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Civil servants slam CAPO for 'intimidating' officials

Lite Beer

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12 groups of what ?

we had a "network" of 3 "prominent academics" in a previous article a few weeks that went along pretty much exactly the same lines.

a few yellow shirts make up a name for their "group" that sounds official, they make a formal statement, release to their propaganda outlets for publishing. im going to assume the minumum number unless these dodgy nation journalists provide clearer details about their propaganda sources.

wake up, its propaganda pure and simple, gift wrapped with a bright yellow ribbon for the gullible.

Yellow Shirts? .. from beneath what kind of mushroom have you recently crawled?

A committee member demonstrates his disagreement with the committee and he's publicly hung-out to dry. If a committee was formed for all members to follow their appointed leader with a 'YES', then that wouldn't be a committee, just another form of dictatorship justified with the statement: ''But we won the election".

This entire situation has gone way beyond Yellow v Red. Ever since the 4:30am attempt to railroad the Amnesty Bill through the House, the anti-government movement has grown far beyond it's colourful roots. The tipping point for PTP probably came when the UDD supporters celebrated the murder of innocent children from that now infamous rally stage in Korat. Since that time, free thinking people, from all sectors of society and all regions of the Kingdom, have started to question the truth and fear for their future. In order to avoid conflict and local repercussions, I suspect that many will remain silent. But, given a new election, something that I personally feel should be allowed and unobstructed, I firmly believe that enough former PTP supporters, like myself (though of course I never had nor ever will have the opportunity to vote here in Thailand), while probably not voting Democrat, would probably vote NO or Abstain.

PTP are retreating, but I hope that the earth left behind them remains viable for the future generations.

Just a minor correction, those cheering at the murders were not just Red Shirt supporters, that was a meeting of Red Shirt local leaders.

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12 groups of what ?

we had a "network" of 3 "prominent academics" in a previous article a few weeks that went along pretty much exactly the same lines.

a few yellow shirts make up a name for their "group" that sounds official, they make a formal statement, release to their propaganda outlets for publishing. im going to assume the minumum number unless these dodgy nation journalists provide clearer details about their propaganda sources.

wake up, its propaganda pure and simple, gift wrapped with a bright yellow ribbon for the gullible.

Yellow Shirts? .. from beneath what kind of mushroom have you recently crawled?

A committee member demonstrates his disagreement with the committee and he's publicly hung-out to dry. If a committee was formed for all members to follow their appointed leader with a 'YES', then that wouldn't be a committee, just another form of dictatorship justified with the statement: ''But we won the election".

This entire situation has gone way beyond Yellow v Red. Ever since the 4:30am attempt to railroad the Amnesty Bill through the House, the anti-government movement has grown far beyond it's colourful roots. The tipping point for PTP probably came when the UDD supporters celebrated the murder of innocent children from that now infamous rally stage in Korat. Since that time, free thinking people, from all sectors of society and all regions of the Kingdom, have started to question the truth and fear for their future. In order to avoid conflict and local repercussions, I suspect that many will remain silent. But, given a new election, something that I personally feel should be allowed and unobstructed, I firmly believe that enough former PTP supporters, like myself (though of course I never had nor ever will have the opportunity to vote here in Thailand), while probably not voting Democrat, would probably vote NO or Abstain.

PTP are retreating, but I hope that the earth left behind them remains viable for the future generations.

Just a minor correction, those cheering at the murders were not just Red Shirt supporters, that was a meeting of Red Shirt local leaders.

And another, including ex PT MP's

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I just tried going to CAPO website and got this message:

Sorry for any inconvenience.
The page you are trying to visit has been blocked by the Ministry of Information and Communication Technology.

Here you have one government agency suppressing another government agency. Looks like a vivid example of a divided government.

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PTP keeps adding to the list of those that it wants to fight with - not a smart move unless you like to portray yourself as a victim

I've quite often referred to Thaksin as a classic sociopath. Indeed it is interesting to note that PTP, as you say, frequently portrays itself as a victim. This is a classic trait of sociopathic behaviour. This may indeicate who is pulling the puppet strings or that many of those (Chalerm etc) are just aping their master.

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who are these civil servents ? just 12 bias yellow shirts with a political agenda to push, make up a name for their new group ie "Network of Civil Servents" rolleyes.gif , make a statement, release to the press, and their propaganda outlets like The Nation newspaper do the rest.

usual yellow shirt tactics.... does anyone actually listen to them anymore , i think its more a case of in one ear and out the other.

they yellow shirts = PAD are a very minor player these days.

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who are these civil servents ? just 12 bias yellow shirts with a political agenda to push, make up a name for their new group ie "Network of Civil Servents" rolleyes.gif , make a statement, release to the press, and their propaganda outlets like The Nation newspaper do the rest.

usual yellow shirt tactics.... does anyone actually listen to them anymore , i think its more a case of in one ear and out the other.

Wipe your chin, you're dribbling.

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Just for a minute imagine the government is a Democtrat administration led by Suthep and the leader of the PTP opposition party seeking to overthrow the government has a public, one-on-one meeting with the Justice Minister who embraces the PTP leader's visit and sits down with him to discuss his government reforms.And this meeting happens after Democrat PM directs its ministers to show solidarity for the Democrat regime and not to meet with the opposition party at least before discussing the idea of such a meeting with Suthep first. You think Suthep would sit idly by and congradulate his Minister for being so open and rebellious? The Minister would be lucky if he was thrown in jail for sedition. Worse case scenario is that a bridge will be named after him where he gets thrown off it, hands tied, and a whistle tied around his neck.

Imagine for a moment that Suthep tells all his followers to burn down buildings and be generally violent and stupid all in the name of a convicted fugitive rich man living abroad - THEN I WOULD HATE HIM AND THEM AS MUCH AS I HATE PT, THAKSIN, RED SHIRTS, and all the other related detritus.....Thank god Suthep is nowhere near that stupid !

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Please ThaiVisa.com

Can you not ban members who continually write crap, and made doing so they only thing they do on a daily basis.

I would like to nominate Moonao and FryslanBobbe to be on top of the list....

The problem is if that happens they will just sign up again with a different name and different email address as they and many others have done so before....Even when their bs has been recognized and people cotton on to who they were / are, they are still allowed to stay. Sad but true.

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