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Thai-born British citizen accused of lese majeste by her own parents

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A post containing links from Chatwadee Amornpat on Facebook page has been removed as well as a reply. I don't think we need content posted on her Facebook posted here.

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If found guilty for disrespect, I hope she go to jail to the limit of the punishment. 5 years for every disrespect. That will be good for her. Thailand do not have such disrespectful people. We all love the king more than our parents. Don't believe me, just ask anything Thai you know.

You have no idea how silly you look in the eyes of westerners. You have such a lot to learn about mature democratic behaviour.


The whole concept of "Lese majeste" is medieval and should be outlawed itself.

Talk about a double-bind.

He added, "I want people to understand that just because a daughter is doing something wrong, it doesn't mean the parents are also guilty, because we don't condone such actions."

What a cowardly father - more interested in clearing his own name and saving face than loving his own daughter.

Pathetic little Thai man.


What the parents haven't realised is we have freedom of speech in Blighty. The North Koreans were surprised to find this out the other day at a west London Barbers Shop (link won't post but it was in the independent)

Sent from my iPhone using ThaiVisa app


To each his/her own. Personally I can't think of anything my son or daughter could do that would cause me to turn against them. If I did not like something they did I would condem their actions but they are still my flesh and blood. There are other ways of dealing with this situation in the OP than what the parents did.


Means Ms. Chatnapee doesn't send enough money to these people, who are unfortunately her parents. You can't choose your relatives and your family, this is either of biggest problem of human.


Throwing their own daughter under a bus to save face is the lowest form of selfishness.

They asked the daughter to stop making derogatory comments against the King...so that her Thai family would not be harassed by other Thais...possibly even threats of bodily harm...the parents took the initiative to distance themselves from a daughter who no longer shows consideration for the Thai family...the parents are not being selfish...the daughter is...


"I want people to understand that just because a daughter is doing something wrong, it doesn't mean the parents are also guilty..."

On the other hand, I am sure the daughter would like the people to understand that just because they are her parents, it doesnt mean they arent idiots!


He and Ms. Somchintra decided to press charges against their daughter after she started publishing critical remarks of the monarchy on the internet, which has brought waves of condemnation and intimidation towards their family in recent months.

Ah, face, face... so powerful it can turn parents against their own children.


the parents could have been more or less forced by the police to do this, or maybe not. whatever the case the irony is that this law is giving the other opinion a lot of free publicity


He and Ms. Somchintra decided to press charges against their daughter after she started publishing critical remarks of the monarchy on the internet, which has brought waves of condemnation and intimidation towards their family in recent months.

Ah, face, face... so powerful it can turn parents against their own children.

It's not about face. This woman has recklessly implicated her family in criminal matters. She has also implicated her Facebook Friends still living in Thailand. They are going to be in big trouble, merely for the fact that they are part of her FB feed and response. Technically, they are helping spread words and images that violate Thai law. This woman is incredibly selfish.


If found guilty for disrespect, I hope she go to jail to the limit of the punishment. 5 years for every disrespect. That will be good for her. Thailand do not have such disrespectful people. We all love the king more than our parents. Don't believe me, just ask anything Thai you know.

Thankfully (although, perhaps, a little unbelievably), you do have the right to love your king more than your own parents - what you should not have (and do not have) is the right to impose your ridiculous restrictions on free speech to citizens residing in other sovereign countries.......................

I suggest that if you have not already done so, is to view that woman`s facebook page. A lot of it is absolutely obscene and shocking.

As I have said many times on here in the past, there is a world of difference between what could be regarded as freedom of speech and outright provocation and abuse. Problem is that many people cannot differentiate between the two unless it becomes personal to them and they are on the receiving end of it.

As I mentioned in my previous post, I believe this woman is a front for some hard line possibly ultra right or even ultra left wing extremist group. She and whoever else associated with her are using the social media and Britain as a base to publish this bad propaganda against Thailand from what they consider as a safe distance, or in other words, look at me; I can throw stones at you but you can`t defend yourself and hit me back.

If you read a lot of the Thai bashing by some posters on these threads plus from others using the media as a tool to denigrate Thailand, then it becomes obvious that the country has many enemies.


I very much doubt she gives a toss, she is a British Citizen, living in a country that allows freedom of speech. She's not likely to return here anytime soon.

Freedom when it is against the Thai Monarchy. If it is against UK or USA than there isn't that much freedom....see the Snowden situation where they threatened the newspapers

Have a look at some of the stuff that gets said about the British Monarchy, British Politicians etc....would never be allowed here.

Literally true. Because the Thai law also covers other monarchies around the world.

Look out, all those British comedians and satirists from Spitting Images onwards who ridicule the British royal family, especially those who make sex jokes about the queen, Charles, Wills, etc etc on prime time TV -- the Thai justice system is coming to get you. My policy is never to discuss the Thai monarchy with Thais, but simply to point out how the British royals are treated by their own people with complete legality. Most Thais simply don't believe me. Their mindset is such that they cannot imagine such things being possible and therefore they think I'm lying.


