this and in future years the company will claim the loss it made to pay the income as a tax deduction.


Western women are the worst, most of them don't enjoy sex or they have hang ups about it. They are also much more unfaithful than Thai women. I see my old school buddies when I return home and they are stuck with absolute pigs. No way they can get out without losing everything. They also look at least ten years older than me too. In my personal opinion most women are out for what they can get without working. Much easier to get married, have kids and be supported for the rest of their lives.

Most Western women don't enjoy sex???!!!! cheesy.gif

Maybe you're just crap in the sack, mate.

I swear to God, when so many Western men think like this fool, is it any wonder so many of them end up financially and emotionally eviscerated?

Nothing but pity for you, pal

Well maybe I come from a different generation than you but I've had great sex with Western women until we "settled down". Maybe what I am trying to say is Thai women are more sexually active and more uninhibited even after years of marriage. I guess you're a Brit and my experience of British girls is terrible. They seem to be more interested in black guys than white guys and isn't Ladbroke Grove an infamous place for street hookers?

  • Like 1
Most Western women don't enjoy sex???!!!! cheesy.gif

Maybe you're just crap in the sack, mate.

I swear to God, when so many Western men think like this fool, is it any wonder so many of them end up financially and emotionally eviscerated?

Nothing but pity for you, pal

I have been 60 years old in the West and I have been 60 years old in Thailand.

When I go out to dinner in the West with 4 young women everybody stares. When I go out to dinner in Thailand with 4 young women everybody smiles.

Since I'm older and wiser than you I imagine you want to know which place it is easier for an old guy to end up financially and emotionally eviscerated.

I'll tell you true. After dating 4 go go dancers from Miami and 4 go go dancers from Bangkok. I spent in one night in Miami what I spent for 4 years in Thailand.


I know Justin Beiber pays for it and you don't have to pay for it ....... I'm just saying...biggrin.png

  • Like 1

What does not make sense in your story is that when you went back to the US you were asked to pay taxes for 2013. Under the foreign earned income exclusion any income earned abroad (up to 90+K) if you qualify for the exclusion, is not taxed in the US. Anyway, individual income tax rates are almost as high in Korea as they are in The US. I thought California was in dire need for teachers, but you may need to learn Spanish first (more useful than Thai)

I didn't have to pay federal taxes. I was able to use the foreign income exclusion income abroad. I made under $90k

But this does not apply to New Jersey residents. Although I worked overseas I still need to pay NJ taxes, because it's the law. It sucks. I hate this damn place.

The median pay for a police officer is $90k. Superintendents make $130k The average tax rate on a family of four is $8k

We have a lot of middle class people who are leaving this state.

That's not completely correct either. Unlike federal tax, State tax is territorial and based on residential status. If you are no longer a citizen of NJ then you pay no tax. Residency is determined by a number of objective facts, which show whether or not you maintain any ties with the State, I.e., a home, family, etc....


Western women are the worst, most of them don't enjoy sex or they have hang ups about it. They are also much more unfaithful than Thai women. I see my old school buddies when I return home and they are stuck with absolute pigs. No way they can get out without losing everything. They also look at least ten years older than me too. In my personal opinion most women are out for what they can get without working. Much easier to get married, have kids and be supported for the rest of their lives.

Most Western women don't enjoy sex???!!!! cheesy.gif

Maybe you're just crap in the sack, mate.

I swear to God, when so many Western men think like this fool, is it any wonder so many of them end up financially and emotionally eviscerated?

Nothing but pity for you, pal

Well maybe I come from a different generation than you but I've had great sex with Western women until we "settled down". Maybe what I am trying to say is Thai women are more sexually active and more uninhibited even after years of marriage. I guess you're a Brit and my experience of British girls is terrible. They seem to be more interested in black guys than white guys and isn't Ladbroke Grove an infamous place for street hookers?

Have to agree with atf on this,once you settle down& have kids it's over sex wise for most blokes in the west,then they take your house car,buisness, and you still have to pay them,my Thai wife would never turn me down as they have a sense of duty to their husbands,which i have found most western women do not also they have far better skin,bodies etc,and why i ask is Ladbroke grove in Thailand if he is so enamored of western women.

  • Like 1

Western women are the worst, most of them don't enjoy sex or they have hang ups about it. They are also much more unfaithful than Thai women. I see my old school buddies when I return home and they are stuck with absolute pigs. No way they can get out without losing everything. They also look at least ten years older than me too. In my personal opinion most women are out for what they can get without working. Much easier to get married, have kids and be supported for the rest of their lives.

