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Red shirts to gather on eve of court verdict on Yingluck's status


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Quote: Red-shirt leader Tida Thawornseth said the date of the rally would be called when the Constitutional Court announces "judgement day".

Simple solution do not announce the day when a decision will be made, announce it after the decision has been made

Oh goodie, star chambers. What a great idea to help to move forward the entire policy of "democracy-delayed" a little faster and more efficiently.

I can't be bothered looking, but have you posted previously on the advantages of denying education and information to the public at large - as a general concept, that is? Or is it just justice that you feel should be dispensed in darkness and secrecy? Or what, exactly? I can't actually grasp that idea. I'm impressed and thankful that the judges can't, either, and favour openness and public accountability, at least in their own work and field of responsibility. Good for them. That's nine democrats. Any others?


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She called for free and fair elections!

Why can't the yellow brigade get on board with that?

Anyway any pictures of the march?

Normally there is a debate about the crowd size but not this time.

Maby people don't trust her?

Sent from my iPad using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

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weapons free, will the red leaders offer to resign if any weapons are found, I doubt it as they will be counting on their sheeple to do just that, start violence and intimidation as they usually do or maybe they will just sh*t in their hands and throw it showing their real mentallity.

Further, so why are numerous reds currently attending training schools in hand to hand combat, as shown in recent photos in the media?

Or perhaps it's a special 'peaceful hand to hand combat technique'.

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She accused the agencies of holding double-standards, which she said was a potential cause of political chaos. If the prime minister was found guilty, the UDD would rise in a struggle which would be heightened to achieve victory, she added.

Does she have any idea whatsoever?..........this statement is a contradiction in itself.

She can't see that, she was educated in Thailand.

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My god so full of flaws.

The NACC has already made their decision she says. Probably because of the OVERWHELMING. Evidence of corruption presented every day in the form of missing funds and admitted POSSIBILITIES.

Then we have her say they will MASS ... Well from interest so far that will mean no more than a few thousand.

Then she says Suthep admitted stopping the elections. Hmmm did he not say this all along?

Omg I could go,on but this bastion of deficient brain matter doesn't matter any longer.

These corrupt despots are the ones frightening off business with the overwhelming corruption which is getting worse. And that folks is based on my personal business experience.

Two cents worth over and out

Marcusd. Via tapatalk

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I think YL will be removed by the court, yet another nail in the coffin of democracy for LOS.

Double standards, well those that know Thailand will also know that this is common here.

how can you call yourself AUSSIE in your name showing such lack,of knowledge for true democracy? Our education system is better than what you are showing.... Aha but i I see you wear Scottish clothing so maybe that explains your ridiculous stances

Marcusd. Via tapatalk

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I think YL will be removed by the court, yet another nail in the coffin of democracy for LOS.

Double standards, well those that know Thailand will also know that this is common here.

Why is it that you never make any serious contribution to any of the threads on this forum, but instead spew forth sound bites which obviously come straight out of the Red Book. Could it possibly be that you have a Red wife pulling your strings....!?

There is currently no democracy in Thailand whatsoever, only sweeping dictatorship and threats against anyone who gets in its way; refer to the farmers in the North who are being threatened by senior people in the PTP to keep quite, and not make waves, otherwise they will never get paid ... that is, they will not get paid for goods which they provided up front in good faith...!!

Thida said that their rallies would be "heightened"; what are we to make of that? I think that many of us know what she is suggesting, but what she fails to recognize is that there are no longer thousands of people in the North ready to die for their leader and the continuation of the rape of Thai economy.

Double standards? You mean like the continuation of the bail of Jatuporn and Nattawut despite clear evidence of their breach of bail conditions...?!

If you wish to be taken seriously, you have to come up with sound arguments, but of course, I realize your difficulty there, since there are no potential defensive arguments for this corrupt regime, which is why you are going to have to look for someone else to support in the very near future...!!

can't you see his image with bagpipes? He has already blown his brains out

Marcusd. Via tapatalk

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Absolute rubbish

Sent from my Z130 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

What, this kind of rubbish, do you mean

"Tida also asked why the EC and the Constitutional Court had not taken legal action against People's Democratic Reform Committee (PDRC) secretary-general Suthep Thaugsuban for having admitted in his speech he had successfully engineered the nullification of the February 2 election.

Suthep also declared he would obstruct an election in every way, indicating that he and the PDRC had impeded democracy, she said."

Seems perfectly clear and reasonable to me. Obviously you disagree, so I can only presume that you think that obstructing of elections and being responsible for the nullification of that election is a perfectly legitimate action. Perhaps you think that is a good thing, nothing will suprise me of some posters on this forum.

fab.... Please go back to sleep

Marcusd. Via tapatalk

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the UDD would rise in a struggle which would be heightened to achieve victory, she added.

Poor old Tida. She just can't break away from her communist roots and quoting from the little red book.

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She called for free and fair elections!

Why can't the yellow brigade get on board with that?

Anyway any pictures of the march?

Normally there is a debate about the crowd size but not this time.

Because she mean free and fair elections according to her definitions. Nothing to do with democracy.

