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Thailand as a SERIOUS country


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abundant natural resources -> such as ???? ???? ????

Tin, rubber, natural gas, tungsten, tantalum, timber, lead, fish, gypsum, lignite, fluorite and arable land and year round growing season.

sure, but no abundance of all that imo. not even enough gas to provide energy to bkk...

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Oh God, are you trying to make it more like the USA or a western nation. Please not. Better education is needed and removal of corruption, ok.

agreed and removal of corruption will be a logic result of better education anyway.

most downsides of thailand were also applicable to the west only a few decades ago.

give it some time BUT don't complain it ain't good old thailand anymore then.............................

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abundant natural resources -> such as ???? ???? ????

Tin, rubber, natural gas, tungsten, tantalum, timber, lead, fish, gypsum, lignite, fluorite and arable land and year round growing season.

sure, but no abundance of all that imo. not even enough gas to provide energy to bkk...

Look up tin and tungsten mining and how much rice is in storage or gypsum exports or look up Thailand is the world's leading exporter of shrimp products supplying over 20% of the world trade in shrimps and prawns.....

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abundant natural resources -> such as ???? ???? ????

Tin, rubber, natural gas, tungsten, tantalum, timber, lead, fish, gypsum, lignite, fluorite and arable land and year round growing season.

sure, but no abundance of all that imo. not even enough gas to provide energy to bkk...

Look up tin and tungsten mining and how much rice is in storage or gypsum exports or look up Thailand is the world's leading exporter of shrimp products supplying over 20% of the world trade in shrimps and prawns.....

i file rice and shrimp/prawns and pine apple and palm oil and rubber etc under agriculture not natural resources.

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There are some theories about how tropical peoples are are incapable of looking to the future.

There are also theories about how the earth was created in seven days.

What these theories have in common is that they have not been validated scientifically.

And, of course, there is a very good reason for that...

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"2. Rule of Law. Not beyond the bounds of imagination to establish the rule of law comparable to European countries/US?. Might need a constitution or Bill of Rights drawn up by people who don't stand to gain?! Total separation of Judiciary and Governmental Executive."

Thailand's prized claim to fame, e.g., that it has never been a colony, is what leaves it at a loss in terms of its legal system.

For whatever harm done by the colonial powers, they generally imposed (or endowed, depending on you point of view) a mature legal system. Siam had the benefit of no such mature legal system, which explains the often contradictory and capricious qualities of the law in present-day Thailand.

I'm not saying that the former colonies are administered necessarily any better - some are and many are not - but the framework exists. England, France, Spain, Portugal, The Netherlands, Belgium, etc., all had mature legal systems long before they had the technology to go sailing around the globe imparting same at the point of a gun.

Thailand wanted to emulate the great powers, especially during the 19th century (Rama IV, V, VI), when the seeds were planted, but had no deep history living under such a system. Really, not a part of Thai culture.

Or at least as I understand it. No judgement here, just observation. No sure I'd like it any other way.

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Serious about what? Being a country controlled by the currency printers? Until we get to the root or the problem, Thailand need not change to fit any other country's standards. I can't stand people talking about "improving" or changing things in Thailand when the west, and specifically those in control of the USA, have enslaved the vast majority of its population with debt.

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There are some theories about how tropical peoples are are incapable of looking to the future.

There are also theories about how the earth was created in seven days.

What these theories have in common is that they have not been validated scientifically.

And, of course, there is a very good reason for that...

If you think PC scripture is a good thing, and many do, then perhaps you will concede PC has prohibited research on the topic.

However if you think dog breeds are good for different things, then why wouldn't humans be different, too? It simply isn't logical that humans aren't adapted differently.

And if our skin colour is a result of natural selection from a climate, why wouldn't our brain functions be, too?

If you apply your western standards, like thinking of the future is better than not, then you are going to encounter resistance form PC adherants.