Most Western women don't enjoy sex???!!!! cheesy.gif

Maybe you're just crap in the sack, mate.

I swear to God, when so many Western men think like this fool, is it any wonder so many of them end up financially and emotionally eviscerated?

Nothing but pity for you, pal

Well maybe I come from a different generation than you but I've had great sex with Western women until we "settled down". Maybe what I am trying to say is Thai women are more sexually active and more uninhibited even after years of marriage. I guess you're a Brit and my experience of British girls is terrible. They seem to be more interested in black guys than white guys and isn't Ladbroke Grove an infamous place for street hookers?

Have to agree with atf on this,once you settle down& have kids it's over sex wise for most blokes in the west,then they take your house car,buisness, and you still have to pay them,my Thai wife would never turn me down as they have a sense of duty to their husbands,which i have found most western women do not also they have far better skin,bodies etc,and why i ask is Ladbroke grove in Thailand if he is so enamored of western women.

Excusez-moi his monika is Hardened Soul not Ladbroke Grove. I am sure we would all like to know how his soul became hardened.


Well maybe I come from a different generation than you but I've had great sex with Western women until we "settled down". Maybe what I am trying to say is Thai women are more sexually active and more uninhibited even after years of marriage. I guess you're a Brit and my experience of British girls is terrible. They seem to be more interested in black guys than white guys and isn't Ladbroke Grove an infamous place for street hookers?

Have to agree with atf on this,once you settle down& have kids it's over sex wise for most blokes in the west,then they take your house car,buisness, and you still have to pay them,my Thai wife would never turn me down as they have a sense of duty to their husbands,which i have found most western women do not also they have far better skin,bodies etc,and why i ask is Ladbroke grove in Thailand if he is so enamored of western women.

ATF - The generation you come from is irrelevant. I know plenty of married couples in their 40s who still go at it like rabbits even after 2/3 kids and 10 years of marriage. You just got a dud, mate. Are you seriously ignorant enough to believe that British girls are more interested in black guys than white guys? Where were you educated? More to the point, were you educated?

Ladbroke Grove infamous for street hookers? LOL. Ok, whatever laugh.png

marko kok prong - What do you mean your Thai wife "would never turn you down"?

That statement provides a vivid snapshot of your mentality and it suggests you regard sex as something that a woman/wife must provide her man with upon demand whether she feels like it or not.

It's about you and your pleasure/needs. How's that approach worked out for you in the past?

Men like you prefer Thailand because the deck is stacked in your favour here whether you're right or wrong, man or Neanderthal because your greater relative wealth ensures your partner's obedience; if that's what you need to assert your authority and secure your carnal releases, fine but don't slate Western women simply because they prefer not to be regarded like an on-demand sperm receptacle; you're just showing you can't handle spirited women.

Personally, I find that sex is infinitely more satisfying and rewarding when it's with a wife/GF/woman who's as into it as I am rather than performing out of some sense of obligation.

As for why I'm in Thailand, do you think that only guys who've lost with Western women come to Thailand?

Still, I can see why you two are here - personality really doesn't matter for a lot of Thai women.

  • Like 1
Most Western women don't enjoy sex???!!!! cheesy.gif

Maybe you're just crap in the sack, mate.

I swear to God, when so many Western men think like this fool, is it any wonder so many of them end up financially and emotionally eviscerated?

Nothing but pity for you, pal

I have been 60 years old in the West and I have been 60 years old in Thailand.

When I go out to dinner in the West with 4 young women everybody stares. When I go out to dinner in Thailand with 4 young women everybody smiles.

Since I'm older and wiser than you I imagine you want to know which place it is easier for an old guy to end up financially and emotionally eviscerated.

I'll tell you true. After dating 4 go go dancers from Miami and 4 go go dancers from Bangkok. I spent in one night in Miami what I spent for 4 years in Thailand.


I know Justin Beiber pays for it and you don't have to pay for it ....... I'm just saying...biggrin.png

Older? Maybe

Wiser? Evidently not. I mean, you think people are smiling with you when you're seen out with 4 young women when they're actually laughing at you.




, you have how many weeks invested in one girl?

I was in Thailand 6 weeks and I had already sampled 10 in 2 different cities, until deciding on one to spend more time with.

You havent even given yourself a look at the menu, and you are ordering the early bird without the dessert.