More likely she stopped sending money home some time ago and the parents are looking to get back at her

You are a silly man, and inexperienced as well. You think people including Thai people would accept payment to be connected with lese majeste writing? Please put on the coned cap and move to the corner. You really should not be commenting on the serious and seriously sad situation this family is in.

Mostly, the parents are looking to save themselves from ridicule and peer-punishment. This is a way to send a message to the community that, "We have no responsibility for what she says". It is similar to the comedian Koh Tee, who had to go to huge lengths to disassociate himself from Ko Tee the red shirt. There are physical, financial and social penalties for anyone involved in an obvious lese majeste offence - parents, siblings, children, aunts and uncles, anyone sharing the family name, on and on. All the penalties, physical and mental, are serious and probably life-lasting.

Tell us, Mr Yapoon, how much you would need monthly from this British lady to accept all of this.

In addition, at the very least, these parents have served *_official_* notice via the police-log entry that they claim to have no link to their daughter's political rants. This in case some detective work by the sort of zealous lawn forcement officer TV posters always are hoping to see. I can tell you for certain fact that being a suspect or suspected accessory in a lese majeste investigation is an experience no one wants to be hired for.

Look out, all those British comedians and satirists from Spitting Images onwards who ridicule the British royal family, especially those who make sex jokes about the queen, Charles, Wills, etc etc on prime time TV -- the Thai justice system is coming to get you. My policy is never to discuss the Thai monarchy with Thais, but simply to point out how the British royals are treated by their own people with complete legality. Most Thais simply don't believe me. Their mindset is such that they cannot imagine such things being possible and therefore they think I'm lying.

Interesting. I personally have never met a Thai teen or adult that ignorant, not one.

Where do you figure all the demonstrations and petitions and the like against Article 112 and against the Computer Crimes Act are coming from then, if not "most Thais"?

[snip ... snip ] They are going to be in big trouble, merely for the fact that they are part of her FB feed and response. Technically, they are helping spread words and images that violate Thai law. This woman is incredibly selfish.

Yes, the way she has conducted herself is not worth any type of admiration at all. "Selfish" is quite a good word, I think. She has rights, of course, but she also has friends, "friends" and family. She has not considered that her right to rant stops just before her fist connects with others' noses. I suspect she has not considered either karma or payback possibilities since all this "I have rights, you know" works in all directions.
I think it needs stressing just how sad a situation this is, a situation where parents pretty well have to turn on their child. And there's blame on her for sure, but there is other blame as well. There are probably, oh, at least 112 other blames.



If found guilty for disrespect, I hope she go to jail to the limit of the punishment. 5 years for every disrespect. That will be good for her. Thailand do not have such disrespectful people. We all love the king more than our parents. Don't believe me, just ask anything Thai you know.

then why are these laws necessary ?


He and Ms. Somchintra decided to press charges against their daughter after she started publishing critical remarks of the monarchy on the internet, which has brought waves of condemnation and intimidation towards their family in recent months.

Ah, face, face... so powerful it can turn parents against their own children.

It's not about face. This woman has recklessly implicated her family in criminal matters. She has also implicated her Facebook Friends still living in Thailand. They are going to be in big trouble, merely for the fact that they are part of her FB feed and response. Technically, they are helping spread words and images that violate Thai law. This woman is incredibly selfish.

It's always about face. But you're right about the rest, no denying that.


He and Ms. Somchintra decided to press charges against their daughter after she started publishing critical remarks of the monarchy on the internet, which has brought waves of condemnation and intimidation towards their family in recent months.

Ah, face, face... so powerful it can turn parents against their own children.

It's not about face. This woman has recklessly implicated her family in criminal matters. She has also implicated her Facebook Friends still living in Thailand. They are going to be in big trouble, merely for the fact that they are part of her FB feed and response. Technically, they are helping spread words and images that violate Thai law. This woman is incredibly selfish.

It's always about face. But you're right about the rest, no denying that.

according to suriya4 she wont have any friends here.


Her parents are getting attacked from people in Thailand, due to her actions. basically the parents are protecting themselves. we dont know what threats they have had against them but im pretty sure its ugly. some of these people can get fanatical. sad all round

If this is true this is your best post ever. Not that it took much to beat your usual postings.

But it is logical if the parents are under threat for them to do this as a shield.

Oh really?

The daughter uttered the words, or wrote them.

Not the parents.

By god, the daughter is 34, not a small child any more!

So to save face they offer their daughter?


In my view they maybe gain face in the Thai way, but it is a completely dishonourable thing to do.

But that is the difference between "face" and honour, something many Thai people do not understand.


Throwing their own daughter under a bus to save face is the lowest form of selfishness.

You mean it will be looked up to with the same reverence that locals hold for corruption?