Most Thais I know are more concerned with removing a caretaker government they perceive as openly corrupt and embarrassingly inept. Knowing how important face and the considered perceptions of other are, most Thais I know really think the whole world is laughing at them for allowing a convicted fugitive criminal to rule their country through a puppet regime that do his every bidding. They feel acute pain at this. A considerable number of people voted for Yinglick and PTP thinking they would get the social change they so want, yet are now bitterly disappointed as all they got was Thaksin, for Thaksin, by Thaksin.

No one will get on board with PTP because of their history of lies and cheating. Would you trust them to change?

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Absolute rubbish

Sent from my Z130 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

What, this kind of rubbish, do you mean

"Tida also asked why the EC and the Constitutional Court had not taken legal action against People's Democratic Reform Committee (PDRC) secretary-general Suthep Thaugsuban for having admitted in his speech he had successfully engineered the nullification of the February 2 election.

Suthep also declared he would obstruct an election in every way, indicating that he and the PDRC had impeded democracy, she said."

Seems perfectly clear and reasonable to me. Obviously you disagree, so I can only presume that you think that obstructing of elections and being responsible for the nullification of that election is a perfectly legitimate action. Perhaps you think that is a good thing, nothing will suprise me of some posters on this forum.

fab.... Please go back to sleep

Marcusd. Via tapatalk

Well done, 3 posts in a row attacking the poster. Any comments on the post, and I don't mean your omg rant above, anything sensible?

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Quote: Red-shirt leader Tida Thawornseth said the date of the rally would be called when the Constitutional Court announces "judgement day".

Simple solution do not announce the day when a decision will be made, announce it after the decision has been made

Quote: The former UDD chair said she believed the Constitutional Court, the National Anti-Corruption Commis-sion and the Election Commission had already made their decisions in the cases against Yingluck.

Then tell us today, and give no time for the planned violence before the announcment

Quote: She accused the agencies of holding double-standards, which she said was a potential cause of political chaos.

Where where you when your two thugs where allowed to continue their bail

Quote: Tida also asked why the EC and the Constitutional Court had not taken legal action against People's Democratic Reform Committee (PDRC) secretary-general Suthep Thaugsuban for having admitted in his speech he had successfully engineered the nullification of the February 2 election.

His day will come when he has to face the courts, so just be patient

Quote: Suthep also declared he would obstruct an election in every way, indicating that he and the PDRC had impeded democracy, she said.

What Democracy are you talking about?

The one written by you and PTP, not the one the rest of the world practices

Quote: She called for the EC to hold a clean and fair election and not use delaying tactics in the hope of bringing about chaos.

I thought this was PTP plan to delay all cases facng the courts, now you are saying that the EC is doing what you designed

do not set standards if you not want those against you to ask for equal rights to do same

Quote: An election was the only way out for the country,

Correct but you do not want a FAIR ELECTION. when parties not following your rules, are allowed to say so in the North

Fair to you is do as I say, and have non of your own opinions

A view through your yellow specs.

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The whole thing is of course intimidation.

We demand a verdict in our favor ....or else.

Another chapter in the red book of democracy.

Why have courts if you don’t accept verdicts?

Why have elections if you don’t accept the results?

Why have free speech only as long as you speak what the ruling party wants to hear?

Why cry for a down to zero modified type of democracy?

In an iron fist dictatorship you won’t have to worry about these “gimmicks”

I start believing, maybe that is the only system Thais would finally understand and obey.

Edited by Lupatria
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<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

weapons free, will the red leaders offer to resign if any weapons are found, I doubt it as they will be counting on their sheeple to do just that, start violence and intimidation as they usually do or maybe they will just sh*t in their hands and throw it showing their real mentallity.

Further, so why are numerous reds currently attending training schools in hand to hand combat, as shown in recent photos in the media?

Or perhaps it's a special 'peaceful hand to hand combat technique'.

Ah, but this is just for self defense and they'll have good intentions. Just like those four nice boys the please stopped who had guns and grenades. Nice boys, with good intentions who just had the weapons for self defense so let them go on their lawful and peaceful way. Somebody throwing grenades and shooting at anti-Thaksin protesters - not these boys, they already said their intentions were good!

The world according to PTP "thinking"

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The rally would be peaceful and weapons-free, she said.

...ok, but will there be poop, ready to be slung about by the red-shirted feces brigade?

I don't know what's worse, red shirt soldiers throwing it or their leaders talking it.

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"If the prime minister was found guilty, the UDD would rise in a struggle which would be heightened to achieve victory"

This is what stands out in this OP. This is the statement that reflects the UDD and lack of respect for the law. IF Thida said "If the prime minister was found guilty and no evidence provided to back that decision, the UDD would rise in a struggle which would be heightened to achieve victory. Nope. Evidence is not a belief. Evidence is facts. Evidence cannot be argued or bought. Evidence cannot be twisted or manipulated. Evidence ergo facts quite simply is the PTP/UDD greatest enemy. They are fans of beliefs. Beliefs override facts when the UDD relay their rhetoric to the masses. A belief that the courts are biased overrides the facts that the evidence is real. A belief that the EC is biased overrides the fact that the Bangkok governor is facing charges of breaking the election law. A belief the criminal court is biased overrides the fact that the two accused terrorists, Jatupron and Nuttawutt are still free on bail.