You will learn that girls over 30 in Thailand, are considered old, by Thai men, or at least thats what the 32 year old I lived with kept telling me,

and even though I told her I was not interested in having another child, she wasnt taking birth control as of the second week I was with her,

does that not ring any ALARM BELLS?? It did to me. She barely knew me, and wanted my child? Why, because it would be white?

You do not know you are even saying, much less, doing.

You will get a lot of advice here, but let me state this,

I am from NYC, and I live in S Florida now.

I spent 6 months in Thailand, and may go back, I may not go back, idk

It is not an easy place to adjust too,

It is hotter than you can imagine, even at night,

In order to truly live decently, you need every bit of $3,000 US a month. I was spending about $5,000, not because I am spoiled, but I wanted to live right, for me.

Yes, a lot of things are cheaper, but a lot of things arent

Taxes are a problem when you arent set up correctly, go find yourself a real tax lawyer and ask him to refer to you an accountant that can help you.

Going to Thailand without money, real money, is a real mistake.

Regarding the women,

its a crap shoot., some are great, some are greater than any US female you will ever know, in fact, most of them will be,

how's your luck at craps?

You need to live with the girl for a few months, before you consider marriage, which by the way, at 44, you are out of your mind

After 6 months, I had enough.

I looked for opportunity, but I didnt find any, and the likelihood of you finding your way around, in an environment not designed for the average american is a bad foundation, for anything, forget a child in Thailand, do not even think you can pull that off there,

there is a world of hurt awaiting you if you follow the path this girl is leading you down

and you clearly, are being led,

you do not stand a chance in Thailand,

go spend a few weeks in Chinatown, in the summer, and see if you like it

Thank you so much for your explanation

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Dear Hardened Soul,

How you have enlightened me. I now realize I've been doing it all wrong all these years. I should be a real man and show and share my emotions and listen carefully to my wives' outlook on life and period pains etc. Then do the washing up and ironing and clean the house. I always thought I should just make money and everything else would look after it's self, because no bloody woman can be depended on to make money and take care of the bills when the shit hits the fan.

I see you are on a one man crusade to enlighten us boys and girls in Thailand as to how to behave and spend our lives. Well feel free to go ahead, seen it all before. A Thai woman wants a strong man with money to take care of her and in return she will treat you like a king. Those are the rules of the house and if you don't like them go to a different casino.

Your touchy feely attitude will get you nowhere in Thailand. That's probably why you use the name Hardened Soul because you've been shafted so many times. I am puzzled why you are here if you like Western women so much. Or maybe it's because you can get free sex with them and they will listen to your BS and then dump you when they find you you can't financially support them either.

I suggest you go back to London with all the blacks, Pakistanis, Indians and other spongers who are definitely not welcome here. Thailand is one of the only countries in the World that will tell them to piss off. I Love Thailand!

  • Like 1

Dear Hardened Soul,

How you have enlightened me. I now realize I've been doing it all wrong all these years. I should be a real man and show and share my emotions and listen carefully to my wives' outlook on life and period pains etc. Then do the washing up and ironing and clean the house. I always thought I should just make money and everything else would look after it's self, because no bloody woman can be depended on to make money and take care of the bills when the shit hits the fan.

I see you are on a one man crusade to enlighten us boys and girls in Thailand as to how to behave and spend our lives. Well feel free to go ahead, seen it all before. A Thai woman wants a strong man with money to take care of her and in return she will treat you like a king. Those are the rules of the house and if you don't like them go to a different casino.

Your touchy feely attitude will get you nowhere in Thailand. That's probably why you use the name Hardened Soul because you've been shafted so many times. I am puzzled why you are here if you like Western women so much. Or maybe it's because you can get free sex with them and they will listen to your BS and then dump you when they find you you can't financially support them either.

I suggest you go back to London with all the blacks, Pakistanis, Indians and other spongers who are definitely not welcome here. Thailand is one of the only countries in the World that will tell them to piss off. I Love Thailand!

"No woman can be depended upon to make money and take care of the bills when the shit hits the fan"??? Really? All those women back home pulling down the bucks are part of some mirage then, right?

"I'm puzzled why you are here if you like Western women so much"??? Seriously? A man only comes here because he hates Western women, right?

Listen to yourself. Oh what an absolute JOY it must be for a woman to be with you, eh??

Oh and go easy with the racism, pal.

Even as a bigot you fail since you're here having sex with women who aren't part of the master race.

What would the Grand Wizard of your KKK chapter say, eh??