They need Thai Spitting Image over here on TV for a few years instead of all these crap violent screaming murdering soaps this might help the locals to Chill out a little more humour doesn’t need to be vindictive or insulting and the UK queen Elizabeth used to watch Spitting Image and have a chuckle she said she liked Charles puppet was her favourite.

Thais don't get irony, (bells and slide whistles are their thing :D) But neither do Americans, that's why despite their having purloined some UK comedy series, they've had to change them to suit a US audience. The Office? I digress, I much prefer most US tv drama series. Brit drama? Bleh.


If found guilty for disrespect, I hope she go to jail to the limit of the punishment. 5 years for every disrespect. That will be good for her. Thailand do not have such disrespectful people. We all love the king more than our parents. Don't believe me, just ask anything Thai you know.

Thankfully (although, perhaps, a little unbelievably), you do have the right to love your king more than your own parents - what you should not have (and do not have) is the right to impose your ridiculous restrictions on free speech to citizens residing in other sovereign countries.......................

I suggest that if you have not already done so, is to view that woman`s facebook page.

As I have said many times on here in the past, there is a world of difference between what could be regarded as freedom of speech and outright provocation and abuse. Problem is that many people cannot differentiate between the two unless it becomes personal to them and they are on the receiving end of it.

As I mentioned in my previous post, I believe this woman is a front for some hard line possibly ultra right wing extremist group. She and whoever else associated with her are using the social media and Britain as a base to publish this bad propaganda against Thailand from what they consider as a safe distance, or in other words, look at me; I can throw stones at you but you can`t defend yourself and hit me back.

If you read a lot of the Thai bashing by some posters on these threads plus from others using the media as a tool to denigrate Thailand, then it becomes obvious that the country as many enemies.

You ever watched the UK series "Spitting Image" from a zillion years ago. Tune in to a few episodes.............thumbsup.gif

Yes I did and even at the time I thought a lot of it was well over the top.

It is no wonder why the word respect has almost been eradicated from Western so-called culture. As anyone even heard of Mary Whitehouse and her views about a degenerating society, especially via the influences of the media? She was right.

Contrary to popular belief, having some sorts of dictatorships and controls in respect of laws and how one should behave in a civilised society is not always a bad thing, even beneficial in many cases, for example like in many areas of the UK where thugs take over areas as their own and people are afraid to confront them due to the soft laws that often work in favour of the lawless that can run amok and becomes a huge social problem.


Can't wait to see Thailand request UK for extradiction for her committing a crime of lese majeste for this UK citizen. You know that will fan even more lese majeste comments globally. Best Thailand let this matter fade away.


Oh my god. What an unholy mess that is. She will never come back to Thailand now.

These laws have to be changed.

there goes any money the parents

may have got

Marcusd. Via tapatalk


Thai King is one of the few people remaining in public eye here worthy of respect

But this law for me, have never liked it, feel its anachronistic, repressive and used too much as said in the article to bully people politicians don't like. Think even the royal family wouldn't be upset to see it removed from the statute books one day. They know how it can and has been abused

Used by families though is laughable, especially so as she is a UK citizen now and doesn't live in Thailand and most probably never will

Waste of police time


This censorship is absolute rubbish... I know how much most people love the monarchy and the King. Isn't that enough? Those few who for some reason have something against the family should be able to speak freely. But I guess I'm just dreaming again...

In Sweden we have monarchy. Thailand wouldn't believe their ears if they knew what our newspapers likes to write about our Nai Luang.

That being said, all respect to his majesty for being one of the best role models this nation has ever faced.

And Britts would certainly all be shocked and scandalized if they knew what French Canadians (Quebecers) think and say about the Queen of England and the Royal Family.


The whole concept of "Lese majeste" is medieval and should be outlawed itself.

We could have a debate about that, except that you seem quite unfit for that.

Lese majeste laws exist worldwide, and there is a reason for them. The reason is that unlike me and thee, a head of state (including a monarch) and his/her family do not have access to the normal libel/slander/defamation laws, and that an extraordinary law should protect them. NO country with lese majeste laws among the many countries accepts that the law is medieval or has any important movement to abolish it.

Many laws are abused all over the world, and there can be no doubt that some people abuse lese majeste laws in Thailand. So is the criminal defamation law abused. Two journalists in Phuket attest to that right this week.

But the argument against legal abuse is not to delete the law; it is to amend it where necessary and enforce it properly, fairly and equally. BY LAW the Thai monarch does not have recourse to the standard protection against defamation, so there is a law - as in dozens of other countries - to account for that. In the United States, the world's leader in free speech, there are special laws protecting both the status and work of the head of state. Suggesting they just be thrown out is ridiculous.

It will be a great day when both the Thai head of state and his subjects have similar protection under well-written and properly, equally enforced laws. You don't sound rational when you write that the law should be totally abandoned.


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