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Going through hell for leather: Thailand's dog meat trade

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Let's start a campaign to eat all the soi dogs in Thailand. Just think how much tidier and safer it would.

With all the dogs running loose in our village the place could be fed for a month if these wild things were eaten. But they just keep breeding and breeding.

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The real problem in Thailand are the numerous soi dogs, dangerous, because they can transmit a lot of deseases, like for example rabies. And also very dirty, dog shit everywhere. As long as the soi dog problem is not resolved, the export of live dogs and killed dogs will go on.

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The real problem in Thailand are the numerous soi dogs, dangerous, because they can transmit a lot of deseases, like for example rabies. And also very dirty, dog shit everywhere. As long as the soi dog problem is not resolved, the export of live dogs and killed dogs will go on.

In a bizarre way, just consider that they would be collected and euthenased in the west in their thousands.

This is one strange part of Thai culture that I still can't grasp. They allow animals to live in filth and squalor but will continue to feed them instead of housing them.

It is all.round squalid.


12-14 dogs in my soi of 8 homes. No, they are not wild but are kept in or near fenced homes. One barks and they all bark (they are going right now). Since they are outside, they are liable to go off at any time of the day or night. "Owners" don't seem to care and the neighbors will not do anything to take the situation in hand.

These would be great candidates for the factory.

You might consider doing what I did. At 2am the neighbor's dogs had been barking for an hour. I walked over to his house, woke him up and asked him in a nice way if he could stop the dogs from barking. He was all apologetic. I then told him every time his dogs wake me up at night I'm waking him up. They still bark some at night but not for long.

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meat is meat....

humans are also meat so same same..still doesnt make it right to torture dogs soi or otherwise..discusting people ...

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In Australia we kill kangaroos and eat kangaroo meat, it is sold in our major supermarkets for human and animal consumption. Some people will no doubt think that is cruel.

I would never eat dog meat though and couldn't think of anything worse. Having said that I do not like soi dogs. I was bitten once on my way home and I had to have a series of rabies shots at the cost of 3,000 baht to myself, not a nice experience.

What we need in Thailand is better dog control and more on the ground intervention by council officers to get these animals off the street. Fine the owners and round up unwanted dogs.

As for the dog meat/skin trade, I think it terrible and the laws should be seriously enforced. Mind you I might be a bit hypocritical as I have eaten kangaroo steak.


Of the traded dogs, what percentage are pets. As sad as it is, this whole industry survived because there is no control of street dogs.

If you bothered reading the article, you would know that the scum in this trade prefer to steal pets as they are in better shape and easier to deal with as more tame. Anyone involved in this savagery should burn in hell.

You think it is easier (and safer) for them to break into homes and people's property to steal dogs than luring one off the street with a treat? If somebody's dog regularly runs lose on the street then they pretty much are a Soi Dog. Somehow I think not too many people will know the difference between the meat. Most Soi dogs are pretty timid as that is how they get food.


They don't have to break into anyone's house. I live in downtown Chiang Mai and there are lots of pet dogs wondering around. They do not bother anyone and are basically neighborhood pets as everyone feeds them. Only the worst scum would murder these animals for profit.

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I wonder if those red hairy hot dogs are made out of dog meat. It's funny, but the stray dogs will not eat then either. I keep tossing then to the stray dogs they walk up sniff and walk away. In America hotdogs are gulped down by dogs.


Several years ago when I was teaching English to pharmacy students I suggested that perhaps one of them could compound a powder that would act as birth control and mild tranquilizer for soi dogs. Just a bit sprinkled on food put out for the dogs would work wonders. Regrettably no pharmacist has yet come up with such a magic potion. It is still probably a great idea and anyone who can compound such a medication could make a fortune just by advertising on TV.


for my part, they can pick up legally every soi dog in thailand and either eat them or make leather stuff out of them

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'But they're so tender and tasty..' Heh. :) I laughed numerous times reading this - which is unfortunate because it is sad.

Everybody mentioned herein seems to be doing a really crappy job. The dog poachers obviously have never been to my neighborhood. The Soi Doggy Foundry obviously spends more time collecting money and acting an impotent mouthpiece rather than actually doing anything. Hell, I think I have come closer to cutting the balls off a soi dog than they have....

What is Soi Doggy's MO? Feed the dogs so they don't suffer? Um, you're not helping...

And the poachers! Jeez! Is there anumber I can call to alert them to fertile hunting grounds? And hey - if you're having a hard time running 'Lassie' on the oft used overland route, have you considered transporting them by maritime routes?


As numerous posters have pointed out, we just revile chowing down on Ol' Yellar' because of cultrual ideals (usually western). AND I'd rather eat dog than rat; unfortunately I can say with certainty that with all my years in Asia I have probably eaten both, and most of you have too! ;)


Of the traded dogs, what percentage are pets. As sad as it is, this whole industry survived because there is no control of street dogs.

If you bothered reading the article, you would know that the scum in this trade prefer to steal pets as they are in better shape and easier to deal with as more tame. Anyone involved in this savagery should burn in hell.

That's all very emotionally put. How many pet dogs are there in Thailand versus street dogs.