  • Like 1
Most Western women don't enjoy sex???!!!! cheesy.gif

Maybe you're just crap in the sack, mate.

I swear to God, when so many Western men think like this fool, is it any wonder so many of them end up financially and emotionally eviscerated?

Nothing but pity for you, pal

I have been 60 years old in the West and I have been 60 years old in Thailand.

When I go out to dinner in the West with 4 young women everybody stares. When I go out to dinner in Thailand with 4 young women everybody smiles.

Since I'm older and wiser than you I imagine you want to know which place it is easier for an old guy to end up financially and emotionally eviscerated.

I'll tell you true. After dating 4 go go dancers from Miami and 4 go go dancers from Bangkok. I spent in one night in Miami what I spent for 4 years in Thailand.


I know Justin Beiber pays for it and you don't have to pay for it ....... I'm just saying...biggrin.png

Older? Maybe

Wiser? Evidently not. I mean, you think people are smiling with you when you're seen out with 4 young women when they're actually laughing at you.

How would you know? I doubt we frequent the same places. biggrin.png


I suggest hardened soul change his name to hardened tw8t,as he is an obvious feminist i even suggest he is may be a western bull dyke posing as a male,or mad,his totally unwarranted attacks on both myself and atf,prove if he is neither of the above he is an absolute fool and what the hell is he doing on this forum,any man who is a feminist needs his head looked at,maybe he likes to wear a little apron and go around scrubbing things,Atf i would like to hear your thoughts on this,as he has launched scandalous attacks on both of us

Unwarranted attacks??

Pointing out that a statement like "Most Western women don't enjoy sex" was an idiotic thing to say constituted an attack did it?

A feminist? Because I prefer not to treat a woman like a hole on legs there for my sexual gratification upon demand?


no woman in a real relationshp approaches sex from a subservient, or obeident on demand act.

to suggest so, doesnt say a lot about the woman, and everything about whoever trained her to do that.

I would find it very boring, vey fast, if she wasn't into it,

that said, any man who doesnt know the difference, probably also, doesnt really care,

not everyone is the same, and degenerating a thread to try to bring forth a cause, makes no sense, especially at midnight.

At least I have an excuse, its raining and 1pm here and I dont have a kitten in bed with me at the moment


You could earn 100k baht in Bangkok quite easily teaching English with your experience. Your wife could work too.

Alternatively take her to NJ and you'll both be miserable and overworked and cold.

Work your ass off and have little time with your kids who will grow up to be exposed to drugs and guns.

What if you die at 60?


I can see why the OP wants to leave NJ

but perhaps, breaking down all the life issues he is confronting, and focusing on ONE, would do him wonders.

he has too many plates spinning in the air, demanding to be resolved all at once.

If he can make 100,000 Baht a month, teaching in Bangkok and can live well, and isnt being suckered in by love,

then I would go to bangkok and give it a try.

He is leaving nothing behind.

Not sure why he has to tie the girl in to it all though,although,

it is already too late

he may not realize what an energy drain just physically being in thailand is, especially with the increasing heat and drought,

before he meets the ultimate energy drainer,

a female with no resources

he is single with nothing to lose,

perhaps, the best time to take the jump.

I changed my mind OP,

if you can get a gig at 100,000 baht a month,

and others here can maybe help you,

then you may be unrealizing your own dream by not attempting it, or at least capturing the resource you tapped in to here, and finding that job,

thereby making us all proud,

then, you have to come back and tell us how successful your relationship was, and how you fared on the job search,

fair deal?


it's also "stages" of life

At 54, I have more options now than I did at 34 with two kids and a wife

its all relative,

Thailand is not offering more than places like Costa Rica and Panama, and with better weather.

its also a lot easier to get here from Fort Lauderdale, than it is Thailand.

Although I fly 1st class, and it mitigates in large part the long flight. I cannot see myself motivated to return, no matter how warm the soap,

and she is very warm, sometimes!

I am becoming more convinced that this hemisphere is more suited to my desiires in life, and the Atlantic Ocean, for now, the better of the two.

I will see Panama shortly, according to a friend who wants me there,

this is the project they are building

Very nice project. I wish you luck. You're welcome in Thailand anytime. PM me if you're coming. Understand where you are we are both around the same age. But when I first came to Thailand there was hardly anything here and it was full of Vietnam Vets who had burned their passports. It was actually great. Still love the place but I do like to travel too, but Thailand will probably always be my home.

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