But is you think a bit out of the box, and set aside behavior standards , you might realize maybe worrying about the future is not necessarily a great thing, and maybe you could step back and agree, yes humans from different climate regions are going to be different.

It's said again and again on this forum and many others, 'Thai people do not plan for the future, they have only the here and now. 'And you travel around the equator, this is fairly standard for tropical people.

It's because food is abundant in their region, no future planning necessary when fruit grows on trees year round and the sea provides protein.

There's a great writer named Malcolm Gladwell. He really has some persuasive arguments why humans are different region to region - from our heritage. And over the course of evolution these differences become genetically ingrained , so you get white skinned worriers, and tropical brown -skinned easy-goers, that some refer to as "lazy".

And when cold climate, northern bred Asians, with their white complexions, and propensity for future planning begin mass immigration to tropical regions- they are sucessful and rise to the top strata of the populace quickly.

What part of this argument is so difficult to believe?

Edited by EBlair48
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Thailand is a fantastic country, unfortunately cursed by its populace. There are some theories about how tropical peoples are are incapable of looking to the future. The large proportion of such in Thailand certainly is a viable argument for just such theories- having never had to endure long, cold winters of food scarcity leads to the brain's evolution lacking the necessary hardware to plan for the future.

It also explains why northern Chinese are historically so successful immigrating to SEA countries.

It's all in the frontal lobes, and if PC scripture were not so recently inbedded in our society, we might well make scientific studies on cadaver brains.

Alas, dogs, horse, sheep and cattle can have differences based in genetic heritage, but not humans. Another example of how PC is truly the rotten fruit of humanity's tree of knowledge.

Disagree. Thailand is a great country, not the best but certainly not the worst, and it's biggest curse is not the populace per se but the lack of good leadership.

And too many big noodles spoil the soup.

Edited by bigbamboo
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abundant natural resources -> such as ???? ???? ????

Tin, rubber, natural gas, tungsten, tantalum, timber, lead, fish, gypsum, lignite, fluorite and arable land and year round growing season.

And a shoreline equal to a small continent. Thailand has everything it needs to be the economic leader in Asia. Why isn't it?


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abundant natural resources -> such as ???? ???? ????

Tin, rubber, natural gas, tungsten, tantalum, timber, lead, fish, gypsum, lignite, fluorite and arable land and year round growing season.

And a shoreline equal to a small continent. Thailand has everything it needs to be the economic leader in Asia. Why isn't it?


Rank Thailand by GNP of its close neighbors. Laos, Cambodia, Vietnam and Burma?

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abundant natural resources -> such as ???? ???? ????

Tin, rubber, natural gas, tungsten, tantalum, timber, lead, fish, gypsum, lignite, fluorite and arable land and year round growing season.

60% of Thailand is in severe drought

one more bad season, and your crops wont exist to feed anyone but the locals

unless the Thai gov't gets cracking on better methods of import, expect starvation

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Thailand is a fantastic country, unfortunately cursed by its populace. There are some theories about how tropical peoples are are incapable of looking to the future. The large proportion of such in Thailand certainly is a viable argument for just such theories- having never had to endure long, cold winters of food scarcity leads to the brain's evolution lacking the necessary hardware to plan for the future.

It also explains why northern Chinese are historically so successful immigrating to SEA countries.

It's all in the frontal lobes, and if PC scripture were not so recently inbedded in our society, we might well make scientific studies on cadaver brains.

Alas, dogs, horse, sheep and cattle can have differences based in genetic heritage, but not humans. Another example of how PC is truly the rotten fruit of humanity's tree of knowledge.

Disagree. Thailand is a great country, not the best but certainly not the worst, and it's biggest curse is not the populace per se but the lack of good leadership.

Too many sen yai spoil the tom ka.

Really, but ... CENSORED ... It has been said a populace deserves its leaders. While we see protests, of sorts, aren't they really about re distributing power toward themselves? Aren't Thais too feudal in their thinkingto ever support a fair society?