My experience is at least 10 times as many street dogs versus pets. So, since this trade is probably in the 10s Of thousands per month, I doubt any more than 5% are pets.

So. Clean up the street dogs and log up you pets, and the whole thing stops. I find it amazing that this petty theft is such massive business, or are they mugging the owners while they are out walking their dog? Or are they scooping the dogs up whilst the Thai owners are letting them run around to do their business.

I mean, Thais never just let their dogs leg it around the neighbourhood do they.

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They don't have to break into anyone's house. I live in downtown Chiang Mai and there are lots of pet dogs wondering around. They do not bother anyone and are basically neighborhood pets as everyone feeds them. Only the worst scum would murder these animals for profit.

Is that like the so called pet who bit me in another mooban in town meaning I had to get rabies jabs. Or the ones who chase me on on my motorcycle.

I see. These are just friendly community packs of dogs that every one considers to be lovely little scallywags just adding to the pleasure of being in the community.

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My step son catches and eats rats , I guess dog might be a step up from that .

Yes Toscano, but have to say the truth, those rats are not band rats, they are field rats, and it is not the same (nuu naa).


My step son catches and eats rats , I guess dog might be a step up from that .

Yes Toscano, but have to say the truth, those rats are not band rats, they are field rats, and it is not the same (nuu naa).


Very long and tearful OP.

I like the dog so much, and I have two, but the dog case is full crazy in TH.

Just last night was attacked by soi dogs and I missed they would went to the Vietnam soup well already.

If you look around every-where just see wild soi dogs, and they are big cause the smalls die before without food in pack.

They are exactly life-threatening for children and elder people.

I have to say too I'm fed up these soi dogs cause they are look like a wolf-pack and not the dog which we like.

So if some-one catch them and send to the soup I guess this is not so big problem. Don't be hypocrite the over stock dogs will be send to the streets.

AND you are live in Asia when many people eat the dog.

Why do you eat chicken, goose, duck, pig, cattle, goat, sheep, fish, snail, shrimp, turkey or what-ever you like?

And why do you think bad about those people who eat dog, grasshopper, monkey, shark, ant-eggs or what-ever they like?

The western people think the good way only those way which they used and make a judgement very easy.

It is not the eating of dogs anybody seems to be offering complaint about. Most farang accept this Asian tradition.

It is the way the dogs are treated, many skinned ALIVE, and even some have their meat cut off them, when still ALIVE! That is the abomination.

Nobody is being hypocritical here about dog-eating... it is the treatment and death of the animals that's at point.

And... no.... most Farang do not eat shark... for your info. We are well aware of the lessening shark population, well actual rapid decline in populations, yet again an Asian preference!

Also, your icon represents the flag of Argentina, which is considered a Western country... where 97% are whites. Which hemisphere would you say you come from, when digging at Western thoughts?

The newest tearful post. I almost can't see my monitor about my tears.

The problem you believe every BST which read or heard by your-self from media.

Alive. Alive .....

And what about the shark eating? Who told that most farang eat shark ???

If some-one is from a western country does it mean have to judge everything here like a member of flock of sheep? Western thoughts cheesy.gifcheesy.gifcheesy.gif

Thai is not requred but mind is required.


Talking with neighbor/landlady, she suddenly said, pointing:

HER: Aww, look at the cute baby squirrel!!

ME: Squirrel?! Woman, THAT IS A RAT!

HER: That's not nice...

ME: blink.png

(...Welcome to Thailand!)

** Reflecting on this context, they might not know what they are eating. A dog could be a baby horse or something... ** w00t.gif


I am not going into the abhorrent practice of skinning alive, nor any kind of torturing dogs.

I do not care about soi dogs who are not owned and have no relationship to humans.

I understand they could be a problem and eating them could be a solution

What is terrifying for me is steeling pet dogs.

And the article says, it is not the soi dogs who are caught / stolen but the pet dogs which are better fed and in a better shape.

I love my dogs dearly, and I do not love the thought, they could be abducted and suffer.

May be my feelings in that case are not too different if that happened to a child.


I am not going into the abhorrent practice of skinning alive, nor any kind of torturing dogs.

I do not care about soi dogs who are not owned and have no relationship to humans.

I understand they could be a problem and eating them could be a solution

What is terrifying for me is steeling pet dogs.

And the article says, it is not the soi dogs who are caught / stolen but the pet dogs which are better fed and in a better shape.

I love my dogs dearly, and I do not love the thought, they could be abducted and suffer.

May be my feelings in that case are not too different if that happened to a child.

Do you really believe that these gangs are stealing thousands of pet dogs from inside peoples houses?

When there is an enormous supply of reasonably well fed street dogs. If people didn't let their pets freely roam around the streets they wouldn't get rounded up.

I am sorry but there seems to be a misunderstanding of what a pet means. A pet is an animal that is under the supervision of its owner. This does not include opening the gate and allowing it to roam.free to CR*p as it seems fit on the street, or sit outside the owners property for the day.

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I am not going into the abhorrent practice of skinning alive, nor any kind of torturing dogs.

I do not care about soi dogs who are not owned and have no relationship to humans.