So really Thida is making it very clear that unless the courts prove yingluck innocent irrespective of any evidence that proves her guilty the UDD will rise in a struggle.

So lets get this straight. Jatuporn and Nuttawutt broke their bail conditions, but you don't hear Thida protesting the courts saying this is a travesty of justice. The evidence was there they broke bail conditions, but Thida is silent. That decision suits her agenda so the UDD will let that one slide. The EC pushed charges on the Bangkok governor. He has valid excuses to counter the charges, but silence from Thida again. She respects that decision because it suits her agenda. The one above does not suit the agenda. It is not about the right decision being made it is the agenda driven decision that needs to be made.

One can project from the propaganda and hate speeches from these accused terrorist leaders and Thida what the UDD school curriculum would contain. Yes, they have their own propaganda schools in the North and North East that teach "democracy". I can only imagine the pliability of the minds of the gullible and uneducated that the UDD are tapping into. I pity them for having spent months in the UDD indoctrination schools run by accused terrorists that teach the courts will be respected for giving a UDD decision not a correct decision.

Unfortunately when you no longer have the majority backing, but the backing of a 200 000 armed street gang (the largest in history apparently) you can fight for anything you want, but of course it has to be under the banner of democracy. That's the handle irrespective of the content.

Yes, they have their own propaganda schools in the North and North East that teach "democracy".

They are also teaching in Bangkok. Information below from the red shirt website.

The details of the “UDD Pheu Thai Stage Rally to Protect Democracy” are listed here;

10 November 2013 – Bangkok – Recreation area behind the Thunder Dome sport Stadium in Muang Thong Thani – 16:00pm onward

Apart from the main rally at Muangthong Thani tomorrow, the UDD Political School in Don Muang will commence on schedule at Don Muang Technical College from 09:00 am – 16:00 pm.

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"If the prime minister was found guilty, the UDD would rise in a struggle which would be heightened to achieve victory"

This is what stands out in this OP. This is the statement that reflects the UDD and lack of respect for the law. IF Thida said "If the prime minister was found guilty and no evidence provided to back that decision, the UDD would rise in a struggle which would be heightened to achieve victory. Nope. Evidence is not a belief. Evidence is facts. Evidence cannot be argued or bought. Evidence cannot be twisted or manipulated. Evidence ergo facts quite simply is the PTP/UDD greatest enemy. They are fans of beliefs. Beliefs override facts when the UDD relay their rhetoric to the masses. A belief that the courts are biased overrides the facts that the evidence is real. A belief that the EC is biased overrides the fact that the Bangkok governor is facing charges of breaking the election law. A belief the criminal court is biased overrides the fact that the two accused terrorists, Jatupron and Nuttawutt are still free on bail.

So really Thida is making it very clear that unless the courts prove yingluck innocent irrespective of any evidence that proves her guilty the UDD will rise in a struggle.

So lets get this straight. Jatuporn and Nuttawutt broke their bail conditions, but you don't hear Thida protesting the courts saying this is a travesty of justice. The evidence was there they broke bail conditions, but Thida is silent. That decision suits her agenda so the UDD will let that one slide. The EC pushed charges on the Bangkok governor. He has valid excuses to counter the charges, but silence from Thida again. She respects that decision because it suits her agenda. The one above does not suit the agenda. It is not about the right decision being made it is the agenda driven decision that needs to be made.

One can project from the propaganda and hate speeches from these accused terrorist leaders and Thida what the UDD school curriculum would contain. Yes, they have their own propaganda schools in the North and North East that teach "democracy". I can only imagine the pliability of the minds of the gullible and uneducated that the UDD are tapping into. I pity them for having spent months in the UDD indoctrination schools run by accused terrorists that teach the courts will be respected for giving a UDD decision not a correct decision.

Unfortunately when you no longer have the majority backing, but the backing of a 200 000 armed street gang (the largest in history apparently) you can fight for anything you want, but of course it has to be under the banner of democracy. That's the handle irrespective of the content.

This was the always going to be the end result. You simply cannot remove a popular, elected governement and call the people who voted for them stupid and not expect a reaction. At least by this time next month it will all be over one way or another.

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I think YL will be removed by the court, yet another nail in the coffin of democracy for LOS.

Double standards, well those that know Thailand will also know that this is common here.

The reason why a care taker Governent with no part of either the major parties can set new standards (forum) that all new elections and government must keep

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<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

weapons free, will the red leaders offer to resign if any weapons are found, I doubt it as they will be counting on their sheeple to do just that, start violence and intimidation as they usually do or maybe they will just sh*t in their hands and throw it showing their real mentallity.

Further, so why are numerous reds currently attending training schools in hand to hand combat, as shown in recent photos in the media?

Or perhaps it's a special 'peaceful hand to hand combat technique'.

"Peaceful hands" with the 10 million handguns the red shirts were spouting about as their arsenal

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