Edited by EBlair48
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abundant natural resources -> such as ???? ???? ????

Tin, rubber, natural gas, tungsten, tantalum, timber, lead, fish, gypsum, lignite, fluorite and arable land and year round growing season.

And a shoreline equal to a small continent. Thailand has everything it needs to be the economic leader in Asia. Why isn't it?


Rank Thailand by GNP of its close neighbors. Laos, Cambodia, Vietnam and Burma?

All populated by tropical peoples.

It's all in the climate and feed resources.

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60% of Thailand is in severe drought

one more bad season, and your crops wont exist to feed anyone but the locals

unless the Thai gov't gets cracking on better methods of import, expect starvation

No way ... Thailand and the Thais won't stave.

It's proactive government has stockpiled mountains of rice under it's pledging scheme ... whistling.gif

Cue the Cavalry music ... Yingluck to the rescue ... biggrin.png

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Nobody take America seriously anymore either.....

The other countries are all broke...

Australians just run around shooting kangaroos

Brits just drink in the pub and complin about America, Aussie Kangaroo hunters, and the broken European Economy...

I forgot....what was your point?

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Tin, rubber, natural gas, tungsten, tantalum, timber, lead, fish, gypsum, lignite, fluorite and arable land and year round growing season.

And a shoreline equal to a small continent. Thailand has everything it needs to be the economic leader in Asia. Why isn't it?


Rank Thailand by GNP of its close neighbors. Laos, Cambodia, Vietnam and Burma?

All populated by tropical peoples.

It's all in the climate and feed resources.

You wrote, "Thailand has everything it needs to be the economic leader in Asia. Why isn't it?" It is.

It is 16th out of 37 Asian countries in GDP per capita, China is 17th. And 24th out of all the nations of the world. That's a success. By anyones numbers.


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The government stealing cattle and shooting farmers in the USA. Russia invading countries and annexation of civilian populations. The head of the government Broadcasting covering up for pedophile entertainers, I could go on and on.

Did any of the above happen in Thailand? No. Thanks Thailand.

And how would we know if things like this do happen? The media is heavily censored and libel laws make it a criminal offense to expose wrongdoing or even discuss certain subjects.

And while those topics you mention are certainly open to discussion, but not for this thread (or forum, even,) please consider how Thailand is a global hub of pedophilia sex.

Edited by EBlair48
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And a shoreline equal to a small continent. Thailand has everything it needs to be the economic leader in Asia. Why isn't it?


Rank Thailand by GNP of its close neighbors. Laos, Cambodia, Vietnam and Burma?

All populated by tropical peoples.

It's all in the climate and feed resources.

You wrote, "Thailand has everything it needs to be the economic leader in Asia. Why isn't it?" It is.

It is 16th out of 37 Asian countries in GDP per capita, China is 17th. And 24th out of all the nations of the world. That's a success. By anyones numbers.


THE economic leader meaning THE leader, as in number 1 'The' being singular

I need to edit the statement to ' The number 1 leader..." .

I have too many personal day to day living here experiences to know how unproductive Thais are. Everthing from not getiting service in a grocery store with 15 workers around me and putting a prospective purchase back on the shelf, to not being able to renew a driver's license without taking a day off work - to not getting my car serviced as an entire establishment's workforce must eat lunch at the same time - multiply it by a 60 some odd million populace and you get Thailand .

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stickylies, on 21 Apr 2014 - 09:27, said:
thailiketoo, on 21 Apr 2014 - 09:21, said:
stickylies, on 21 Apr 2014 - 09:11, said:

abundant natural resources -> such as ???? ???? ????

Tin, rubber, natural gas, tungsten, tantalum, timber, lead, fish, gypsum, lignite, fluorite and arable land and year round growing season.

sure, but no abundance of all that imo. not even enough gas to provide energy to bkk...

You are so right, he used "abundant" a little too freely.

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