I understand they could be a problem and eating them could be a solution

What is terrifying for me is steeling pet dogs.

And the article says, it is not the soi dogs who are caught / stolen but the pet dogs which are better fed and in a better shape.

I love my dogs dearly, and I do not love the thought, they could be abducted and suffer.

May be my feelings in that case are not too different if that happened to a child.

Do you really believe that these gangs are stealing thousands of pet dogs from inside peoples houses?

When there is an enormous supply of reasonably well fed street dogs. If people didn't let their pets freely roam around the streets they wouldn't get rounded up.

I am sorry but there seems to be a misunderstanding of what a pet means. A pet is an animal that is under the supervision of its owner. This does not include opening the gate and allowing it to roam.free to CR*p as it seems fit on the street, or sit outside the owners property for the day.

Thank you TaH,

here is what the articls says.

But Mr Dalley warned that the vast majority are stolen pet dogs, as they are generally healthier and in a good condition. Pet dogs are far more prized than strays, causing them to fetch a higher price both for meat and skin.

“Genuine stray dogs are too difficult to catch and they do not come near people. Dog snatchers are not going to waste time on dogs like that,” he said.


I am not going into the abhorrent practice of skinning alive, nor any kind of torturing dogs.

I do not care about soi dogs who are not owned and have no relationship to humans.

I understand they could be a problem and eating them could be a solution

What is terrifying for me is steeling pet dogs.

And the article says, it is not the soi dogs who are caught / stolen but the pet dogs which are better fed and in a better shape.

I love my dogs dearly, and I do not love the thought, they could be abducted and suffer.

May be my feelings in that case are not too different if that happened to a child.

Do you really believe that these gangs are stealing thousands of pet dogs from inside peoples houses?

When there is an enormous supply of reasonably well fed street dogs. If people didn't let their pets freely roam around the streets they wouldn't get rounded up.

I am sorry but there seems to be a misunderstanding of what a pet means. A pet is an animal that is under the supervision of its owner. This does not include opening the gate and allowing it to roam.free to CR*p as it seems fit on the street, or sit outside the owners property for the day.

Thank you TaH,

here is what the articls says.

But Mr Dalley warned that the vast majority are stolen pet dogs, as they are generally healthier and in a good condition. Pet dogs are far more prized than strays, causing them to fetch a higher price both for meat and skin.

Genuine stray dogs are too difficult to catch and they do not come near people. Dog snatchers are not going to waste time on dogs like that, he said.

Well I ask again. Do you genuinely believe it?

Thousands of pets stolen from inside peoples houses per day. So then I ask, are these so called pets housed Thai style roaming around moobhans and streets casually coming back to the house for food, before returning to roaming the street.

I say this, because there is a woman on a street behind my house who feeds a pack of dogs every day. They howl at the sky every night from somewhere near her house, they chase cars and bikes and bit my neighbor once.

She feeds them, but she definitely does not house them. If this is the definition of a pet, it is very different to mine.

My dog is a pet. He stays at home until I walk him. If he gets out, I go and find him and bring him home. He's lively and is my responsibility. Likewise, my koi carp are pets too, although they do not leave the premises. Funnily also, my kids are my responsibility, they live IN my house.

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Don't want to sound cruel or insensitive to the dog's plight here in Thailand, but I like to think

that there is a silver lining there, can you imagine the country over run with soi dogs

feral and just abandoned dogs? The Thai people with their misguided affection to all thing feral

couldn't care less and will keep feeding those poor animals as a merit making act...

Quote from the OP: "But Mr Dalley warned that the vast majority are stolen pet dogs, as they are generally healthier and in a good condition. Pet dogs are far more prized than strays, causing them to fetch a higher price both for meat and skin."


I have just had my dinner and was stupid enough to read this forum. I feel like throwing up. But at the same time, I don't know that I am too horrified - it;s the custom of other cultures. When I lived in New Guinea,we ate possum. I didn't mind that. I eat snails and frogs' legs (the latter tasting just like very young chicken, therefore not much taste. I eat all sort of game and birds. Very fond of little ones. I eat rabbit frequently. I wouldn't eat 'rabbit' in Thailand - could be cat.


There was a great story from Vietnam about some villagers who beat to death two men who had been stealing their pets. To show solidarity and make life more difficult for the police and the court 90 villagers went to the local police station to confess involvement in the beating after only 3 of them had been arrested.

It is about time that Thais taught a lesson to this scum too. The government will never do anything because police are only interested in getting bribes from the dog meat traders. The prime minister has even refused to make the trade in poached elephant parts illegal because there are too many Thai vested interests.

A society totally driven by greed with no moral compass whatsoever.

Of the traded dogs, what percentage are pets. As sad as it is, this whole industry survived because there is no control of street dogs.

Even sadder, imagine how many street dogs there would be if they didn't cull them like this.

Your question is already answered. Quote from the OP: "But Mr Dalley warned that the vast majority are stolen pet dogs, as they are generally healthier and in a good condition. Pet dogs are far more prized than strays, causing them to fetch a higher price both for meat and skin."

OK, you don't get an actual percentage, but 'vast majority' still says a lot...

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